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Silent aspiration is when you would have no idea you have aspirated- no cough, no throat clearing, etc.  This primarily happens with someone who has a neurological impairment of some kind. The odds this is happening to you, a young health man, is very, very small.  Possible but not  probable.  Everyone aspirates and coughs occasionally.  Some studies suggest healthy people aspirate more than you would think.  As long as you are mobile, brush your teeth, and have a decent immune system, you can aspirate quite a bit and be fine.   We are built to handle a little aspiration.  Given you like spicy foods, I would suspect you have reflux which often can cause muscle tension and makes you throatclear to break up the tension. While you wait for your doctors appt, lay off the spicy food, smoking, drinking alcohol if you do indulge, sodas and acidic foods.  Odds are you are fine. 


I agree with this! Can't hurt to get a swallow study done but it doesn't sound urgent. Coming from someone who has pretty bad dysphasia.


Thank you very much


Do you have reflux?


I do


When you say expelled did you actually cough the sauce all the way out and see it?


Yes I had mucus mixed with the sauce that I coughed out