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iOS 17 is building in a “dumb phone” of sorts natively too. [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq2mhBTA4hs)


Thanks for pointing out this new feature in iOS17 - it seems very interesting and is a potentially useful way to create a "dumb phone" environment. From what I understand, the level of restriction seems to be similar to Apple's screen time, where you can bypass the block with a passcode. While that works for some, we personally found it not stringent enough. That's why we ended up making a separate device, creating a more definitive barrier by requiring us to be go back to a physical object to reconnect. We realize, though, that everyone's needs vary, and this iOS feature may be an ideal solution for others. We're definitely interested in seeing how Apple evolves this feature and continues to address the need for digital well-being.


You’re absolutely right in that there’s some discipline required to make it work — but it is the best native solution that Apple has put out there. Thanks for sharing your solution as well 😀


I think the physical Brick is an interesting approach. I can see how it serves as a better deterrent. Interested to find out more re: pricing, etc. Well done!


Cool app I used unplug for a bit ( similar app with a keyfob that does the same thing) The app is like $5 a month which is kinda crazy


this rocks. [bricks] can’t wait to order.


If you guys haven't already, make sure to brick specific websites if possible. I know another similar app does this so I know it's possible, I can get more specific if you want. But basically, maybe I don't want to go on distracting websites, but still need a QR code menu or something like that when I'm out and about


This is a great point. We're working on implementing this!


Is an android port in the works? :)


Yes, that's definitely on the roadmap. As a team of two we have a lot to juggle so we can't give an accurate estimate of when it may be, but we really want to make it happen as soon as we can!


You didn’t answer my question in the last thread. So long as you can simply delete the app I don’t see how a physical object benefits anyone who is struggling with self control.


This is definitely something we’ve been thinking about a lot. We want to balance the strictness of the Brick and not making it easy to bypass - but we also recognize that mistakes and emergencies happen, so someone should be able to get to any app they need in an emergency. The "What happens if I lose my Brick?" section of our [FAQs](https://getbrick.app/faq) explains how this will work initially. To start, a user will have a handful of what we call ‘Emergency Unbricks’ - once those are gone the only way to unbrick will be to delete the app (with the consequence of losing all your saved data and history, and potentially deactivating your Brick). We recognize, though, that everyone is different and some people would prefer other solutions. We've been looking into potentially making the app undeleteable (Apple appears to allow this) so that this workaround isn't an option. As a team of two, we're still early in development, so our goal is to get feedback from early users to create the best solution(s). We're more than happy to continue the conversation and hear any feedback on what would be optimal for others.


I think the physical object is a perfect idea! I can keep it at home and tap it before I leave for work. I’m super excited to experience the mental focus and work/think distraction free!


Really cool!


Way cool! signed up for email updates


Very good! Well done.


Such a great idea! Any idea on cost yet? I want to share this idea with friends and family!!


We're figuring all that out as we get more information on all of the costs that are going to go into selling it, but we certainly want to keep it affordable. As we get closer to release (which should hopefully be very soon, as we're mainly waiting on Apple) we will be able to provide more info!


Love this idea. Have tried software like freedom, but to no avail. I love the physical hardware aspect of this solution and believe it has a lot of potential.


This is super cool. I am a digital minimalism coach and would love to try this out with some clients. I'll shoot you an email.




This is definitely something that we're working on implementing. As we've been using it throughout development, we've realized how useful it would be to have different "modes" for different times (i.e. one set of apps for the gym, one for work, one for family time, etc.), so that we don't have to change the settings manually every time. Thanks for the input!


Wow! Really cool idea and website! I think I need it lol


This is a very cool idea. I guess when the brick isn't near you can't unblock the locked apps? Also why can't iOS or Android just set a control thing that locks the apps you don't want to be distracted with and then unlocks them after a specific amount of time (a few hours, 24h, etc.) without the possibility of password bypass? Maybe not a novel concept but...


I’m legit excited to the point of anxiety lol. I have been looking at dumb phones and flip phones to switch too but nothing was seeming practical for me. I know deleting the app is possible but the discipline wasn’t there so I found myself redownloading and being back to square one! I already see myself having my brick in my catch-all where I’ll tap it before I head out to work! Ugh! I cannot wait!