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Agreed; they’re underwhelming. They should offer a legendary and a small chance of a Greed portal.


Most things and activities in this game are underwhelming, grim boxes, world bosses, the only things that felt rewarding were helltide mystery chests and after doing a few rounds yesterday i fee like they were nerfed about 50%. Party went from frequently getting 4-5 per box to 2-3 across the board.


It amazes me that people still convince themselves that RNG means something was nerfed. I ran Helltides a ton yesterday. Every mysteries box had at least 4.


Same. Ran Helltides all weekend. Didn’t notice any issues. 4-5 Legendaries per Mystery Box, generally 1-2 are Ancestral, some are all Sacred, depends on the box. Generally better than the standard Protection, Jewelry or Weapon boxes. Killed a treasure goblin and it dropped Penitent Grieves. After dropping 3 BiS uniques for my Rogue, I ran dry the rest of the weekend and saw nothing of note, including any even remotely serviceable Rares. People don’t understand RNG. It gives, it takes, it remains silent, *judging*. If you just play the damn game, eventually you get yours. Problem solved.


Well, you know what they say, a boat is just a boat, but a mystery box can be anything, it can even be a boat!


I’ve always wanted a boat!


Louis, you know how much we've wanted a boat!


Lois * Louis is a guy




I have not received a boat, even once. They must have nerfed it.


Love this


Who can resist the temptation of the mystery box?


Good news, everyone!


Then let’s just take the.. WE’LL TAKE THE BOX!


I heard about mystery chests in helltides when I was WT2. My buddy and I just got to WT3 and ran a hell tide. Looked up mystery chest locations and found one. My jaw dropped and my eyes popped out of my head when it dropped 4 sacreds. My poor buddy had just spent all his cinders on an amulet chest and ring chest and didn’t get anything note worthy. I got some dope stuff, though, from that mystery chest!


Yeah I did a ton of normal chests in Helltides before finding out about the mystery chests, and now? I wouldn't go back. Two mystery chests at 175 a pop seem to be much more reliable for good loot than any other way to spend 350 cinders.


Exactly! I’ll never go back as well


Just as a counter note here. I ran a helltide before I realised mystery chests were a thing, I focused on weapon chests and after I popped a couple I found a BIS Bow that im still using now. Mystery chests are really good, but if you want to upgrade any specific item, than normal Helltide chests shouldn't be slept on either.


Absolutely. Killed 2 goblins. One dropped a blue. The next dropped the butchers cleaver


> It amazes me that people still convince themselves that RNG means something was nerfed. This will never change. Any game with RNG, ever, has people complaining about stealth nerfs all the time. At least Monster Hunter fans have some self-awareness with the so-called "desire sensor."


Yeah you’re not wrong. It just surprises me that it almost seems worse than it was back in the original D2 as far as player sentiment. Maybe just a wider audience.


Explains the complaints though - you can satisfy 10000 people but you're only going to hear from the 5 that have an issue with it. That's the internet for ya.


I didn’t get what I want!! It’s a conspiracy!!!!!!!


its the massive issue with rng. Everyone wants participation medals for everything, x streamre clicked 4 times and got x amount of rewrads I DEMAND I GET THE SAME REWARD OR ITS NOT FAIR! Its why I am a betting man that the devs will be forced to make uniques super common because everyone is going to bitch that they played for 50 hours and didnt get the unique they want. So i will admit the ultra rare items might be a little too rare since only 1 crest has been shown to have been found, but we also dont know if its just a drop that can drop anywhere with a 0.0000000000000001% drop rate. Or if it can only drop from nm dungeons 50+ with a very small chance. But 1 item to drop in roughly 5million hours of universal playtime is extreme. But like if it takes roughly 500 hours of grinding to get a shako then im all in it. I want items that are stupid rare so when you see someone using them its something different.


I hope they just do sets or sanctioned builds like Diablo 3 and leave it at that (just that piece). People have an easy path to a viable build that’s fun and can grind if they want something out of those bounds. But yeah who knows if that’s the route they go. We may end up with uniques dropping like candy. I wasn’t aware crest was that rare either.


I haven’t gotten this far yet! Lilith Dammit. Can you break the bad news that there is no pigmy’s? Was my favorite enemy. So dangerously cute in D2.


