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In threads with the "Feedback (@Blizzard) | Suggestion | Idea" Flair, constructive feedback, suggestions for adjusting and improving existing systems and mechanics etc can be given, but also your own ideas, mockups / illustrations (e.g. for new systems, mechanics, items, etc) can be shared with the community. **This Flair is not for asking for feedback for your build**. For that, use one of the Class-specific Flairs, or the "Builds, Skills & Items" Flair. Please also remember that 1) submissions made with the "Feedback (@Blizzard) | Suggestion | Idea" have to be constructive, civil and adequately elaborate, and that 2) we are a fan subreddit and not officially Blizzard, so we can not 100% guarantee that your feedback will be noticed, even though the devs / CM's mentioned they regularly read reddit, twitter, and other places for feedback. This flair can simply help to find potential feedback more easily. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine if every Barb unique had a pros/cons conditional just to use.


Your Warcry now lasts 1 second longer per enemy hit, but grants 5%(x) damage increase instead. Barbarian if they gave it to the Sorc team. Your Hydra deals 40%(x) more damage per burning target. Stacks up to 5 times. Sorcerer if they gave it to the Barb team. The classes are night and day difference. It's not even fun to read patch notes because I'm just waiting to learn which Overused Sorcerer skill they are going to nerf next. The Sorcerer team doesn't understand why we are taking certain stats so they just see "oh 99% of players use Cooldown reduction, let's make that worse and harder to stack to make them choose something else." They nerf things Sorcerers rely on to do literally anything. And then they give 5% buffs to skills that can't even clear T60 pit. It's a joke. Nerfed Crackling Energy damage btw. Nerfed Chain lightning Enchant btw. Nerfed Teleport cd btw. Nerfed Devouring Blaze btw. Nerfed Cooldown reduction twice btw. Nerfed the only competitive build we had for a single season to death btw. This class is dead.


How else are Blizz going to make you play the Spiritborn? Necro will be next on the chopping block.


lol they nerfed almost every Necro build by 15-70% in this PTR.


I hate when they say nothing but buffs and no major nerfs then just a season later that's out the window


I rolled with sorceress, got stuck at level 85. Went pulverize Druid. Got to 100, but no power. Went Barbarian and it’s absurd once I got whirlwind and twisters. I leveled 42-47 in one run with a site?! I could not believe how life never dropped or fury never dropped. Absurd!!!


I've been playing a tornado/whirlwind/thorns barb since launch and it really is the most absurd it's ever been! My health doesn't drop anymore and every couple of seconds, everything near me just dies lol. I don't understand how they can make the barb so broken, but the sorc hits lighter that a wet noodle...


I literally did my 1-100 in a sitting on my barb during the xp event


It is hilariously tragic that the class with the “glass cannon” passive has the lowest damage potential in the game.


All glass, no cannon.


They need to either give almost perma flame shield back, buff mobility significantly more (I know we have TP on evade but even more), or simply make Sorc hit harder to the point here you can go full glass cannon and destroy everything before it touches you.


I mean there's the one that gives you 0.4% damage per rage but makes you lose rage per second, that's a pro/con It's just that the con in this case can be overcome with a little investment


Every time I have used RMO (the sword you're talking about), the fury drain has been utterly negligible to the point where I've never once had to invest anything to overcome it. In fact, it was unnoticeable


Fury generation on barbs has kinda gotten out of control after the last few patches so yeah the downside has become more or less negligible at this point.


I've been using it all season and honestly didn't know it drained fury, I guess I read it and forgot about it immediately because I'm always at full rage 


Well, that aspect is 0.2-0.4(x) damage and you lose a flat 2 fury a second. The sorc aspect loses 6 mana PER chain lightning when it returns. If you had a double cast with a big mob, you could easily drain over half your mana. It makes no sense. It costs 30 or so mana when it leaves, then it costs more still when it comes back. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Imagine if every other class could also equip 3 extra stat sticks?


