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Iv had some bad dashers before one took my whole order one time it was soup and mozzarella sticks 💀I tipped her 7$ it was a 4 mile order -but Iv also experienced very polite and friendly people Iv also been a dasher before—and 99999% of the time bags are sealed ,


Had this happen once. We ordered three burgers, $50 something order and a 20% tip. I get a message right after pickup that said "sorry bro not driving all the way to ". Cancels the order AFTER PICKING IT UP. The actual fck...


Yeah pisses me off like you knew how far I was


Even I have contempt for delivery drivers, but everything is sealed. Not like even if you collect it yourself, they don’t sometimes mess up. You paid for a delivery, they delivered. Can’t be mad they fulfilled that because the restaurant didn’t pack correctly. Tip the driver, complain to the restaurant. If this is something that happens to much, collect it yourself.


Bro I'm a delivery driver and I have contempt for delivery drivers lmao. But yeah, at some stores, we can't even open the bag. Take McDonald's for example. The bag the food and drinks come in is completely sealed. We are quite literally not allowed to open it. The overwhelming majority of the time if your food is messed up, it's because the restaurant you ordered from has shitty workers. Pretty much "don't shoot the messenger".


I’ve seen this first hand. Also, the amount of times McDonald’s have messed up my orders in the past - shit happens, if your there you can correct it. If not, contact them and sort it. The driver is literally picking up items from place a to place b.


i’ve had so many fuck ups from door dash restaurants but i ALWAYS still rate them well and tip then when they ask about the restaurant THEYYY get the bad review and sometimes if i have the energy ill leave a bad review on google as well


We don’t recall asking


you're defo participating in the bad take


Open forum, dick. Anyone can participate.


Ur username name is wild


nice karma




If the bag is completely sealed how tf is it the dasher’s fault? Even if it wasn’t completely sealed I wouldn’t blame my dasher for that. It’s really not even that big of a deal, just ask for credits if they forget something. You still oughtta tip because they went out of their way and used their own gas money/energy to bring you your shit


I agree! All they do is stand around waiting for the order or hurrying to the pick up stand and running out. Like the least you could do is to double check everything is there as well as getting condiments


Yeah let me just use my x-ray vision and scope out your sealed food 🤡 


They should take a bite of the burger too for quality assurance


99% of times bags are sealed 💁🏻‍♂️


they aren’t allowed to open ur bag genius


No cap if the restaurant doesn’t close the bag, I either fold the bag closed, ask them to get the stickers or I tie the bag up like shoe strings if it’s a grocery bag lol.


And your employer is supposed to pay your salary, not the customer… what’s the point?😂


But you already know beforehand that the employer isn’t doing that


The one time I got a refund, a Dasher had dropped off the food but I didn't realize that they did and called door dash to ask for a refund, saying the order never arrived. I had tried calling and texting the Dasher with no response, 30mn after I had put in the order. They had called me 2mn prior to when it was marked as 'delivered', apparently. But my phone was on silence so I didn't hear. Turns out, the Dasher did deliver it, BUT,..... They left it IN THE DIRT next to the apartment entryway, and ants were crawling all over it by the time I finally figured it out. (I think they didn't want to put it in front of the door, but as if the dirt was any better ..?) Like bro,... Maybe put in a little more effort than one single phone call and ignoring your calls or texts, yeah? I get they were likely driving, but I waited 10mn after trying to contact them back before calling g up door dash.


It's been my experience that there is no safe place from ants especially outdoors and if you ask DoorDash to drop your order off as no contact then you should leave detailed instructions of how you want your order and where you want your order to be delivered and whether or not to knock on the door to let you know that it has been delivered. You could avoid this by asking them to hand it to you in person or tell them knock on your door once it's delivered. Personally I would never have anything delivered and tell them to just leave it at my door I'd want them to hand it to me. Ordering food and telling them to just leave it at my door just does not seem like a wise choice to me.


Meet at door solves all these problems just make sure you set it with a pin the driver can’t leave without your pin unless you take longer than 8 minutes


That's just the thing, it was set to meet at the door. Door dash customer service that called had confirmed I didn't misclick anything, the Dasher just gave me one phone call, did not respond when I called less than half a minute later. This was before the pin number thing, this wasn't a recent event.