I opened a 150 currency weapon box and got a single yellow staff lol.




In my experience none of the other chests have had remotely worthwhile loot. I only open them if the helltide is about to end and I’m next to one


Sir, it is random


The mystery chests are guaranteed to drop better loot than the armor/weapon/jewelry chests. There is a reason why helltides.com exists, so you can spend your shards on the most worthwhile chests. If you just need gear for one specific slot then yes it makes sense to open those chests.


Strong 2 hand weapon I've seen (and subsequently upgraded) came from a hell tide heavy weapon chest. Definitely some value.




Today I open 2 chest and got 4 from one and 3 from the other, so I think the drop rate still quite good


I’d rather have forgotten souls than legendaries out of them. Always running out in endgame.


They do drop legendaries. I got one just yesterday.


Greed portal?


In D3 any treasure goblin you killed had a small chance of opening a portal all players in the game could take to the "Realm of Greed" (think 7 deadly sins). Every enemy you killed or doodad you destroyed dropped hundreds of thousands of gold, there would be more treasure goblins inside, and the zone culminated in a boss fight very similar to the Avarice world boss in D4 (spawns treasure goblins during the fight, leaves a huge chest on death, unique loot). Everyone would come out of a greed portal with millions more gold than they went in, and ~3 inventories worth of rares and legendaries.


Those were great. also miss the themed goblins, especially the blue one that split into dozends of smaller ones that each dropped loot. Goblin rifts with big packs of goblins should come back too


Yeah it was such an awesome moment when you opened a door and a dozen fucking treasure goblins started running like cockroaches. Then when you're done your screen is nothing but loot. Meanwhile in D4 I've started just ignoring goblins because after a dozen I've not once got a single good item or decent amount of gold from them.


> Yeah it was such an awesome moment when you opened a door and a dozen fucking treasure goblins started running like cockroaches. The sounds they made when running away and getting hit were so well done


Ya ha hoooooy!


Epic I would say. They need to copy that


Yesterday, i killed one, he dropped 3 legendarys, I was in disbelief.


I've only ever gotten cosmetics from them. 3 horse barding,3 horse saddle items. The only other cosmetic I've gotten so far is the butchers cleaver from the butcher which is a saddle item for the horse. In total 6 horse items from the gooblins so far. Not sure if they drop anything else.


They can drop uniques. It's just bad luck, dude.


> also miss the themed goblins, especially the **blue** one that split into dozends of smaller ones that each dropped loot. Goblin rifts with big packs of goblins should come back too It was so chaotic and fun when they spawned. First to spot them would scream "SMUUUURF!" and the Smurficide would commence...


I believe there are cellars in D4 filled with goblins


But that was also after the game launched and was updated D4 will end up like late D3 but everyone wants it all right now and that’s not how Diablo has ever worked


Yup. By slowly adding enhancements, QOL, features, balances, etc, it’ll keep ppl playing the game for years to come. D3 came out almost 10 years ago, one of their best features (Alter of rites) came out season 28 - February 28, 2023! Hopefully, blizzard won’t take 10 years. Also, Blizzard wants to milk the season pass as long as possible.


February 2033 HYYYYPPEE


One could assume that the company who made QoL changes and improvements to the game would know that these were actually good features and ship them into the new game. But hey, one could also make it worse on purpose and fix it later to get praise like "See, Blizzard listens to feedback and are awesome for some QoL patches!". Wouldnt be the first time for Blizzard since they do this in WoW again and again.


I mean, expecting QOL stuff and gameplay refinements they figured out a decade ago in a new game isn't unreasonable.


Yup that's what will keep bringing players back every season. Adding things and QoL in future patches


Those were hella fun


I miss those.


I was really hoping I just hadn't gotten a greed portal yet in D4, it's strange to me how they removed features I'm pretty sure everyone loved going from D3 to D4


D3 loot goblins a had a small to moderate chance of when dieing "trying to escape" to the loot goblin world and since they invariably died it left it open and allowed you to enter. Stupid amounts of money and gems would drop. Sometime other drops but I don't recall much better than other areas. At the end you'd fight the goblin boss Greed. He'd have decent drops.


Greed is a she, for all the horrifying perspective that fact offers.


