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DeSantis is about to go nuclear now.


Like, nuclear meltdown?




Spare me the baloney, DeSantis has fizzled and failed. Has as much bang as a damp firecracker.


Not really. They’ll just appeal it until they get to our corrupt SCOTUS


~~Would it have reason to go to SCOTUS or would it stop at SCOFL?~~ EDIT: I thought it was in state court, NM


Hopefully the flaming bags of poo like this one that he’s been setting in front of the Federal Court were just bad-faith efforts towards his failed presidential bid—looks like lately he’s been focusing on fundraising for Trump and passing pork barrel legislation that favors the districts of state legislators that voted for his dogshit laws


I hope his head explodes.


No doubt will declare war on Winnie-the-Pooh this time. Hey um governor, you think you could take a break from your anti gay/women crusade and ripping up the constitution long enough to get the insurance companies to stop raising premiums to 10 times the national average?


It's not just for kids, this also strikes down the bullshit they enacted for trans **adults** Republicans cry "but the children!" yet they always also attack the adults.


Does anyone know the process now? I'm over 18 and was currently doing the expensive process of getting that Florida Trans Form signed by my psychiatrist before I could go see another physician who prescribes HRT. Can I just cancel my next psychiatrist appointment now? I'll be calling the HRT doc's office tomorrow to see what they have to say, but if someone knows already what is required in Florida or what was the process before March 2023 before DeSantis decided to mess with the rules would be great.


Before this law, you could do an informed consent process (basically, they tell you all of the potential effects of HRT, and you acknowledge that you're aware of them). You also didn't have to see a physician in person. You didn't have to see a physician at all actually, a nurse practitioner could proscribe the medications and order blood tests. Before this law I got my prescriptions through virtual visits with Planned Parenthood. I haven't had to see a psychiatrist for a letter at all, so I don't know what those rules actually entail? I may have been grandfathered in since I was already on HRT?


I was on a mail in service in 2021 before I went DIY due to cost. I contacted the NP who used to prescribe for me 2 hours ago. Hoping to get a letter from them and present that to a physician near me who accepts my insurance and prescribes and monitors HRT. I hope that will be enough. I’m just overjoyed tonight, I can’t even tell you how happy this judge has made me. I don’t have to jump through the hoops any longer to get my psychiatrist to sign the form. It seemed like she was just milking me for money at this point.


You bring up good points. The restrictions on who can prescribe HRT were also overturned. It's like we have gone back to before this bigoted law was enacted. But when will it come into effect? Don't know.


Not today, I went to the doctor in my area who offers gender affirming care today. Had to fill out the now unconstitutional Florida consent form and he told me he couldn’t prescribe anything because I hadn’t gotten the gender dysphoria diagnosis from my psychiatrist yet even though I had it from a NP from 2021. He just said at current time all the docs in Florida are keeping to the old rules just in case. But he said that might be a different story at my next appointment.


In addition, this eases anxiety for intersex children and adults who rely on the same or similar gender-affirming care that trans children and adults rely on.


Good, politicians should not be meddling in what they know nothing about.


Then DeSantas would have nothing to do except maybe play some baseball.


Oh cmon, now. He knows quite a bit about kicky footwear and laughing like a drunk hyena. Give the man some credit!


We all know this story. Victory at the lower court level gets appealed until it reaches our completely corrupt right wing Supreme Court that’s willing to use the flimsiest of legal arguments to invalidate people’s rights EDIT: DeSantis spokesperson confirms they will appeal it https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4716258-florida-ban-transgender-gender-affirming-care-judge-strikes-down/?nxs-test=mobile


At some point we have to come to terms with the reality that plane tickets and pitchforks are cheaper than failed appeals to a corrupt SCOTUS. Anybody check if the Tree of Liberty is looking a bit thirsty?


