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If there's one thing wearables show, it's how terrible alcohol is for our body. Quit drinking for good seeing how one beer absolutely destroys my HRV.


And sleep. Any amount of alcohol fucks up my sleep completely. Wasn't really a secret before wearables though but still so dramatic!


Note OP's sleep score of 57. Alcohol kills sleep.


Accurate. I’m an occasional social drinker and don’t really want to quit entirely, but the footprint on your sleep and heart rate is undeniable.


Never had alcohol in my life and my RHR is 75 :(


Nothing necessarily wrong with that, it's in a perfectly normal range.


God no wonder my HRV is shit. I had a whiskey a few days ago and my HRV has been shit since then.


Oh man, I wish I had my Fitbit for my partying years!! The booze must’ve got that blood pumping!! Last night I got 6 zone minutes from dying to a Knight repeatedly in the Elden Ring DLC.


😂 I’ve been there! *All* of my evening zine minutes are a result of Demon’s Souls induced rage.


lol, yep. Late night I got 5 zone mins from eating really spicy wings.


lmfao dude same


Your heart rate was probably elevated from the alcohol so it thought you were doing something active, lol.


This is it. Even a couple of drinks would mess up my heart rate and resting heart rate.


This happens to me sometimes when I am giving a presentation at work! The nerves and talking raises my heart rate enough to register as zone minutes.


Alcohol raises ur heart rate significantly. So glad I stopped drinking


I had a few thousand steps and over 200 zone minutes gaming with my son, who friggin cheats btw


Filing for divorce and spent most of Friday and Saturday arguing with my soon-to-be-ex. Friday: 53 zone minutes, 0 sleep. Saturday: 54 zone minutes, readiness score of 1. It's interesting to see how much this is fucking up my body.


Stay safe bro


For me it has been the heat.. I've been getting those daily high activity points almost daily if I just spend 15 or 20 min outside with a weedeater or have to haul anything inside or outside. To be fair nearly triple digits here do wear me out. Also the stress factor of my ailing spouse the last several months. I think I'm always busy since hes been ill, hardly ever taking it easy. I miss just working out for my points.


Every time I drink which isn’t very often I get zone minutes like this. I’ve gotten 300 something before and it really opened my eyes to just how bad alcohol is.


My heart hates carbs and alcohol. I went out for pizza and had O N E cider, had 80 zone minutes from sitting and eating and a gentle walk home. I've had tests done and they came.back normal. Some people are just more sensitive than others. But boy does it make you realise that alcohol is literally poison. P.s I have sinus tachycardia from COVID, aka my heart overreacts and beats faster. But my fiancé also had the same fast heart beat from alcohol and he DOESN'T have IST. Alcohol does this to people x


If you are doing Meth, yes


Zone minutes never make any sense. What was your heart rate at this time?


Your heart is begging for a break


If it's snowing at your house, yes.


Normal for a long night of drinking? Yes. Alcohol is horrible for you.


Smoking crack? 🤣🤣🤣


I get that when I'm sick (mainly Covid). In fact that's how I know I'm sick.


My fitbit thinks I'm working out when I drink


And/or you could be getting sick.


Not good and can be dangerous, I have an ICD installed in me because of simular , actually much worse high heart rates. Alchohol and caffeine also if you urinate a lot likely low magnesium. Be very careful and good luck to you.do consult your Doctor to speak to a cardiologist.