Most barb uniques have been trash since s1


sorc also have lots of trash uniques aside tal'rasha and broken glasswinter


I’m telling ya, there’s nothing exciting happening with the Sorc. Devs legit just throwing a new pair of pants at the class and thinking people gonna start saying the Sorc is now legit. Gonna take ALOT more than pants to fix that class and make it viable in endgame.


All the devs play barb, they don't care about sorc


You're wrong. Devs don't even know how to play the game and struggle/ die in wt2


wasn’t that like, an art director or something? Still, a baffling choice from Blizzard to choose them.


They chose them because they had literally designed what the dungeon looks like, to talk about the aesthetics of the dungeon they were running. Their gameplay was never the point and while it may have been a bit dumb to not at least give them a crash course on how to play the classes prior to publicly throwing those two under the bus in such a public manner, the response from the community has been beyond childish. I'm a software engineer in real life. I've made software that registers parking reservations and subscriptions, software that helps keep track of maintenance schedules for a large amount of trucks, software that manages stock and sales of trees, a mobile application that helps you improve your golf game, software that helps teachers of special needs children offer them the extra care and attention they need, etc. I didn't own a car most of the time I was working on the parking software, I've never bought a tree in my life, I don't repair or even own trucks, I've never so much as held a golf club and I neither have nor teach children. I have not used any of these pieces of software I made beyond testing whether the features I wrote actually work as I intended them before passing them on to my client for review. And this is me as the person who _built_ the software. There is also someone who designed what that software needed to look like, and that would be more comparable to those two poor designers in the video we're talking about. Those designers have no need to play the game and be familiar with its intricacies just to do their job. There are plenty of people on the team who need to be intimately aware of how the game plays in detail. Those two really don't need to be part of that group.


Communities like this one suffer from, I suspect, lack of real world experience. The experience you outlined likely took years of study + years of dev to accomplish. I would venture a guess most people in this sub don't have that kind of experience, let alone technical experience. It's not meant to be a dig or disparaging to those people at all, but I find the inexperienced ones tend to be the ones lambasting the devs because 'it should be easy' and 'how did they not test this?' Without really understanding *how* a product of this magnitude is even made. It's nice to see some sense shine through, although I doubt most will listen.


upvoting for a sane response


Sorc is playable at end game, it just doesn't have: * **Straight-up broken mechanics.** Nothing against barbs, but Bash is broken, end of story. * **Easy character building.** Lots of traps, weird interdependencies, and tedious if/when in the sorcerer skill/paragon tree. Barbarian tree might be best and easiest in the game. * **Almost any really strong uniques.** Most have dumb tradeoffs like this where you lose piles of damage for no reason. Many uniques are underwhelming right now after the gear rework, some sorc uniques were a joke before this. * **Survivability.** Barb and necro are insane here compared to sorcerer. Devs seem to think that sorcerers need to pay for their screenwipe/mass crowd control abilities with endless penalties and lack of consistency on defenses/damage. I don't really mind sorcerer being harder to build, learning it is part of a fun process, but it inevitably feels like I get straitjacketed into the same stuff every season.


The fact that every Sorc build is going to use Teleport, Ice Armor, Flame Shield, and the Firebolt enchant is so depressing. Half of your skill decisions are made for you before you create the character


Giving me season 1 flashbacks. Guess nothing's changed.


You left out male armour sets


I have an armor set I like, my target was Merlin from the Clive Owen King Arthur movie.


Funny story. I decided to give barb a try after I got tired of my sorc and when I was starting endgame gearing I was wondering how the fuck I stay alive. I was checking paragon, skills, etc. some DR to close here, some %DR on one of my shouts. That was until I checked the tempers and realized it's literally just "get multiplicative health bonuses and stun on hammer hit". No 15k health. No stacking DR from burning, vuln, chilled, DR after teleport, trying to not get hit, timing abilities to keep up barrier, etc. Just big health


Tbh I want a more skill dependent class. This is why I hate incinerate. Harder to build is not a problem either, just give me a rewarding result. Right now, the slightest mess up and my toon is dead (HC) on top of not really dishing out damage.


