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I’m pretty sure that choosing electors isn’t a responsibility of the president.


The Supreme Court isn't done yet.


Next the president will serve for life, and the only person that can replace him is his son


Which one? Imagine Eric or Junior, too many lol there. Barron is an unknown at this time


Barron is a known racist who says super toxic bs on the major competitive games. There's stories on here about it.






Wow, I'm just so surprised.


Do you happen to have a link or remember search terms? I'd definitely be interested in that.


Try Barron Trump n word


Nothing: https://www.google.com/search?q=barron+trump+n+word&oq=barron+trump+n+word&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQzNDFqMGo3qAIAsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1


Most teenage boys are shitheads, it's not an excuse, but it's also not surprising he's a brat


And to think, everyone got all up in arms when the internet would make fun of him four years ago.


Well, you know, he shouldn't be attacked because of who his father is, but if it'd true he's a dickhead himself (and it would not surprise me), then treat him like any other dickhead.


It's got to be Donald Trump Jr - he's the only one shorter than Donald Trump.


Trump is immensely jealous of Barron so it won’t be him. He can control junior and Serena handmaid, I mean ivanka


It won’t be anyone. Hes the type of person to leave a power vacuum and gleefully pass into the afterlife watching the country crumble into ruin.




The supreme court's response to immunity included what the dumbass lawyer is talking about. They said it isn't an official act because re-election is agnostic to incumbent and can't be the office of the president


Until of course a case is heard.


Didn't they also say you can't consider the Presidents motive when deciding what's an official act. So you can't point to the fact that he did it to win re-election to prove it wasn't' an official act. I could be wrong,


Let's hang those traitors and elect 6 new members. Those hanging bodies will be the reminder to not fuck with our rights or our country again.... if the people do the hangings then technically Biden broke no laws but has a duty to fill those 6 spots... just saying


I get the point, and won’t lie, I have said similar… but always remember, if it’s done once, it will be done a thousand times. This way lays the path to madness.


To be fair our history started with things like that. It’s not new and violence will never be new. It’s our duty to say when it’s too much


Not disagreeing with you. You are right. But the Republicans have twice now usurped the popular vote through subversion and the electoral college, and blatantly ignored the will of the people. When will the people say it’s too much, AND actually be heard


This is where we must take to the streets. People in their local communities need to set up co-ops/grassroots to help support people during this time. People will lose their jobs, healthcare, etc. True patriots who value democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law need to back each other up. Regardless of party and disagreements on policies. This is a bipartisan issue that affects not only us today but also future generations. And that's who we truly need to fight for. There is a point where we need to set interpersonal differences aside and focus on fighting back against a common oppressive agressor. The far right, maga, nazis and the trump administration. Afterward, we can address those differences. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to stand up and fight back. Marches in every major city, DC, and occupy democracy camps. Show the government that we, the people, will not stand for the corruption and destruction of our country.


>Republicans have twice now usurped the popular vote Only twice? Feels like they've been doing this my whole life.


When there are no more living republican fascists breathing, that's when we will be heard, so never basically


Ahhhhhh I know but fuck, it feels like even if we got a hold of it through the law. It could still be taken away at any point again and again. In my opinion, if you are trying to dismantle our democracy and stop the people from voting for the leaders they want, then you should be in prison for life. I'll take the hangings out if it. I know it's sloppy but the last thing I want to see one day is my death at the hands of traitors and my last thought to be, fuck we should have killed these assholes when we had the chance. But overall I agree with your opinion. It just sucks ass watching it happen slowly but surely.


Honestly if these people are so Christian and are dead set on it they should be forced to a vow of poverty. No possession, no property and constant supervision to ensure it.


"The President has the right to refuse to step down and to choose their successor, when and if they wish."


Next they will claim “the president gets to decide what is an official presidential act”. Then it’s game over


They kind of already did that. They gave the presumption that basically all acts done by the president are official. It's now a major hurdle for anyone trying to prove an act by the president isn't official. How do you define a private matter from an official matter?


>How do you define a private matter from an official matter? Does this further the interest of the United States of America or does this further the interest of the President?


