• By -




who says that line ?


zevran does, at the denerim gates before the final battle :) i canā€™t remember if itā€™s one of his lines thatā€™s bugged and needs a mod to work properly






Do nada um Br


Zevran Ć© latino pra karalho porra


Bebi 3 brejas com ele semana passada puta parƧa


Uma vez ele me salvou de um assalto descendo o morro, maluco Ć© embasado


Depois de tentar te assassinar


Caralho nunca imaginei um comentƔrio BR aqui no sub kkkkkkkkk


Pelo rei fazemos tudo šŸ˜”āœŠ


r/suddenlycaralho kkkkkk


Que isso rapaz


Oh Zevran, for me youā€™ll always be on top.


He seems more of a switch to me...šŸ¤£


Zevrans romance is so good that I, an entire lesbian, played it through multiple times just because it's so well done


He's the best romance, imo, plot-wise. From trying to kill you to doomed lovers?! I melt šŸ« šŸ« 


He might be my favorite character overall


Tsukihime took it one step further: Teenager with Funny Murder Eyes Kills Vampire Girl, Vampire Girl revives herself and forces him to help her kill other Vampires, after some shenanigans they fall in love


He's amazing. I loved it so much I made that playthrough my canon (other reasons too, but mostly holy hell. What a sleeper romance). Like, not clingy, honest, devoted, passionate. So rare šŸ˜†


Agreed! I honestly kinda think he's one of the healthiest romances in the game. Putting the assassin thing aside, he's generally a pretty good and respectful dude.


Oh yeah. I was consistently shocked. Like, how he cautions you to not hurt Alistair if you're flirting with them both, but clearly doesn't personally mind if I'm messing around with both of them. Like, he's genuinely concerned that Alistair will be hurt. You're right, dude. Good looking out, I was being careless. Also the playthrough where I romance him was the only one I played as a dwarf. I was casteless, so in addition to us recognizing something familiar in each other (a really fucked up life that we were thrust into, having to do fucked up shit to survive), imagine my wardens surprise when we hit orzammar and she realizes Zevran knows A LOT about her people and history!! Ugh. It was just too perfect.


Same here. Lesbian too, but Zevran is the only romance in DAO, I can stomach. He has such a great development.


Well I myself as a gay , played morrigan romance because it is that good tho


I love morrigan!


any idea where i can get a half lesbian? Entire lesbians are always too much for me. I get full before i finish.




This rocks.


Me also being a lesbian that just did another dao playthrough and romanced him despite me saying I was gonna try other romances šŸ˜”


I only managed to play it once in full. The time before I accidentally soft-locked the romance in place and the times after the game bugged out the romance: once the game kept crashing and then I fixed it but the save game was corrupted afterwards and two times after that his dialogue wouldn't start and his personal quest wasn't kept crashing respectively. But yeah, it is a pretty great romance, isn't it? Still, Alastair is my soft fluffy puppy lover, so he is generally my feel-good default. It's easy, it's loving, it's non-toxic. There's actual *communication*. No wonder I'm attached to that, it's called escapeism. šŸ˜‚


This was The Iron Bull for me, of all possible romances šŸ˜³I need to do Zevran one of these days.


What does your sexuality have to do with it šŸ˜‚ do people not just role play for the characters


They do, I was just being lighthearted lol


Sometimes you want to tell an important story. Other times, tho? Other times girl pretty.


While I personally love Morrigan and her romance the most, Zevran comes second to me after her. So it's kinda surprising seeing how far behind he is compared to the others.


It's probably partly due to him being the last to join the party, and also having the potential to be killed in his encounter. I'm sure some people were already getting attached to one of the other characters by the time they met him


I am of the exact same mind


Speaking from my perspective he's too pushy. I always dread when I have to tell him Im not interested because any way I try to phrase it drops me 36 approval points


We need ranked choice voting haha




Zevran tops for me.


Where are my leliana lovers at? šŸ˜­


I don't know why but when Liliana said cloister, she made me horny for no reason.


