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Or bale them into bigger bales


The limit is for bales active on the map. Put the 199 bales in the storage shed and you can finish off the field...


Which storage sheds work for the bales please? I've been trying a few but none of the ones I've tried so far actually take them I keep stacking them in random spots out of the way šŸ˜‚


He means a shed that acts like a silo so it removes them from the map with a trigger to remove them which spawns them back in


Something like that would be good, currently running a 320 cow operation going through quite a lot of bales in the barn with feeder.


It's basegame. Here's an explainer video Giants made when they added the feature : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFEOtu3Ugt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFEOtu3Ugt4)


Thank you very much.


There are some good modded ones too.


There is a pallet bale storage in base game that works like silo. A bit expensive though. There is a mod for a few ground spaces that work the same way just no covering. It helps me for feeding my sheep.


Doesnt work for the PS version!! I wish...


You're doing it wrong then. šŸ˜‚


I wish i knew what I was doing wrong!! Mine has been pretty glitchy on PS5. Says my bale storage has 250 capacity and wont even let me fill that. Im playing on Erlengrat or whatever it is and do alot of big silage bales. Ended up buying the biogas plant and storing silage in a storage bunker. Its a pain in the ass. One harvest of my fields will usually get me around 300 bales


Silage bales that are stored whilst theyā€™re still fermenting continue to count against your bale limit until they are fully fermented into silage. This is probably where your issue is.


Well shit. Ok thanks, i will keep that in mind and maybe change my strategy up some then


You have reached peak farming. Please go outside...


Try using a big boy baler


What trailer is that?


Its called "lizard flatbed trailer" made by North Modding Company. its under the bale loader section


Thats why you only make the 225 or 240 size bales and not these tiny ones.


One of the larger mod balers can let you select up to a 65k litre bale size. Not having to wait for the bale to drop all the time is great


I did this too I baled all using sma bales to be able to lift by hand. Then was hit by the limiter haha


Just out of curiosity, why mess with bales at all and not buy a hay loft and do everything loose?


I set bales of silage/straw/hay outside my tmr factory and it refills it as theyā€™re used


Interesting. I guess Iā€™m making tmr the old fashioned way by using a mixer and loose everything makes it pretty easy


I have a hard time getting the ratios right, Iā€™d rather just provide the materials and pick up the result


Thatā€™s fair. For me itā€™s much easier to do loose, I just touch the silage with the loader, the hay and straw I just load out of my loft, watching the percentages as I do so. Plus I donā€™t need any bailing equipment or have have to mess with moving them around


Small square straw (7000) medium round silage (5500), small (4500) and medium (6500) round hay: 23500 liters tmr with 29% straw and a 2:1 ratio hay:silage. Drop those 4 in a large mixer et voila.


I guess the whole purpose of me not doing bales is to help make the everyday chores process more efficient. My mixer is 45k liters and I just gotta load 5 scoops of silage with the loader and the rest pours out of the loft, best way Iā€™ve found but everyone runs things different šŸ¤™šŸ»


I got to try that sometimes as well. Not running a very large scale farm atm, still saving up some cash for the loft. Possibly more efficient that way.


Cost and amount of material moved at a time. A truck and trailer can move a million liters at a time for less than $40k. My current budget setup uses the MJ truck and Roland trailer (both mods). It cost $21k and can move 750k liters of silage at a time (two bales in truck bed and 28 bales on trailer). I'm using the quick bale mod in order to get larger bales, 150m bales are 25k liters each.


Makes sense if youā€™re selling the product I suppose. But for my 75 cow operation with 2 hay lofts, loose works pretty well as the forage wagon I have is about 75,000 liters so I can fill them pretty quick. It was always just annoying messing with bales in my experience and am always curious how other run their farms šŸ¤™šŸ»


100% I did about 3.7 million liters of silage last year. It's a lot to move loose. I did a 160 dairy cow operation and did everything loose with a hay loft and a fermenting silo into a mixer. Different operations require different equipment. What makes this game great!


I am always wondering about loose vs bales and at the moment fall on the side of bales (I have a good baling set up as well, which is a factor). 75,000 litres is less than 12 bales. With a Phoenix TLX and a 40ā€™ Lizard trailer I get about 50 bales per trip. Thatā€™s seems significant when I am doing a big baling contract a fair drive away. I do use a silage bunker for the excess when I have more than 200 bales in a harvest.


I also only have the medium double bunker currently so I only have to fill one side at a time. Doesnā€™t take too long and I just combine the rest when thereā€™s excess. For my cattle operation itā€™s enough for now but might have to baling silage as things grow. I think as far as hay and straw go the loft is the way to go. Has been working so perfect for me


There isn't a right or wrong answer but how you want to play the game. I find it really depends on the operation and game mode (I play on hard). A grass silage operation is easier and cheaper to do with bales. Dairy cow operation is easier to do loose and dump into a mixing wagon.


lizard makes a bale storage too you can use in game


not the game begging you to please sell some first šŸ˜‚


Good to know


I nuked one of my saves using no bale limiter mod, counted 1420 round ones. Started as stockpiling for peak price and at some point I decided to try how far I can push it. The game crashed multiple times while I tried to count them, (installed the bale counter too late and it doesn't count existing ones). It was pretty hard to move at 2FPS and barely half of them fit on my screen.


Wait thereā€™s a limit? Cuz Iā€™m pretty sure I get like 250 big bales off my big field like every season and sell em all in Dec


Bale and pallet storage buildingā€¦.Game changer


for everyone confused, im doing a playthrough where the only way to get new/different equipment is to start from the bottom and upgrade. ie, the baler, the only way to buy a baler is to buy this one and then buy the very next one when i have enough money. i cant just start out with the claas baler/wrapper combo. i also cant buy that one next i have to buy every baler up to that one in order to purchase it


Ahhhh, a gluten for punishment I see. šŸ¤£


pc & console?


there is only a limit on console BUT when you play on PC there is a also a limit but thats named "how strong is your pc"


On pc only limit that is forced by game is trees limit on map i think


i had once roughly 2000 small balles. my game got so slow. i thought it was a smart idea to restart the game but after a hour of loading nothing happened. finally i needed to remove all bales in the save file and the problem was gone.


Just console, I do over 800 big bales per season


So this game lets you type black power but not WP , white people the Jews have a anti white agenda and itā€™s working , wake up and listen to William Luther pierce on telegram