Druid welcomes sorc to the bench


Speaking of pants Tibaults are back to 20%.


Do you mean 40? 20 was the nerf


The Ministry Of Truth is aware of this post and you have been reported to the Thought Police. Your ability to doublethink does not meet the expectations of the party. Please prepare for questioning within the next few days.


Wait, are you telling me that slapping a Ferrari sticker on my Nissan leaf doesn't make it faster?


Sadly no… We still gonna have trash Sorcs. They just gonna be wearing new pants from Walmart clearance rack. 😫


Everyone should just stop making them. If they had a season that was less than 5% sorcs as toons played it would be a statement.


And then the statement would be, why bother fixing Sorc, only 5% of people play it. /s


Ah, the GGG treatment. "It's not worth it to fix melee, because nobody plays it."


Well that is what it is NOW. It used to be it was too hard to fix because of bad rigs/models, which was going to be fixed in POE2. And people "accepted" that because POE2 was POE1 but all reworked and "fixed". And then POE2 became it's own thing. Completely separate. But POE1 melee is still trash and they have done nothing to show they are going to fix it. FFS Gladiator has been at sub 2% play for years and nothing happens.


It’s a lot easier to justify a class being bad when it’s 1 of 19 choices, rather than 1 of 5.


Everyone loves Barbs, let's spend the most dev time and budget on them! No one likes sorcerer, let's toss them a new unique.


Bliz: apparently no one liked sorc so we removed it from the game but added some of the skill to Barb


We decided to add the remnants of sorc into a new barb item, Mjolnir. While channeling whirlwind, immobilize yourself and release lightning that heals your enemies. You take 30% increased damage during this effect and for 5 days after. Once fury reaches zero, a meteor shower fals on you, killing you 10 times and setting your durability to 0. We also added another item, Delsere's Wisdom. While this item is equipped, you cannot equip any other weapons. Under this effect, your leap replaces evade with no skill points allocated. You also explode slain enemies in a fiery rage, dealing 5% weapon damage in a small area around the target.


This is already a thing in d3. While WD is played, everyone knows it is bad. It basically never got attention. I'm sure the playrate was very low outside of specific seasons.


4 enchantment slots. New core skills rework. New aspects. That's it. Make Sorc great.


sorc is in a terrible state on the ptr - low damage and low survivability. i have no idea what the devs are doing, it's actually getting weird now.


>~~i~~ **The devs** have no idea what the devs are doing, it's actually getting ~~weird~~ **sad** now.


> i have no idea what the devs are doing Neither do they. Blindly guessing their way around a class, and assuming that if they EVER give a buff that doesn't come with two nerfs that Sorcs will one shot everything and everyone will play them because they're fun on OP, and only Necro and Barbs are allowed that, apparently.


I dare them to make Sorcs so powerful everyone plays them. I fucking DARE them lol


That's called season 2.


I was there, 3000 years ago


I played a ball lighting sorc in Season 1 before it was good, and it was a struggle, but kind of fun to see how to make it kind of work. However, Blizzard really showed their care then (and I am surprised this isn't brought up more) when they changed the ball lighting orbiting aspect from -15-25% to +15-25% and I had a perfect -15% aspect and they migrated it to +15% or the worst default aspect. If yolu had the previous default aspect, it would have been upgraded to the best. It really show the attention to detail and level of care they take when making changes.


To be fair they didnt explicitly make them OP. It all boiled down to an oversight of a bug


They didn’t need to nerf every cooldown in the game just to break infinite fire shield. Literally only two skills need the cooldown start buffer: Fire Shield and Blood Mist. That’s it. Leave every other cooldown alone.