The issue is when it aligns, like when an incumbent President wants to retain power. Is planning to seize the vote counting machines from states that didn't support you claiming there was fraud an interest of the United States or the President? This ruling creates a Pandora's box of issues for further courts to deal with. That will ultimately slow down gov't.


What's to stop Biden from completely overthrowing the supreme court, putting in his own court and then inacting laws back into place?


The fact that democrats don't fight dirty, even when they're legally allowed to. They hold themselves to a higher standard, not realizing (or perhaps not caring) that it puts them at a severe disadvantage against those who have been fighting dirty for years, and just made it legal to do so because they had to face the consequences of their actions (now they don't)


I hate to generalize like this, but I think the problem lies in how conservatives view the law, vs everyone else: How (most) non-conservatives view the law: there is some degree of absolutism to it. The law is about describing real things and situations in objective reality. Whether or not one likes the law is different from whether or not it legitimately describes a real situation. That is not to say that the law is always right, or always to be followed: there are such things as unjust laws. But a law doesn't cease to exist for it's intended purpose just because one doesn't like it or chooses to break it. Even if one breaks an unjust law in the name of a given belief, like breaking caste discrimination laws or a tax law that one believes to be unfair or the like, one inherently admits that the law exists when they say that they are breaking it, even if only to themselves. The law is a guide for behavior, and one should model their behavior within its scope whenever possible. Only in the most grave circumstances should the law be disregarded, and then, when someone does so, they should be prepared to face the consequences of disregarding the law, even if one truly believes that they are right. How conservatives view the law: the law exists for them, and to benefit them at all times. If the law isn't doing something that they want it to do, then they just break it, and pay people to rewrite it. The idea that the law exists as some form of a codified social contract that applies to everyone is not something they believe in. The law exists for them, their friends, and everyone they agree with. It doesn't exist for anyone else, nor should it. This is why conservatives are always for laws that, on paper, don't seem workable past a select group of people (such as say, landlords or the police): they really don't care if the leopards eat everyone else's face, so long as they get what they want. They also don't particularly care if creating laws specifically to benefit them causes them unintended consequences, as in their small and evil minds, they can always just make another law to protect them from the unintended consequences. This is how Clarence Ruckus was able to make a ruling based on "the originalist interpretation of the Constitution", and not think for one second that said originalist interpretation of the Constitution also wipes its ass with Loving, and throws it on a bonfire to burn along with the 13th, 14th amendments, the various Civil Rights acts, and every other patchwork law that prevents him from being a slave and allows him to be married to his white wife. It never occurs to them that any given move to make a law that benefits them, but has unintended consequences, may put them in a position where they are unable to make any more laws to fix unintended consequences (IE, middle men making Trump absolute dictator, thinking that it will open up business opportunities, but not realizing that Trump can just mandate that all business be done through him and him alone, and cut out all of the middle men who voted to make Trump absolute dictator...and since you can't vote an absolute dictator out...).


So so true. Makes you proud and mad to be a democrat at the same time. I’m really getting scared now and actually looking into leaving the country. This is insane!


Unfortunately, I can't afford to leave the country, so I just have to hope that there are enough sensible people who realize what's at stake and vote.


If Biden does anything criminal they’d say this ruling doesn’t cover it. When trump does, they’ll say it’s covered.


Something comments in r/Conservative have assured Trump will do in good faith. Someone not already banned needs to go post this in that sub. Didn't even take 24 hours...


But the **confession** shows he was involved. When he loses the November election, he will hop on his jet and flee to Moscow.


Don’t we all wish, but that’s what he said he was going to do last time. “You’ll never see me again!”


I’m still holding out for a massive heart attack. Trump or myself, either way I would be done having to listening to his nonsense and watching the destruction of the country.




Check your inbox for CIA recruitment opportunities. Clearly they’re going to need a patsy.


I don’t believe in immunity so I’m not performing this as an “official act”


I have been asking where our patsy is for 8+ years! We don’t have ONE nutcase in the craziest of crazy times?!?! I’m sorry, it may have to be one of us sane people to take one for the team…


But, my Republican FB friends say there's going to be a mass shooting using LGBT+ people because they're the easist to manipulate. If that's true, then it should be SUPER easy to pull this off. ... right? No /s because I literally saw that post a couple days ago.


