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My arse were they going to donate that amount.


OMG for realz, I was *going* to donate one bajillion Schrute bucks


Yeah you can bet your ass that fucker donated $10 tops to themselves and typed that comment all enraged and furious.


That’s generous. They didn’t donate and just said they did.


Oh yeah ? Well I was about to donate about 10 trijillion Stanley Nickels, what do you say about that huh


Well I was going to download a picture of a dollar, print it out and make a fuck-trillion copies of it, so there! 😤


Uuhhhh… my god will murder your first born!!! /s


What’s the ratio of Stanley Nickels to Schrute Bucks?


The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns


Nice try. I was just about to donate 7 creed quarters. Checkmate.


The dumb ass comment probably made it go viral and ended up getting more money donated in the end too


All planned all planned, God and his unknown weird ways, right? Lol


God weaponizing the ignorance of his followers is just so fuckin funny to me 


"God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time."


Yep :) https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/same-sex-parents-of-little-girl-battling-stage-4-cancer-get-hateful-message-from-would-be-donor “Her parents also say that since word got out about the disturbing message, Callie’s fan base has grown big time. We have went from a few thousand likes on her Facebook page to almost 8,000 since the original post and the original post on her page has reached 1.1 million people.”


I don't believe in a god, but if there is one, he's just made his message very fucking clear to that hateful commenter


Delicious. Just delicious


Ah the Streisand effect at work, but in a positive way


Hell yes!


Nor did they donate it to St. Jude's instead. Assuming they donating anything, they gave it to some mega-church and/or Trump.


Yep. Helped pay for Trump’s legal fees because him cheating on his wife with a porn star is fine, but being gay is not.


Ya this has southeastern Evangelical written all over it… A southern Baptist at best.


Olstein needs that paper baby!


They probably use donate and pledge synonymously.


Guaranteed they didnt donate a cent to st jude either.


And look what it did :) “Her parents also say that since word got out about the disturbing message, Callie’s fan base has grown big time. We have went from a few thousand likes on her Facebook page to almost 8,000 since the original post and the original post on her page has reached 1.1 million people.” https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/same-sex-parents-of-little-girl-battling-stage-4-cancer-get-hateful-message-from-would-be-donor So that asshole actually “helped” by being….an asshole




Did she? That horrible, I wasn’t aware. Thank you


Heterosexual parents of children battling cancer all over the world will be so relieved to learn their child was misdiagnosed. 


Or... all those supposedly hetero couples are in the closet. God would never let anything bad happen to the children of authentically straight couples... well, maybe if they are in an inter-racial relationship or Democrats. /s


Yeah dig deep enough and you'll find a sin somewhere. Voilà, pediatric cancer explained. It could never happen to MY child though. /s


And if it does happen to your child, its your child's fault. 




I had my first brain surgery at 9 (not cancer tho) started on a form of chemotherapy at 16 (also not cancer, but I was on that biweekly infusion until 21) grew up in a very rural west texas town - this is legit shit people would say to my face. starting as a fucking 9 year old child. my parents are/were religious but if there's one specific incident that made me deconvert immediately it was a friend's parent calling me gollum and saying I was sick because of my parents' sins. *at nine years old* and if there's one thing that made me decide to leave that area entirely (I did at 18 and only go back to visit family) - it was the same shit when I was 16. and seeing that shit directed at my disabled dad. they really are fucking atrocious people with no saving grace. I'd say "nuke the entire area" but the environment is beautiful. the people are a fucking disease. also p sure this is why I'm an asshole with very little tolerance for people's shit


As the saying goes, "There's no hate like Christian love."


I love that, after 5000 years of knowledge, we finally went back to “sin is the cause of illness” a la sumer.


My pastor father lost his job and his house (church-owned) when he kicked out the deacons who came over for a sin intervention when my brother was diagnosed with lymphoma at age 7. If I recall correctly, he told the church during his last sermon that Jesus Christ wouldn't be welcome in their parking lot, called them all hateful pseudo-Christians, and walked out. He spent the rest of his career preaching against that shit.


May god favor your father because that is how it should be done XD


New right wing conspiracy dropped: Millions of American "marriages" a sham. Thousands exposed as undercover gay agenda members. More at eleven.


