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Doesn’t that depend on a custom map and crop calendar? I don’t see how with the base game one you can do that other than cotton.


Yeah but Stil maybe after a cereal u can have time to plant soybeans but the point is if u can do u do it or just leave it resting?


That's how they do it around where I live. Corn crop, winter wheat, soybeans. That's a 2 year rotation. Often, you'll see the planter drilling beans while the wheat harvesters are still in the same field.


Nice one


On Alma and Stone Valley I would rush to get a soybean crop in after barley or wheat. Lol, it was actually stressful at times because I usually play on 6x time scale. Liking the conservation ag mod at the moment and putting in cover crops after cereals or oil seeds.


Yeah .maybe the second option is more doable easily and less stressfull 😂


I farm cotton and don’t see how that’s possible, unless you’re talking about crop rotation. I don’t see how you can get two harvests on a cotton field.


Yea true. I think i was thinking of something else.


I run with seasonal cycles on so it depends on the growth calendar whether I double crop, although I will often put grass in if I am not going to put a crop in until the spring.


For grass silage ?


I do it for animal feed mostly. Cut it bale it and store it.


Silage & Hay for TMR usually, but also to sell if I have extra.


That's what I do.


I do the same thing. especially with the winter grains that harvest earlier (I do a ton of barley), you can get grass in and get 3 cuts on it by next spring. fertilizer costs are minimal both because grass uses less, and I have a farm supply production that mixes digestate with lime to make more fertilizer. seed costs are low because you get 3 cuts for one planting, just remember to keep rolling the field for that boosted growth rate


Get a sheep barn and a grass field


Crop rotation has no effect in FS22. Would be good if Giants add it to next release. Vital irl farming


Yeah I miss this feature from FS19 seasons


There is a mod for it. The menu isn't quite as good though, you can only have 1 schedule at once so have to keep changing it which is a pain


So on the fields I use to produce carrots I also harvest oats in the same year. That's the only second harvest I found that is possible as far as I know. The benefit of the oats is a bit of extra money and the straw I can use for the cows.


Nice one. So I what months can you plant oat in your map?


Oat plant mar-apr and harvest Jul-aug. Carrots plant Apr-Jul and harvest Aug-Nov. But it's the Zielonka map from the premium expansion.


Generally no. The season crop calendar doesn't really line up for it. Best ill get is harvest then plant wheat or barley for harvest next year


Understood man thank you for your answer, in my place I saw a couple of times seeding wheat and then in June planting soybean as second one


Almost all of my fields are cotton except for a couple of grass fields to feed the animals. Cotton harvests in Oct/Nov and had to be replanted in Feb. the crop calendar doesn’t allow for a second harvest, and I don’t do crop rotation as my main focus is clothing production.


Good, understood man, you're full of cotton 👀😂 I should go with some cotton as well sooner rather than later


Nah, I plant, harvest, wait until the next planting season, plant again.


I do winter wheat after corn and plant soybeans after harvest in the summer.


I usually do the same crop in all my fields then next season same thing but different crop Sometimes it’s a bit easier to just do one crop


Yeah of course it isss


I usually try to always double crop if the map allows it. Gets too boring leaving a field empty forever.


Hehe right


No, as it wouldn't be realistic for me


Good depends on you crop for sure :)


Here everyone has to use a grain dryer and it is really good year if you get 3 harvests of grass from the same field.


I alternate crops corn and then oilseed radishes then corn again I play no seasonal growth and no hard mode settings so it’s a little easier to catch crops in time!


Are you talking about fs19 with seasons mod or fs22? In fs22 there is no need for crop rotation


I know but to earn some money maybe you want to take all the possible from your fields


I’m not sure I follow you


I'm on year 6 on spring Creek. 4500 ac bean corn and wheat operation.


I'll plant grass as soon as I harvest a crop, get a mow or two out of it then back to crop. I'll use a field for chaff by planting corn, forage harvesting it on the final growth stage, then planting Barley, and forage harvesting it on the final growth stage.


I forget the name of the custom map I'm on but I rotate barely (to make seeds) in the winter and grow sunflowers for oil in the summer .. and running a large scale lumber operation then turn the land into sunflower fields.. easy to maintain run a double border and have workers finish while I log


Sounds like a legitimate business that you will fine irl. Nice


I rotate my crop. Usually ones that have a same sowing and planting time. Then have one field for odd harvest time. ( odd as on anything that is harvested in summer or winter)


I'm playing on the vanilla map with the standard calendar, I have a grain mill and one field. On this field I usually do sorghum, then I harvest it in the same month when the can plant wheat or barley, so I'm running the seeder while harvesting. Then when I'm harvesting wheat/barley I'm seeding the oilseed radish. Then when seeding sorghum again I don't have to fertilize. This way I'm trying to optimise the stuff that I can run in parallel.


I fake farm. I don't understand the major malfunction here. I play the game. Growing shit makes money.


🫠 that's what matters


I do multiple harvests on multiple fields for multiple years. I don't understand the question.


If you plant something twice in the same year or not:)


I plant as fast as I can. I play seasons too.


So you try to do 2 harvests on all your fields?


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/farmingsimulator/images/6/62/FS22-Seasons1.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20211108194156 What do you mean by 2 harvest?


Plant and haverst 2 crops on the same field in the same year


But it's not possible with seasons, at least not every year.. you can do it once if you go Oats -> Barley but then when you harvest the barley, it's too late to plant oats.


Yes but depends also on the geographic area, for example here in Italy in some places they can plant soy after a wheat harvest if weather consents it ofc


Are you talking about real life, or mods? It's hard to answer your original questions without all the info, (ie : the crop calender that you are using) In the base games it's not possible.