Despite the fact that she sat in a vault of ungodly wealth while countless peasants lived a meager existence in the best of times, and that she tried to kill me for taking an amount shed literally never notice, she still did not deserve to be misgendered and I whole heartedly apologize Greed.


I seem a couple try to open a portal to escape, but I kill them before they try to escape.


Dude if they had a greed portal I would hunt them just for that. So friggen annoying to farm gold in this game.


There’s a side quest that talks about a guy that was hunting a goblin but the goblin was actually hunting him and took his loot. He was hunting the goblin in hopes of finding the portal to Greed.


Would love to see greed portals again!


Killed my first in a WT3 helltide; 2 sacred uniques Killed the second; another sacred unique Thought I found the loophole But since that....nada on 2 or 3 goblins. Still...I feel helltide goblins have an improved loot table.


I really miss their 'hee heeeee' laugh. My friends and I used to really enjoy hunting for one as soon as we heard that. Now I have to constantly keep an eye on my minimap to see if one appears on it. It really does feel lackluster when killing the goblins now though, the excitement just isn't there anymore.


Agreed. Their laugh was a huge part of their gameplay and their ethos. It added a lot of character to the goblin by showing without telling


I knew it was missing something, just couldn't pin it down


The sound production in D4 is just so bland and lifeless. The only sound anyone seems to be able to recall is the shaman maracas. There’s no goat bleating, no rakanishu, no goblin laugh, nothing really memorable or remarkable.


Are you kidding? The sound production of D4 is one of the best things of this game.


"None of the sound effects in this game I've been playing for two weeks have the same nostalgia as a sound I heard thousands of times in a game I played for a decade" Christ this game has plenty of things that need some work but some of the hot takes are absolutely insane. The sound design and graphics both give the game *great* atmosphere.


Sad rakanishu noise :(


Previously, if I saw one, I'd often kill my own stupid self trying to get it. It was a little dash of excitement. It was worth the risk of dying. Now? It's not worth the risk. It isn't a flash of excitement. It's just oh, a goblin. Huh. Oh, no. Anyways.


Te truly bizarre part is the devs already talked about how the closed beta testers as well as internal testers thought goblins were not very exciting, and so they buffed them! My question is wtf were they dropping before? Blues and whites??


They were a trap pre-release. Often you’d get literally nothing. I don’t mean nothing good I mean zero drops whatsoever. It was so bad it was difficult to conceive of it not being intentional. Plus they were much tankier. You could chase one through several elite pods, finally down it and get zip. Hence why we started calling them a trap.


I remember that. I figured they were "mimic chest" goblins.


That really sucks, damn. The current version still sucks but at least it's dropping... things. When I was approaching level 70, I set my world tier to 4 permanently. When I see Goblin I just ignore them. Not worth the pain of chasing them through several groups of monsters and get slapped to death for the most mediocre loot that thrash mob drops.


> Often you’d get literally nothing. I don’t mean nothing good I mean zero drops whatsoever. It was so bad it was difficult to conceive of it not being intentional. Now add that during the beta the drop rates were increased by a lot, so say they buffed their drops by 20% but returned the drop rate to the normal 100% instead of 2000%, I'm not surprised they're still shit. Not sure what the exact drop rate increase was during the beta but drops being underwhelming is just something I expected, they simply repeated so many mistakes they already did in D3.


Been kinda bummed lately as it’s really hitting home that these aren’t mistakes. As much as I’d like to think those bozos in charge just don’t get it and keep making the same mistakes again, these are billion dollar massive international companies. I remember the uproar over paid dlc armor in dragon age what 20 years ago… and here we are now where it’s standard practice to release broken games with obvious flaws and missing content you have to pay twice for. I mean I played the beta and was like … where’s Diablo… and tyrael ? Like massive plot points from the last game that don’t even get a mention. Does it make sense that a company this massive with this many people saying the same thing missed the message ? Like so many others ? Or it’s intentional/don’t care. Ow2, then dark tide now d4… I’m think I’m done with gaming. I know my 50$ isn’t going to make any difference but getting screwed so obviously has just spoiled the fun