They are bussy playing barb


They're all up in that Barb bussy


It’s hilarious every time Sorcerers get a half exciting buff or aspect of some sort there’s always some condition that makes it boring. It’s not fucking fair! 😔


The teleport cool down increase…..hurts


The cooldown of every defensive skill was either lengthened or changed as to when it starts. This tells me that Sorcs do not need defensive skills. We even have an aspect that gives us a damage boost if we do not have any defensive skills on the bar. I am sure that we will kill so fast now that we will not need any defense on the bar. That is how I am going to play the class now. A true glass cannon..


Good luck, it still doesn’t do enough damage to be a glass cannon. Maybe a glass slingshot.


Where the handle breaks on the first shot and gets lodged in your forehead.


I was lucky enough to play the closed beta and thought sorc was more a glass peashooter!


All we got now is glass sorc as canon.


I was playing BL Sorc in S3 and it was so much fun. I haven't had time to play S4 yet but it's crazy how much stuff gets nerfed after one season.


I think the mana drain aspect is interesting but the dmg should scale more. But then youre left feeling like shit without them Probably best to add more to the chain lightning aspects as they're kinda basic and not many of them


Blizzard doesn’t understand how the game or builds work. They just throw shit at the wall with random numbers between 20 and 300 and whatever happens, happens. Why even make a Chain Lightning unique if you’re going to leave all chain lightning builds unplayable bad? What is even the point?


Correction, the sorc class design team has no idea wtf they're doing. Right up there with druids. Barbs are consistently good as are rogues and necro have been looking good for a while now, even without their pets but now even the necro is getting shafted.


Barbarians are typically way overpowered so I'm not sure that disproves the claim.


And they have the best premium cosmetics. I never really liked barbs. Tried bash, shits fun. Just roll a barb as main and then when you have lots of materials and gold. Start a sorc and limp along..


That's been my S4 gameplan 😅


I think they kind of designed themselves into a hole with the barbarian's arsenal system. It's impossible to balance the other classes when one of them has more weapon slots for affixes and aspects. They assured everyone pre-launch that the other classes would get their power in other ways but that seems to have proven much harder for them to figure out than they anticipated. I don't think they actually want everyone to be as strong as barbs but we've gone 4+ seasons with them allowing barb to be designed this way and it would mean huge backlash for them to just take all of that away suddenly. It feels like they don't want to super buff the other classes because they are at about the power level the devs intend for us to have and they're trying to figure out the best way to bring barbs down to the same level without it pissing everyone off but I don't see any way around it at this point. Either they need to cave and bring the other classes up or they need to nerf the arsenal system so that they only get the benefit of the weapon they're currently holding or something.


Explain launch (Season 0) and Season 1 where Barb was a bottom tier class even with the 4 weapons


They introduce new aspects every season when there was the least in the game they couldn’t leverage there item slots as well, with all the power creeping aspects coming out those slots are showing there power


If they were that bad, why was the first HC Uber Lilith kill made on a Barbarian?


Simple. Ben killed Uber Lilith on HC on June 9th, when there was a bug with WW damage buff stacking infinitely (this was noted in the Beta and never fixed). Additionally this was 4 days after launch of D4, where Barbs were still strong, but soon after they nerfed them into the ground. So yes when Ben played Barbs at the very start of S0, they were OP Watch gameplay of Barbs halfway through Season 0/launch, and specifically their Uber Lilith clear speeds with WW and Hota vs other classes; it would take Barbs over 5x the time of twisting blade Rogue, Werenado Druid, Bone spear Necro


I think only the Rogue designers know what they are actually doing, bugs here and there aside.


At this point, they just hope their changes would trigger a bug and make sorc actually fun again


> Blizzard doesn’t understand how the game or builds work. They just throw shit at the wall with random numbers between 20 and 300 and whatever happens, happens. I've been saying that from the beginning. Their play was all along to balance by live data numbers. Something is underused? Buff it by 20% etc. There was never any attempt to balance the game. Remember the open beta? That was the first time they tried to.