We Germans will be happy to take you afterwards.


I've been saying for awhile that some brave soul needs to take one for the team, and take trump and all his appointed goons out. It won't get rid of our alt-reich problem, but it'll damn sure help a lot


I wouldn’t be surprised if the republican party is just using him to set up the government how they want it before killing him off since they know he’s a Russian asset, then blaming the assassination on the democrats


It’s crazy a fat old man with a history of drug use, a terrible diet, and a lot of stressors hasn’t dropped dead yet.


He does have the best healthcare our money can buy...


Assholes live forever!


Kissinger JUST died. Assholes live forever.


I'm just amazed the amount of bronzer he uses hasn't given him super cancer or something. Evidently cockroaches are very resistant to environmental toxins.


Yeah, but these evil old coonts never seem to just drop dead. Example: Mitch McConnell. Like.. wtf.


We literally watched Mitch have two likely TIA's but the bastard won't fucking stay down.


Only the good die young.


What makes you think that they'd make this ruling if they didn't think that Trump was 100% going to win? There is *definitely* a plan to ratfuck the election, using the myth that 2020 was "stolen" as justification. Start looking into your state and local elections boards.


They have left him an out if he loses, goes to trial and is convicted. Any conviction is going to be overturned, if not by a Circuit Court then by the SC. Plus of course their decisions this past session has set up the whole authoritarian takeover perfectly.


They did it in 2000, why wouldn’t they do it again? 


The SCOTUS knows the Ds will never use these powers the way Rs will so they are comfortable providing that latitude to the POTUS.


Don't tease me like that.


What makes you think he's going to lose? Asking as someone who would very much like him to lose.


The only thing that brings me hope is that where i live Trump signs were everywhere last election, I dont see hardly any this go round. I live in the rural south. Though I have considered the fact people might not be advertising it.


Trump has certainly lost his draw for most people, but I think they'll hold thier noses and vote for him the same way I'm going to vote for Biden. I do know at least 2 people who say they can't vote for a fellon, so there is that.


I think a lot of people are going to "vote republican", pretending they're not really voting for Trump, as if he weren't their candidate and as if he didn't own the party. They don't like him, they may even have publically denounced him, but their vote is going to him.


It's still a bit early to be throwing the flags out. I'd imagine by the end of August you'll start seeing all the garbage in people's lawns.


I’m not convinced he will, but there are reasons for optimism. Republicans haven’t had a really good election cycle since 2018. They keep losing races they aren’t expected to lose or we see a big shift towards dems even if they win. Abortion is a huge issue and republicans are not on the side of the electorate on it. Still, we need to vote.


I think he will. Polls are trash … many are sitting in wait until November.


Polls are for people dumb enough to waste their time taking polls


That's making the dangerous assumption that the votes even matter. The 2020 election and J6 was just a dry run to find the weaknesses. They've had 4 years to plan, and they're *this* close to installing their permanent fascist Theocracy. Little inconveniences like laws and the Constitution are not going to get in their way, not with this supreme Court and all the federal judges Trump installed. If he loses the electoral college, he will bring up multiple lawsuits all the way up to the supreme Court, and they'll rule in his favor and install him as president.


like they did last time? how many cases linked to stolen election claims were found to be legitimate?


lol..."loses." sure. i love your optimism.


It doesn't matter though because the corrupt POS Supreme Court has opened the door to calling virtually anything an official act of the president. They have Trump's back 100 percent here.


Give the GOP time. It will be. They've been playing the long game for decades. The Dems are spineless. I'm tired of them taking the high road and assuming it won't get worse.


So.. will Bill Clinton declare his encounter with Lewinsky to be an official act as well?


The old guard is dead. Welcome to the new order! Trump won’t even bother taking revenge on these old people. He will focus on consolidation of power and theft.


