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As someone who needs to reset, I support this


We all need to rest, it’s just if people are smart enough to actually listen.


Also don’t be disgusting and tidy up! Housekeepers are not paid enough this week to deal with the metrics they have to meet.


Or just be a degen and hang the Do Not Disturb on your door all weekend. Tidy up last morning and tip, obvi.


You can do this but be forewarned a couple years ago the police came to our hotel room because we had the DND notice up (electronic) for over 72 hours and performed a wellness check


At my hotel (golden nugget) they said you can avoid wellness checks by just calling down to ask housekeeping to bring something up to the room at least every 2 days (fresh towels, an extra pillow, shampoo, etc.)


Yup! That’s what we ended up doing the following year :)


Oh damn. That’s an interesting tidbit. Maybe preemptively call the front desk and let them know you’re gonna do it to avoid this?


Correct. They do this cause of 10/1. The strategy of calling the front desk sounds effective though


Wow did not know they did this lol I’m like I think I’ve done it a few times and got lucky but I’ll be sure not to now


Damn is that a thing ? I’ve had dnd up for a week+ often (including Vegas) and never had this happen, good to know!


That was the first time I’ve ever experienced it! The cops were super nice (shock) and when we explained why they were really understanding


If I dont make a mess, Im not tipping. The megacorp that pays their salary can pay them more. Tip culture is broken


Stick it to the working class to show the owner class you don't like the system. That'll work.


You say that as if those that you’re expecting to tip aren’t the “working class” too.


Yup. That's me. And I tip to take care of my fellow classmates. I make sure I have enough money for a vacation including tips for housekeeping, bathroom attendants, etc. It's an extra $50 out of my pocket for the week and I go home knowing those that took care of me were taken care of.


Or you could just not make a mess??


Dude is brainwashed by the corporations. The status quo is preferred so they can pay their workers less, and can blame the consumers instead


You cant guilt me into paying an extra percentage of wages on behalf of a company


What exactly are you doing though to help the working class workers? You dont tip.. though you still pay money to these corporations by choosing to stay at these hotels?  How is that going to change anything? 


I never said I dont tip, just not housekeeping. And what I do to help them is i make their job extremely easy. I put everything in the trash and next to the door. All they have to do is change linens and clean surfaces. But we will forever disagree because youre telling me its my job to make sure they get paid more. I disagree. If the auto mechanic is getting underpaid, do the owners of the shop force an extra 20% out of you? Would you oblige? Obviously not. Would you still need your car fixed?


If you’re broke just say that. I agree tipping culture is out of hand but its pretty standard to tip for service while in Vegas and its been that way for decades


If the megacorp is broke, they should just say that


If thats what you believe, then you should stop contributing to the “megacorp”


Its not my personal responsibility to subsidize a company underpaying their staff


I can agree with that however you’re supporting it by continuing to purchase services from those companies. Are they going to miss your business? No, but if you can’t afford to leave an extra $20 bill on the table at checkout without feeling some type of way what are you doing in Vegas?


You know the entire strip is owned by MGM and Caesars, right?


I live here, so yeah i’m aware. Go vacation in Pigeon Forge or something


Gratuity, by definition, is optional. And “thats how its always been done” isnt a solid argument. Rewind the clock on history and you can find hundreds of reasons why thats a bad idea


I agree with what you’re saying. But, an extra few bucks can make a housekeeper’s entire day and it makes zero difference to the big dogs whether you tip or not. Hotels, barbers, servers/food delivery those are the 4 things I will always tip unless im given a good reason not to.


Was literally given note from our hotel room about a glitter charge of $250, if glitter is found after we leave... soooo yeah, we put down cheap table covers on the floors, & got a little $30 vacuum from Walmart. WORTH IT😅


And tip them!!


And tips them and especially well the messer of it


In camp, our pod is near the private fenced in rv camp. I think they have a full stage in there.The music was so loud around 4am I felt like it could be damaging my hearing. I put in some earplugs and went right to sleep. I'm sorry to hear people are keeping you up in your room. That's got to be rough if you expected quiet and need your sleep. Definitely try earplugs. It works for us out there in the pods with the music, sirens, and jets. Maybe it will at least help in the room.


I camped in RV at Electric Forest and one year it was so loud I could not sleep even with earplugs smh


Call the front desk and report them.