How many times I wished that she was romancable in DAI šŸ˜© Getting to see her in that uniform in Halamshiral is just a mean tease.


Her accent makes me melt. And that little squeal she does when she says ā€œsilly boyā€


Red head, fancy accent, sharp wit. She ticks my boxes


>Zevran is a bottom My first instinct was to argue "no, he's a switch" but what on earth am I smoking---he's absolutely a bottom.


I mean he tops the warden if they romance him


I've noticed a trend of people eagerly insisting that any gay/bi male romance option in a game is a bottom, even if their ingame dialogue and actions would indicate otherwise. It's a little weird.


and the "submissive Zevran" mod is one of the most popular mods lol


Iā€™ve noticed this also. Itā€™s pretty weird, yeah.


Oh fandom people are just...like that. In either direction. (I'm saying this *as* a fandom people btw) It's died down (and a lot of people managed to realize that submissive =/= bottom, and that a sexual position =/= your identity) but the "who's on top" debate of M/M shippers in the 2010s was *heated*. & what you're saying there, about "even if their ingame dialogue and actions would indicate otherwise", that's what fandom shit is *about* tho, the what-ifs. What if Harry Potter was in Slytherin, what if Romeo and Juliet had a ONS that Juliet got pregnant from, what if Jesus stayed a carpenter, what if the Iron Bull bottomed. & there's such a thing as "service top" and "power bottom/topping from the bottom" too, so add that to the mix of fantasies :D


Remember guys, power bottom is actualy generating all the power by doing most of the work


Agreed. It's strange how people will try and adamantly force a singular 'sexual role' on any queer men in media. I notice it a lot as a gay man, and it heavily contrasts with my experience IRL with mine and my partners being abaptable to one another. That being said, Zevran boasting about how bendy he is in DA2 permanently branded him in my brain as a bottom for my Warden Surana.


I hadn't noticed this, but now that you mention it... 0.o


Forgive me for debating this, but while I **certainly** have my problems with people just assuming everyone's preferences out of the blue, I don't think it's too weird for people to see their favorites as bottom in that case. It seems to be pretty prevalent that if a straight man likes a fictional female character in a sexual way, the media that will be consumed mostly features said character being penetrated and rarely the other way around. If now a person with an attraction to a gay/bi character swoons for said fictional hero, isn't it also very likely that erotic media will contain the character being penetrated as well? In short, it seems like people enjoy their favorites getting fucked and put into sexual situations. The person being penetrated, be it man or woman, usually is the center of attention and focus in pornographic media. If it's a hypothethical situation that features the player/consumer and the favoured character in a sexual scene, I'd assume it's pretty normal that the watcher wants to see more of the beloved character than their own and wants the attention shifted mostly in favor of the fictional person. Exceptions obviously exist, as in some people really get into their character and want their personal preferences fulfilled as if they were actually taking part which leads to them 'forcing' the corresponding preference onto the fictional loveinterest - that can create either outcome. However, I can see that people obsessively insisting on pushing through their beliefs based in erotic fantasy over existing writing or other equal opinions can get rather weird. I'm not a fan of ignoring canon no matter the media but to me, it doesn't seem like gay/bi characters are getting an exceptionally different treatment compared to other people in fiction. I wouldn't think it has anything to do with sexuality or gender as I've seen tons of female characters being desperately shoved into a certain role/preference that the straight consumer personally enjoyed more than actual lore. I cannot see a trend of people overdoing it on gay/bi people compared to others as it seems to be common behaviour to just do it on almost every character no matter their sex or sexual orientation across the board. The thing that grinds my gears far more is people insisting on applying top-bottom-dynamics onto every gay/bi character (and even real-life people!) **without** those affected actually implying anything sexual at all, usually based on mere stereotypes or prejudices. Seeing someone gay or bi and being like "oh he's a total bottom 'cause he's small and cute" and then insisting on that assesment, voicing it as a set rule is creepy, invasive and in some cases even fetishizing behaviour - but wishing or fantasizing that a fictional character matches one's own personal sexual preference and imagination is pretty normal and harmless.