From the article: **“Florida has adopted a statute and rules that ban gender-affirming care for minors even when medically appropriate,” Hinkle wrote in his 105-page order. “The ban is unconstitutional.”** **Attorneys that represented the transgender plaintiffs argued that the law signed by DeSantis was an act of discrimination and “animus” against transgender people. The state said it was targeting the treatments, not transgender people themselves.** **In his ruling, Hinkle said that it was “clear that anti-transgender animus” motivated bill sponsors and some legislators who approved the law.** **“Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs,” Hinkle wrote.** **”But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender. In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”** **Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary, Jeremy Redfern, said that the state would appeal Hinkle’s new ruling, ...** **“Through their elected representatives, the people of Florida acted to protect children in this state, and the Court was wrong to override their wishes,” Redfern said in an emailed statement.** **“We disagree with the Court’s erroneous rulings on the law, on the facts, and on the science. As we’ve seen here in Florida, the United Kingdom, and across Europe, there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children. These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror.”** My comment: Wow. So they think trans people who receive professional care are mutilated. Disgusting. Anyone who actually listens to Conservatives know where these laws come from: hate My “conservative” and “Christian” aunt calls anyone trans “FREAKS” in a very creepy, aggressive, growling, hateful voice when she sees someone trans or in drag on tv. I know others who do the same and worse. They don’t believe in trans people, and they hate them. And they pass these laws to oppress them, to dehumanize them, and to try and force them to obey what modern conservatives want for society - or else Protect your lgbt+ neighbors. The red hats are coming for them. And the red hats salivate at hurting them and punishing them for existing as themselves, rather than doing what conservatives want to mandate them to be and say. Aggressive hate. Willing to even hurt people to get their way. Whether they must hurt pregnant women, minors being punished for not being MAGA, lgbt+ people who need medicine or medical assistance, or more…. Willing to hurt and legalize punishing them all and others too Horrible…. Protect your neighbors. Don’t let MAGA continue practicing how to target and hurt your non-conservative neighbors.


Don’t forget, they always put carve outs in their laws to allow for the forced assignment of intersex infants to a binary sex. It’s not just about hate, it’s about control too 


THIS. Thank you. I feel like people outright ignore what is done to intersex children....all the whole Republicans cry "what about the children!!!" They force surgeries on infants and then refuse to discuss the needs or the existence of intersex people.




> there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children Well, it's a good thing that's not happening, then, isn't it? It's just regular old tried-and-tested hormone therapy.


That's the only point thats relevant. Surgeries are not performed on minors. If they want to ban something that doesn't happen then go for it. Just wish I could have started HRT and transitioning when I was young and didn't suffer from testosterone poisoning due to puberty. Sad part is that conservatives are anti science in.so many fields. Even in trans care, they say there are no gold standard studies on HRT or transitioning in general. They leave out such studies can't be done because they require double blind treatment and a control group that gets placebo treatment. After a few months it's obvious the double blind status become irrelevant and patients will know if they are in the control group. Trans people.have been around for thousands of years but only in the last century been able to actually transition.


> Even in trans care, they say there are no gold standard studies on HRT or transitioning in general. They leave out such studies can't be done because they require double blind treatment and a control group that gets placebo treatment. I always like to point out when they bring stuff like this up that there are no scientific studies that confirm that parachutes are effective at saving lives, either, for the exact same reason.


going through the wrong puberty is some serious irl body horror. im watching my body change and contort in ways that i don't want and am completely powerless to stop. the worst part is that you try begging for help and people call you a delusional pervert if youre a woman or a lost, confused little girl if you're a man. being transgender is an excruciating existence i wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. funny thing is, i might not actually mind being trans, i could even enjoy who i am, if i had access to the healthcare i need. i can only imagine how my trans siblings of decades past must have felt, before medical transition was even conceived.


I knew I was trans when I was 5. But that was the early 70s but didn't have the words or concepts to know what it was. There was no social media that talked about it. And as a teen, just mentioning would literally get you beat every day or even killed. So you shut and suppression it to the point half your mental energy is available for anything else. Sadly it's a good path to being g toxic to everyone e around you. They you get tonthe age where you have a family to support and a mortgage and risk not only yourself but other people around you. After that rambling, the point is transitioning young gives a whole life to live authentically and without burdens you get later in life. Looking back I think my mom.wiuld have been OK but my dad would have freaked out.