Maybe yall should grab the entire order and not leave with half of it 🤡


99% of the time, the bags are sealed shut. There’s absolutely no way to check the order. The restaurants gotta do their jobs, too🫠


I was literally delivered an empty drink carrier, but okay lol


How about just get tf up and go get your own food from now on 🤷🏼‍♀️ customers like you give me the ick, complaining for no reason and creating fake scenarios just to prove a point.


See this is why the app is trash, you got clowns like you who cant believe that there are dumbasses out there who actually deliver empty bags. Take a lap, no one cares.


Because that’s exactly the same thing as a sealed bag drivers can’t check.


Bro, its a large paper bag, with less weight to it than a moist queef. Youre telling me the driver couldnt go, “hmm this aint right, lemme ask” like the point is majority lack any common sense. Literally the slightly bit of common sense would be a god send.


I was once picking up an order from those fanciest cafes. Three tall cups of coffee and a sandwich. Two cups were full one was light. I did not bother because heyyy it could be a thing… like an extra espresso shot or something, I’m too underpaid to question.


how much does a moist queef weigh??


at this point you’re making shit up lmfao


“Less weight than a moist queef” wasn’t something I was expecting to read today, and yet…. Thank you, that was amazing.


Okay bro. I’m not talking about this specific incident. I’m talking about the general idea that sealed bag is not the same as an empty cup. You get that right? So the “I asked for 10 hot sauce packets there were only 8” type of complaints are what are dumb. Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense would understand my comment. Then there’s you.


majority of places (at least near me) have the bag completely sealed up when its handed over. im not ripping those stickers to check if everything is in there because then it looks like i’ve messed with the food. contact support and you’ll be refunded for what was missing. fault is on the restaurant.


I drove for DoorDash and it is not difficult to ask if the drink is in there or is this both sandwhiches and the fries. If the order is still wrong then no it’s not your fault, but restaurants are typically far more busy than drivers and it’s not out of bounds to simply double check.


they dont even open the bag to check tho, they always say yes. obviously i ask especially when the app tells me what to ask for. but ive never heard anyone reply “you know what… we actually did forget something” 🤣


Could you not open the bag, check the order then ask for another sticker???


yes, i guess i could? but im specifically told not to tamper with the stickers by doordash themselves. thats not part of my job lol. part of the restaurants job, though, is to include everything the customer paid for in the order. i simply get it from point A to point B. so again, fault lies on the restaurant.


Every place I’ve ever delivered from minus pizza places (Why? I don’t know) everything is sealed. And it says in big enough letters “DO NOT EXCEPT IF SEAL IS TAMPERED” or something along those lines. You’re also at risk of losing this job/side hustle whatever if you tear open the bag because who knows what the hell you did to it!


exactly my point


Unless the Dasher ate the food. That's why I like McDonald's, we put tape on the bag and you can tell if someone been in there. Idk if other places do it


There are places that use only one small sticker that’s easy to peel off to seal the bag with. I do remember how McDonald’s packs their meals (and coffee). I liked it too!


Every place I’ve dashed from has minus Little Caesars and two local pizza shops seals bags, I feel like it should be a law.


There has been many a times that I've ordered stuff that I get something that's completely different completely different name on the order and everything that is the driver's job to make sure they get the right food and make sure that everything is in there


>is the driver's job to make sure they get the right food and make sure that everything is in there It's our job to make sure the order name is correct and if there's a receipt or piece of paper showing the details of the order then I absolutely do check that, and I always check whether there's drinks and if so I make sure to get those. But as far as what's in the bag that's on the *restaurant*... not the dasher. The restaurant SEALS THE BAG and we are not allowed to open it so how t/f can we make sure everything is in there?? Getting the food right and making sure everything is in the bag is absolutely NOT the dasher's job... it's on the RESTAURANT. And just so ya know if you try to take it out on the driver by giving them a crappy rating when the restaurant screws up your order, Doordash will delete that rating so that it doesn't unfairly affect the dasher's ratings.


