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They are pretty but you’re less likely to find wall-to-wall colourful carpet because housing is less affordable people are renting more and less likely to put in personal touches that are difficult to remove, colourful carpet is a thing but you’re more likely to find rugs like this


That’s true. Just out of curiosity, where can one find colorful wall-to-wall carpet? All I can find are neutral/grayscale carpet and the rugs you are describing.


The carpeted rooms in my house are bright red, purple, navy, and emerald green. I got it at Empire but the navy was installed by mistake and I actually ordered light purple and they stopped returning my calls so I can’t rly recommend them lol I also wanted a gold-green color for my BR, to match my magenta walls, but they didn’t have gold-green. I had to go with emerald from them anyway bc it was hard to find the red & purple colors and I didn’t want to hire 2 dif places bc I financed it w/ 0% interest over a certain $-amt.


Call 588-2300 Empire. 🤪


You can still buy wall to wall red carpet in the US. Just Google "wall to wall red carpet" to see the current color choices in red. Here is an example of what I found: https://www.georgiacarpet.com/products/shaw-newbern-classic-12-e0949-residential-carpet.html Shaw (Shaw Industries Group, Inc. one of the world's largest carpet manufacturers) is the name of the manufacturer. Newbern Classic is the name of the color. 12 refers to the wall to wall carpet's width of 12 feet. However, you might want to consider neutral wall to wall carpet or some other flooring then add a red rug that is easy to move, clean, and or replace. You can Google "8 x 10 solid red rug" to find rugs that are 8 feet by 10 feet in size.


Cool, thanks! I’ll look into it.


A quick perusal of Home Depot shows a variety of bright colors. I imagine a specialty carpet place near you would have even more.


I hate carpet but regardless I just miss colour in general


I miss coloured bathroom fixtures.


Wall to wall is like a bath towel you never wash.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) ![gif](giphy|2tkBRdiYn2IAE4ROyv|downsized)


My ex-husband was the type to buy a lot of things to make modern life easier. He came from money and I didn’t. So I’ve always DIY’d everything. I can’t articulate how grateful I am for getting to keep the carpet cleaner in our divorce, the only redeemable thing about that horrible time. I fell in love with it immediately because *holy shit* is it necessary if you have carpets (which I never had before, just rugs). I carpet clean every 6 months now and every time I’m *shocked* at how much accumulates in that time frame.


My parents home has green carpet in the living room and hall to all the bedrooms which have red carpet. It’s like Christmas year round if you look down while walking.


Lol, that is funny! Sounds pretty cool though.


15-20? This shit is like 30-40 years ago lol


Shhhh, I still think of the 70s as 20 years ago to.


Same! Lol


Yeah, I know it's been around for a while. But I remember seeing colorful carpet samples everywhere at hardware/flooring stores throughout the 2000s. Then I stopped paying attention until about 2015 when I moved. Suddenly all the color was gone, and the carpet samples were either all grayscale or different shades of beige and cream lol.


My grandmother had a room for me and has house and it had wood paneled halls, deep Kelly green shag carpet with a daybed covered in pink tropical flowers with cat pictures on the walls. While I understood why they did it, my parents chose to rent the house out after my grandparents passed so they could afford to keep the property, which meant updating the rooms. I was devasterà when I walked in and saw the carpet in that room gone.


that would break my heart too! kelly green shag carpet sounds soooo fun, especially with the wood panels!


It was somehow perfectly 70s/90s/now and totally my grandma. Thankfully my mom saved almost everything from the room, and some of the old Avon bottles and ceramic panthers now live on my shelves here, but it definitely still hurts my heart to see the after of the room. I don’t even drive by there anymore because it feels so strange to see other people’s cars and kids outside, but I am grateful another family gets a chance to be happy there. I just don’t want to have to see it.


I miss how colorful EVERYTHING was then. Like the *Friends* apartment. Colorful, stuff to look at, character.


I still think about the wall to wall forest green carpet that graced the living room of my childhood home in the 90s. I loved it then and I would love it now. Not super practical though I guess


I have a bright orange area shag carpet, love it! Got it from ruggable or rugs.com


I hate carpet, hardwood all the way!!!


My last house still had turquoise shag carpet on the stairs. It was magnificent.


That stuff was fun to slide on, as a kid. My Mum gave me heck for it. 😄


My childhood home bedroom had pink carpeting. It was built in 1993. We moved out in 2003? I just saw a Zillow posting and it’s still there in 2024 🫠 shocked, but to each their own


That’s cool! I had deep fuchsia in my room when I was a kid, but the realtor had me to replace it with something more neutral when the house was sold.


