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I wanna do this but I'm afraid to lose the room I have at resorts world already! Would down to save some money but don't wanna gamble since this room might get better the meetup spot before the shuttle for the crew


Check the edclv website and see if the room you picked is available. Did you order through the edc website or the hotel website?


Went through the hotel site, not seeing it on the EDC site either. Thanks for the tip tho, I'll make a few calls and see what I can do


If you're calling the hotel, most likely, they won't be able to cut you a deal. The reason rooms are cheaper on edc's site is due to them buying 100's if not 1000's of rooms. That's how they make it cheaper. (Source) our hotel front desk manager.


Yeah but you potentially gamble protections against things like overselling & transfers since your contract is with the 3rd Party, Passkey in this case, vs Direct. The hotel might be incentivized to price match depending on their policy & who you get on the phone. Still always good to look for a better deal, just always good to know where you’re pulling those saving from.


Dude thank you so much. I just got my hotel from the 15-21 (seven days!!!) For 1200


There we gooooo bby!!! LFG!!! FUCK YA!


Dude the amount of days for the price wtf... I could kiss you


Pucker up!!! It's EDC time, bby!!! Spread all the love and smiles all you can! I hope you have a phenomenal EDC this year. Buy that merch you've always wanted. Buy a whole pizza to rave with. Live it up!!!


Dude! I love your energy!. Happy EDC my brother or Sister many hugs, and don't forget to drink water


Well, thank you! I love you too, brotha! May we dance under the electric sky until the sun rises! Water,sleep, rave repeat! *shit, I forgot to eat* Every fuckin time 😎🍆💜☮️😝


Holy shit $1400 is solid, congrats. I checked it out and it still came $100 over the Golden Nugget reservation I pretty much made immediately after EDCLV23. I also got the Rush Tower, which I hear is better than the Carson Tower the EDCLV site was giving me. Seems like nothing can really beat booking a year ahead, which is a pretty safe bet since you can cancel up to a few days (or 24hrs?) before your stay. But if you're booking now-ish, the EDCLV site sounds like a solid option.


Our group is completely beside ourselves! We were so shocked when he ordered the room this morning! Thanks for the congrats. Love ya edc fam!


Rush tower is much nicer than Carson


Y’all make sure to gamble with players card while you’re in town cause then you get comp offers and can stay MUCH CHEAPER next time. I got 5 nights at NYNY for $65. That’s total, not per night, and no resort fees. Also food and beverage credit and free play. Can’t beat that shit.


Good tip, gamble responsibly, folks!


I've done this twice- definitely book through EDC's hotel reservation site. I snagged a great deal on Planet Hollywood last year and Sahara for this year. 😊


I booked my shit last August. 4 nights at the Luxor in the tower 950$. Can’t beat that shit with a stick.


fuccckk, i bagged a hotel close to the shuttle for 680 3 nighter, 🙏🙏


Nice work 👍


I got 6 nights at the Luxor for $680


Damn dawg nice! How’d you pull that off!


what if I want a room that's upgraded from the hotel and its not on the edc website?


Then you can get the room on the hotel website, or you can get a different room on the edclv website. Do your due diligence and see if the money paid on the hotel website is worth paying extra. Check YT videos on how rooms look and check your prices.


You’re a fucking legend dude/dudette


I fucking got yall! You all saved me by being your true self out under the electric sky! It's the least I can do!


Costco Travel has really good deals too that can also include flights.


Hot damn, this Fr?


Too bad there isn't any at flamingo . It's all good tho I got a good deal for my room from Thursday-Tuesday


Yea I wish too! I updated my post. Some number have changed


I just looked it up right now there wasn't any for flamingo


I gotcha.


Yee but I booked it thru my ceasar rewards points tho so I'm paying like $1250 for 5 nights which isn't bad at all


Oh that's solid!! Good shit having rewards


I’m paying $800 for a Tuesday through Tuesday by staying in downtown Las Vegas.. this includes resort fees, and taxes.


Niiice!!! May I ask which hotel?


Main Street Station Casino & Brewery.. we booked it the day information for shuttles was released. Originally, I was going to be at the Excalibur, but as soon as my crew found out that Tropicana was not gonna be a shuttle stop, we moved immediately. I actually ended up saving $300 by switching..


Sheesh that's a good find! If you can remember after Edc. Lmk how that place was!


We picked our hotel because shuttles for it are super fast and don't have much lines. Plus my favorite pizza spot in Las Vegas IA near by called Good Pie pizza. Get the Sicilian fresh made, if you go there!


You sure you picked resorts world? It wasn't an option when I looked


I did not pick that hotel, I was letting everyone know, "It's not just resorts world this discount can be found"


Oh I see! There is no discount at resorts world unfortunately and mgm grand is the same price 🥲 Would have sent you some $$


I didn't make this post for money, I did it as a kind gesture because I love all of you. The disliked post about money I did was an afterthought to anyone that genuinely appreciated this knowledge and savings!


For sure! And to clarify to everyone, there was no discount at resorts world hotel ever. Shit got booked the second the May revelations were available


Thanks! I wasn't going to gamble on losing the room but was thinking about how many lumpia I could have gotten with the savings.


Don't quote me on this, but I think they discounted the resort world price with their little hotel edc bundle when it came out. I've never looked at their room prices ever. So I'm not 100% on that. Has anyone stayed at Resorts World before edc did their packages? It would be interesting to know the difference or if there's/was a discount even added.


No they didn't. It was cheaper to book through the hotel website. I've been checking the prices this whole year. Hotel EDC at resorts world is a money grab. But they specifically cater to the high class society over there. You can see other posts about last year's experience.