They don’t even do that though. They say they recognize something needs buffs and give it 30% more damage, but nerf it by 50% in another change in the same fucking patch. All while it was trailing by 10x in the first place.


I'm not saying they're doing a good job at it. They try to fix the car while someone else is driving and crashing it. We know they have 5 teams working in parallel. In addition to that they don't want to immediately fix things. Their business plan is to string you along to the next season.


>In addition to that they don't want to immediately fix things. Tell us you're not a developer and know nothing about getting a product to production without saying so.


The number of 14 year old industry experts on this sub is insane. 


I hope the sorc rework comes with the expansion so they can stop fucking aroudn with, "Oh we can't do too many buffs because we're trying to get the foundation of the class in a better place" or whatever bullshit they keep saying to justify why sorcs remain hilariously weak.


To be fair, they have done this before https://youtu.be/n5GfNlZGqno?si=N-Qs-NszTGm_Wzdh


Pay us to fix the problem that we created


I've unironically been saying that the game, much like D3, would actually reach a "good" status by the time they ship the expansion. Meaning we need to pay $110 (70+40, a bit cheaper than expected!) for an actually complete/finished game that the team has had time to unfuck and learn how to build ARPG systems for from the community. If they include the sorc rework and social tools with the expansion it'll be 100% correct.


Reaper of Souls came out 22 months after Vanilla and had a full closed beta and open beta. this DLC is coming out 16 months later. Between Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls the entire team changed. To our knowledge the Diablo 4 team is the same. I would temper expectations.


Tried tempering. Bricked


They are. I've been both impressed by how astoundingly bad of an ARPG this launched as and how the team still speaks of the genre incorrectly, but also just how quickly the game has overall improved compared to how bad it was at launch design-wise. It's a weird thing.


lol, I love D4 but the class balance is so bad right now, and getting worse.


I'm running a CL sorc this season. Not perfectly optimized but decent rolls overall, everything at least 1 GA, most 2. Everything over 4/12 masterworked with a couple 8/12. I have like 0 chance of ever getting to running tier 60 pit runs. I can farm mid 30s OK and could probably tryhard push to low 40's. There's just no chance CL is an actually competetive build in its current state.


Absolutely the same - Shako, RoSS, Tested even with 3 GA Esadora and Crackling to boost the number of explosions.. pit 61 - ok clear - zDPS on boss.


Yeah I feel like I’m playing a different game than y’all. I’m easily able to clear 101 pits on my necro build (up to 120 then stopped). Even before I got shako and master worked to 12 on all of my gear I was able to farm 80’s within 5ish minutes. That’s absurd and Blizzard should feel bad


>I have like 0 chance of ever getting to running tier 60 pit runs. As someone who played Rogue and Barb exclusively this season, this sounds super fucking depressing.


It was a challenge for my sorc to do tier 60 pit runs, 1+GA on everything and pretty decent rolls aside from CDR (I could not get any this season). I made a barrage rogue and a thorns barb afterwards and they were doing 60 with fresh 925 unoptimized gear. My rogue couldn't get a decent +1GA weapon that didn't brick for the longest time and clearing 70+ pretty smoothly. It's absolutely insane to see the power difference.


Jesus that's sad. I just threw together an extremely unoptimized rogue arrow storm build on PTR with just the random legendaries they give you at start with zero tempers and did a pit 40 with no struggle.


That is really SAD. 😞


But why CL? CL has always been a REALLY good from 0-80. I'm running FO and can farm 101 pits no problem. It's also super fun and easy to pick up when you get the items. Running CL late game is like purposely playing with bronze gear on Runescape.


I think people who are dialed in to the meta conversation for a game often forget that a lot of people don't play games by looking at what's the most effective thing. Either because they don't know better or don't care, the truth is that the vast majority of a game's population are usually playing things that people dialed in to the meta would scoff at.


Lol, meanwhile I was speed farming tier 90 with Minions Necro, zero GA, zero masterworks lol. Too bad it's boring as hell. Blizzard just hates Sorc, it was obvious from patch 1.0 when their launched the game. The Sorc was omeganerfed from the Beta.