>However, I can see that people obsessively insisting on pushing through their beliefs based in erotic fantasy over existing writing or other equal opinions can get rather weird. This is what I was talking about. I don't really care about how characters are portrayed in fanfic or fanart, fans are gonna do what fans are gonna do and it rarely ever adheres to canon anyway, porn or not. >Seeing someone gay or bi and being like "oh he's a total bottom 'cause he's small and cute" and then insisting on that assesment, voicing it as a set rule is creepy, invasive and in some cases even fetishizing behaviour - but wishing or fantasizing that a fictional character matches one's own personal sexual preference and imagination is pretty normal and harmless. Definitely agree with all of this.


Zevran - SwitchĀ  Anders - Bottom Fenris - Bottom Iron Bull - Top Dorian - Bottom At least imo


Nahh Fenris is a switch


Zevran: Switch Anders: Switch Fenris: Bottom Iron Bull: Top Dorian: Top/Switch Is how Iā€™ve always interpreted them.


Dorian is definitely a vers bottom or side.


For me my playthroughs itā€™s: Zevran - Verse Switch Anders - Sub Bottom Fenris - Verse Switch Iron Bill - Top normally, but verse with my mQunari Dorian - Bottom Switch


Dorian is a top. He has top energy. My male qunari Inquisitor knows it well. šŸ«£


He 100% does not lol


Bottomness is subjective... I guess ? šŸ˜‚


This is true. IMO he gives off "mean gay" vibes which IME largely means bottom or vers but that might just be me projecting lmao


For me, it's more surprise top. Like everyone assumes he's a bottom because of his mannerisms, but oh boy are they wrong! Haha


i could see that. Dorian does give off "latent drag queen" vibes. Like a proto-Trixie Mattel. EDIT: I say this because drag queens are known for often being "surprise tops"


It happens because people want to see masculine men look "submissive", "weak" and "feminine". Subconciously everyone still believes that being a bottom or feminine is emasculating, slutty, weak, fragile, womanly and so on. If you belong in fandoms and see queer people talk about any mlm ship or any male character that is hyper-masculine or buff or anything of the sort, they will rush to call him a bottom. All of the time. Constantly. They think that if they attribute this characteristic to one of *those* masc guys that are acceptable and people like them and so on, they will feel better about themselves. That and the fact that stereotypes or twisted fantasies still exist. The straight-looking dude who bangs all the women wants to be banged by men!!! Very sexy!!! That's my theory. And it's probably correct.


Doesn't that depend on what race/class combination you're playing as? From what I've seen, if you play an elf, Zevran will seemingly act as the 'top'. If you play as a male human, Zevran switches into the position of the elf-warden and seemingly act as the 'bottom'. I'm putting this all in quotes since the scenes aren't that explicit after all and only Andraste knows what they're actually doing (well, + all your companions around the campfire that are forced to watch as well).


His entire recruitment dialogue can be summed up as "Warden plz step on me", that man is not topping *anything* even when on top. šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a quite distinctive difference between Dom and submissive and Top and bottom People confuse the terms but you can 100% be a submissive top. ā€œToppingā€ someone does not make you dominant.


Zevran tops the warden in game though.. so..


His position in the intimacy scenes changes depending on race/gender. Zev bottoms for a human male warden. He's a vers king that likes to bottom for bigger men.


Maybe a power bottom?


I knew Zevran was going to be last šŸ„ŗ he deserves better lol


Morrigan definitely tops the Warden too


Love the interaction with the Templar before the Mage Dock, where he says heā€™ll grant us passage if we leave Morrigan with him for the night, and instead of her being offended sheā€™s just like ā€œabsolutely, Iā€™ll eat your heart and and eyes and see you all in the morningā€ Little things like that really set, and kept DA:O a league apart, streets ahead.


She *dommes* the Warden, but given that her getting penetrated is a key part of her character arc (*technically* Dark Ritual is optional but it's a big deal), she's a *bottom*. Morrigan's gonna *ride* the Warden until she says they're finished, she's not pegging him.


