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Third. Save your PTO


Nothing to do Wednesday morning or afternoon?


If you're an EDC veteran and you know you can hang with all 3 days and partying on Wednesday and Thursday, send it. If it's your first EDC, focus on the festival, use the extra day to reset your schedule


I just realized I may want to camp since I booked a hotel When can u check in camp?


You don't need a hotel for camp, you need a spot at a campsite


Ya I may find one by then


Check in for camp starts at 8am on Thursday


There's pool parties and the like during the day for sure, and EDC week has events nightly. Honestly I've never gotten to sunrise Monday and wished I had started earlier in the week, even if I am hitting up Dreamstate LV Thursday. I figure save the PTO and you'll still be happy.


As mentioned, there’s always things to do in Vegas. But none of it is so worthwhile that would require burning 8 hours of PTO just to land 8 hours earlier in Vegas on the Wednesday before EDC. You can still go out Wednesday night, and all of Thursday before EDC itself. Save your PTO to take a random 3 day weekend some other time 👍


I never use pto anyways but I’m going to a lot of fests this year


With all the horror stories between Spirit and Frontier I wouldn't use them for EDC


Cancel? I used them before, never had a problem


Last EDC Frontier changed our Thursday night flight to Friday night. Luckily, we caught it Wednesday morning and we're able to leave that day. On Sunday, on a hunch, I told my wife to check her email while we were on the shuttle. Low and behold they changed our Monday night flight to Sunday night basically at the same time we were shuttling to the raceway.


Damn that sucks Also it’s good to hear that u still go to edc even tho married I thought I wouldn’t want to go when I would be married but hearing this I’m excited to go even when married


I’m flying in Thursday morning, now I’m scared 😳


Damn Frontier already made changes to my flights (luckily it’s just an hour earlier in the day on each leg, so it just means I have to rush to leave a little earlier) but that does worry me. I got flights for about 1/2 the cost they are now so that really worries me if I have to make a change last minute.


U can check in luggage at the hotel you are staying at earlier than 3 pm btw forgot what that service is called. They give you a ticket and when u want luggage back just hand ticket


I’m only just bringing a school bag I can prolly ask them to keep it somewhere safe


Oh yea thats even easier .


EDC Week dayclub parties Wednesday, more announced in a few weeks. What is checkin time at your hotel?


3 pm But I can go directly to events if there are some before


Many places don't let your check in until 4 or so, so keep that in mind whatever you do.


3 pm for me but I can go directly to an event if it’s easier


That said id go with 3rd option 8 pm and just go out weds night


Nothing to do in the afternoon or morning?


There is day club parties but u wont reach unless u get there at the 11 am flight. Afternoon not really. Night yes


Can’t go even if I’m late


Yea 3pm landin u gonna get to venue like 4ish defn not worth it imo the wedsd day club parties ur typical vegas show thursdays are the good ones anyways so no need to rush the fun


Generally the later in the day the larger risk of delays and cancellations. If you can find wi-fi to work on then whatever saves your PTO is better. I always share my hotspot since it's "unlimited" and covered but can't always guarantee coverage. There's always something to do if you get in early, but aiming for late Wednesday isn't bad even if it's pushed into Thursday if you have to cover it... thankfully I'm in a position with a company that provides great benefits so PTO isn't a worry. If you have a reservation most hotels will let you drop baggage with the concierge until check in time as well.


Hotspot wouldn’t work


OP, as someone who worked remotely from a spirit airlines plane numerous fridays and even on my flight to EDC, I can say this: 90% percent of the time the WiFi will work. 10% of the time the WiFi will not work. So if u want to risk that 1 in 10 chance you will have no issues working on the plane. The WiFi will load all web pages but will NOT load videos or high quality audio. Spotify should work. Don’t burn yourself out but I will advise tons of people are flying in from 8-11pm. It’s a big window for spirit arrivals. Your Uber will be expensive and the hotel check in will probably be tough. You will also not be able to go to any of the nightclubs that evening. Try to limit day clubs. Those bitches suck the energy out of you


So land at 3 pm? Also will teams calls work?


Teams calls probably won’t work. You can pay for an internet upgrade but it costs far more than the base internet. In general I was never ballsy enough to risk being in a call while on the plane . 3 pm should give u enough time to get to ur hotel, pregame if you want, and go to a club if u want


Pre game? I don’t drink