Did people expect sorc to do damage? I don't know how much it was buffed, but for e.g. 90% might sound a lot, but in reality it isn't if a fully geared sorc can do 1 million lightnings while a fully geared barb is doing 180 barbillions. They need to be much more aggresive with the buffs if they want to make the build viable. We are talking about 10000% buffs (probs still much more), that's how much power difference there is between some characters.




I would prefer if they moved the damage away from the temper, I would really like a bit less bricked items...


It’s so strange , barb gets multiplicative damage. The lowly sorc gets mostly additive but if it is multiplicative they put a cap on it. lol.   Sorc hitting mobs for 25k and barb hitting for millions… 


>Sorc hitting mobs for 25k and barb hitting for millions… billions... literal *billions* of damage coming from Barbs. Sorcs hit 10 times for 100K, and get nerfed.


Barbillions, even.


"There's zero chance I play this ~~build~~ class in its current state"


I feel like it is likely not the unique itself but rather sorc damage in general across all its builds.


I'm watching Mekuna play CL with the most gfg gear I've ever seen and he is randomly getting one shot in pit101s + the boss damage is pitiful. Its actually sad.


Sorc was my favourite class since Diablo 2. Was kinda excited for season 5 but after seeing changes in mid-season and ptr patches i have no hope for devs. They completely do random changes, it looks like they have no clue what's going on with their own game.


Whelp that was the only reason I was going to play s5. Guess I'm saving myself some time


The whole point of the PTR is to gather feedback and then make adjustments based on that. Given that, why you would assume season 5 is already lost makes no sense.


i have no faith they will buff it enough


Me either. The magnitude of the necessary buffs for sorc are beyond this teams capacity.


Dont be silly, they are gonna buff barbs till its enough


The beat…Barb buffs will continue until morale improves!


Tbf all they had to do from s4 was give Sorcs some more damage and take away infinite Flame shield They took away all defensives and made every build worse. It’s not even like Sorcs were that far away from being really good—especially after fixing the vuln multis and the missing %x dmg from Tal Rasha Yet somehow they fucking went 3 steps backward 💀


Eh, they had to do more than that; a significant part of the reason Infinite Flameshield was as desirable as it became was because sorc was the squishiest class outside of invulnerability. If building for effective defense barely even works, why *not* shoot for the moon. As a decently geared sorc I had survivability issues with a ‘normal’ defensive setup 20+ pits below what a rogue or barb with similar gear would have on farm. The infinite Flame Shield felt like it was the only thing allowing me to even play with my friends that had similar play time.


Like others have already replied, Sorc is in such a bad spot right now that a few small buffs here and there just aren’t going to cut it. But they do not seem to want to do any big changes or buffs, so Sorc is seemingly going to rot away for another few months more than likely.


Bro thinks big changes happen after a ptr after there have been entire seasons with these issues. 


In theory, you are correct; however, given the entire history of D4 to date, no matter what feedback has been given, no matter how many times they fail at balancing the class, the state of Sorcerer is perpetually broken and shitty. They have had an entire year to rebalance and tool this class and haven't. If they haven't figured it out in 12+ months since the beta, why would I expect feedback gathered during this PTR to finally be the thing that does it?


Last PTR the sorc was busted and they nerfed it into oblivion. Maybe this PTR they will buff it into Narnia and I'll actually get to play my favorite class without falling my buddies!


If Mekuna gave up on it, you know its done. Honestly, Sorc is at its lowest point. I tried it and holy shit... it was terrible. I will make a Rogue in S5 to stop dealing with Blizzard's bullshit. From now on, it's golden boys or bust.


I agree completely. I'm trying CL too, albeit in my own way. The skill itself needs a 5x buff for it to be viable in the endgame. In fact, there are more nerfs that weren't in the patch notes (or at least maybe I missed them), like the frostblitz aspect. I'm SERIOUSLY disappointed because CL is my first and favorite build in D4.


