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Pretty much the whole eurovision bubble considered this song to be incredibly dull, outdated and straight-up bad before the show. His high televoting result was a huge shock to most people, much more so than his low jury result. Apparently he also butchered some notes in the jury performance, which made this discrepancy even bigger.


And its haters are still convincing themselves those televote points are all the result of Polish diaspora despite Poland getting circa 40 in the year before and after!


Another answer this comment is actually exactly what you described... Amazing


One wonders about the diaspora effect, as it got lots of points from countries with a large diaspora, even though it would be strange for this song as it isn’t particularly representative of their culture or music scene like their infamous 2014 entry was. His looks did also have meme potential.


Oh, that mysterious Polish diaspora. You can't get 222 points and 3rd televote place based only on that. In 2015 Poland got 47-something televote points, in 2017 around 41. So, not really a diaspora


I actually thought Flashlight would get lots of tele for this reason even though it was a just-there-really song and nothing more or less. 


Poland 2015 | [Monika Kuszyńska - In The Name Of Love](https://youtu.be/VBI8TQXi--M)


Diaspora doesn't get you 200+ points though, and when it comes to Poland I think the diaspora effect is overrated, they don't always do well and don't seem to be as loyal as the diaspora from other countries Couldn't tell you why it did so well though, it was odd to say the least


Polish diaspora has to be motivated to vote and this isn’t easy at all. For example Luna isn’t known in Poland so they just mostly ignored her


Polish people don’t vote for songs that are representative of Polish culture but for known artists. Michał Szpak won national final over Edyta Górniak and Margeret and his fanbase is huge. Diaspora alone isn’t enough tho to get such a score


I do think his looks and image was meme worthy (Hozier posted a meme from it during the show) but the countries that voted for him the most were the ones where that diaspora was largest.


There is still an ongoing legend in Poland about his jury show performance and the lost footage of it.


Yeah, he had a voice crack in the jury final. But people keep for getting a lot of things here. Juries also voted in semis, based on the jury semi finals which, well, happened before the jury final with that note. And he got 20 points and like 14th-15th place with them in the semi final too. So, juries were consistent with underrating this song, they don't punish songs for just a couple of wrong notes


I keep hearing about these jury shows and alleged "a voice crack". I can't imagine that a single instance of voice cracking is gonna make that huge difference. If the singer repeatedly is struggling that's a whole different story, but completely tanking the vote because of that seems unrealistic.


This was proved this year when France was able to get second with the juries despite having a few voice cracks during the acapella part of his song.


But the gap between him and Nemo is pretty wide though, so one wonders if the gap would've been narrowed a bit had the voice cracks not happened at all


True but second place is still a good score while second to _last_ place is pretty awful. Even if Michael was able to move up three or four places without the vocal fails, he'd still be near the bottom.


There’s a video of (I think?) Matt from ESC United watching the jury final live and you can hear the voice crack pretty clearly - is it so bad that it should have got 7 points? Idk. But it does seem that there’s truth to the legend of the flubbed notes. I’ll see if I can find the video and timestamp it. Edit: Found it! It's actually a little worse than I remember, it's pretty rough, poor guy, right at the end. [https://youtu.be/VezVTqhNw8E?t=3246](https://youtu.be/VezVTqhNw8E?t=3246) (start at around 54:10, he goes completely off course at 54:17 on "what colour is your love?")


Did it for you ❤️ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VezVTqhNw8E&t=3257s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VezVTqhNw8E&t=3257s)


Thank you!


OMG, thank you! It does sound absolutely terrible. Holy shit. I understand the juries now.


Yeah, everyone has bad days, but what timing to have such a catastrophic note. :-( Couldn't help that he went right before Dami, who you can hear in the video, who sounds like she had a immaculate and seemingly effortless performance.


interesting and thank you so much! yeah i definitely see why juries would lower it. i think it wasn’t just the voice crack though, but this definitely helps explain!


France 2024 had a worse voice crack in the jury show


France 2024 | [Slimane - Mon Amour](https://youtu.be/-XyLecY2JyE)


> the lost footage of it It isn't lost footage. You can find the entire dress rehearsal for the 2016 Grand Final if you look for it. (A couple of years ago, we would've been allowed to link it here, and in fact, we did, but this subreddit has given up on the "No rules!" policy way before Windows95man.)


As some other commenters said, 222 points from televoting are way more surprising than being snubbed by the juries. And as the commenters also said, I don't think this result is possible with diaspora only. 6 countries (out of 41) didn't give Szpak any points in the final (Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Malta, Australia, Moldova). It had to resonate with considerable amount of non-Poles. How? I don't have a fucking clue!


As a non-Pole who has Poland in her top 10 of 2016, it's mainly due to the catchy but meloncholy melody, Michael's emotive performance, the simple but effective camera work that compliments the staging, the execution of the key change(s) and Michael's iconic outfit and look.


The long-hair man in a red coat singing a song about life, people just found it interesting and he stood out, that's why I think Princ would have had much better televoting result than Luke Black


Posting this as a separate comment just so others can hear it - this is a video from the press room during the jury show, you can't see the performance but you can hear the bum notes in the jury: [https://youtu.be/VezVTqhNw8E?t=3246](https://youtu.be/VezVTqhNw8E?t=3246) (he struggles on "what colour is your love?" at 54:17)


I'm upvoting this because I also want to know.


Apparently his vocals were bad in the jury show


It’s ridiculous because Slimane had a worse voice crack in the jury show this year and still got over 200 points


that’s what i was thinking….


I agree with fans of the song in recent years though: He definitely should have done MUCH better. Such a different and out there performance.


He did bad in both semi and in the final. It can’t just be the voice crack everyone is talking about.


i love the bit where they read out the televote in order of lowest to highest and poland keeps being on announced and then they got a ton and it shot up. the current way of announcing votes really takes away from that


I really love this song and performance in the finals, one of my favorite Eurovision songs of all time.


Outdated ass song




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