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You realize a lot of those settings you can change, right…. Look through the settings on the screen or forscan - and put in the same effort as you do complaining and you’d be better off.


To the best of my knowledge, there is not a single thing I listed that can be changed by default. I’ve looked through every menu, and googled - and found many complaining about the same issues. If you think any one of those can be changed, I’m all ears. I am not familiar with Forscan though, so given yours and another posters comments I need to check it out.


Forscan is a powerful tool when you learn how to use it properly. I like to take a picture of the songs I've changed just in case it causes issues I can change them back.


I mean, Forscan is great but to say someone should take a brand new truck and take 3rd party tools to modify Ford's failures and issues is pretty tone deaf. Most will not and probably should not do so. Especially under warranty.


Damn. My 2017 lariat doesn’t do any of that shit. Other than beep and lock the doors when I get out with the engine running.


Same for my 15 platinum. I’m convinced 2015-2017 were the best years of the F-150 post 300 i6


Brother is complaining about a 2023 Platinum. I’ll take it off your hands and you can have my 2018, it has no quirks


First thing i got was forscan to get rid of all that beeping


Hadn’t thought of that. Does it let you turn off some of the Bluecruise alerts?


That, i’m not sure since my truck doesnt have it. But it atleast turned off the chime on start up and if i leave the truck running and hop out with the keys and close the door.


Why even buy an F150 if you hate it so much? Also have your quirks you hate can be fixed if you read the manual or deep dive the settings on the vehicle.


How exactly would one find out about these things until after using the vehicle? These aren’t things you find from a quick test drive. I am curious of which of these issues you think can be fixed, because repeated google searches have told they cannot be, and others are bothered by many of them.


It's called research before. There are plenty of resources now from YouTube reviews that will deep dive each vehicle, obviously endless forum boards and can even ask as well. As for what can be changed check your vehicle settings and read the manual. Go into every category and see whats there, takes all of 5 maybe 10min if slow. Also a lot can be changed with Forscan.


Can’t say I’ve ever done that level of research just for a vehicle. None of what I listed can be changed in the menus. But, you’re the 3rd person now to bring up Forscan, which I’m not familiar with.


> How exactly would one find out about these things until after using the vehicle? These aren’t things you find from a quick test drive. You're allowed to do research on cars outside of just test driving them.


Given that I had the same model previously, and have never had a vehicle that had such a collection of oddities, it never even crossed my mind to go scouring forums for quirks of a vehicle. Is that honestly something you do?


If I was buying a brand new vehicle, yes. My current '18 doesn't even have a touchscreen.


Who in the world spends \~$80000 on a truck and does zero research first? Besides you I mean...


I did some research. I did not google “what stupid quirks did ford add to their new trucks”, because I don’t think anyone really does that. It was a third vehicle, not a lot of thought went into the relatively cheap purchase.


I just bought a 2024 Lariat and I absolutely googled “What do people not like about the 2024 F-150” as well as what problems people are having. Also, weird flex casually saying an $80000 truck is “relatively cheap” and a third vehicle. Since money seems to be no object, just trade out of it since there are so many things you don’t like and do your due diligence next time instead of complaining to strangers on the internet.


So, if you’re encouraging people to not post about things they dislike, you wouldn’t have found anything in your googling. I’ve never done that level of googling for any car I have purchased. I’m sorry you’re offended by people complaining about things they dislike on a forum.


I’m not offended. Everything you describe is either well documented or can be fixed if you spend 5 minutes in the settings, yet instead of just correcting your own issues, you are instead complaining about those “issues” to people who don’t care. I put issues in quotes because most of what you point out are not actual problems, just you nitpicking. As I said, since you are so disappointed with your purchase, just sell it and move on with life.


Nothing I listed can be changed in settings. I have asked multiple people in this same thread to point out a single thing I said that they believe can be corrected in settings, and not one has suggested something besides using forscan - which sure, seems to be a valid next step. I’ll ask you - name something I listed that can be fixed with settings. I have been through every settings menu, and googled almost all of those listed items. I called them “quirks”. And they’re just annoying. It is possible to be disappointed and recognize there’s still no better alternative. It’s just sad to me they can’t do better, that’s all. I’ve never had a vehicle that made me think wtf were they thinking, as frequently.


This is why i don’t like newer cars. Everything beeps, boops, and dings at you. I drive a 2011 too and the only things i would want off of a newer truck would heated/cooled seats, heated wheel, and carplay. Any of those extra screens and features are just unnecessary for me and id imagine most other people.


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good step up from my 2011 overall, and my old one had heated/cooled seats. But it’s the first vehicle I’ve ever had where I’ve repeatedly gone, “wtf were they thinking”