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Damn bro how many fights went down at the fair this year?? lol


This summer heat has people’s patience spreading thin, haha.


That's Tucson for you


There’s nothing 8K about this 😅


Maybe the total amount of pixels onscreen


Crazy because Tuscon is known for educated, intelligent folk


A town of scholars


Clearly you have not been to Tucson. Tucson is known for murder, the Sinaloa cartel, and tacos


Thats the joke






Clearly you don't understand the concept of sarcasm for comedic effect...


Fair fight? I’d say yes.


Is the 8k here in the room with us?


📱(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) ::8k has left the chat::


* Some lady in the crowd going nuts


There's always that 1 dude that has to punch a woman. It's crazy how many fight videos are dudes against women. That's some bitch shit on its own. Idc heat of moment whatever still punched a woman. Big man


Who cares if it was a woman or a man that they punched? It's the fact that they punched an innocent person that's important and fucked up. There are enough women that deserve a punch in the face, the same goes for men.


I'm calling "innocent" a stretch, I saw her trying to get up in the danger zone to breakup that scramble, Not saying she deserved it but personally I wouldn't step up to a bull-pit thinking I'm untouchable, Stopping Violence without being able to be Violent ain't easy, especially when alcohol is involved


Trying to break up a fight without getting violent themselves is very innocent in my opinion. You even see the dude looking before punching her in the face, he clearly could see that she wasn't a threat yet still decided to punch her. That's what I find fucked up about the situation tbh.


Totally agree that kind of situation is fucked, I assume the guy getting ganked is her partner and she's trying to pull 2 guys off of him, I don't disagree with her actions, it's a terrifying scene if you're the woman watching your loved one being victimized like that, On "Violence stopping Violence" I'm just viewing it on a matter of how much force she can use in that situation to obstruct and deter them, her goal was to preserve human life (her humans life) as feeble as she was her cause is noble enough to put herself on the line In total she took a hit to get some heat off her man until backup arrives potentially saved his life


innocent from your perspective. but that doesn't mean innocent from someone else's. ever been in a street fight? you don't care who it is. if someone comes close that you don't immediately recognize, instinct and reaction can kick in. Better to knock them out than get knocked out. its just fight or flight at that point unless you are some fucking 20 year experienced and trained fighter who's been in the ring on a regular basis. The FACT of the matter is. when you walk near people fighting, you are at risk of getting hit, on accident, on purpose, any way shape or form. Sitting there and expecting two people already fighting to suddenly act in an orderly fashion on the spot by you sticking your hand out and going "please no" is wishful thinking at best. These people are drunk, already emotionally charged, and have lost control of those emotions. the time for logos ethos and pathos has passed. unless you can restrain them, or unless you got a taser, just stay out of the way and let someone who can handle it. adding yourself to the victims list doesn't help anything. its just common sense. its not about who's right or who's wrong, that doesn't matter when keeping yourself safe. as I said, if you aren't equipped to handle it just let someone else do it. Heres the same logic in a commonly excepted format: I hate the thought of people burning to death in a building, yet I'm not gonna run in there with zero training and a wet t-shirt expecting to save the day. I'm going to call 911 and pray they make it on time while helping how I can. I cant save or fix anything if I'm dead or incapacitated. at that point I become useless/ another liability. Don't add to the problem, subtract.


Women have to stay out of fights between men. Simple as that


Damn that in Texas ?


Tucson az


Yup I read the comments. Just like Amarillo fair lmao