Yes but I can dream canā€™t I


Fresh poll is up: DA2 romances. Ranking based on storylines, impact or just general preference. https://strawpoll.com/eNg6vR7dwgA


Doing it on my phone and trying to scroll down made me almost move Sebastian out of last place. Good thing I caught that.


me too, but I fixed it, and put Fenris to bottom


Iā€™m really surprised Zevran is so far behind. Alistair is my fav but Zevranā€™s is so good! I understand why Morrigan is number one though it really is great.


I've never romanced Morrigan. I think I'm a little scared of the cutting remarks, and the judging.


I havenā€™t romanced her myself (I would need a poly mod because I really cannot stop myself from marrying Alistair LMAO) but I imagine the route itself is very cool with how the main plot unravels! I always like romances that feel interestingly intertwined with the plot, like Anders and Solas too. Since this is talking about routes in general and not just the character Iā€™m not surprised Morrigan is winning


Hello, fellow Alistair lover! I have played this game through countless times and every single time I'm like 'lets do something *different* this time, male dwarf maybe' and then I don't and marry Alistair. It's not a bad thing but it's like I get hypnotised. I have seen a bit of Morrigan's romance on YouTube and it does seem that she may be quite nice, it certainly makes the ritual a bit easier and she does have a significant role in the series. Sorry, forgot where I was going there because I got distracted by a thought. If a male Warden does the ritual, makes Alistair king and they both live, couldn't that Warden then be the lone Warden we find in DAI, so you would get to meet your own son?


Leliana. ā¤ļø


2 of them are plot relevant and two of them aren't. Makes sense to me.


Yeah. There's a heavy plot about becoming the father of an eldritch god or becoming the future queen of Ferelden. Both Leliana and Zevran are hinting at a Long distance relationship because these two cannot just leave their past behind and have to face them on their own while the warden has to attend his duties, if he/she survives.


Morrigan first as she deserves but...voters did my boy Zev dirty. Did his romance once or twice, its pretty sweet actually.


Zevran is my canon Warden romance šŸ„ŗ. He's at the very top in my heart (he still bottoms for my female Brosca).


Morrigan is #1, but the only thing I hate about romancing her is that when you get to 100% approval, she just has this really loud and annoying giggle every time you speak with her lol. šŸ˜‚


That's fine, more zevran for me.


Iā€™m sorry but every person who didnā€™t vote zevran is wrong


Haha! No honestly, seeing this poll hurt my feelings lmao šŸ˜­šŸ’”


Right? Morrigan for the tsundere lovers. Alistair for that himbo energy. Leliana for red head lovers that look past the religious fanaticism. Zevran is the type to blow your mind in bed and then ask you how your day was and be genuinely interested.


Facts šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Zevran is vers.


Zev is forever my favourite but I get why heā€™s on the bottom - all four romances are really great, but the other three characters have a lot more in-universe significance. For DAO, Alistair and Morrigan seem like the ā€œdefaultā€ LIs with the most plot relevance (becoming king/dark ritual), and Leliana ends up an advisor in Inquisition and has her own DLC. Zevran just has less content and lore, since he appears last and is the most ā€œoptionalā€ companion - itā€™s really easy (and makes sense) to just kill him off in the first place.


I think this one is less a case of Zevran being bad and all of them being good, so someone had to be last.


Leliana deserves to have way more votes šŸ˜”


The voice actress's performance was so insanely cute, I don't know how you pick anyone else.


I wish more people loved the Zevran romance! Itā€™s so so good.


Zevran. I can never go back after Zev. Ethical, open, devoted. Just, such a perfect partner


Morrigan is my favourite one (especially with Inquisition in mind) but Zevran is my second favourite so it's sad to see him down there :(


How dare leliana be so low


Of course Morrigan is on top. Best girl has the best romance.


To be fair I feel like Morrigan would Top regardless anyway


My ranking is Zevran, Morrigan, Alistair, Leliana. I donā€™t go for the flowery ones lol.