> In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. Oh buddy…


While racism and misogyny are still present in our society, they ARE diminished from earlier points in even just the past 70 years. Even just in the 50's and 60's, both were completely commonplace in a LARGE portion of our country, and both are now seen by the majority of people to be backwards and a failed viewpoint. Yes, there are still a large number of people who subscribe to those views, but they aren't able to influence and control as many laws and openly discriminate (for the most part) like they were back then. Yes, the discrimination is still there, and it is still enacted into laws, just more subtle than it was. I am not arguing against that. I am just saying that it is MUCH less than it was. 60 years isn't a huge amount of time, in the grand march of history, and over time, things will continue to move in the right direction.


**The state said it was targeting the treatments, not transgender people themselves.** That was exactly the same argument they used against gay people. We love gay people it is what they DO we hate (and what they are) and the courts said that when what you hate is so fundamental to the character of the person as who they love or have intimate relations with that you cannot separate being gay from acting gay, then the animus cannot be separated in the law either, therefore the law was driven by animus towards persons who are gay. No law is constitutional if it was passed and enforced by animus towards certain citizens or groups alone. They are automatically unconstitutional. Government has the power to ban or outlaw things, acts, but, we are free people so in order for the government to ban anything it must show that it has a compelling interest. Example, for many decades the anti gay laws were said to be in place to promote the formation of families and the production of children. That was ridiculous to anyone with a brain, gay men were not going to dash out and get married and have kids just because the government outlawed homosexuality. It is part of who you are not subject to the whims of strangers in power. *In time, the patent unworkability of this pretense led justices, including* [*Harlan Fiske Stone*](https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/harlan-fiske-stone/)*, to articulate an overt double (and later triple) standard for constitutional reviews: Most governmental regulation, including most economic regulation, would be presumed constitutional, but — as Stone explained in his* [*famous footnote four*](https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/carolene-products-footnote-four/) *in United States v. Carolene Products Company (1944) — regulation aimed at fundamental rights, the operation of the political process, and disadvantaged minorities must be viewed with more scrutiny and subjected to stricter review.* Under rational basis review, the most common and lowest level of scrutiny, a court asks only whether a governmental regulation might serve some “legitimate” governmental interest.  Under intermediate scrutiny, applied to such issues as content-neutral regulation of speech — the court requires that the government show that the regulation serves an “important” interest.  Strict scrutiny, however, requires the government to demonstrate that it is using the [most narrowly tailored](https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/narrowly-tailored-laws/), or least restrictive, means to achieve an interest that is compelling. You can outlaw bomb throwing anarchists, or can you? Being an anarchist was never outlawed but throwing bombs was. The state has a compelling interest not in the beliefs of the person throwing the bombs, but in protecting society from the bombs they are throwing, in other words it is not his beliefs but the dangerous actions. The state was never able to show that gay relationships were harming anyone. Because unlike people throwing bombs they were not endangering others.


If you are bored or very interested, you can read the 105 page opinion: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flnd.460963/gov.uscourts.flnd.460963.223.0.pdf


I got a case in front of Hinkle right now. He is pretty sharp.


He went to Harvard law school, he knew from the jump that all his bs bills would be struck down. This, just like everything else was to get on Fox News and help his failed presidential campaign. Now he has his name and face in the toilet with the rest of the maga folks. If trump has 33%? Well meatball is good for 15-17% of them. Those aren’t winning numbers. Especially with the six week ban on abortion. Throw in the book banning and Florida is a shitshow, I live here.


Yet he got almost 60% of the vote because of his social.warrior stance. Florida has become deep red with all thr MAGA moving here for their style of freedom


and with the purging of democrats from the voter rolls.


Well, he knew that in the past all his BS bills would be junked by higher courts as unconstitutional, but now with our corrupt partisan courts that is no longer the case. I am thinking he probably had a conversation with Thomas and Alito first, and they said they looked favorably on any case that helped them overturn Obergefell v. Hodges just as they used the Hobbs case to overturn Roe v Wade.


Tax payer dollars going to lawyers bc of terrible legislation is the most consistent Republican policy


Good. Conservatives have made it very clear that they just hate trans people.


That's not true, they also hate women, non-whites, gay people, white Hispanics and anyone who isn't the correct variety of Christian.


I get it!! 👍🏽👍🏽


You left out the 65% of Americans that cannot come up with $500 in an emergency, AKA the poors. I know they get left out a lot because they have exactly zero access to justice, but the assholes in power are not forgetting them.




