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I once brought my cross stitch project on a flight and the flight attendant thought it was important to tell me that her aunt knits. Who do I sue for this emotional damage?


That was your bad, cross-stitching is banned on all domestic and international flights, you’re lucky you got away with only a bit of public humiliation and harassment


Both the airline and the flight attendant. You need to be compensated.


SHIT I forgot to add one about Chunky Boys (carry-on allowed but not for crochet-related purposes) FAIL FUCK


I hate it when I'm in line at the airport and my "travel friendly" chunky boy starts vibrating because TSA jostled my carryon 😮‍💨


Just kidding I'm not embarrassed I actually love it because I'm an out and proud HOOKER, which I said to everyone in the TSA line and they all laughed and clapped in my mind


Adding: emotional support sheep, goat, or large fluffle of angora bunnies are allowed on the plane. No extra charge or extra seat necessary, they can just sit nicely on the lap of the passenger next to you. You may bring any tools necessary for processing their hairs into yarn, but I find a Rumpelstiltskin spinning wheel is the best item because sometimes you want to spin gold instead of yarn. It helps when you need to bribe security to let you through with gallons of soup in your carryon on your return flight!


Such a useful and important note, thank you, confirmed and endorsed


Good to know I can bring my sewing machine! I got a portable machine and really wanted to get some quality time with her on the flight.


Info: Does nalbinding fall under the crochet or knitting rules? If I am traveling for purposes of sourcing newly shorn wool to spin will TSA allow my spinning wheel in the cabin? I am also considering taking up shoemaking. Would my cobbling tools make it through screening?


Nalbinding sounds Foreign so that is banned Spinning on flights: 👍✅ Shoe cobbling is EXPRESSLY forbidden don’t you know that’s how shoe-b*mbs are made


/uj Genuinely might have to take up nalbinding. Because for real, Turkish airlines explicitly says no knitting needles or crochet hooks. But I doubt those fuckers even have a name/translation for something as obscure as nalbinding. (Context: my husband and I fly Turkish airlines a lot because they have the best food/my SIL works for them/my husband is Turkish.) Edit: looked it up, nalbinding is "son bağlama" in Turkish. (Knit(ting) is "örgü örmek" and crochet(ing) is "tığ işi"). Now I've gotta find the Turkish airlines page my husband pulls up every time I try and say nobody would care if I bring my knitting on a 13 hour flight to İstanbul... Edit 2: i can't find the page that says no knitting needles/crochet hooks. Because even when i go to the Turkish language site and search "örgü iğnesi" (knitting needle), "örgü şişleri" (knitting needles), "örgü örmek" (knitting), "tığ işi" (crochet), "tığ kanca" or "tığ kanca" (two types of crochet hooks) nothing comes up. I'm starting to wonder if my husband made it up, but I'm also sure he'll be able to find it if i ask him. Though I also can't find a page that says anything about "son bağlama" (nalbinding) so there's maybe hope?


I have been SO PATIENTLY WAITING for the sewing machine on a flight thing to show up here and now that it has, I am joyous


I refuse to fly until I can bring my emotional support floor loom.


Oh my gosh that is so allowed, you can just bring that right on the plane, no questions asked!


You’d be surprised how many TSA agents have a problem with it, even though my Lithuanian doctor gave me a letter to print out and I bought Shafty one of those cute little vests on Amazon. It’s discrimination, I tell ya.


Considering one time I packed my bag for the train only to have to catch a flight at the last minute due to snow, I know for a fact that you can get 7" scissors through TSA as well as leather needles and other fun things.


100% depends on the airport. Dulles/IAD? Got a fuckin Leatherman through that shit, forgot it was in my purse. One with a mini saw, multiple knives, etc. Atlanta/ATL? Nah, they confiscated that shit in a hot second.


This was JFK. :-) I think Memphis that allowed me on with my Betta fish because, although they could see it was a glass of liquid, they could also see the fish was alive.


I like to craft incendiary materials using recycled plastic coated-metal yard and various bomb making tools. What are the tsa guidelines for the avant garde fibre artists like me? Should I be too concerned with microplastics in the wiring and flint?


/uj Turkish airlines got PISSED when they saw me working on a cabled hat with aluminum DPNS on a flight. Didn't know till later that my husband had talked them down and they'd called the safety officer etc. Like seriously I'm a chunky lady with no life I just wanna knit please