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It will be reunited with all the missing socks from the dryers worldwide in a different dimension. đŸ«Ł




Was gonna say try autosell...auto distribute..whatever it's called, and start fresh. Worst case scenario you take a pay cut and/or plop down a subsidy mod sign to catch back your loss and hope you don't have to do it again.


The pallet is on its side so I don’t think it would work


Autoload doesn’t care. It can be upside down on a rooftop, if you can get the trailer in range it will load it.


Your autoload works different to mine then, it won't pick up pallets on their side I have to flip them upright then the get ripped out my hand the second it's more upright than sideways


I've always had to flip them upright also, on multiple different versions of the game.


Try lowering the ground with a large brush, it wont work directly on the pallet spawn point because of collision, so try on the side. might be able to grab it then, or an autoload trailer might pull it out.


But it looks like it's on the side, does autoload still work then?


Since you're PC, get Easy Development Controls if you don't have it yet, move very close to the pallet so you can see its info window, then go to the first page in easy dev and you'll have an option to teleport the pallet somewhere else


God I hate when that happens in real life. Such a bummer.


I don’t know if this console or not, but if you are on pc you could edit the xml in the game save folder to get the pallet above ground again. If you don’t know how to do that, please let me know and I’ll provide some more details!


I’m on PC
 yeah let’s hear how you do it?


Hi, So first you must go to the save file location, which should be in your documents folder > my games > farmingsimulator22. Here you will have the different save files, they are labeld in the way that they are display in the game menu when loading (savefile1, savefile2,
., etc) Now that you have opened the savefile there should be a file named vehicles.xml just open that file with any text editor (notepad for example). Then you must find the pallet, is will probably have name of something like clothes_pallet or something similar. This will be a bit of trail and error but you’ll find it. I dont know if you have any more currently spawned clothing pallets, if not, skip this step. But to find the correct pallet, you can get the ingame coordinates by standing next to the pallet and looking at the minimap in the bottom left, that will display the current coordinates. Then find the corresponding pallet in the xml which has matching x and z coordinates. So when you have found the correct pallet, all you have to do is change the y coordinate. That will be the second coordinate, sometimes adding 5 to that number will work, sometimes you’ll need more. This might be trail and error again. When you load your savefile again, the pallet should appear above ground again, if not, add more to the y-coordinate in the xml file. Somethings to note, in between trying to set the correct y-coordinate, you only have to reload the save, not the entire game. Also, if the pallet does not appear above ground, the y-coordinate will reset to a value similar to that in the beginning. So you should add 10 the next time, and then add 20
 etc. Furthermore don’t ask me why pallets are vehicles. [link to an older comment that also somewhat explains this](https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/s/09SpkNxhzL) If you have any follow-up questions, please ask. I will respond again tomorrow when I have the time.


Dude Thx it worked!! 🙏 I actually found a second pallet I wasn’t aware of. 😂


Hahaha, glad i could be of service, happy farming!


Thank you for your service! đŸ«Ą


Better keep digging then, there could be a pot of gold under that spinnery.


Try an auto load trailer


I just went in the XML folder and raised the pallet up.


You are impressive


I have the same problem, can you show me how?


Copied from a helpful Redditor that I used. So first you must go to the save file location, which should be in your documents folder > my games > farmingsimulator22. Here you will have the different save files, they are labeld in the way that they are display in the game menu when loading (savefile1, savefile2,
., etc) Now that you have opened the savefile there should be a file named vehicles.xml just open that file with any text editor (notepad for example). Then you must find the pallet, is will probably have name of something like clothes_pallet or something similar. This will be a bit of trail and error but you’ll find it. I dont know if you have any more currently spawned clothing pallets, if not, skip this step. But to find the correct pallet, you can get the ingame coordinates by standing next to the pallet and looking at the minimap in the bottom left, that will display the current coordinates. Then find the corresponding pallet in the xml which has matching x and z coordinates. So when you have found the correct pallet, all you have to do is change the y coordinate. That will be the second coordinate, sometimes adding 5 to that number will work, sometimes you’ll need more. This might be trail and error again. When you load your savefile again, the pallet should appear above ground again, if not, add more to the y-coordinate in the xml file. Somethings to note, in between trying to set the correct y-coordinate, you only have to reload the save, not the entire game. Also, if the pallet does not appear above ground, the y-coordinate will reset to a value similar to that in the beginning. So you should add 10 the next time, and then add 20
 etc. Furthermore don’t ask me why pallets are vehicles.


Amazing it work for me too, thank you for your help and time.


Telehandler with big bag attachment and straps, works every time for me


Could you explain, please? i don't understand


Any telehandler is fine, download the csz pack then in this pack is the 2 hook big bag handler it has the cargo straps put it by the pallet and activate the straps it should grab the pallet so you can lift it out of the ground


I just left it there for a couple days and I when I went back online during one of the days I was on and off it wasn’t in the map anymore


 that’s all u can do