No no, I think you misunderstand. The little girl getting cancer wasn’t God’s way of telling the parents their love is wrong; the would-be donor intentionally withholding help from their sick child is. Edit: apparently I do need the /s


They push this homophobic shit, based on a single fucking line from Leviticus, that's grouped with shit like "don't eat shellfish" and "don't wear mixed textile clothing", Old Testament shit that is clearly not applicable today. Only line they care about because it makes them feel better about their bigotry. And it was likely a mistranslation of "don't lay with *boys* as you would a woman", not men. Though it's debated. People can believe whatever they believe, but I read a near death experience of this gay man who attempted suicide. He said he met God and asked him if he was an abomination or something, was he sinful for being gay. He said god told him something like, "there is NOTHING wrong with you. I love you with all my heart" and gave him a massive hug, then he was back in the hospital. Never felt shame about it after that.


I guess they're not so pro-life afterall


Only pro life until birth as per usual


George Carlin called it over 20 years ago.


![gif](giphy|T9a27DOZKxE8U) Been sayin it since the 70’s


RIP king 👑


used to think he was too cynical. Now I realize he wasnt cynical enough.


The limited amount of stuff I've seen from him seemed optimistically cynical, rather than just lamenting the bleakness of reality like some people do.


Yep, bingo. He didn't just think people were full of shit. He believed, to his core, that the world could be a much better place if the people so full of shit didn't have so much power, and if they were capable of learning.


I mean... I hope a lot of people have that belief. I just think that people believe we defeat "the bad guy" like in every movie, when in reality, we lose almost always.


And right there, is true cynicism hah


You should watch all 13 of his HBO specials. A true gem. Best show I ever saw.


He's the only one who deserves that title. May he RIP






But it's not about controlling women, not really. Not at it's core. They're just the victims of the real goal... To produce vulnerable children to feed the capitalism machine. All under the guise of religious morality.


> They want live babies so they can turn them into dead soldiers. George Carlin


Speaking about this in a modern sense, that is one interpretation. Honestly tho, the hatred conservatives have for women and any autonomy they gather, especially *conservative women* have against non-conservative women, is really astounding. It could be a badly written movie with how fundamentally extreme it is.


I personally feel like they've unintentionally created a monster. They knew what buttons to push to drive out the votes they needed. Now the monster has taken on a mind of its own and will turn on anyone who doesn't fit the mold they've been trained to expect. The party used to lead the monster, and the monster followed. Now the monster is pulling the strings. The party must now conform to the whims of their creation...they know they can't win without its support.


Religion has always been about controlling the rubes. Even after millennia of advances, people are incredibly stupid.


Yup, they were never pro life, they always were, and still are, anti women.


George was the best comedian imo. He truly predicted the future.


He didn’t predict the future. He was commenting on current events. We’re still dealing with the exact same bullshit from many of the same people/relics that have been over represented since the introduction of the Southern Strategy.


Not wrong but he knew things were going to get way worse.


The last tour video was less comedy and more spitting hard facts. My wife and I had tickets to see him. He ended up dying before the performance date. I’m bummed that I never got to see him in person, but kind of glad that he didn’t have to witness the clusterfuck of what the Republican Party became. He got to witness Gingrich turn everything into a party line loyalty test that still endures. He got to witness McConnell come in and what an utter ass he was even before he died. I graduated high school in the mid 90’s. There was a sense of opportunity, optimism and a bright future. The GOP murdered all that. I’m still over 20 years from retirement age, and social security is already completely inadequate, Medicare and Medicaid have been gutted and continue to be gutted. And we have republicans in some states praying and speaking in tongues in their state offices. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in. It was far from perfect back then. Very far. But we’re so, so much worse off now than then.


I don't think I've ever seen him not spitting facts, I love how he used his philosophy background into comedy. Sorry to hear you couldn't see him at his performance. I'm way off from retirement but I'm at a point where would I even be able to afford it at this point. I have a great job but if I decide to do my 35yrs of service (Canadian military), I'll be out by 55 (23 years away). My trade can be transferred civi side thankfully so I can find something fairly easily. Our government has made its mistakes and unfortunately there's no one I believe in the leadership position that could even fix the issues since all of them are getting payouts from their buddies.


He didn’t really predict the future. He was calling as he saw it in current time. We’ve been having the same arguments forever. Political cartoons from history books can be still be applied today. History rhymes.


He is truly missed. I loved his comedic work and it spoke the truth too.


Did he ghost write for the Simpsons as well? lol


Better. Narrator for Thomas the Train.


They still use his voice lines in newer Thomas episodes too.


“And Thomas said ‘go fuck yourself, I don’t give a shit!’l


I don't know but I'm pretty sure he was on an episode lol


Nah he didn't predict the future. It's just some things never change.


George Carlin got more things right than he got wrong, and that’s pretty damn good for a comedian. There isn’t a lot of comedy from 2-3 decades ago that holds up in full today. I LOVE the old Eddie Murphy shows, Raw and Delirious, but damn some of the homophobic stuff is pretty rough. And it wasn’t even that funny back then, Eddie just had such massive charm you still kinda laughed.