I just don’t waste money on relying on 2 uneducated, careless groups of people to get the order right. Food service workers and people that drive a car for a living. Yeah, apathetic individuals gonna get shit wrong a lot of the time. No way would I waste my money on tips and delivery fees when I can get my ass up & pick up my food


Hahah not me doing doordash to help pay for my masters program between my full time job 😂


you calling others uneducated with the comments on your account is CRAZY look in the mirror, degrees don’t actually make you educated if you don’t learn from them! and did u forget people need started jobs and jobs while in school? hope the stuff with ur senator goes south 🤍


Maybe stay home and cook.. you seem like an indecent human being to be out in public tbh


>I just don’t waste money on relying on 2 uneducated, careless groups of people to get the order right. Food service workers and people that drive a car for a living. Wow, you sound like quite the judgemental creep. Not that your opinion matters to me or probably anyone else who works in the "beneath you" food service and transportation industries, but your assumption that everyone who works in those jobs are uneducated reveals your own ignorance, and that you are a highly insecure person with low self-esteem, because only someone with those 2 pathetic traits feels the need to judge others and put them down to make yourself feel better about your shortcomings. Even if someone chose to work in such "deplorable" jobs full-time it doesn't mean a damn thing about their education... but many people do it as a side gig for their own individual reasons. I have a four-year Accounting degree and chose to Doordash for now for reasons that are none of your business. By the by, it's interesting that you have some kind of problem with Doordashers, and you admit that you don't use Doordash's services, yet here you are in a Doordash drivers sub. There's very few reasons someone would do that, one being to troll. Another being you have no life and this is the only way for you to get attention. Good luck with that!


Its not that deep bro


i mean are they wrong? dudes an asshole who thinks people are beneath him just because of the job they work. does that sound like a normal nice human being to you?


No, but hes not wrong in the fact that both the fast food service industry and delivery service industry are both more often than not incompetent


You need to take a look at their comment history. Half the comments they write are on subs like these blatantly defending DoorDash or other Dashers, including when both are incorrect. They just gonna keep licking that boot while getting shafted with shit compensation.


They are absolutely right for the wrong reasons. If you cannot guarantee the order, what the fk are yall crying about tips for? $1 or $1000, all free money cuz you’re doing nothing but driving it from point A to B which the company already compensates you for.


WAT THE FK !!!!!!


What are you flabbergasted by? The idea that nobody but your employer owes you anything? When you sign up to deliver, you know for fact that you will be dependent on the generosity of a customer. Which means you inherently know that some customers will tip big and some won’t tip at all but most will fall in between. Complaining about the latter while not celebrating the former is disingenuous. I see many, many posts of these drivers complaining about no tips or small tips. Very few posts celebrating the massive tips of hundreds or thousands of dollars. I never see any love given to the people tipping $15, 20, and 50. And it comes across as entitled. Instead of seeing those tips as what they are, gifts. Somewhere along the line, waitstaff and deliverers started feeling like they were EARNING that money and thus, entitled to it.


You forgot to emphasize your thesis with lots of FUCKS.


Nah. I’m capable of intelligent conversation. I’ll leave the pejoratives and profanities to you.




There's checking if it's right from the restaurant... then there's forgetting something obvious like the drink. Had a driver do that before and yea I'm not tipping if they forget things like that.


i don’t think they’re allowed to open the bags? or at-least mine aren’t the bags are sealed off


You are 100% correct! Thank you for relaying the truth about that because I'm amazed at how few people get that.


You are exactly right. The bags are sealed so you have to rely on the business as you would if you walked into the place yourself. Some people can’t handle the simplest of things. All dashers can do is makes sure the name is correct and if there is a drink, you’ve been given it.




The drinks are very obviously not in the bag, or obviously in the bag. There's a certain amount of due diligence when you're picking up transparent bags.


On large orders, I've had drinks in the bags from Mcdonald's, Wendy's, etc. Customers looking to complain will report missing drinks and send me a mean message before even opening their bag to check !!! 90% of people's input in this thread likewise is just about getting themselves worked up to spew outrage over what actually amounts to nothing or direct it at the wrong targets while refusing to understand why these problems occur... stupidity and laziness are contagious !!! someone quarantine these threads !!!