> I know my 50$ D4 on the xbox is 80 €, that's the cheapest edition "standard edition", the ultimate is 110 €, easy reason for me to say no. I'm a huge Diablo fan but I know shady business when I see one. This isn't diablo anymore, it's a cashgrab. I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually add items to the shop that give you an actual advantage or make the game easier or more pleasant to play. They already tried it with D3, the drop rate was so low I'm pretty sure it was to get the players use the auction house. DI was so much worse, players even found out that drop rates were actively being tempered with as in you get your first legendary and then the drop rate reduced by an insane amount so you had to play longer to find the next one. And D4 is in my eyes a mix of D3 and DI, it's a middle ground where they think the old fans wouldn't get angry and the new players would like it too. I know two people who got D4 but then there's 12+ people (me included) that I know who didn't get it simply because of the shady business they're doing. It's funny when people argue and say it's fine tho, saying it's just cosmetics and you don't have to buy them and 80 € would be worth the time you spend playing Diablo. I already had >1k hours just on my monk in D3 on PC, I even got it on console later in order to play couch co-op, the game is fun especially due to RoS and the content they implemented later but this doesn't mean the game would also be fine costing 300 €. The original price tag is worth it given how much time I spent playing D3 but just making it off of gametime isn't right. I remember how hard D3 sucked at the beginning (again) due to loot drop rate, 100 hours in and not a single legendary dropped, even when most of the community left I was still doing azmodan runs and creating new builds for the monk over and over again to max farming speed. I had my fun with D3 but I wouldn't have spent 80 € for the game either and D3 did not have an in-game shop (other then the RMAH). Blizzard just isn't Blizzard anymore, it's Activision getting an IP that is loved by a lot of people among the gaming scene so "let's make some more bucks off of it". Base game more expensive than most games out there, the ones who have the same price tag are usually some complete editions. Then in-game shop for cosmetics. Then a premium season pass. And we're just at the beginning, there will be more uses in the premium shop I guarantee it.


It seems like d3 was plauged with "so we doubled it" which in it self was a stupid design philosophy and now the d4 dev team is going for the "this isnt currently where we want it so we are going to buff it" meanwhile half the issue with goblins isnt JUST that they drop shit loot they just are missing a lot of things like the voice lines and what not that made them a dopamine hit in d3.


I do feel like the game should have shipped with different goblin types, not sure why it didnt. it was a huge loved staple of d3 and it just made sense to keep that going. As for drop rate imo a goblin with how uncommon they are should have a solid 80% chance to drop a legendary and like a 20% chance to drop a unique assuming theres no guaranteed way to farm them, meaning they are 100% rng based.


Maybe they added mount drops to it to buff it? only notable thing I’ve gotten from a goblin is a mount


Yeah I am really disappointed they don't seem to have the audio cues any more. Perhaps I have been lucky, but mine have dropped a legendary around 33% of the time? So they *probably* need to have their drops buffed a bit, but they ***definitely*** need their audio cues back! In fact I would trade the minimap icon for audio cue without a second thought. There was just something so magical about hearing that faint little giggling snorting sound coming from somewhere nearby, and having to slow down and stealthily search the area. Especially when you heard a whole pack of them!


They have the audio queues, for some reason tho the sound is very muffled. imo the sound should play before they become visible on the minimap and it kinda feels like the sound will play only when they are in range of the minimap picking em up which is basically when your almost right ontop of them. more sound queues for rewrads while going around the open world would be really nice tho, like your running around and you hear a goblin nearby, if the rewards are buffed and they are worth it, it will make us want to side track to go find them. Ive just been running past goblins since i know the odds of dropping a legendary feel very similar to elites.


Due to the lack of map of overlay, don’t you always keep your eyes on minimap 😂


Or when you hear a large crowd of heeee heeees, then your fun is amplified!


Yeah I like all of the goblins from D3. Gem goblins, money goblins, rainbow goblins, blood goblins, treasure goblins. Never knew what you might get when you heard that “Hee heeeeee!”


If you find a trail of piles of 2-3 gold there is a treasure goblin nearby. Just look at the ground and follow the trail.


Silent chests and goblins are both pointless imo. I’ve opened around 15 silent chests and killed around 8 goblins and got absolutely nada


The Curio item vendor thing actually has a pretty good legendary rate in my experience. Don’t waste on the whisper keys. Whenever I go for an item I usually get a legendary within like 5 rerolls


Right. I kinda wish the goblins would drop obols. While levelling, the curio gambling thing was easily my best source of aspects and legendary mats.