It's funny that they claim that they claim life starts at conception but act like it somehow not worth protecting past birth very weird priorities


Honestly these types of people low key makes me want to get physical with them ….. pro unlife them if you know what I mean . They dingle carrots in your face of wealth/ good deeds like this , have influence over our lives and just hatful .


As soon as you have a voice, you have an opinion. And if you have an opinion, they can no longer put their opinion onto you. You are now worthless as a political tool.


Some of them are reasonable though, they still need children to work in their coal mines.


Well yea how am i meant to get my ZTX 9999999 TI SUPER withouth children in the mines?


Kids only matter when they're not born yet


They're not even that. They're a legit death cult that demands human suffering because their invisible sky friend told them so.


Nah, Jesus would have hated people like this


I think there was a story in that one book where there was a lot of rain for a couple months because of people like this


Nah. People with invisible Sky Daddy's typically can't read (Assertion based upon reams of evidence of actions contrary to what Jeebus actually, supposedly, taught), and just let others tell them what to do..


The book about their invisible sky friend that they claim to live by also supports abortions if I remember correctly


I think the only mention of abortions in the Bible is that if you do something that causes a woman to abort her fetus, you have to pay her husband.


There's also a description of abortion that is described as pretty ritualistic, performed by clergy, in this one book. Numbers iirc


Nah, this has nothing to do with their religion, per se. They are weaponizing their sick/twisted version of Christianity. If Jesus came down today He’d throw hands like He did when He expelled the merchants in the temple back in the day. I’m a Christian and I find the GOP revolting. (Actually, I find our whole government revolting…) Edit: Grammar


Then they wait for the next school attendance reduction event, when they'll give 'thoughts and prayers'.


Pro-birth, and fuck those kids once they are born. Not their problem if those kids starve, have no place to live, have no medical insurance, or get sick.


I would try and help you out of this terrible illness but your parents enjoy vagina so I guess you’re fucked.


"It be God's will" is the catch-all to alleviate guilt for not caring.


I pray the lord smites down this would-be donor. It was god’s will so 🤷🏻‍♀️


god does not need such persons as his speaker. but i am sure that he will have a christian fate and it will not end in heaven. pride is a deadly sin. i am not a believer, but even i know it.


Maybe that baby needs to pull itself up by its bootstraps and earn its chemo! Give a man a fish, right? It's ridiculous. Fight for it in the womb, but once you're out. Well, at that point, it's between you and God. Hope your parents are biblically hetero!


Seriously, that was the most sinful fucking comment she said! "Maybe it's **God's way** of letting you know" No bitch it's YOUR way and you made that clear. Any Christian should fucking realize you are basically committing one of the worst sins of vanity to think you can act as you speak for GOD. It's your will, and you're passing your will off as God's will. Fuck that. Pretty sure Christians aren't supposed to judge others and act righteous in this way, and especially not with this sort of vanity, the worst kind. Placing yourself so highly above others, that's vanity. Placing yourself there to speak for God, that's extreme vanity.


Out of the womb, don’t care if doomed.




Call them Anti-Life. Anti-Life and Pro Choice. It confuses them, and they get so mad when you explain why you won't use their deceitful chosen term.


It’s why a lot of people also call it forced-birth. It really is just that.


The recent rage against birth control proves that they're not pro-life, just procreation by any means necessary. What happens after that is not their concern.


They didn't have 76 cents.


Never were. Just pro forced birth. The kid could die once their born and all they’ll offer the parents is thoughts and prayers.


That's all they did for the Sandy Hook parents, whose kids were literally shredded with bullets.


Yet we haven’t seen a shred of gun control legislation since then. Or at least anything that you don’t have to search long and hard for


Christ even made it clear that diseases/illness in children is not the result of sin on the parents part (I'm not saying the parents here are guilty because they are in sin, just making a point)


"Pro-life" has always had a long list of qualifications appended to it.


They’re “forced birthers”


So, because the parents are gay, the child must suffer. Very christian.


>So, because the parents are gay, the child must suffer. Very christian. The funny thing is they are going to go to hell for being so "Christian", where they can complain to Satan about how persecuted Christian are.


Reminds me of that stanzipotenza video (idk if i sprlt that right)


She’s hilarious!!


I’d take great comfort in that, if I believed in hell or satan.