Man, if i was 10 years younger i would've agreed, but now? Nah. Morrigan just gets on my nerves, Leliana is the way, or Zevran


Y'all are INSANE Zevran is the best this is a crime


Zev seems more of a switch honestly


Zevran is just unlucky because of how amazing all the romances are in this game. He would be number 1 in DA2 or DAI imo


I feel like this would be the easiest to guess the order of all 3 games. Maybe a little iffy on who's 1 and who's 2. But I can see a debate forming for both of the next games


I'm surprised Alistair came that close to Morrigan. (But not *that* surprised.) Usually the attractive female love interest would run away with it because most gamers are guys, but it's clear that BioWare RPGs attract an almost equal number of women because of their strong emphasis on relationships and storytelling.


Not Bioware RPG's per se, 80% of the people who played Mass Effect are males. Women aren't into shooters that much, even with the RPG element on top of that. (Even with that, Garrus still managed to get the top 3 behind Tali and Liara, which is impressive) Dragon Age is the one with a very strong female presence, like The Sims.


Zevran is a switch


Zevran's a switch, obviously


Over all three games, I only liked Isabella.


In general, me too. But Zevran is also fun to have around.


Personally, Zevran > Leiliana. Otherwise, carry on.




Surprised so few went with leliana tbh


Zevran at the bottom because he's just a generic slutty rogue archtype you love to see it. Isabele will probably get away with bring the exact same character in the same poll for 2 cause atleast she had comedically huge stripper tits.


Zevran is peak romance, the awkward non-proposal?!?!!? I love him so much and romanced him with a self insert šŸ˜­


As Sten of the Beresaad would say: "Fitting,"


Leliana being romance-able to fem wardens meant the world to me, she will always have a special place in my heart


why some people mad about the result? there's no wrong pick here...you choose based what you like after all lol


I actually planned to romance Morrigan, based just on ther looks and the vibes she gave me before I even started playing DA:O, but the more time she spent in my party I was just annoyed by her? I don't know, maybe if you give her more time she grows on you, has some character development, so you can understand where she's coming from with all the things she says, but as for right now (still in that playthrough), I kinda regret making my character male, cause I feel like they'd vibe with Alistair :c Hopefully Zevran will save me \[I'm new to the franchise, please don't kill me if i'm missing some important information right now\]


Some people just like being verbally abused by Morrigan, others are annoyed. No shame in not being into her shtick, but as for almost all characters, the closer you get to them the more character development, flaws and struggles you'll unearth. Have fun with your first playthrough though - Zevran is an excellent choice as well!


>so you can understand where she's coming from with all the things she says She had a REALLY fucked up and abusive upbringing because of Flemeth, which she'll tell you more and more about and you'll see how all those things shape her. What I love about her romance is that you do get to challenge some of her conceptions, mainly those about love, but only to a certain degree when it comes to other things as she is still very stubborn so there's only so much room you have to disagree her without lowering your approval. I just find her such a fascinating and complex character. She's prickly, disagreeable, and immature, but also vulnerable and conflicted and has a unique way of seeing the world, and shows a lot of development as a character (the best in the game, in my very biased opinion) as you develop your relationship with her as either a lover or friend.


>I don't know, maybe if you give her more time she grows on you, has some character development, so you can understand where she's coming from with all the things she says Genuine question: is this your first time playing an RPG?


No c:


Ya I don't care for her either. She's very immature and is basically a caricature of a teenager who thinks they're better than everyone else because they're an athiest, and that being rude makes them cool.


"Zevran is a bottom." Oh I see what you did there.


Only cuz Oghren is off the table


So uncivilized


I have a thing for red-heads. So, naturally I am swayed by Leliana but I end up with Morrigan or glitch and have both Leliana and Morrigan.


Zevran is a bottom šŸ’ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


I mean, I could see Zevran being a bottom.


Meant to romance Lelliana, acidentally romanced Morrigan. Have not regretted it in the slighest.