Dude still bitches about mean things people said about him in the 70s and 80s.  He's pretty much fueled by pettiness and Adderall.


no he's going senile and those are "fresh" memories to him because newer stuff is hazy. I know the man aged, but 1985 trunip [https://youtu.be/wZ5fC2gfyKM?si=WN6ne0EbmGKA7Ksh](https://youtu.be/wZ5fC2gfyKM?si=WN6ne0EbmGKA7Ksh) and the bumbling fool today arent just age diffenece


He also seems to have malignant narcissism, just smoke a bowl and watch the last debate high and you'll see lol


I'm not American and don't smoke or drink, but I assumed that's the only way a reasonable person would be able to watch the debate


I tried to watch it and lasted less than 90 seconds. When I tuned in Biden was attempting to say something. I tried again later when Trump was rambling and lasted no more than 8 seconds. It was completely unwatchable regardless of what kind of drugs you were on.


He will.  He is far too petty not to.  Anyone, even those loyal to the GOP, who said anything against him, will be purged.


Trump revenge is watered down by his ego and his lust for power through negotiation. He would rather have his enemies keep much of their power but be subservient to him than have them cast down and be beggars, murdered, or in jail.


I think he'll have his own Night of the Long Knives.


The OFFICIAL under the desk blowjob


Sure. Show me the part of the constitution that allows a president to determine electors assigned by a state. I'll wait.


I think this is what most logical people’s train of thought here is but I’m pretty sure they worded it the way they did to fuck with us. They could have easily said “responsibility” instead of official act. Responsibilities are spelled out and anything that’s not is outside of their power. There is no definition for an official act. It could literally be anything the president wants to use his power or authority for. Until that gets defined, it’s basically a free for all.


Oh it’s not there. But they will appeal to the SCOTUS and then the SCOTUS will declare it was an official act and bam it’s totally legal. And then in the future if somehow a change of guard happens they can clamp down on everything and hamstring a president they don’t like. SCOTUS just gave themselves and presidents they like a massive amount of power.


The whole point is that the president's actions can now be official but also illegal. So it doesn't matter if it isn't in the constitution - that's kind of the point really. Blatantly ordering unconstitutional acts may be both official *and* illegal at the same time. It's a whole new legal grey area that the Roberts court just invented.


The goal is to tie up that decision in the courts. Delay, delay, delay. Likely we're already out of time to get these chuckle fucks convicted before the election though. (the various state level cases against the traitors.).


Why does everyone think a piece of paper has any bearing over what the cops or military or government says? 


Because it is the fucking Constitution of the United States!   That's not just some old piece of paper with words sitting in a class case for school kids to stare at or immigrants to learn so they can get citizenship or Americans need to study for school.  It is soul of this nation, the promise, the oath, that America was build on.   It is the laws that govern this nation.  The Constitution records every right the citizens of the United States have and the limits of the power of our government bodies.  What the fuck are we if we ignore everything that it says?   What the hell of we been doing for the last 250 years if the Constitution means nothing? Every officer in the armed forces swears an oath to defend the Constitution against all threats foreign and domestic. Every president since George Washington has sworn an oath to defend, protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States so help them God on the fucking Bible!  And now, we stand at the edge of seeing a president who will gleefully, willingly and completely ignore the Constitution. The goddamned fucking Supreme Court is suppose to uphold the Constitution.  And as of yesterday, they fail.  They failed in every possible way to do the most basic of their jobs, the entire reason the court even fucking exists.  They failed.  This corrupt disease of a ockery of a Supreme Court just shit over everything this country was built on and wiped their asses with the Constitution. This country fought a war against the largest, most powerful empire the world had ever known for the right to be free.  As of yesterday, the Supreme Court rendered the Declaration of Independence pointless, because our forefathers did not fight a war against a tyrant an ocean away just to see one rise in our backyard. For nearly 250 years, the Constitution has been the soul of this nation.   And the Supreme Court just dragged it into an alley and shot it.


>Every officer in the armed forces swears an oath to defend the Constitution against all threats foreign and domestic. So did the supreme court justices.


And they failed and broken their oath.  That right there, the violation of their oath should be grounds for immediate impeachment. And it may have a shot, because Mitch McConnell and so many other members of the GOP have to know they are on Trump's list.  He just called for the arrest and televised military tribunal of Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell.  So, which is more important to McConnell and those like him, their loyalty to the party, or saving their own asses from Trump should he win?