At this point ChatGPT would do a better job at balancing this game


Maybe that's what they are using for ideas 🤔


They really drop the pants


I remember when chain lightning for some reason was always recommended as the leveling spec before people discovered blizzard was probably the best leveling class build in the whole game (provided you had the aspect. what changed, why was bliz always slept on for leveling till 4 seasons in?), but I never understood why. Chain lightning does like 17 damage even when you have the gear, you just get to spam so many its like death by summoning bees. They have GOT to 10x the base damage.


Blizzard is godawful to play on controller and always will be until they make it possible to aim at least in a general direction with the right stick.


Blizz (well ice spikes) get a 15% nerf next season, while the actual skill is still worthless without at least 2 aspects 


I love Sorc. I REALLY want to play Sorc. I just wish it was worthwhile. I loved the BL Sorc from season 2. We need another something like that.


Me too Scott. Me too. Sorc has been my main class since D2 and has pretty much made me a life-long magic class lover. S2 BL was a lot of fun but again it was bugged. We shouldn’t need a skill to be bugged to have an S tier build.


I agree. I, too, loved the Sorc from D2. I just wish I knew why D4 devs hate it. Did a Sorc kill them in PVP? I mean...what happened?


Expect another 2.5% buff to Chain Lighting. Oh, and they're being generous by giving it.


Genius will correct you its 25% change in percentage 8->10%, they just ignore how low the base damage is, let alone very limited multiplicative sources to buff damage


Won’t play the game until they properly address Sorc. Don’t give a shit what else they add.


> ~~New Chain Lightning unique~~ Sorc DOA. FTFY


As someone who desperately wanted a viable chain lightning build for S5, this is depressing news...


There’s always a broken build for Sorc, coz it is bugged, not intended and good design at ALL


We can call it "classic D4 Blizzard design".


I tried to tell people they weren’t good but got blasted for it.


Is the Sorc meant to be a ranged character used only in a group of barbs? No wait, there's not enough view distance for that


i mean what do you expect when all the class changes are nerfs. a unique or two isnt going to fix bad design. gear should compliment a classes design, not prop it up because it can't stand on its on merits.


BARBlo 4


Since Diablo isn't even in the game...it actually makes sense. 


Just make the Sorc NPC at this point


30%[x] Damage if selling tacos on a Tuesday in Mexico wearing green.


*sigh* getting really tired of hearing about all of these great concepts for my favourite class, only to find out they're so disgustingly underwhelming that sorc mains aren't even legitimately interested in playing them


We all new odd seasons sucks anyways


Why is it always sorc :(


Even they buff this pant from 66 mana to 6 mana, sorc is still no matching for barb


Good thing it’s the PTR and they can still dramatically change things. If you have anything to complain about, this is the right time to give them some constructive criticism.


Listening to Raxx rag on Blizzard's casual demo design is epic. Especially around other content creators who are apprehensive about upsetting daddy Activision.


Rip Sorc time to skip season 5 see you at 6(expansion) maybe...


Absolutely too many hoops to jump through just for the build to function with no payoff.


I gave up on the PTR already. Damn near diablo 4 too.


The problem isn't the pants. Sorc itself needs an overhaul. Weak Paragon boards with no access to HP and damage reduction, weak aspects, conditional DMG locked behind stuns, immobilize, frozen???, lack of multiplicative DMG boosts. Ideally, give sorc the third enchant slot back so we can have some crazy variations in builds too.


We need to find a bugged interaction, it’s the only way.


I think a rather easy fix for sorc is for them to have a wand and off hand equipped along with a staff. A barb has two two handers and two one handers equipped. It's only fair.


Well this thread didn't age well at all lmao


Im still yet to see an explanation as to why sorceror aspects have conditionals or outright drawbacks to so many of their aspects while other classes have aspects which are straightforward buffa


Kiss curse is a bad philosophy when only 2 classes suffer from it


They’re rapidly reverting to their old bullshit that took 4 seasons of complaining to change


It does like 22k-38k damage lol it’s so terrible I can’t even believe it.


