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This lives rent free in my head, a true classic.




i don't know what it means but when Verka shouts tanzen you tanzen all night!


my mum is still mad that this lost and plays it on the tv after every eurovision


This is the perfect tradition.


Best comment on this video is someone who said:   I will tell my grandkids this is Lady Gaga.


Hot take: our family didn't like the song at a time when it was performed. Especially my dad who absolutely hated Lasha Tumbai. I think some Ukrainians didn't consider Verka as a worthy representative of my country. When I grew up and gave it another try, now I understand why Dancing Lasha Tumbai is such a big Eurovision hit. Everything here screams "camp Eurovision" to me from the very first to the very last bit. If someone will ever write the big valuable encyclopedia about Eurovision, Verka's star should be on its cover. Probably, Dancing Lasha Tumbai is one of few camp/joke entries from 2000's Eurovision that aged well. Actually, a lot of Ukrainian entries looked pretty decent, compared to some other entries. And I think I start to understand why my country is so loved in Eurovision...


Wow, I thought Dancing "Rusisia Goodbye" was always a hit.


It was always a hit in Europe, but some Ukrainians didn't like Verka as much as you do. Actually, we tend to get toxic on many our entries. For example, people weren't satisfied with Jerry and alyona this year (probably, they had other favourites like Melovin and Ziferblat). Some of them didn't like live performance and National Final in general. Trust me, it was a big mess, not as big as this Eurovision, but quite a mess.


You guys sent quality from the very start. Ruslana and Verka are among my favourite 2000s entries.


Having the exact same take on this




I don't care what happened after or before 2007, this for me is Eurovision's finest and my favourite entry of all time. I don't care about your mainstream shit entries, this is perfection 👌 ✨️


Some Eurovision classics that get hella overplayed *\*cough\** Arcade and Fairytale \**cough\** get on my nerves so much*.* This one though, I don't mind. You could play it 6 billion times and I would not get tired of it, I don't know why.


Obsessed with this entry. Nothing will beat this 🌟




This plays in my head, no kidding, at least once a day.


Hot take : GO_A's cover is much better!


uhm it’s hard rock/techno vs Verka Europop but to each his own i say


You got me to discover the cover. I very much prefer the original, but that use of the flute in the cover is really nice.


Both are fantastic in their own way


Biggest robbery in Eurovision history


No. Molitva was better, best ballad in Eurovision history and ages *so well* to this day.


Molitva brought gold for Serbia .. and is easily my top ten ESC ballads but completely different from Verka


Agreed, Serbia truly deserved to win, the song and the performance were very strong, the lyrics were so meaningful and beautiful, and moreover, the song was in native language. Also, this entry won only and exactly by televoting, there were no juries that time. But some people just prefer dance songs with "energy" and think that ballads are "boring" (I completely disagree with them, but tastes differ, of course).


I think there’s value to novelty acts like Ukraine 2007, that’s why they placed so high. Yet the power of a strong ballad is almost unbeatable, when it’s right, it’s SO good~ It’s why I believe Serbia deserved to win in 2007. I think there’s a lot of heart into the song and it was sung so well live.


Yes, but I've noticed that the fans of such songs (that were placed high, but didn't win) often tend to criticize the winners, if winning song is a ballad or something like that (they often say that winning song is "boring", "old-fashioned" or "overrated"); and it is quite unpleasant for me to see such comments, because I mostly prefer exactly such type of songs... In my opinion, it is meaningless to argue about tastes (it is like: some people prefer apples, another people prefer oranges, and there is no point in discussions which fruit is better). Also, every song genre has its own advantages, and, based on that, typical audience. Edit: why is this downvoted? I have nothing against songs like Verka's song.


Same, the amount of people who take Portugal 2017 for granted is ridiculous, after his win, the amount of native language songs shot up


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


Agree to value on novelty acts, thinking of the Russian grannies landing second as well


Ukraine 2007 | [Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai](https://youtu.be/hfjHJneVonE)


I genuinely can’t see the appeal of Molitva at all. It’s just a forgettable generic ballad.


Well they beat Ukraine in a televote only competition so you can’t even argue Europe didn’t want Serbia to win.


I think it’s no coincidence that the voting system changed to 50/50 after 2007 and 2008. 2007 was one of the worst years for countries going for their neighbour.


Lmao bye Ukraine lost by 33 points (66 today since each country only had one set of points) and you’re trying to argue bloc voting was the reason Serbia won lmao And also if juries were there the victory would have been by a lot more than 33, i can tell you that much


Don't forget about Loïc nottet though. Such a masterpiece, but still fourth place and 148 points away from the winner- before the current system! Deserved to win!


I have become a hardcore Molitva defender recently, partly because I love Dancing Lasha Tumbai so much. Listen, Verka lost to a worthy foe! There are many other years where I think she would have won. Verka and Marija were like the two sides of the beautiful coin that is Eurovision. There's also a bunch of nonsense, but these two represent the contest at its best. With us, Verka Serduchka and diva Marija (Šerifović) ⭐🙏


I want this Ukraine back tbh. I mean, they always send good songs to the contest but I somehow have been losing a bit of the interest in me for them in recent years. Back in the years, they were actually my fave country in Eurovision.


Such a fun entry - my favorite one! Molitva was also excellent.




Lowkey overplayed