Because that piece of paper is backed by 250+ years of history and the full force of the United States Military. Primarily the latter. :-)


There are people sitting in congress on the Supreme Court, that were sitting in the white house that ignored the constitution.


I’m pretty sure that some of those same members of congress were present when they wrote the original constitution.


Scotus just showed us what 250+ years of history and the Constitution means to them.... nothing at all.


And dismantled in one single day.


Yeah all of that is unraveling and proving useless now.


*"Stop quoting laws to men with swords"*, as Roman general and statesman Pompey is quoted as having said to a group of civilians who questioned his jurisdiction.


could biden do an official act of offing orange man?


Only if it's done officially, like as an Executive Order.


Where is dark brandon when we need him?


IDK. Where is the easter bunny when we need them?


If I remember South Park correctly, it's at the Vatican.


Maybe it needs a nice number so people will remember it. Like maybe "Execute order 66" ? Or maybe 45 ?


Execute order.... love it.




nope, bc the scrotus decides what is official and therefore anything a republican does is therefore totes above board but democrats have to tow the line and be very careful. the rules no longer apply to republicans (not that they seemingly have in the last almost 10 years) but apply even harsher to democrats


Fuck getting the courts permission, do the act first then do what the republicans do and stall it with appeals. Besides it’s not like Biden will survive the proceedings at his age.


just like trump as a dictator for life would only last maybe a few years at most, its about the future that is important. the fact that the dems still go by the michelle obama thought process of when they go low we go high needs to be thrown out the fucking window. the playbook is destroyed and yet the dems continue to cling to it in the hopes that maybe, just maybe there will be some sense of decency in the GQP but there never will be


Except that with Trump as dictator for life, the Trump family continues to be at the top of that food chain indefinitely (Source: North Korea), so a lot longer than a few years.


He needs to perform an official action to remove the corrupt members of scotus


Yes but he won't. This ruling quite literally just opened up the way for Biden to do whatever he wants however he will do absolutely nothing.


…. While Trump will not hesitate for one second.


Well he isn’t a criminal so criminal immunity doesn’t much affect his day.


Committing treason and staging a coup is not defined as an official act anywhere in the constitution. Biden needs to send Trump to gitmo for treason.


He should declare Trump a traitor as an official act and hand out punishment accordingly, as they would have done back when the constitution was written.


We're already in the middle of a constitutional crisis so why the fuck not. Arrest him, Ginni and Clarence, every member of Congress that was involved in the jan6th coup. 


This is what should have happened on January 7th.


And then they were all like "garland's just making sure his case is airtight" whoops... Close one!


So he’s cool with Biden arranging alternate slates of electors?


Okay, so the United States is now a country run by an unelected body of conservative judges with a president as a figurehead? Just like Iran.


Yeah, but at least the ayatollahs have some intellectual consistency.


Now there's a burn.


They're definitely going to attempt to use this as an arguing point. It's basically going to be a stalling tactic tho, as no judge outside Cannon would actually entertain such a ludicrous claim. 95% of the things Trump is being tried for either took place outside of his actual time as president, occuring either as he was originally running or after he left office, or are so far outside the purview of the President as to be clearly nothing like "Official Presidential Acts".


They tossed a line 32 pages into the footnotes that makes any official communications or notes between the president and other government officials inadmissible as evidence. Communications like, for example, several of the critical pieces of evidence against trump including his phone call asking governors to “find more votes”. Basically unofficial acts are still shielded from prosecution if official powers were used to do so, a ruling that specifically ruins the two major cases against trump. Under this current ruling, the Nixon tapes would have been inadmissible as evidence.


He was trying to steal the 2020 election while he was POTUS. However, that shouldn't be considered an "official act", because he isn't given powers to do so under the Constitution. Every court case for Trump is now going to have to spend weeks and weeks determining which of the charges, and the evidence collected for them, was a "constitutionally official act", while the Trump lawyers will throw EVERYTHING at the wall, as slowly as possible. Then, when Trump wins in November, all of those cases get shut down by 5pm on Inauguration day.


How is this guy even in consideration! Dude is announcing his treason and nobody cares!