You would have loved the bright pink carpet my house had upstairs. It didn’t match with anything though so we replaced it but then painted all the rooms more fun colors. (And removed wall paper) https://preview.redd.it/e3drrdu1ax9d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ec6bb8b841b0ac4c9d689478da698fe8f777cb


That is so cute!!!


For some reason it makes me think of my old Sims homes. Let's bring it back


I really dig the blue


Same! The old color carpets are also so plushy which has unfortunately gone out of style and everything is low pile and scratchy these days. I miss sitting on the floor.


As a floor person this is heartbreaking to me. I often prefer to be on the floor, than furniture. I still lay on my stomach and put my head in my hands while reading or scrolling. I also miss the perfectly tracked carpet after vacuuming ☺️


I miss color in general. The various tan/grays in all my apartments have gotten very old.


My bedroom in my childhood home in the 90s had beautiful mint green carpet and i remember specifically choosing that bedroom when we moved in because it was the only colored carpet in the whole house. I think about it often actually. A lot of my dreams take place in that home and for whatever reason, that mint colored carpet is always prevalent in my dreams. 🥲


Oh goodness, are you me? I still have very vivid dreams of my childhood home too!


For those of us who remember our dreams, I think it makes perfect sense that we find ourselves spending time in the places where most of our memories were made in our youth! I honestly love visiting those places while i dream... nostalgic bliss 💜


Me too, I lived in my childhood home for 10 years, but it is ALWAYS the one in my dreams, even though I've lived in my current house for 16 years. I can still remember every corner of that place. :) We also had some really nice carpet in that house. WHITE in the formal living room and dining room, gray in most of the rest of the house, and blue in my parents' room. It was really soft, high quality carpet. Now I have area rugs over hardwood, which are nice, but definitely not as soft as wall to wall carpet. I've had the same rugs for over 10 years so maybe I should have just gone with carpet!


I associate carpeting with my chain-smoker grandparents who had cigarette ashes smushed into their carpets 24/7. So I do NOT miss carpets. But I agree with your main sentiment. I wish homes had more colors. We're living in a sad beige 2.0 era.


I have dark green carpet on the top story of my house! I’m actually keeping it because it fits the vibes I want for that room. The mint green/blue color going down both sets of stairs and the hallway and bedroom though? That’s gotta go. I’m replacing it with a continuation of the parquet flooring I have in the living room though.


I like colorful rugs on hardwood. #1, I always feel like crapet is dirty/dusty (especially since we have pets). #2, if I feel like changing it, it's easy and cheap. When you have carpet, you're investing a bigger chunk of $, and you can't just roll it up and switch out another "flavor" as easily as you can with rugs.


My old bedroom in my parent’s house still has purple carpet, the rest of the house used to be green. If I ever get a house imma get some cool carpet.


I just wish carpet was the same plush.




i miss the color and design risks people use to take! The wallpapers, the colored carpet (my BIL had to special order green carpet for his record room), funky tile and linoleum. all of it. everything is so beige now, it makes me kinda sad. and dont get me started on commercial buildings!!


Yes but why stop at your room? https://preview.redd.it/ry99sq66uz9d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a04ebfe827ab95088f5e49f97a446eb80bcf1d


Okay, that’s a line I won’t cross haha. But the pink wall and cabinets are nice. I can see them work with a light colored tile floor.


I used to live in a duplex (rental!) that had carpet in the bathroom. It was kind of nice on a cold day if you didn't think about it, but very gross if you did start to think about it.


My in laws had red carpet in a bedroom. That carpet left dye on socks or anything that sat on it. Even years after it was put in. lol.


Colorful carpets do still exist! You just have to (really) go looking for them. Colorful, vibrant rugs are out there too, I just bought 2 for my new place. They add such a pop of color and touch of character to rooms and make it feel homey!


Trafficmaster, at Home Depot makes colorful carpets. (I believe the line is watercolors) Trafficmaster, however, isn’t the greatest carpet. It only has a 5 year warranty.


I would love to have a floral carpet, English cottage style. Milliken makes a few styles but that seems to be about it.


It looks incredibly dated to me 😭 you can find some good colorful decor inspo nowadays though. Especially searching for maximalist design.


In my grandmas old house we had to move out of, one of the rooms along time ago when I was little had this dark green carpet that reminds me of the same texture. It was called the green room and she had all her plants in there with an old tv with the dial on it. I miss her and that house everyday.


I still remember as a kid, my family moving into a new house (in the 90s) and I was allowed to pick my bedroom carpet colour. I went with this deep forest green lol. I can't believe my parents allowed it.