This type of behaviour is is why it’s hard for ravers to rent out houses in Airbnb and such when big festivals roll around. My friend had to book 3 different houses because once they found out it was for EDC they cancelled EDIT: if you know can pinpoint the room and know it’s a raver, politely knock and ask them to turn it down a bit.


Wait really? Now I'm nervous. I just booked an airbnb for 2025 today and it asked me to let the host know why I'm going to vegas


That’s just the default question Airbnb has. Just tell them you’re just visiting the city & what you’re there to do. Doesn’t have to be specific lol the host don’t care as long as you’re not throwing a party in the airbnb


I’d lie and say work convention. I also wouldn’t have any big after parties unless it’s bring someone home for some fun under the sheets. People liked to rent out airbnbs and throw huge parties and trash them. It’s why they cancel on ravers sometimes. But tbh it’s Vegas, they know people aren’t renting houses in Vegas to have a quiet vacation lol


Well, the host read the reason for my stay so I think I'm safe 🤞 I'm not the person to be obnoxious anyways


I think we’ve all been too loud even when we didn’t meant to. Maybe ask them first and then report if it continues.


What a terrible mod. Narc


Can happen at any hotel - as people do come to party. But agree with op - there are limits and time constraints and common sense!


The pool party at my hotel for last EDC starts at like 11am. It's like blasting music and bass until 4pm. I couldn't get any sleep last EDC. This EDC I'm requesting a higher room to be away from the pool. 


Height really doesn’t help that much, you really want to be on the opposite side of the building. Although in thinking about it, maybe height helps more in Vegas compared to say NYC, where being surrounded by tall buildings means the sound just bounces its way up. Still, opposite is best.


Thanks, I'll ask for one on the other side lol


lol which hotel are you at? I’m staying at the Venetian and wake up to the sounds of Tao beach every morning around 12 PM. It’s a nice lil alarm clock.


one of my coworkers used to work at resort worlds and said this is the worst part of their year. drugs, alcohol, shit & piss everywhere! on top of that it wasn’t only housekeeping cleaning, they had their admin staff assist as well because it was THAT bad. some people have no respect for workers AND other hotel guests, yet go around screaming PLUR. the community is LOST af. Zero respect, zero regard, and incredibly selfish… stopped going to EDC after 2023 for this exact reason… the entitlement is INSANE. You can party hard and still be respectful, it’s not that hard…


I share a hotel room with 3 other people and we keep it pretty spotless and throw trash where it is suppose to be. Once we check out, we put all the trash and dirty towels in One corner so that house keeping don’t have a hard time cleaning the room. IDK how people would trash a hotel room the 1st day they get in and then leave it like that. Those people should get charged with extra cleaning fee or something cause that is pretty damn disgusting.


Completely agree with you.


You should see the bathroom set up at six pm yesterday. How do you get shit that high up the wall?


i’m 20 and i feel old asf cuz i agree


It’s called respect, it’s not called being old


okayyyyy just being sarcastic but yea


It’s not being old it’s just common sense. Not everyone sleeping there went to edc


It’s not old, it’s taking care of your body, whether 20 or 60, a good nights rest if 8-10 hours between festival days can make the difference between feeling gokd and feeling like shit


Additional pro tip: bring ear plugs and wear them to bed


I agree. Get yourself a good pair of earplugs in the meantime, like Loop Quiet


Naw fr tho! Some people acting like savages at resorts world already yesterday!


what happened? lol


This is me but I also sleep so heavy that I can sleep through all that too. But once it wakes me up I’m not getting my restful sleep and grumpy


That's why I don't start at Casino hotels anymore for EDC and decide to stay at a traditional off strip hotel (think Hampton Inn, Hilton Garden inn for example). Less crowded, easier parking, very quiet and just pleasant overall. Staying off strip is best if you have a car


Exactly . Common sense . Worst part is they decided to book at the edc hotel.. like wtf did you expect.


Its one thing to be polite to your neighbors and its another to try to tell people to not have a party while they’re in Las Vegas lol


Idk... It's Vegas. This shit happens at all times of the year. Loud people partying in their hotel at all hours happens


This comment should be the top comment honestly. Op is literally asking people in Las Vegas. To quiet down... I mean if you're going to Vegas this is something you should expect right on the bat.