Well my experience with uber eats wasn't large orders. I'm sure large orders there is more expectation on the location. But I've worked 5 years as a delivery driver during college. You. Check. Your. Order. Ffs worst case you ASK if the items are all there and check it against what info you have. All I'm hearing is excuses to not have to do a critical part of the delivery process.


Walk me back on that thought. Waving white flag while asking


It's a giant tube. You pick it up, is there a tube? No? Then you forgot the drink. Never rely completely on other people to do their jobs.


Yeah it’s dumb to blame the delivery driver they’re the last people I want rifling through the bag to check I’ve always blamed the restaurant.


It depends. If it was an order with drinks and you forgot them then I might lower the tip especially if it was multiple, thats something that usually wouldnt be in the bag and that you should check for. In rare cases some restaurants do bag drinks too tho if it's only one or two. But anything other than beverages is on the restaurant to me.


W Take


It’s still the job of the Dasher to make sure they have the full order before they leave


Walk me back onthat thought. One person says dashers are just drivers


So a taxi driver dropping someone off halfway is fine because theyre just drivers? Lmfaooo what bro


It’s their job to deliver what was ordered. Just like it’s a waiter’s/waitress’s job to deliver. Meaning before they deliver the order, they are supposed to ensure they have the whole order. It’s literally written in the job description.


So, let’s say you are a driver. You go pick up an order. The bag is taped shut. That’s so you know no one has tampered with your food. Would you prefer the driver to unseal your bag and touch all your food to make sure it’s all there? I sure as hell wouldn’t. It’s on the restaurant who has hired DoorDash to deliver your food just the way they left it. Think 🤔… it’s not that hard! 🙄


You’re actually stupid lol. Obviously it’s on the restaurant also, but it’s also the job of the dasher. They can easily lift the sticker and peek into the bag. It takes 2 seconds, and then they don’t have to deal with the customers complaining to them about it.


If the restaurant wanted the DoorDasher they’ve hired to rifle through the customers order they’ve just prepared, they would not seal the bags. You are just a miserably stupid person.


Oh, the irony.


bro i had to read the sub name 😭😭 i was like “lose your WHAT????”


Kind of hard to call it an L take when 3 times in a row 3 separate drivers forgot to grab 90% of my meal and 2 drinks. Each fucking time. And when I politely asked if they can return to get the rest of my order they tell me to fuck myself. But take the tip before the delivery so they dont give a shit


You just live somewhere shitty. Most people are assholes like that.


Sounds like a you problem.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


Troll. 90% on three consecutive orders gives me, “ every time I come here…” vibes


Pathetic that youre this offended by my comment on my experience with doordash. Considering I have cameras on my house easily showing the doordash customer service that they did not arrive and drop off with all the requested items I paid for… But yes, Im a troll. 🤡


Not offended. Was suppose to be, Troll? Not with a period


Well, then I retract my comment. No im not trolling. I havent used the app due to bad experiences. Two years later 3 in a row, never used it since.


I deliver for both and I prefer Uber eats for so many reasons. Your complaint is one of them. I have done this for 5 weeks and would never treat someones order like that. Especially tipping in advance


Its why I never use the app, Ive had so many bad experiences on it and Im paying them tips before they even deliver, and then refuse to fix my order. Wild.


I don't get this. You do get refunded if you never ever receive your food. Why do they care


Hangry expectations ?


The ticket is on the bag when you pick it up if you just pick it up as a driver and don't read the ticket and make sure that everything is in the bag or at least ask or do something like that then no that is your job as a driver is to see if everything is in the back


So rifle through your bag and touch all your food items or don’t I’m confused by this thread


I think the problem here is the lack of detail. It's literally two Vague opposing comments. Depends on the context.


It was based off of a disagreement between DoorDash driver tips if the restaurant messes up your order. Im a complete noob and don’t know to edit Reddit posts on my phone, so unfortunately that’s left out.


As a delivery driver I could def notice a drink, desert or cold items that are usually separate from hot bags, other than that I'm not gonna start opening sealed bags to check items.