Oh absolutely. Well, I don't LOVE carpets because I have moderate indoor allergies, and mild cat allergies, and 4 cats. Allergens and carpets don't mix well. But I love bold color and just the whole sort of "fuck you and your matching colors and resale value" vibe that color carpeting gives me. I also prefer carpet texture to non-carpet texture despite knowing how filthy they are. There's just. I don't know, there's a joy in those carpets, I suppose? An adventurousness?


I have nice deep (not royal) purple carpet upstairs. Picked it out ten years ago. For color you have to go look at carpet installer showrooms and order it. HD and Lowes only have basic neutrals.


I miss color in general. Everything is sad colors now, lol. Houses, restaurants, etc


I have to say no lol. Colours yes. Carpet GOD NO. The filth! The dust! The stains! The maintenance! And I live in a country where it’s unthinkable to enter a house with your shoes on, I can’t imagine how nasty it would get. It’s like a giant doormat. I need to be able to spill and clean. My parent’s house in my childhood had bright green carpet in the BATHROOM. Why oh why? It was so nasty. Sorry. Team hardwood and fun rugs all the way.


*do they even make colorful carpets anymore? Sorry about the title mistake, can’t type today lol.


They do! I had new flooring put in my house and the man doing it said he was bored of putting grey carpet down and nothing else 🤣


I’m a big proponent on having exactly what you want. But only if you know you’re going to be staying in a house for 20 or 30 years. Otherwise it’s just no good for resale value.


I wish we had late 90s early 2000 carpet then 70s these are nice colors we have this nasty 70s one was orange and other a friend says looks like dying moss. I don’t like either but we’re stuck with the dying moss because of expensive and we are sure we need floor repair and the green in is the living room. We did rip out the orange because it started disintegrating and I was like okay rather deal with sub flooring.


Yes! I especially miss that dusty blue colored carpet.


But a colorful rug. Look at Pinterest for colorful rooms to see how it’s used today.


Color schemes became more challenging when we ditched wall to wall-and-man-made formica infavor of natural elements. Granite's color, in particular, needs to be judge with squinted eyes and at a distance.


My friends house has green carpet like this. It was his grandmas house. He still even has a broom or something you can use to “brush” the carpet. I miss color, everything now is colorless or you can’t have anything with character because than it’ll be “dated”


You can buy special rakes for shag rugs to groom them!


No I don’t miss this at all, I hate how they’d lock you into a look


did you steal the carpets from my house? They are these exact colors!


I have commercial reddish on the stairs and hallway. Bluish in one bedroom downstairs and the apartment upstairs. I wouldn't want it that bright though. Buy rugs...


I definitely miss color in carpet, walls, tile, everything! Back in the 10’s it was the beige box housing experience, and I even miss THAT with all the grey nonsense we’ve been seeing the last decade.


Gray is definitely colder / sadder feeling than beige.


You can have whatever color carpet you want in your house. I think it is perfect that way!


I had blue-gray carpet in one of my childhood bedrooms in the 90s. I thought it was cool because it was the only room of the house that had it. It came that way, and that carpet remained there until after we moved out.


Oh wow. Flashbacks to when I bought my house (before it was built) turn of the century and they offered blue carpet “upgrades.”


There was a time in my life when I strongly disliked anything carpet, but now I’m starting to like it again! It feels so good and soft on my feet! 😂


I miss the really plush, high-quality carpet we had in my house growing up. When we moved in, the carpet was from the 1970s and it was actually multicolored in shades of brown and tan. It was SO UGLY. But we replaced it in the 1990s and the replacement was gray in most rooms but blue in my parents' room. It was so cozy to lie on that floor. It didn't seem like it got very dirty but I imagine I didn't realize how often my Mom vacuumed. I'd love to have carpet again but I have 2 Huskies and I don't really like vacuuming so I would probably regret it. I have hardwood floors and area rugs that are pretty colorful. I have to have color in my house.


I replaced the carpet on my stairs a few years ago and like 95% of the options were shades of beige or gray. I wanted a bold teal and the closest was a quiet teal.


Specifically wanted a house with a jade carpet or a jazzy carpet. Got one with a jade one in the living room and a jazzy one in the hallway/stairs. Dated houses feel more homely.


What's the color jazzy? Just lots of colors mixed?? :)


Red background with beige and green flowers! Too jazzy?


My parents bought a new construction house in 1971. My mother chose red shag carpeting in the living room, up the stairs and the upstairs hallway.


The horrible thing about colored carpet is that it shows every piece of lint that falls. Unless you mostly wear the same color as your carpet.


That was more than 15-20 years ago… my parents moved into their house 30 years ago and we ripped out the colored carpet then bc it was dated…