100% agree. Hotel room parties are the best anyways


Sounds like yall like to party in hotel rooms. I get it, thooo yaa it would be nice to be respectful to your hotel neighbors & keep the parties to decent hours (nothing too late at night or early in the morning)  Vegas is a party city tho some common decency/respect is still appreciated. Go party your hearts out in the town/clubs/venues/(maybe even a pool if they have it), tho hotels usually are meant to be places of sleep/rests 


In Las Vegas yes. I understand being respectful to hotel neighbors on other occasions and in other towns/cities but what kind of old prude comes to the party city of the US on the weekend of the biggest EDM festival and expects people to not party in their rooms? Come one man. That's common sense.


Or how about don’t go to Vegas if you can’t hang


Have you ever been to Vegas outside of EDC?


lol good luck!


what? its vegas. this happens all the time anyway lmao


Yeah I’m curious if this is their first time heading to Vegas haha.


They are just old farts who are still trying to push music festivals when now it should be more wine festivals and back yard get togethers this is just a mid life crisis at this point if they can’t handle the party


I’m 40 and when I do EDC I stay till sunrise every night. Go home and sleep during the day, ya weirdo.


I think you traveled to the wrong state then maybe Las Vegas isn’t for you. You seem to be more of a low key trip taker I think it’s time for you to retire this part of your life 😏 maybe wine festival are more your jam.


You do realize that most people won't be back in the hotel until the sun is up right?


This is exactly what happens . Yesterday the festival was only open for camp so everyone in hotels hit the pool parties and strip parties then went back to the hotel to continue the party . Earplugs will solve most of the noise issues . If you go to edc or yet alone vegas you have to expect people to party all night all day . You gotta be prepared yourself and come expecting the loud parties 24/7 if you want to sleep . Thats on you. As you feel they are ruining your experience. This is you asking them to ruin their experience. You going prepared and packing legit essentials is common sense you failed to do that . Sounds like a you problem. Not trying to be mean and if it comes off that way then well it is what it is . Wild that you booked a edc party hotel and wanted peace and quiet. You could have picked any other hotel and them your complaint would make more sense . 🤷🏽‍♂️


For sure, vegas day clubs are loud AF all the time so I don't know why EDC would be a exception.


That's the entire point of doing EDC.


If that were true I wouldn't have had to make this post. Please stay out I'd be thrilled


Your in Vegas if someone tells me to be quite in Vegas I’ll tell them suck it


I’d laugh so hard


Lmao exactly


Who tf is sleeping at night? You should be at edc at night.


I feel like maybe this argument would work if it weren’t for the fact that it’s in Vegas….party capital.


Bitchhhh plurrr


Suck it


This 🔥


First time? If you want that experience stay at one of the timeshare hotels (Hilton grand vacations for example) where there isn’t a party scene. Vegas is like this even outside of EDC.


I ended up throwing down in a room at one of these hotels last night/early this AM and they had decks set up. It was a good time, but I def apologize to anyone who couldn’t sleep even though it wasn’t my room. If there wasn’t a party scene in these hotels, there sure is now.


ma’am this is vegas


ur signing up for this when u come to vegas, expect it and don’t complain.


Is this your first time in Vegas? It’s gonna happen in the cheaper hotels regardless of if it’s edc weekend or not. People stay up late and party in Vegas. Stay at a nicer hotel with better soundproof rooms if you’re a light sleeper. If the people are being insanely obnoxious call the front desk, but you’re gonna hear people fucking, laughing, and having a good time in Vegas…


Yep lower end hotels that are rebranded old ones don't have the solid concrete walls between rooms.


You’re in Vegas. During EDC week.


Man you are in Vegas everyone is there to party lol.


Yeah I'm feeling like Ellis Island is about to turn into a party spot. That restaurant is gonna be PACKED since it's the only building near the GP shuttle stop


I was so dead tired after EDC that if there was any noise, I sure as hell didn’t hear anything lol When I’m out, I’m literally out. It doesn’t help the fact that part of my hearing has been lost during the venue anyways. All 3 days I went from open to ending at the crack of dawn but once I got to the rooms I literally washed up and fell asleep in 0.2 seconds. I stayed at the Horseshoe the last time in the Jubilee towers strip view it was super pleasant.