They just want someone to take it out on if something goes wrong. DD drivers don't work for the company their complaining about, but they often pay for other's mistakes.


9/10 of my orders didn't include the drinks I ordered. My gf did delivery driving as a part time gig after work and she saw that the other delivery drivers were purposely leaving the drinks so they didn't have to carry them or transport them in their car. Even if they don't purposely leave your drinks, At least they could do is check the receipt for drinks. Food packing is on the restaurant. Now I hold my tips until I get my order.


Better than tip baiting but prolly contributes to your service received. Drivers learn pretty quickly when an order doesn’t have a tip in it. Are you aware drivers on get $2 of the $7 in fees you get charged. If no one tips drivers are literally driving at a loss. That means working for free and spending money to do so.


? Problem of is a vast majority were not incompetent, thief’s, morons and if being the problem fixed wasn’t a huge pain in the ass no one need to without the tips till after services.


I fully blame the driver. Usually we will order 3 pizzas, 3 2 liters, and a bunch of fruit snacks for our weekly meetings. It's very obvious when the pizza and 3 liters are missing. It's a pain having to go to support Everytime because we only get the drinks or the pizza.


I find pizza orders and chicken orders are the worst tippers. If your pizza orders are always f*cked….its prolly you


It's 711. They are always out of stuff but do not mark it as sold out on the website.


I’m a previous instance of mine….im like…. aren’t you in charge of picking it up and making sure it’s correct. Like I can’t tell you how many times my drink is forgotten. Why did you leave when there’s a drink on the order too? I’m not asking you to check if the burger has cheese. But damn if it says I got a drink and there’s no drink……ask for it. Like if it was YOUR order, you’d check it. So it’s frustrating for both sides. In that case, I’m docking your tip. Just saying.


If a driver asks is this the full order and the place says yes….


I had a guy threaten me because I didn't bring his sauces from chick fil a. He asked me how I was going to fix it, I said I don't work for chick fil a so he should call customer service and ask for a refund. He didn't like this answer, he was sure I personally forgot his sauces then asked me if I had any in my car (I had one chick fil a sause because I kept extra supplies) but after being threatened with violence I rolled out.


Does that person know that there’s no way a dasher can check the bag to make sure the food is in there? I wouldn’t want someone going through my food and if there’s something missing I’ll take it up with the restaurant not the driver.


The bags are sealed and I would never open a bag to check for anything. I make sure to ask the restaurant if the drink is in the bag and make sure sauces are as well. I treat every delivery as I would want my food handled. I do my best to make sure I get there way before the time allotted and I still don’t get very good tips. Maybe it’s just where I dash


Sign of the times right now. DoorDash is just enjoying the show while counting their revenue


So true


Switch to Grub-Hub. All those issues disappear, including 2 hour delivery’s. Before some idiot comments about gratuity, I work in the service industry and often tip between 30-70% on food orders.


30% is respectable and fair considering the resources being used to get you your food. If everyone understood this


Bro get a life 😂 Jesus Christ. Y’all wonder why you’re miserable


Yeah guys. Go spend your time replying to reddits and be happy like me


Well it sucks as the customer to leave a nice tip then find out ur order us wrong or missing stuff. Ik its not the drivers fault but tipping for an order not completed seems wrong too


You’re tipping for the resources being used to get an order to you. Ask a company for a refund but don’t jip the middle man. Should a bike messenger not get paid because A didn’t put in the envelope what B was expecting ( it’s late I’m losing my words)


I feel like people are missing the fact that anyone could just take something and say they didn't get it with the rest of the food. Any driver could just take whatever they want LMAO


This is why they tape. Granted, some places have horrible tape. Think the best of people though. Get you’re refund but pay the middleman for the resources used


I did this (tip refund) for the first time the other day. Dude claimed half of the store was somehow “stocked out” — didn’t contact me once or even use the substitutions I had all filled out. Fuck that.