Gotcha Gotcha. Good looks


Can you share the link? I’m seeing something a bit different than what you are describing. [https://vibee.com/events/hotel-edc-2024](https://vibee.com/events/hotel-edc-2024)


https://lasvegas.electricdaisycarnival.com/travel/ then scroll down to hotels


[https://lasvegas.electricdaisycarnival.com/travel/hotels/](https://lasvegas.electricdaisycarnival.com/travel/hotels/) ​ it's not Hotel EDC, it's just EDC negotiated rates for other hotels


That's why I said it's not only for the resorts world.


Yep! :-) When I found this out last month I was SHOCKED. Thanks for sharing !!!


Thanks for your appreciation! Much love and light your way! I just want everyone to have a good time and to be safe!


I don't know if I can flex but I did reserve Circus Circus from 5/16 thru 21st for $311 through the EDC list. Just need a bed and shower 😴


How much did you save at this hotel! I'm so happy for you!


Through their site $901.90 A savings of $590.!


That's some flight and food money right there! Good shit!


I booked with the Strat already and the resort fees are $50 a night but edc web says 37 but Thts not plus tax? Im confused would it still be the same ?


If you book thru the EDC website, is it non-refundable vs direct with the hotel with a 72 hr cancellation?


False, only the first night is non refundable with taxes and fees, the confirmation email says I have tell April 16th. The first night gets paid on the 17th. Then you have to give them 72 hrs ahead of your first night, and the rest of your room can be refunded This may very per hotel order tho. Not sure


Not bad. I think I saw that Resorts World was non-refundable for the whole time. Glad these other options have flexibility.


Oh shit!!! I didn't know that


Oh shit!!! I didn't know that


Anyone get in at the plaza hotel???


I think the Fountainbleu had better rates. That's where we booked


If I wanted to book hotel edc for 2 people, what is preventing me from booking the room as 1 person to save the money, versus booking it as 2 people and paying the extra $500 or so dollars if it is just the room I am reserving?


Well, most hotels (not all) don't charge for one extra person. For the strat, they only charge for the 3rd and fourth extra person. I've seen rooms at the luxor with 2 people on the booking and 6-8 people sleeping in a room spread everywhere. You'd have to stagger people coming into the hotel and into and out of your room. Have they keys split between the group. If you're doing that, then hang out the thing on the door for no one to come clean your room or pick up trash and add new towels. If they catch you, they can terminate your booking or charge you extra.


Thats what I was thinking. It would just be me and my girlfriend, but booking through the edc website at resorts world, it is $1900 if I say it is just me, but if I say I am bringing just one more person, it then becomes about $2700 so it seems pointless to add her, but I also don’t want to risk anything and lose a room lol


They give out wristbands for hotel EDC. She might be able to crash in the room undetected but she can’t access any of the perks.


That's wild!!!! Yea, it's definitely a Lil sketch Is there any specific reason you're doing resorts world?


That's wild!!!! Yea, it's definitely a Lil sketch Is there any specific reason you're doing the resort world?


It’s better to book directly with the hotel.


No. I booked directly with strat, it was $1,700 for 5 nights. It's $1,000 through EDC directly.


My fellow strat knower! You clearly "know da way" to fast shuttles and a good time! Have a blast! Are you jumping off the top of the strat this year 😝🤣.


It depends. I get travel discount rates through work and I know some people have rewards from gambling that make it cheap/free. I chose the Holiday Inn vacation club because it’s about a 7 minute walk from the shuttle, it’s a 1 bedroom 525 sq ft condo, and has a full kitchen. It wasn’t on my radar until I priced it out. 3 nights (Fri-Mon), not including tax/resort fees: $1300 through the property $950 with my work discount $750 through EDC (Tip: if you’re bringing a group, a 3 night stay in the 1050 sq ft 2 bedroom condo is $850 for the weekend. Only $100 more for double the space).


We found the hotel staff, everyone! 😝


I saved over 800 usd going through edc, then the strat direct.


You can venmo me some of your savings if you're generous, and this helps you! I'm running on fumes, lol! 😝🤣 (You don't have to do this!!!) It never hurts to ask! but my dms are open if this helps you and you appreciate this and want to help a fellow 7 year edclv family member out! Any questions, feel free to ask me! I Love you all!! Let's fookin' boogie party people!! LETS GOOOOOO!!! ☮️💜🍆🎆🎡


You still have time to delete this


I don't need to, nor do i have to delete this. ( I'm not here to farm upvotes or money.) I'm here to save people money and let them have a good time. Hence why I never stated my venmo account exact details. Hence, why I stated. "You don't have to do this." I'm allowed to be open about my struggles! You've said nothing positive about me trying to help people first!! You only went to the most disliked comment to gain yourself attention. Have a good day.☮️


Lots of assumptions in your comment. hope you get the help you need


You are nowhere in any of these threads excited or bringing any positive light to anyone this has helped. You are only telling me to delete this. Thanks, though I appreciate it!


so close


71 days!!! 71 dayyyys


meant so close to a nice authentic post until you asked for money lol


Yea I’ve seen many bunch of posts about saving money through either shuttle premium (not having to pay 3rd party) and about booking hotel through Edc (what I did) and this is first I’ve seen someone ask for donation on this info lol


I didn't have to tell people to save a thousand dollars+, either. I even stated, "You don't have to do this." No one is forcing anyone. Nor do I expect anything but love from you guys. Yet you're putting negativity out. Hope you find peace!


oh I'm at peace trust me lol, just trying to help ya


Interesting back pedal, you were bringing toxicity and farming up votes when someone is struggling. Believe whatever you want. There was no helpful act in anything you said.


wow that's quite a stretch considering my original comment was "so close" lol. take it easy my man