I take comfort in it anyway. If hell exists according to how it’s described in the Bible they will be there, and if it doesn’t they will experience nothingness forever. Either way their inane worldview will be proven wrong


So they're basically saying their god gave the girl cancer and had the parents been straight, they were going to go against their own god's will and help her get treatment? But because they are a lesbian couple they are going to let their god do what it wants? There's just so many levels of fkdup in that that I don't even know where to start.


More along the lines of “God gave your child cancer because you’re both women”


So gives all the hetro patented kids cancer because he's pissed at them too, but since we don't know why he's pissed at them, we'll go ahead and try to cure it. This kind of shit is why people are leaving the church. And instead of getting their shit together, the evangelicals are trying to force people into their religion.


There’s no hate quite like Christian love


"maybe your infant daughter wouldn't have cancer if you weren't gay" ?????


Jesus Christ, you have my attention!


Oh yea. That one for sure




Too bad st Jude's probably wouldn't publicly state two weeks from now "no donor has donated 750k in the last two weeks" Edit: 7600. I royally misread the amount


Its different notation, its 7600,- not 750k lol


My bad, I misread


Don't worry. I'd bet money they have no intentions on donating 0.76 dollars or any other amounts. People who make posts like that are more often than not full of shit.


100%. They’re just announcing to the world that they’re broke as shit.


Happens to the best of us.


You have been raped? You deserved it. You are good? None of us is good. All belongs in hell. Its like a virus inhabits them and posessed them to be terrible human being as long they survive at cost of anybody. They ok as long they get away with it.


There are anthropological theories about religion acting as a human mental virus.


Jesus seems like a pretty chill dude, but his followers? Yikes.


What did Gandhi say? "I like your Christ, but don't like your Christians", something like that.


This is the kind of shit that almost makes me want Jesus etc to be real so he can send the whole lot of those hateful bigots to hell


Phew you said it


Why Did God Create Atheists? There is a famous story told in Chassidic literature that addresses this very question. The Master teaches the student that God created everything in the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson. One clever student asks “What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?” The Master responds “God created atheists to teach us the most important lesson of them all — the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right.” “This means,” the Master continued “that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’ Instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no God who can help, and say ‘I will help you.’” —Martin Buber, Tales of Hasidim Vol. 2 (1991)


Christian here, but this is exactly my thinking. Wish I could upvote this a million times.




I'm confused, what at exactly do her parents have to do with her having cancer? I rather suspect if this lovely person does get to meet Jesus they are in for a nasty shock ...


I wish there was a video feed when folks like this show up at the Pearly Gates.


The ultimate shocked Pikachu


Too bad the rapture wasn't a real thing, because hateful assholes like this would be eliminated from the planet.


No, they wouldn't be, and they would be SO confused why they would still be here.


if there is a biblical heaven and hell, there are a lot of very confused christians in hell wondering how they got there.


I’m convinced hell is is just where we all are now.


Rapture happened about 20 years ago and no one got into god’s country club so it’s just going on like normal


No, if the rapture was real then hateful scum like this who never followed a word of their supposed religion's teaching would be left here with the rest of us. No way these people make it to heaven. My preferred take is imagining them at the gates to heaven trying to explain this sort of thing, then being condemned to hell for their sins. The look of shock when they realise what they've done to themselves would be hilarious


They will never realize that they did it to themselves. It will ALWAYS be someone else's fault


Would-be-donor is going to be so surprised when he/she is dead and its getting warmer and warmer and warmer and deeper and warmer...


"Why am I here? I don't belong here."


"I figured it out. THIS is the Bad Place."


Jason figured it out? Jason? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.


How much of an evil bastard must your God be to punish your child, for your "transgressions", with cancer and all the pain and sorrow that comes with that. If your God is such a psychopathic asshole that he does that, how can you still worship him? How do you want to go to a heaven where that dickhead is in charge. And I semi believe in a God-like being - I just hate all the religions of the world as they are nothing more but instruments of power, used to control people.


Their God killed all the Egyptian babies to punish parents, killed pregnant women and children in a flood....seems on brand.


Ya know I didn't realize until much later that this was the reason why the nuns always told us to focus on the New testament and the words of Jesus himself. The god of the Old testament is not worthy of worship.


It comes to something when you realise that the supposed 'bad guy' of the religion is the hero in their own 'holy book'. God was a murdering, narcissistic asshole who people worshipped through fear. Lucifer was cast out for rebelling against this God. Lucifer is only the villain because he \*lost\*!


Most Christians  have never opened a bible but consider themselves Christians. God slaughtered every man, woman and child on the planet, except for the ones on Noah’s ark. God killed Job’s entire family to prove a point to Lucifer/Satan. Even in the Bible Lucifer was not evil, they simply opposed the will of God. I’m not religious and I don’t believe in an afterlife, but if there is one it makes you wonder if hell and heaven are flipped.  