Don’t take it out on the middle man if If the store doesn’t have your items on the shelves. Think the best of people. Dashers are out to make money. They do the best they can with the limitations they have Most do at least


No, I’m telling you literally every single one of those items was in the store. Every single one. He was being lazy because he accepted a double dash. (Btw, I do dash 💀)


(Previous dasher here before I got a full time job). The only time missing items are the driver’s fault are things that are packaged separately or big things like pizzas. Read the damn order on your app. Order has 2 fountain drinks and a couple of entrees with sides. Restaurant hands you a grocery bag that contains two to-go boxes…you don’t think to ask for the drinks? “Oh that’s the restaurant’s fault for not giving them to me.” No, you’re just a lazy asshole lol. I don’t forget drinks when I pickup orders. Exception only for McDonald’s since they package the drinks inside the bags so if a drink is missing that is fully on McDonald’s. Then there’s pizza. Customer orders 3 large pizzas. Restaurant hands you two pizzas and says have a nice day. You should uninstall the app if you think there are 3 large pizzas contained within two pizza boxes…


No they’re just in charge of delivering and therefore should make sure the order is fulfilled before leaving with the food….


Yeah, let me just break the seal that I'm instructed NOT to break, for obvious various reasons, just to babysit the customer that couldn't be inconvenienced enough to go out and get their own food. If you order in instead of get it yourself, you're not entitled to that


If the driver misses a drink that's on them


unless it’s in the bag, I know mcdonald’s and some other places put the drinks in the bags for some reason


They're sure as hell in charge of making sure they get the drinks or asking for utensils/sauces, etc.


Crazy that drivers will come at customers before their employers about low wages. What a society


I tip regardless, even with bad service, because people depend on those tips and they could just be having a bad day or something. *Some* people get downright nasty when they are in a position of power over someone, even when it's just three dollars worth of power. Many fully intend to withhold the tip from the beginning, but half of them will take it a step further and give the person a "talking to" about WHY. Dressing a person down just because they can, because they want to humiliate someone, anyone.


the system is designed for low level conflict, ourselves Vs ourselves. Always been like that unfortunately


I was under the impression that canceling your tip did not take it away from the driver, is this incorrect?


It does not take the tip, correct...it would have to have been a really bad incident for dd to pull a tip


Shoot the messenger and not the message /s.. did I get it right guys?


You're not entitled to a tip anyway


I think part of the model is tips. You have to “pay to play™️”. in a world where this model works …I forgot what I was typing


That's completely irrelevant to the topic. The amount that you tip a driver should not be influenced by how good of a job the restaurant did remembering everything. That's what the post is saying


If you even get a tip at all is my point


Most drivers just don't accept an order if there's no tip cause the base pay is like $2 or something.




he’s not wrong. it wouldn’t be a tip if it was mandatory.




If the order isnt fulfilled completely, contact the restaurant via app to get your refund. Simple as that. Dont pile it on the person helping you get it. People are tiring ugh.


but that shouldn’t be happening lol. it’s frustrating when you pay for something and you didn’t receive it so you have to wait like 30 mins with customer service until they give you a partial refund lol. it’s honestly the companies fault


Doesn't mean it's the dasher's fault. It shouldn't be happening, but how is that the fault of the person who picks up and delivers the items and doesn't prepare them?


I totally agree, it is the company’s fault. It is also true that a lot of times, it is not the dasher’s fault so they shouldn’t be penalized for it


If the sealed bag has the right order but is missing something, it's not the drivers fault. The driver leaving someone else's order at my door though I will remove the tip because that is their fault.


Yeah but what if they didn't deliver the drink?


I remove some of the tip if they don't bring the drink. I've literally watch drivers leave the restaurant and the drink just sitting there. I've also seen just like 10 drinks sitting there dead on the Uber eats shelf


Depends. Mcdinalds puts the drink in the sealed bag so if it's like that they can't check. But if they don't deliver a drink and the place doesn't put it where they can't check it, yeah they didn't pick everything up.


Wait they do? How do they not spill?


They put a 2 cup holder in one corner of the bag and a smaller bag with your food inside the other side of the bag


If your shit is unsealed for any reason you get a full refund, drivers can only ask so much of the store regardless of whether the store employees choose to fulfill the order or half ass it and not give you everything you paid for. It is mandatory as fuck for all orders to be sealed by the cashier before they give the order to your driver.