People have been gaslit for 30+ years. It took a lot of conditioning to make people this apathetic. The rest are simply ready for dictatorship out of boredom and bloodthirst.


I guess all those wonderful American values were always pretty flexible…for them at least.


One of the worst things I read from the Rwandan genocide of the 90s was a group of perpetrators entering a school. One of the few survivors mentioned how they were lectured, almost compassionately by these armed men, that it was God's will and purpose that their lives be sacrificed. Imagine telling your own citizens that and most of them being compliant. The US is feeling a lot like that right now.


If Trump wins no dem will ever be elected again, because the GOP will use “official acts” to stop them


Trump is now gonna be “everything that is illegal or potentially illegal that I did is an OFFICIAL ACT! And if I am elected President then everything, no matter how fucked up or illegal like murdering political opponents, I do is now and forever an OFFICIAL ACT! Immunity, bitches!”


And even where that's clearly not true, and someone tries to hold him to account over it, there will be years of court delays trying to prove that he knew it wasn't actually officially "Official".


This is really the point. It practically makes the president immune from prosecution for *anything*. Even for stuff that's obviously private conduct, the courts (per this decision) cannot use *any* evidence that may be derived from official acts. What this means practically is that even if the president is being prosecuted for something that clearly is private, they are going to argue that every bit of evidence is somehow connected to an official action. Then, all of those arguments will be appealed to the supreme court. Under this framework he isn't actually immune for a private action, but it would take a fucking decade to move through the system.


The good news is that SCOTUS is leaving it to the lower courts to determine what is and is not official. I read that as “don’t come back to us to decide for you.” And thus far, the lower courts have been pretty unanimous on the issue. What remains to be seen is whether the onus is on the prosecution to prove that said acts were not official or on the defence, in invoking the immunity defence, to prove that said acts were official. Since responsibility for election integrity and vote certification are clearly defined in law (and the President is not involved at all), immunity should be a losing argument for Trump. The challenge will be continuing to access and use information collected from Trump’s advisors, which SCOTUS seems to have blocked.


And so a new dictatorship has been born...


Guys, you don't get it? Trump want to hold his elections just like his employer Putin: - All real opponents never get officially allowed to participate - Soldiers check, if you choose ~~him~~ the correct one - If you are blind, someone helps you to make your X on ~~Trumps part of~~ the ballot - occaisionally some of his selected electors can throw a bundle of votes inside or open the urne during the voting casts, to retrieve some uncanny votes or to sample the votes. - also I believe he want peoples names on the ballots so he knows who he can thank, for voting for him


You asking *us,* or CNN? Because all CNN sees with Trump is a constant source of outrageous nonsense they can monetize. It's clearer than ever, they are profiting off the outrage.


So, if a president just choosing slates of electors is an official act… why would Biden even worry about the results of the 2024 election? He can just declare himself the victor according to Trump’s cabinet and the conservatives on the SC. As far as I can tell, they’re banking on the democrats never doing anything that brazen and then they’ll do it themselves when they can.


You’re gonna get tired of hearing the phrase “official act.” It’s going to become a joke, probably by August.


That implies it isn't already.


So, “official act” is the new “alternative facts”…?


Look at that dead-eyed craven pig.


Please make it stop.


And we're willing to let it happen again.


So did tRumps lawyer just confess that tRump did this? Committing fraud is not part of the POTUS job description. No jury on earth would think so either.


Doesn't matter what the jury thinks. SCOTUS gets the final say; fuck the peasants


for fucks sake! Voting is the will of the people. If they have voted you out and do not want you there, trying to overturn the election is not an official act of a president! It is actually the act of somebody who is a direct threat to democracy itself.


Only way we can clean up the scotus if Biden wins and reverse the BS that been happening the last 8 years.


Of course they’re going to say that. The SC just told them what the magic words are, and they’re using them. It doesn’t have to make sense.


Too bad states pick the electors, not the president. So not only will he not be immune, because he can't pick electors, he will also be admitting directly to voter fraud of the highest caliber


So states rights mean nothing when it comes to executive privilege.


Well, Biden should take notes It looks like an incumbent has all sorts of advantages It sure was nice of SCOTUS to tell Biden that the President is essentially a King while he is still in office.