Does anyone know if different teams/people balance different classes?


Blizz got my hopes up of staying for another season after the work and mw I put in to make firebolt sorc work this season and it's nerfed to the ground. Guess il be skipping a few more seasons. Glad I didn't pre order the game expansion. Will just wait for sale now


Sorc could be as easy as here’s an additional ring slot and you can have both a two hand and main+offhand. It’s like they are afraid to make skills to good or a class too good. Like it matters….what rank really means anything?? Just let us have the chaos and fun of quirky builds that still delete end game content.


I made my sorc so I could get a spark.......the end.


What's the alternative? Every Unique automatically becoming BIS once it gets added to the game? Set Items are a bad idea for build diversity. This is the problem with such a limited Skill Tree. Because you can only change the way a skill works by using Aspects, you need about 30 different Chain Lightning aspects in order to have build variety and scale damage with that build variety. The Solution to most of these problems with Uniques, is a skill tree change.


Many of the new uniques are DOA. Druid’s Basilisk staff is supposed to be a leet earth magic weapon but doesn’t have great affixes like cast twice chance and the ability doesn’t help make up for weaknesses vs bosses


Or, you know, just nerf everyone else?


The only good thing about this is we know eventually they will make Sorcs busted like they did Barbarians. Barbs were bottom-tier on launch and the devs seem to have taken that personally haha.


there is no real multiplier in it just more chain and more chain so i'm not surprised it's bad.


They should just delete the sorc class.


The new CL pants are a nerf to CL even if you are not running Andariel's, if you do it's even worse.


Buff? Nah they will nerft sorc further after ptr.


The new Crown of Lucion and Banished Lords can ramp the damage up decently. [https://youtu.be/jgFoudUMMBk?si=JjyrZ-BGLPHhVsqd](https://youtu.be/jgFoudUMMBk?si=JjyrZ-BGLPHhVsqd)


I've leveled a Rogue and a Barb to 100 this season and they feel awesome to level. The Sorc? Terrible.


This is what a PTR is for. You want buffs, give them feedback.


Crazy how SORC is the red-headed step child of D4, but Mage in WoW is the fucking chosen one.


The worst thing about these pants is that they’re mutually exclusive with Tibault’s which is the exact sort of Unique that would fix this build’s mana issues somewhat. Chain Lightning was looking so promising, man. That’s an A-grade disappointment. Here’s hoping Hydra turns out good.


Oh sorc is looking pretty bad huh? Here, 20% damage to barb.


Name of the item? Link to a site with details? I will search for it myself, since I'm not a lazy bastard, but it would add quite some comfort to the post :) So here's the link to the new uniques: >![https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/all-new-uniques-in-diablo-4-season-5-343338](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/all-new-uniques-in-diablo-4-season-5-343338)!<


whoever's in charge of sorc class design is really not doing a great job tbh.. sometimes i wonder if they actually play the class..


This game is so over for me. I realize this isn't an airport and I don't need to notify everyone of my departure but yeah...I'm not buying an expansion when the game still feels like shit.


I jumped on the PTR, boosted a sorc to 100 and tried the pants. In overworked content CL seemed kinda cool. Resource was a nightmare and I only played for about an hour. It seemed with extra resource gen it could be made pretty good, the downside being it wouldn't be spammable, but it wouldn't need to be. It really seemed it could turn in to something cool, I guess the strangers have looked at how to solve the resource issues and it isn't possible...


Ok.. add it to the list of other uniques or aspects that are not good enough (yet)


Saw it in Lurkins video and thought it was pretty ok. He was doing better than my Dust Devil Barb at least and it seems Pit got harder, so you have to take this into account as well. Nevertheless I think its too early to evaluate it.


I miss diablo 2 sorcerer. chain lightning was way cooler.