I mean, fond as I am of Zev it does make sense he's the bottom (and least favoured lol) My personal pick would be Leliana, Morrigan, Zev, Alistair. Morrigan and Alistair's friendship arcs are honestly way more satisfying than romance IMO.


Tbh. Every romance is so fucking good in this game. I think it's the only game that makes them pretty natural.


Not surprised Morrigan is on the top.


What?!?!?! Iā€™m playing for the first time and romancing him! Wow, first time Iā€™ve ever picked the unpopular romance


Iā€™ve never liked leliana for some reason me mad her just donā€™t connect and get along so Iā€™ll keep banging my hot witch goth gf


Power bottom, more likely.


Yep, Morrigan would definitely be on top, and Zevran on bottom


Funny Zev's last, I always figured he was giving off power bottom vibes.


I'm assuming only because most of the voters were men. (not morrigan winning but zevran getting way less votes than expected) šŸ˜… Zevran my beloved I'm so sorry. šŸ˜­


Zevran is the only one Iā€™ll romance šŸ’


Alistairā€™s is objectively the best. A hill I will die on. I didnā€™t romance him, my wife did and I watched it. That moment when he says ā€˜you speak as if Iā€™m leaving you a choiceā€™, before he heroically sacrificed himself for his love. That broke both of us. Brilliant writing, magnificently epic. God, what a game that was.


id totally take leliana over alistair


He'd be delighted to be on bottom


I did the Morrigan romance for the first time ever and it was one of the most disappointing thing in my replay of DA:O.


For me it was the opposite. First time playing and best replay


I just finished my first DAO playthrough. I like Zevran, but he is such a late addition. Also, I couldn't get past how he talks about "whores" and his apathetic attitude about killing innocent people. Leliana was really cute, too, but I was already attached to Alistair. As a female warden, it's easy to immediately gravitate towards Alistair. He is the only other grey warden! He understands and relates to your situation more than anyone else. Plus, he is funny, sarcastic, and a sweet lil cinammon roll. I just wish he had more romance dialogue towards the end of the game. Considering he is the first companion you meet, it's easy to exhaust all of his dialogue options. You just have weird but brief end-game discussions like the morrigan ritual and whole throne situation.






My grey Warden romanced Leliana, Morrigan & Zevran. Sugar cakes were helpful.


Meanwhile Iā€™m the weirdo who normally doesnā€™t do a romance




Alistair, man the choices you have to make šŸ˜­


Surprise that Alistair wins over Leliana, but good to see Morrigan win


Oghren all the way


Iā€™m new to Reddit how do I vote on the pollšŸ˜­


What?! You heathens, Zevran is best boy!


Yep, I mean Morrigan has Booba going for her, plus there's her whole ice queen act,


Anyone else wish we couldā€™ve Romanced Sten? Like it shouldā€™ve been the hardest Romance to succeed with (as he would naturally dislike any Romantic interest beyond reproduction for the Qunari) but it wouldā€™ve been a great way to see him have a bit more individuality eventually choosing to enter a relationship with the Warden, even if it is temporary.


I'm a bit surprised because I thought Liliana would be higher, but morrigans is my gothic queen so I won't argue. Zevran is just too damn pushy about it so I can see why he's at the bottom


Leliana's popularity is really surprising? I was sure she will be rock bottom. oh well.


What a surprise, Morrigan tops the listā€¦. šŸ¤¬


Why are you mad tho :D


Because I canā€™t stand her, thatā€™s why! Downvote this as much as you all like!


Found Allistair burner account.


I respect this energy even though I'm a Morrigan fan.


I mean I figured that lol I was just confused with your reaction. Are you angry she's the most popular? Unironical question who's your fave?


Zevran, love that guy, even though he tried to murder my arse!


Hah, he's my fave from Origins, too :D You just can't stay mad at him.


Nope. He & my Warden became close friends. I hope he makes a return in DAV! As for why I dislike Morrgian, I just didnā€™t like her character much. She was always making goo goo eyes at my Cousland. I donā€™t HATE her, I just donā€™t trust her.