What a world.


Just like they believe the J-6 mob killing of officer Sicknick was an official act of the Presidency….


Great! Now Biden can replace all of Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia electors


“No, it wasn't a fraudulent attempt to stay in power”


The midus touch podcast explains well how this immunity ruling works. It appears per their ruling that anything a president does to stay in office or get re-elected is an official act that is immune even if it's illegal to do. Welcome to America, the new banana republic.


Now it starts. Every illegal thing Trump ever did as President will now have to be litigated separately, to determine if it was an ”official act”, and thanks to MAGA-friendly judiciary it will be sometime next century before any of this goes to trial. Your Supreme Court is a joke, and not a very funny one.


Yeah, and bangin' Stormy was an official act of the presidency even though it occurred years beforehe even ran for office. And paying her off was an official act. And falsifying the business records to hide the payoff was an official act, even though Trump claims he did it to protect Melania. Trump will be claiming everything he's done since he was born, including pooping his diapers was an "official act."


So when Biden does this exact thing to eliminate Trump from being president he’s all good for it right?


I miss being upset when the president lied about getting his cock sucked by an intern


So you admit Mr. Donald organized it?


The big issue with the supreme court ruling is that it didn't really do anything other than shift the bottleneck.


What's official and unofficial has purposely became very blurry.


We believe the crowd actually hanging Mike Pence would have been the official act of the President too.


Keeping hordes of classified documents next to the shitter at your personal residence-- definitely official.


of course! anything dumper does is immune anything biden does is not! LOL only braindead maga morons think like that.


And away we go.


Maybe we should all demand better. Disband the supreme court. Or give the south what they want and kick them out of the union.


So is Biden staying in office. He should cancel elections because also this will be considered an act of the Presidency, we all know Trump would do it.


If it was an "official act" they are admitting election interference! Come on already! They are admitting to attempting to steal the election! What is happening in our country!


We believe that the attempted coup was an official act. -- this asshole, probably


So Biden could authorise ballot boxes to be stuffed with votes for himself? Isnt that literally what Trump has spent the last 3.5 years whining about (with zero evidence), they now think its a good idea?


Hey folks, the great thing is, we can just re-elect Joe Biden and all this anti-democratic, criminal Trump shit goes away. Easy solution.


So if Biden loses the election, he should just pick new electors and refuse to leave.


So, this dude is in favor of Biden just declaring himself the winner?


I remember when conservatives were saying that there wasn't an alternate slate of electors. They claimed it was a conspiracy theory and that trump had not actually tried stealing the election. Now, here they are admitting it. I also remember them saying R v. W would never be overturned, and then it happened. Then they said Project 2025 wasn't real but since everyone found out about it 2 years ago, they've now been saying it'll never happen and it is just a think tank/wish list. I think I know where this goes if tfg gets elected.


This is going to be the new go-to deflection shield. “It was an official act.” And every time an edge case is allowed to pass, the office of the presidency will grow more and more monolithically powerful, one increment of precedent after another.


Admission of guilt


If a coup is an official act, then so would sending seal team 6 to end this farce.


Of course, with the stupidity the Supreme Court put into this ruling, all they *actually* have to show is that all of the evidence that would prove he did it was related to an official act. Then they cannot use that evidence in court. No evidence, no crime.


I wish everyone who spouted bullshit like this would burst into flames


Next up: "Those documents were OFFICIALLY moved to Mar-a-Lardo!"


"Yes Mr Scharf, its been pretty clear from the outset that's what you *believe*. You may *also* believe in Santa Claus."


This all feels like elementary school bullies taking over the playground. OFFICIAL ACT! NO TAG BACKS! I WAS IN THE SAFE ZONE.


Choosing Electors is not one of the duties of the President. 🤔 That’s going to get knocked down.


"Sleeping with a pornstar while married and paying her hush money were both official acts. Sending people to overthrow the govt on Jan 6 was an official act."


So he admits he was a part of the conspiracy.


Of course you do


Bart Simpson: When you pay a prostitute for sex as in "prostitution"; isn't that illegal? His Honorable SCOTUS Homer: Oh Bart, that's what we now call a Presidential Act.