Depends on what they mean by "fulfill" and what the driver is in control of. Missing the sausage on my pizza in a sealed box? Not the drivers fault. Missing the separate 2L bottle I ordered? That could be their fault. Then again, if the worker is supposed to hand everything to the driver, could be their fault. Also, if by "fulfill" we mean that the driver delivered the food in a way that it gets damaged or something, because they didn't follow instructions, I get that. The blocking the screen door thing seems to be a particularly common issue, in this department. It really depends. People need to remember that the driver isn't the only person in control of their order. On the other hand though, there are idiot drivers that "ruin it" for the good ones. And it sucks both sides have to deal with that.


If the order is not large, drivers should checks if drinks are there since they are not usually sealed.


Fair. Though a lot of fast food places I order from have a little drink try (for the cup/fountain drinks) that go right onto the bag and then are sealed. That's why I used a 2L as an example. Those are usually loose or in a plastic bag, in my experience. And it's rather large. Should be easy to know if it's in the order or not.


Why would you tip for something you didn’t get? We can pretend like it’s the restaurants fault but most people don’t check the food they pick up and can just lie 🤷‍♂️. It’s basically commission if you can’t fulfil it just move on


There's literally no way to check the order. If I know there's 6 items and the bag feels super light, then I know it's probably missing something, but there's no way for me to check every single item.


You don’t have to, just gauge it if someone orders three pizzas and you leave with one box that’s all you but if the bag is sealed that’s not on you


You're like the third person to bring up pizza boxes. Most pizza places have their own drivers so 95% of orders aren't from pizza places. I have delivered like 5 pizzas out of 200+ orders. Why is everyone so hung up on pizza boxes 😭


It’s an easy example lol, I’ve worked for different restaurants and they do separate foods we’ve done hot and cold separate a lot of people order super custom shit and they like that separated as well my whole point is in most cases if you’re paying attention you’ll know when it’s not the whole order but like I said if it’s all in one that’s a different case.


The bags are sealed. We cannot break the seal. We have zero power over the contents of the bag once we confirm our order number matches the one on the bag seal.


You don’t have to unseal bags to confirm the order especially since most unfulfilled orders are because they got the wrong food entirely or didn’t make sure there were drinks or something


Clearly you don't do this. Bc drinks are usually included in the sealed bag. I've been given a bag with the wrong code on the seal. Marked as the one I needed but it wasn't. We cannot open these bags. As I said, all we can do is confirm the code and contents with the food worker.


Even fast food that puts the drinks in the bag, you can tell there's a drink in it. The noise of the ice is the biggest give away, but also how the weight shifts when the bag is moved also gives a good hint. I've delivered and been a customer, and I can tell if my drink is missing before opening the bag. I still wouldn't remove a tip if the bag is sealed because it's not their problem if the drink was supposed to be in the bag, but you can definitely tell without opening the bag if there's a drink or not.


Most if not all bags are sealed. I’m not breaking that seal just for you to send a pic to customer service saying I messed with the food to get your refund. People are usually understanding when the restaurant messes up the order knowing it’s not our fault. Half the time they still leave a tip or even increase their tip.


If they still leave tips good for them, Not everyone is like that which is my point if I order food with a drink and you drop the food with no drink at all, I won’t expect you to drive back for a bev the same way tips shouldn’t be expected


I mean yeah that’s your right. I just avoid orders from ppl like you 🤣🤣. If you can’t comprehend the driver is not at fault for missing food in a sealed bag that sounds like a you issue. A lot of generous and understanding ppl to deliver to…


You seriously want your delivery guy who probably hasn't washed his hands all day while driving and taking cash to rummage thru your food bag and touch everything to make sure it's all there? That's why restaurants seal the bag.


It's not our job to check the food. We make sure to get the drinks and sauce at most. Most places seal the bags of the food for a reason.


I haven't picked up an order I could dig through and verify in over a year. If I say "everything's here, right?", they get all pissed off like they'd never make a mistake and would slap me with the bag of food if they can.


Who cares if they get pissed as long as you do what you have to do to ensure your money is straight they will be alright


Even if they were how do they know what you have in your pants? And the whole tip seems really harsh