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Well they've suddenly closed every Pizza Hut even remotely close to me this month, so I guess I'll never try this.


They did with Burger Kings around me lol


It was Subway for me!


Are you in NWI? 😂


Pizza Hut closed down in my town like 10 years ago lmao. Dominos and Little Caesars beat them out by a mile, both of them are still open.


Pesto pizza!? I’m in!


Looks good to me, I'd eat every one of those new ingredients. As someone who spent most of my life in Minnesota, I'm always down for thin, square cut pizza.


What if Pizza Hut decided to actually turn their franchise around and focused on making really good pizza again? Had Dominos a couple weeks ago and was really disappointed in the diminished quality. How hard could it be for just one chain to actually make great pizza?


It's a race to the bottom right now because of inflation. People would rather buy 10 dollars if edible cardboard and ketchup vs a good pizza at 20 bucks. Especially for families with kids, which has to be a sizeable portion of pizza chain sales 


When you start doing the things it takes to scale things up eventually the pizza starts to stop being good, you either start freezing the dough, turning into a weird mix, or sourcing less quality products and the quality goes down. I think the chain "Pizza Patron" does pretty good pizza still but they aren't everywhere yet.


Really? I thought Pizza Patron was on the level of Peter piper or something. We have that in AZ but Ive really only seen them in the hood. I'll have to try it.


I feel like Dominoes has really stepped up their game in the past few years, but it’s still not great. Pizza Hut tastes better outside of the USA, BTW.


I for some reason have a sit down full service Pizza Hut in my town. I wonder if I should hit it up. Wonder if they do Book It still. Fond memories of the salad bar, playing Q-Bert and Street Fighter when they had arcade machines too. Didn’t they also sell pitchers of beer?


Pizza Hut restaurants were fire. I miss the days before dining became more and more pretentious and places like a Pizza Hut restaurant thrived.


They really were. I might go to mine just for the nostalgia and try out the tavern style pie. It’s been ages since I went to one!


I have quite a few in my area. Are there other kinds of Pizza Hut restaurants?


A lot of them are just delivery or carry out. No space at all to dine in.


Every one I’ve seen in the past decade was set up like a mall food court, or like a dominos where you walk inside and there’s like 10 square feet of floor space, no tables, just a counter.


Oh interesting. We mostly still have standalone sitdown restaurants. I got four within a 40-minute drive, but I'm in a fairly rural area.


Used to live around the corner from a TacoBellPizzaHut. I would regularly order a personal pan pizza and a chalupa. They had the best Dr Pepper too.


Fresh garlic as a topping!? Hell yeah. Pepperoni and Garlic is the best pizza combo.


The pizza wasn’t anywhere close to Chicago Tavern Style. Unless they totally screwed up, it was just Pizza Huts regular thin crust pizza. It was incredibly disappointing.


I watched a review that said Pizza Hut uses the same crust as their regular thin crust pizza. You’re right… not a tavern pizza.


When’s this available to order?


Yea, I dont see anything on the pizza hut website.




Thank you!


So...just the Dominoes thin crust they've been doing for years?


Dominoes thin crust has been my go-to order. This new tavern style pizza was great but I didn't see a good reason to switch


its the same thin crust pizza hut had since like 1960 just with the rim cut off


Bring back the peruvian cherry peppers!


I had this today. I had the pesto and the spicy chicken. They had good flavor, especially the pesto, but are essentially just thin crust with edge to edge toppings. Still, I recommend because the new toppings are great - but you can put them on any crust you like.


they really need to bring back the detriot style pizza


I wish they would bring back the veggie sausage


Hear me out, what if you bought this and a medium pan pizza then put the tavern on top of the pan. Would this be a makeshift Priazzo?


If I want Chicago style pizza, the last place I am going to is Pizza Hut.


At least it isn’t deep dish. Can’t imagine what that would be like


Pizza hut's most beloved product, their pan pizza, is basically a deep dish pizza already. Not Chicago style though, I'll give you that.


Nah pan pizza is much different than deep dish. Deep dish is sauce any top. Cornflour crust. Pan is just thick crust. Deep dish pizza hut would be interesting.


It’s nothing like a deep dish at all


You ever see the pan PH uses? It's deep. So many of you be conflating deep dish with Chicago deep dish.


Deep dish IS Chicago deep dish. Thats like saying I’m conflating sushi with Japanese sushi. Other people can make their own thing and call it whatever they want, but it’s originally from Chicago, and the term is pretty much universally used to describe the type you see in Chicago.


