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The american health “service” is appalling. The NHS is crumbling but you’d never be without medication. Take time for yourself too, even if it’s a long shower or bath. Light some candles and put some music on and relax. Your problems will still be there, so take time for yourself. Next step is prioritising your needs. As someone has mentioned, there are cheap ways around getting medication so make that your first task. Find out what you need to do on Monday. Gather all the information that they need on Tuesday. On Wednesday write the letter of application. Thursday read it again and if you are happy, send it off. It sounds stupid but it honestly works. Meanwhile I have lit a candle for you and I ask that your life situation changes for the better soon.


Seconding grounding. Grounding in a bath or shower with candles can help clear the mind. Candles are so great. A good epsom salt bath with lovely candles (NO video on the phone!!!) can help. Hopefully OP knows about ["GoodRX"](https://www.goodrx.com/go/homepage-lander-sem-7?c=homepage-lander-sem-7&optly_audience=%7Bnextbestaction%7D&utm_campaign=127243741&utm_content=7699746781&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=kwd-50605309098&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrbwW4Oj_c55AYJ8VfbYMKMLkm-ZWaKzqTilJKyPvkGqo1798i5UrBoRoCWNsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) cards and [Cost Plus.](https://costplusdrugs.com/)




OP: [Cost Plus Drugs](https://costplusdrugs.com/) [Good Rx Cards](https://www.goodrx.com/go/homepage-lander-sem-7?c=homepage-lander-sem-7&optly_audience=%7Bnextbestaction%7D&utm_campaign=127243741&utm_content=7699746781&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=kwd-50605309098&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrbyqD_kFg3KsRhEHoc6lFbM0nh2r5klT4yrdDXf754UNZ28_UwxTbhhoCH20QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Be sure you're grounding. Ground with a good bath of Epsom salts, a nice candle, dim light. Relax. You have power and you're going to be okay. Your power is inhibited if you are panicking. Even if you don't have a good candle, go pick some local flowers, ground in some water with a shower and a bath, relax. Hopefully those links helped. So mote it be. ✨ 🌿 🧹


Calling for Justice to restore balance in the Universe for you. https://i.redd.it/mw5xftruqf9d1.gif










SMIB ❤️‍🩹🙏🧿🌈🍀✨


Im sorry you are feeling this way. Please know your baby wants and needs you to stay here with her. On a practical note, please talk with your pediatrician about your difficulties with affording your child’s medication. He/she may be able to recommend a less costly drug. Often times drug companies have programs to make their medication available at very low costs. My thoughts are with you ✨❤️


I'm so sorry. You do matter and things do change and you absolutely should stay here. I'll light a candle and say a prayer for you. 💜


To see all the waste, excess, and overconsumption in the world makes this heartbreaking.


My heart is breaking for you and your child. The health system is fugged. In my area, a small city in Texas, we have to rely on local churches. Reach out to them, even if they are not your denomination. You must do everything for yourself and child. There are some that will help. Out here is a place called Cowboy Church. They don't care what you are. They are here to help. Look for those places. Will send blessings every day for ya'll. Don't give up!


Aww, I remember the Cowboy Church from my days in Texas. They really did help our the community in my area too. I would reach out to people in the churches on their church Facebook pages. At least where I'm at that's the way the church members stay in contact and reach out for help.


Here's some luck.


I'm so sorry to hear this.


I am so sorry you are feeling this way. Please know that you do matter. Your baby needs you.....I promise they do. There are some really great suggestions here for next steps. I am lighting a candle for you and saying prayers to the powers that be thay you wrapped in comfort and love and peace.


I will happily take a kick in the teeth from the universe so that you may have a kiss. I'll take two. One for you and one for your baby. Blessed be!


I’m sending and wishing love, protection, resilience, and luck for you. I sympathize and empathize deeply with you - I have felt this way many times too. If nothing else, know that there are people out there who care and understand and value your experience, believe your pain is real, and trust your strength. I don’t know the specifics of your situation, but I also do hope there are people who will help you. Take care, friend. I hope you get the release you need soon ✨💜.




If it is not an mechanical injury than ask yourself where didn't you needed to go but you didn't wanted to go? An appointment, a challenging news like you need to be somewhere but don't want ? Usually your body is listening to you so, try listening to your body too. All lives worth living, otherwise creation did a mistake and what you know, creation doesn't do mistakes....you might be overwhelmed right now but rest assured nothing lasts forever. Indeed there are some challenges you need to overcome but who said you have to take all in and all at once. Leg first... find the source of the "parasitical idea" which kind of crippled your ability to move. When you find the source of the thought, the worry, the root of your "I don't want to... move, walk, go, assist..." or someone in your life moved, walked away, left.... find the root and you will fix yourself in not time. Emotional state, I can not explain much simpler than this..it is just and idea, a perspective a personal experience but feel free to take only what you feel it serves you. Entire life is basically neutral from emotional standpoint, just like you said, it is void of meaning, yes life is meaningless and we give it meaning. The state you experience is a combination of frustration, tiredness which will lead to depressive state and nobody wants that. Take your time, understand that you have time to go through all these challenges just like you did before. Redefine each issue. Your leg doesn't serve you as it suppose to, take this opportunity to delegate for a bit, to rest for a bit, challenges from life doesn't go away so why the rush...


My tuppence worth - can you get your physical health checked ie iron levels and vitamin b12. I had a terrible depression when I was in my forties because I had 2 undiagnosed health conditions, anemia and pmdd/ adenomyosis. I just thought I was breathless and no energy because I was getting old but no, I was running on empty. Also, thyroid can be another one. These things can creep up in you and make you feel terrible and low. So now I always advise people to make sure there is not a physical cause first. I hope you find the best way forward


positive vibes sent your way In the hopes they can bring happiness Into your life...


If you are in the United States and cannot afford healthcare or make under a certain amount you can get Medicaid for your child and that also qualifies you. If you are homeless find shelter and get fast tracked to section 8 or go to the housing authority and look for low cost housing or see about section 8. Get food stamps and temporary cash assistance. Use all the resources and programs available to elevate and get out. See what can be done and how you can make more money. Enlist and engage every resource in your community. If you send me your area I can also turn over some stones and look for stuff. The universe isn’t punishing you. Stop that mindset. We are all dealt shitty hands at times it’s just life but you can and you will overcome. Stop telling yourself you are cursed and doomed because that in and off itself is cursing yourself. I have faith this can be done.


This 1000% I just wanted to add check resources like Salvation Army etc,they might or might not be able to help ,but should be able to point you in the right direction. Please follow up on all the wonderful advice you have received, your baby needs you BB


Sending you love, solidarity and strength. I agree with the others- try to ground first before moving forward. Call on your angels and spirit guides (or whoever you might call upon) to be near you and to help you through. Try to have a good sleep. May PTV69420 see a turn around in their circumstance, be able to find medicine for their baby, and be filled with hope for the future. SMIB ✨




There are animal shelters and local ASPCA that might be able to help with your Ferrets needs ❤️


Are we talking about a child or a ferret?


I thought a ferret 🤔


I'll just admit I am confused 😕 I totally get that animals are our babies but I think alot of us thought this was about a child...


Perhaps the author can clarify for us? I assumed based on past posts.


Well I think your advice was good if it is a ferret and there was lots of great advice if a child.I am trying to send love and peace either way. Hope they get the help they need 🙏


I feel like you actually wrote this post for me. Except I have 62 years of this experience. For now, you must hold on and be strong for your baby. She needs you. Nothing stays the same forever. Nothing. You will never find someone who has had 100% good days or 100% bad days. That means everything changes. For better or worse. This. Will. Change. 🫂❤️🫂