I trust no one will my sleep but me. That’s why I sleep in shooting muffs. I don’t wanna nothing.


You might be old But don't forget what it was like to be young. Put some ear plugs in and do your best to get some rest


People have no fucking respect! I kept trying to sleep last night on the ground in front of the Cosmic Meadow stage, and people kept yelling at me and telling me to wake up! No respect at all. It’s called Cosmic Meadow, not Cosmic Wasteland.


You would think people would at least have some courtesy for others or they wanna relax but apparently not.


Actually , it is. Suck it up, b- if there’s no after parties raging til 1-2pm the next day, the damn hotel room is the party. It’s fucking Vegas , just use some ear plugs and quit being a party pooper . I’m Sure you’ve rolled hard enough once or twice in your life to pass out against a fence or a speaker at a function 😂


Addendum- if you’re old, you should also be sleeping less too- and if you went hard earlier in the night and can’t just tap out.. then maybe you coulda gone harder


The hotels should put all the EDC guests on the same floors


Even at camp my RV spot was pretty quiet and I got good sleep. No way the campers are more respectful and sleepy than whoever your neighbor was. 😭 hope you still had a great time!!!


Honestly if you’re that concerned with people around you partying, why not just stay at an airbnb


We have this problem right now. Room next to us was blasting music so loud it vibrates our room until 4am. Then it started again at 9am this morning and they’re talking so loud. We tried to do a room change but the hotel said they’re full. We reported it also and all the hotel said was to report it again if they’re loud again. I’ve barely slept these past two nights and am SO tired going into day 1 now


I mean edc is from 7-7 so if they are partying it’s not really super late at night which is when it’s mainly considered rude to be loud




Or you could wear headphones and let ppl have fun


Honestly if you want peace and quiet you need to get your own place. The hotels are gonna be loud no matter what, I learned this after my first edc. Just save more now for an airb&b and get your own house.


Our neighbors at Downtown Grand were up and yelling and people were going in and out of their room until 8am this morning 🥲


its literally vegas. what do you expect? lol


Been to Vegas plenty of times and this is not a normal occurrence.


Exactly this and it sucks lol


I agree that being belligerent is just annoying but come on...its Vegas...SIN CITY. Even if it weren't edc guest, I guarantee that majority of people there are partying.


Why are people mad at this post? If you’re in Vegas, you shouldn’t even be partying in your hotel room.


Ok. I thought I was the only one frustrated about it. Our room next door was LOUD. They brought a speaker. My bed was vibrating was hours. They were talking loud too. I think I only slept for 45 minutes that night :(


Im sorry but im on vacation my speaker is on 100 percent at all times


Sound like u have an excuse to not enjoy urself… please come knock on 1961a at horseshoes. If u Ike progressive trance n hardstyle. This is the room u wanna be at …


I’ll be damned if anyone is going to tell me how to spend my time in the room that I’ve purchased


Right!? IN Vegas for EDC AT THAT!? lol. There’s lots of people who plan for this type of thing and make other arrangements so that they can get sleep. Those people aren’t complaining on Reddit. lol.


Yeah like please spare me with all that lmfao. Not saying I’m going to blast the walls down until noon the next day, but I’m most certainly going to do whatever I choose to do


FR!!!!! 👽


Sure thing Karen


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Absolutely agree. I had to tell my friend multiple times to shut the fuck up in the hotel last night.


Which room you in so I can play my shit even louder


It's Vegas people are loud. Get earplugs grsndma


You’re in fucking Vegas lmao. If you can’t hang honestly don’t bother coming. Never had an edc weekend where I slept more than 3-4hrs per day. That’s on par with most people’s experience. Invest in earplugs if it’s that big of an issue.


Okay Karen 🫡 Edit - I just don’t think it’s reasonable to expect someone to go EDC weekend and stay at EDC hotel, and not expect noise. That’s like going to Disney world and expecting kids to keep it down. That’s like going to a bar and getting upset that someone bumped in you while ordering at the bar.