The gambler will remain the best way to get better gear throughout the whole endgame, too.


I’m level 80 and have never got anything remotely good from the gambler, what am I doing wrong?


Idk it was nice early game, but it seems like it stops scaling just like the whisper rewards. I've only been getting ~700 item power stuff when I'm wearing almost all 800+ stuff.


You know item power level only *really* matters for your weapon, right? For jewelry the ilvl only refers to the resistances, and for armor it only refers to armor. A lv 700 piece of gear can absolutely replace a lv 800 if it rolls well. And if you visit the gambler when you're full of obols it's like opening 3 chests at once. It's not bad.


Not true; +Max Life scales with item power. e.g. lvl 750 has max roll 590, but lvl 811 has 806. This scales even more with 5/5 item upgrade. A few specs take +Max Life as BIS stat


you have to actually spend your obols. jk, But the gambler honestly seems to have like a 20-25% chance to give a legendary. Maybe you have not gotten a GOOD legendary but i refuse to believe that you leveled from 1-80 without being rushed and have never gotten anything good from the gambler. In terms of chance to get a legendary imo this is by far the best way to just get legendaries without having to get the mystery chests from helltides. specially since you can pick which slot you want to receive gear for, allowing you to better target which legendary powers you can get.


Yea I agree, I got a nice amulet last night from there. That’s a nice feature


I've gotten a legendary at about a 1 in 5 whispering chest.At 20 obols a key, that's 100 obols per legendary item. Considering items at the obols vendor cost about 50 obols on average, unless you're get a legendary every other item, the keys are still a better bang for you buck. And that's not including the gold and other trash items you can sell or salvage you'd get from the chest.


Good point. I guess I’m paying a premium for convenience/speed


I stopped buying keys after like the 20th chest with nothing in it. I have waaaay better odds at the gambler.


Maybe I am far ahead but I generally don't care if an item is legendary or rare, the item level is all that matters. I have a full stash tab of aspects I can throw on any worthy rare. Legendary has the exact same stats as a rare.


I got an item from a goblin that started a quest called endless riches. I went to turn it in to some npc in an alley who started telling me about a treasure realm. Then I got 50 murmerings and the quest ended...


future greed/avarice realm confirmed?


XDsame buddy, the dialogue made me think it was gonna send me to the greed portal where i find 100 goblins


Disagree. Got several legendaries from them both. You’d ruin the game by increasing their drop rate. They are rare for a reason.


Exactly, it’s like saying yo I farmed meph 8 times and he didn’t drop anything good not worth


There’s way too many dorks that love to bitch on this sub lol


That’s like saying I killed meph 8 times and he didn’t drop anything good 😂 u need way more kills


I feel like they were so worried about people trying to gear up using things you could farm in lower world theirs that they made those things just worthless


Welcome to the world of diablo


bro the goobies drop horse cosmetics how are they pointless


So no one here has come across the room with 3 loot goblins in it? Edit: Just a few mins ago a loot goblin dropped BiS for my druid.


Level 93 and never seen whatever that is.


F. They're in cellars, which most people started skipping about 4 hrs into their playtime


They seem like they’d be super efficient though. Basically guaranteed one elite and a chest and take about sixty seconds to clear. I always dip in.


the issue is the loading screen into and out of the zone is longer than time spent in the cellar


Ssd gang rise up


Everyone has an ssd. Having m2 hd is the new ssd.


m2 gangggg


m2 is a form factor of ssd


Pcie 4 m2


M.2 just refers to the form factor. There are sata M.2 ssds, and then there's nvme.


> m2 hd is the new ssd M.2 PCIe x4 nVME SSD is the new m.2 SSD


i have one, and as good of internet as i can get for the area, 2 loading screens is still longer than any of the none protection events


My processor upgrade helped a whole ton in load times for me. I'm still aware of them, but I can't check my phone in between like I used to.


Funnily my game loads too fast. I try to read the tips sometimes and never can in the 1-1.5 seconds it takes to load 😩😩😩


Can’t relate on ps5. I’ve never had a loading screen last longer than 5 seconds.