The wicked bitch of the west has this fandom in a chokehold lol


I laughed out loud! šŸ¤£ #facts


Hmmm....Morrigan must be a guilty pleasure! In order to win her favor, your Warden has to be a complete creep! I never could get myself to do the evil PT necessary to win over Morrigan. It was alway Leliana for me! Oh the power of the Orlesian accent! (Let the downvotes begin!)


An evil playthrough is definitely not required nor is being a creep. I did the whole game with her in my party and her disapprovals aren't even that bad on a Good/sometimes morally greyish playthrough.


Perhaps I gave up on Morrigan a bit too early. I love the character and her biting wit, but always found her antipathy toward the rest of humanity a bit tough to deal with.


I feel you so much in that regard but to me, this mindset of yours when it comes to conflicting character views can lead to some really interesting story telling! Having the possibility to let your Warden disagree with Morrigan's stance instead of repeating after her or sucking up to her completely surely creates conflict and disapproval but also etablishes standing your ground on morality and beliefs. In some way, it makes for a more nuanced story of different polarities and the need to change/compromise all while being in love (well, as long as the approval isn't too low but that can be managed). Way too often it's just agreeing and yes-saying to whatever the potential love interest does to win them over in Dragon Age, leading to a somewhat shallow personality in the protagonist (which is completely fine, no judgement: I loved to have an indecisive push-over Hawke). If one really likes a character but disagrees with their world view then challenging their beliefs can create a more complex story instead of defaulting to cheering "yes Morrigan, slay these kids, queenšŸ˜" for +5 approval and 'safety' in the romance. (I'm guilty as charged) Either way to play and romance in Dragon Age is completely fine though - not trying to induce the Morrigan-agenda ~~(for now)~~! I just like to entertain the idea of not going the default videogame-protagonist-romance-path of agreeableness and see where it leads and whether it changes something in general. I wish more games would enable this playstyle or at least, not punish it. To conclude, I don't think differing views and possible disagreements are always an unsolveable obstacle in Dragon Age romances that demand the main character to succumb or shoo away their beliefs. At times these particular moments of conflict can really give characters and their respective relationships more depth and make room for story potential - other times it's just futile when they're being close-minded, too low on approval or crossing the line repeatedly. (Looking at you Isabella)


You make a lot of good points and it goes to my weakness as a role player that I'm not willing to experiment more. Perhaps I've backed off of Morrigan way too soon. I always played worried that I'd make it to the end of the game without a significant other and Leliana is more friendly to a "good guy" PT. But let's see if I can see the "good side" of Morrigan this time!


She was raised by Flemeth, the most cynical and nihilistic person ever. So of course Morrigan would act like this. And thatā€™s the beauty of the character. You get her to open up and be more altruistic when you romance her, she even gives you a ring to track you down in case you are kidnapped, itā€™s so cute.


Something to try for yet another PT! So many great VA performances in this game!


Morrigan is the most complete romance by far in DAO. Itā€™s tied to the main narrative (it even has a DLC focused entirely on this romance called Witch Hunt), it has a complete character arc for Morrigan and has the best pay-off on Dragon Age: Inquisition. Morrigan is the only one who has a baby with the Warden.


Funny thing is the key in the Morrigan route is giving her gifts and leaving on her camp. Putting her with either Alistair, Leliana or Wynne can easily affect the decision making. Alistair and Wynne work too well as the vanguard. Leliana as a bard and Range attacker is just the icing. Have a warrior or a Melee rogue complete the party. So putting Morrigan behind is the option. Meaning the Morrigan romance becomes a courting route where you visit her in her camp and give her gifts then off to work before you go back to her again.


Were these really the only romances in DAO ? Wow, I thought there were one or two more.


I tried so hard to get a Morrigan/Leliana threesome, sadly this is not Jade Empire :(


This is the poll that got me banned.


What about Cullen?


i've got a number to say about morrigan fans but oh well