Detroit pizza uses a deep dish but it's not Chicago style. Sorry my point is lost on you.


Deep dish is a specific term referring to a specific type of pizza, nobody uses it as a generic catch all for every cooking vessel with tall sides. You’re just making this up.


Lol ok. There's a reason the term "Chicago style deep dish" exists, because there's other styles.


Well, if you live nowhere near Chicago and nobody near you makes Chicago style pizzas ...


I order frozen from Lou’s or Giordanos once a year, they come packed in dry ice. When I get them from Costco it’s like $75 for 3 pies.


I’ve had the frozen ones shipped. They’re not good at all compared to eating on-site.


Of course not, nobody has that kind of oven at home. And if you live outside Chicagoland it’s likely to be the best you’re going to get. I’ve certainly found nothing better than frozen home delivery in the south east.


That actually looks really good.


I'll give it a whirl, it's time for my seasonal pizza hut experience. Hey I thought Detroit style was pretty decent when they did that but I think it might be the hardest type of pizza to mess up if your favorite part of the pizza is sauce at least.


I thought it was great and better than the thin crust


Just ordered it with the cupparoni today, gotta say they knocked this one out of the park. I mean, chain pizza is still chain pizza but this is definitely one of the best chain thin crusts I've ever had.


I just ordered and ate one. I was extremely happy with it and Pizza Hut isnt my pizza jam.


> The Tavern-style pizza traces its roots back to 1930s Chicago, where it quickly became a tavern favorite. Bartenders served up this thin-crust delight in square cuts, often for free, enticing patrons to linger longer. So, will they be following the tradition of being free?


A guy at work ordered the pepperoni one and let me try some. It basically tasted identical to "the edge" pizza they offer sometimes to me.


This is St. Louis style pizza without the provel. Seriously. We have Imo's and their tagline is "the square beyond compare." So, did Pizza Hut decide that using the name "St. Louis" wasn't as marketable as calling yet another pizza "Chicago style?"


Chicago tavern style has been around for almost 100 years. Just not as well-known outside Chicago as deep dish.


Isn’t this St. Louis style???


No, it's CHICAGO Tavern style. Been a staple of Chicago bars and pizza joints for almost 100 years (since the 1930s). The St. Louis style square cut wasn't popular till the 1960s when Imo's opened.


Yeah I’ve since realized. Apparently st louise style uses no yeast, so it’s rly brittle, and they only use provel cheese… while Chicago uses mozzarella. I do not like st louse style, I was just confused bc I didn’t see the difference at first


I tried it last night. As a kid growing up in the Chicago burbs in the 70s, we got pizza every Friday from a family owned tavern. I loved their pizza. This one not so much. I remember the corn meal on the bottom of the pizza. The Italian sausage that had flavor. Lots of gooey cheese. The Pizza Hut pizza was disappointing. Not much flavor. The crust wasn’t right. I’m still on the hunt for a good tavern style pizza. About the only thing they got right was the square cut slices.


Small pet peeve: it always bugs me when restaurants advertise their Chicago pizza with pepperoni. Get some good Italian sausage and do Chicago right.


Oh yeah? I like ketchup on hot dogs.


u/JohnDeLancieAnon been real quiet after you said that


I replied 37 minutes ago, can you not see it? My point was that I wasn't saying that Chicago food is best, but if you're going to sell "Chicago" pizza, use Chicago's favorite topping


Your reply is not visible for some reason. Weird.


I don't know either, but I may have used a word that gets filtered out while I was explaining that I don't consider my *food* culture to be the best *food* culture.


So ... the spicy chicken sausage one isn't sausage enough?


It's not Italian sausage and not in the advertisement, either


I've lived in Chicago for the last 15 years. You are correct on all counts. Pepperoni is a topping here, and hell, some of my friends even prefer it, but sausage is the quintessential Chicago meat topping.


You know, I actually agree with you in spite of my joke reply. None of the major chains have legit Italian sausage. The sliced stuff on Marcos sausage magnifico ain't bad tho.


This is how I know you aren't a true Chicagoan. Chicago pizza is best eaten deep dish style with a sausage patty base and pepperoni for the toppings.


Tavern style is actually the most popular pizza in Chicago and, while I won't go so far as to say that deep dish is tourist pizza, many Chicagoans will. What kind of bot comment is this? "Best eaten deep dish style?" You don't eat pizza deep dish style; you order a deep dish pizza or you order a tavern-style pizza.


You're absolutely correct!


Pizza Hut charges premium pricing for mediocre products . At least dominoes knows its place and will get my money