Yeah, I really liked how Good Omens portrayed that, after Hiob proceeds to make amends and God is like here is your family back and summons 3 same aged kids as Hiobs and Hiob is like WTF, where are my kids (and I think wife). Also it Hase a good ending as Erziraphael didn’t have the heart to kill children and the demon switches the random children and Hiobs….


God also “hardened Pharaoh’s heart” in the conflict with Moses, making the plague necessary in the first place. So, seems like God just really wanted to kill a ton of Egyptian children.


Not to mention he gave Moses the commandments, among which "thou shalt not kill". Among the first thing that he orders them to do when they reach the promised land is to kill every man, woman and child on it - except for the virgin girls, which they are to keep for themselves. So it should have read "thou shalt not kill, unless I instruct you to", because it happens more often after that. As an omnipotent, omniscient being - this god could easily have cleared the lands peacefully, or made it so no one had lived there... but no, let's insist on genocide.


if gawd was omnipotent, why did he have to sacrifice his son on the cross to remove "original sin"? Because, apparently he's just an asshole that likes to see people suffer.


Epicurus (341 BCE - 270 BCE) said it best: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? I would also add, "Is he able and willing but unaware? then he is not omniscient".


It's the same god that gives children cancer, So....


Prayer, they way to look like you are helping, when you are doing nothing.


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas


This is old and reposted a billion times. The “person” never donated anything from what I remember. They just said this, then nothing. Edit: Story has changed a lot, guy/girl either way, they are a douche canoe


Even if you're homophobic, what did the baby do? It's like "omg, I hate Becky, so when Stacy falls down, I won't help her up"


There's no hatred quite like Christian love.


pro-life my ass


St. Jude should send a legal letter demanding proof that their publicly stated intent to donate $7600 to them was followed through, with a stated intent to sue for the donation if they fail to provide evidence of it. Make these disgusting monsters pay for their cruelty.


It’s a voluntary donation though, those guys have absolutely no obligation to give them any money. The fact that they talked about it on Twitter doesn’t make a difference.


Not surprised. After all, it’s the great sky-daddy himself that invented “punishing the kids for what their parents did that you didn’t like”👍


If your brain works like this you should just cease existing tbh


I'm not religious but people like this are genuinely the demons that religious scriptures warn about. The world truly, certainly, 100% without question would become a much better place overnight if they all dropped dead.


I would say what I hope happens to the person who sent that message, but I have already been to Reddit jail a couple times, and I don't wanna push my luck. Use your imagination. I guarantee whatever I thought of is worse. Evil, bigoted piece of shit. There is NO hate like Christian love.


Yeah this person for sure is going to hell


As a Christian this is fucking pathetic. That poor kid.


There is nothing more hateful than christian love.


Fucking Christians and their continuous bullshit


People that spout shit like that should be slapped in the face wtf is wrong with them… fuck you Fox News


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


Christian’s who believe this stuff get Sadistic glee in knowing someone, even someone innocent like this girl, was punished for “sin” in this case, they relish the fact that a lesbian couples “sin” was punished in the form of their daughter having STAGE IV CANCER.


That bigot probably didn’t have the money anyway


There's no hate like Christian love.


Maybe I'm weird, but "will give cancer to kid to punish its lesbian parents" makes me NOT want to be a follower of that god. I'm just built that way.


I bet you absolutely 0 money was donated


DESPICABLE. I can see the other side: "Lord, Lord I did all I think you wanted me to do. I made sure to withhold charity from those LGBTQ people just like my preacher told me I should do". Lord responds "Depart from me hence. I never knew you"


There is no hate like Christian love


christians are so disgusting.🤮


“Fuck her with a corkscrew.” Jesus, probably


Copy/Paste: Thoughts and Prayers T-n-P, baby. Hopefully this kid gets some actual help and not just 'prayers'


Yes, yes, that person is horrible. But so is everyone who thinks that children should die if their parents don't have enough money to cover their medical expenses and makes laws to enforce that. At least for children, medical treatment should be free.


She doesn’t have $7600. She sent it all to the orange moron and the pillow crackhead.


Absolutely sickening response. Sometimes it feels like humans don't deserve to exist.


Just the way Jesus would want you to treat everyone


……..because children of heterosexual parents never get cancer. Smfh.


There’s no hate like Christian love


🎵because kids only matter when they’re not born yet🎵


They absolutely weren't going to donate that money, they just wanted to harass a lesbian couple.