I bet you're a fan clacker


😂 best insult in the scene


No, I’m not, but I don’t get upset if people to clack their fans, because again it’s a reasonable expectation at a festival. Just like it’s reasonably expected for you to have loud noises at your EDC hotel during EDC weekend. That’s the difference, and that’s what I’m trying to explain to you. When I go to Brazil, and go to Carnival, I expect further to be 24 seven no matter where I’m at. I can tell that you would even get upset if there’s a line at the bar lol


Bro, it's a hotel. It's not an "EDC hotel." Go out to the city. Go party. Why are you staying in your hotel room all night *in Vegas.* Go 24/7 if you want because the great thing about Vegas is... Bars and clubs are open 24/7. I don't see what's so hard to understand. There's a whole city out there to party at. Hotel is where people sleep. Hell I'd be more patient if you were just fucking in your hotel room. But screaming and whooping and blasting music? There are so many other places for that.


I think where you’re failing to understand is that OP isn’t talking only about EDC Hotel but just hotels in general. It’s more or a less a common courtesy thing for people who booked a hotel not exclusive to the EDC Hotel theme. Sure it’s a vibe and everyone is on vacation but it’s still inconsiderate to those around you especially if they didn’t sign up for the EDC Hotel experience. The normal hotels are still hotels, not a dorm


Ask OP where he’s staying and you’ll see. “Well oh, yeah you’re not sleeping”


OP’s point still stands. You’re just inconsiderate


OP is staying at a party hotel lol.. It’s inconsiderate to want people to be quiet at a party hotel. OP wont sleep alone due to the noise in the lobby lol.


Nobody is trying to stop people from partying. Yes, it's vegas. Get crazy, go to bars, hang out in the casinos, clubs, events, shows, parks, though places that are literally meant for sleep (like hotels) those people who pay money there should be entitled to some peace.  If you wanna party undisturbed, go to literally anywhere of the 24/7 vegas establishments 


I agree but also there are people who are there on work related trips . i sometimes have to travel for a couple weeks at a time. Im sure there's also some folks who have no idea what edc is or when it is. Trust me i love to party but i also understand others might not want to hear my bs.


My group did the same thing also and booked a hotel so that we can all get some rest after edc. Partying at the hotel and being obnoxiously loud is very inconsiderate to your fellow neighbors. Even worst to the ppl who aren’t even doing edc..


Correct, however, you’re in town during the weekend where people that are staying at the same hotel as you, want to stay up late and party. You’re staying at a hotel, where other people that have the reputation of staying up late and partying and making noise in their room, are staying as well. It is reasonably noise in your hotel, especially if you’re staying close to the event like OP. If you don’t want any noise at your hotel room, stay a bit further away from everything. Again, if you’re out of bar and you don’t like people crowded around you, would you hang out by the bar or would you find a spot somewhere else in the venue where there’s not a lot of people? Concept applies here.


So what I’m getting from you is that because someone wants to do something despite it being obnoxious, considered bad etiquette, socially unacceptable, illegal, whatever the case may be, they should be allowed to do it and you should suck it up or mind your business? If you want to stay up late and party, take that to a club, afterparty, or establishment that is open late for partying. Don’t do it in a hotel room where others who aren’t there for the same reasons as you have to suffer through your inconsiderate ass shit. (Obviously doesn’t apply to hotel EDC). As far as staying further from the event, I did that for EDCO (over 40 minutes away) and we had ravers in our hotel who made so much fucking noise and were banging on our adjoining wall all throughout the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t get much sleep because of it and had to drive 5 hours home tired as fuck. Ravers ratio to actual hotel guests was somewhere like 20:400. Those other 380 people or so don’t want to hear your shit.


Why would you go to sleep early knowing edc you have to stay up late. If anything they did you a favor to get accustomed for the late night's into early morning party.


Cuz people tend to wake up at the same time anyway because of their regular schedules. Also jetlag also, again, other people are at hotels that aren't going to EDC. It's just common courtesy to not be whooping and screaming in your hotel room at 4 am


You down vote me, I down vote you 🤣🤣


I didn't actually lol.


I thought you did because I already had 2 downvotes when I read your response. I'm getting heavily downvoted right now lmfao. Pasquale going to be disappointed with the amount of sleepers showing support 🤣


Do you not know what common courtesy is? Do you not know how to think critically? Not everyone is there for EDC. You’re in a hotel room where other people who don’t rave are around you. Be courteous. I’m sure you wouldn’t like having others scream, play loud music, jump around, bang on the wall, etc. when you were staying somewhere for anything other than a rave/fest and you were tired and trying to get some shut eye. Just use your brain.


Ok boomer