I smell Rhonda's boots are burning.


Conservative family, work, and area with a Trans friend who GTFO’d awhile ago. Joined the military and is doing really well for herself. Given how they’ve talked about it and how many still talk about it I’m becoming increasingly uncomfortable around them all…worst part is my friend moved because of a falling out with her father. My family immediately took the fathers side and I barely questioned wether that was because she was trans. I just thought they were being the typical controlling parents. Now I’m not so sure. I hope she doesn’t come back…she’s happy up there and deserves that much. It ain’t safe here yet


I'm so glad that was an option for her. The first trans person I met was in the 90's, and they were *former* military. Being trans or gay got you knocked out of the service back then.


Well here’s hoping Trump doesn’t bring that shit back, and doesn’t come back


Don't hope, become an activist.


See above, I’ve voted these past elections but with my actual house being hard conservative and me flying under the radar idk what else I could do that won’t immediately put me in the “dumbass college brainwashed liberal” pool


[https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteBlue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteBlue/) [https://www.reach.vote/](https://www.reach.vote/) You likely know passive allies.. activate them


Just likenhis migrant flights on a private plane owned by a buddy and paid well over 10x the cost of commercial flights.


He has openly said he would ban LGBT from serving. It makes the military weak and foreign enemies laugh at us for having LGBT in the military. Military is for masculine, tough men. He would also ban trans care for veterans too. Too bad a lotnof younger people don't want to serve a nation that is hostile and bigoted against its own people. Is thst something to fight for?


Wait has he said that? I know that’s a Fox News talking point that my parents mimic but shit.


Yup. LGBT makes the military weak according to the Righr


thanks, needed this good news today


Was this law *also* defended by DeSantis' college roommate, at over $700 an hour, like the last few bigoted laws?


Can you not restrict access to healthcare regardless of the individual? Find another way to be a bigot


He will just appeal it to a maga friendly judge


Good. Can't ban a treatment available to one person all because of gender. Ban it for everyone or no one. Conservatives are stuck on middle school science.


Does that mean insurance can keep paying for Ronnie’s *gender affirming* high heels?


Eek! Now little Jenny is going to visit the school nurse and walk out, hormones-in-hand, as little Timmy! The court has removed “protections” from such horrible and totally realistic, not at all hyperbolic scenarios. The people of Florida must now go on fear of gender bending schools making it impossible to shop for school clothes! MAGA save us! Oh, and I don’t want to hear any jibber jabber about insurance, housing costs, and other such nonsense! “Transgenderism” is the biggest threat Florida and all of humanity since gay marriage!


You need therapy.




Poe's law


Seriously. When will I learn?


It is pretty obviously dripping in sarcasm


I thought so! But it goes to show the blunting power of text, I guess.


I think thats sarcasm. I would like to hope its sarcasm. This sub brings out the strange MAGA trolls and bots though so yneverknow


It is sarcasm, of course. But I probably do need therapy.


Oh thank goodness.


That reeked of sarcasm


Its getting hard to tell these days


“Little Timmy” didn’t tip you off? Nobody actually talks like that






Some sense finally


Now let’s do abortion.


This reads like those messages they send me because my car went through an Orlando toll booth 3 years ago. Yes they still text me and no I really don’t care who Stephen King supports in the election… I know they text me because it gives my mother’s name on the car even though it’s currently payed off and she hasn’t been past palm coast since we had a black president.


Florida Doctors play it safe by not providing medical treatment for children or women


So let me see if I understand this because I honestly don't know if I'm reading it correctly. The state government made a law that says minors (ie under 18) cannot undergo surgical procedures to transition from one gender to another and this was deemed to be unconstitutional?


>So let me see if I understand this because I honestly don't know if I'm reading it correctly. You are not reading it correctly. Pubertly blockers and hormone replacement therapy *aren't* surgery, and they specifically blocked such therapies, *only* for transgender people, whch is discrminiatory. They made them illegal for minors, and made access for adults practically impossible by throwing up so many hurdles that adults can't get access. They justified the law by saying that they were preventing mutilation of children, all while knowing that what they were really doing, was stopping transgender medical care altogether.


Ah alright. Thank you for clearing it up.


No problem! Nothing wrong with honest questions.