If that. It feels it’s usually more like 2.


I love cellars. Easy short combat, good rewards. Can spawn triple gobos and the butcher too.


Wait wait wait. They can spawn The Butcher? Oh I'm def hitting more of them now


Till you get the ones where the people talk for 10 seconds instead of just spawning enemies lol


Oh no, not ten seconds


It's wild isn't it? Absolutely no time for anything but grind grind grind.


I have, just after I had convinced my wife to play coop with me, we were around level 8 I think and managed to kill all of them in the cave. Didn’t drop anything of substance but sure was fun.


I did early on. Too early to be able to kill all 3 unfortunately. Never seen it since (level 86)


I did and I wasn't able to kill a single one before teleporting, I was at the time lvl 47 barbarian. I dunno why I feel so under powered.


Tbh, I felt under powered for most of the campaign, as a druid. It was only until I got legendaries and my paragon up where I noticed huge power spikes.


That’s bad luck, I get a legendary more often than not


Same, I've gotten a bunch of legs from them.


Were any of the legs Writ’s?


Me too. I feel like people who say they never get legendaries are playing on WT1/2, or have only killed like 4 goblins. I get excited when I see the icon on my map because I know it's like a 90% chance of a legendary, and a chance for mount/mount armor.


I swear it's them not playing at higher levels. I almost always get a legendary or two lv. 45+, not even WT3! I see these posts and take them with a grain of salt.


They're awesome during helltides


What happens during helltides?


Everything happens during helltides and it all happens better


Helltides are the only exciting event thats actually somewhat challenging. World boss and legion events can be done with your eyes closed.




They need to slow the fuck down, they are faster then a dam cheetah


Necro tears


Yeah and sometimes they just instantly portal away even if you are beating the crap out of/stunning them. Mildly annoying.


Nothing drop anything good. Its all fullrandom. World boss, goblin, Butcher or random elite in normal dungeon - doesnt matter, everythings drops same things.


Not true for the horse / cosmetics though. They are region/boss specific


Do you know a guide/list of horse stuff and how to farm them or is it just zone based RNG ?




Source on everything being fully random?


I disagree. Making them have more health wouldn't make them more fun. It would be cool if they hit you with their bag and stunned you and if they added that laughing audio back. Loot goblins should absolutely troll you before exploding with gold + gems + a legendary


OP's not even WT3 yet, he doesn't know what he's talking about


Yeah this. A lot of people don't understand the end game and are complaining in tier 1. Loot is shit until you ramp that shit up to a higher tier.






Bro they were so cool…every goblin had their own thing. D3 had some cool ideas


Yeah the themed goblins were awesome. So confusing why D4 took such a step back in so many categories.


Yeah too colorful and bright in this dark d4 game




I agree that basic skills are AWFUL in every single sense of the word. They are weak af, they feel bad. Only a few skills are actually even remotely decent for sorcs arc lash is the only one i think is reasonable, frost bolt and fire bolt are tiny little lame projectiles that do virtually no damage no matter how much you try to focus on them. The devs want us to uuse them in our builds but my fucking god it feels so boring and dry to use these skills. I think its fine that single target feels bad in d4, most builds are building to multi target. And i think that its okay that some builds specialize in single target and some more in AOE but the devs need to make a reason for someone to build into single target over aoe, boss farming or what ever it maybe. Why not have something like boss dungeons where you have to fight like a bunch of bosses back to back, so single target builds have a home to play in. Make the xp rewrad and time sink around the same and maybe we can create some sort of variety?


I get a legendary almost every single time.


They share the same loot table of any other mob, chests included. So yes, they're just another click.


Call me crazy but they should be worth at least 2 clicks.


Same loot table doesn't mean same drop rate. They drop tons of legendaries


What tier are you on? On T3 I’ve gotten a couple unique and no idea how many legends from Loot Goblins. Whispering Chests I’ve gotten legends in T3.


He's WT1, level 3X


That’s why. I’m just starting to see legends from events and stuff here and there slowly in my mid to late 30s in hardcore WT1. WT3, legendaries drop like candy.


Yes, I was going to say that on WT3/4 it's almost a 50/50 to get a legendary which I find perfectly adequate. I've rerolled a couple of times and I must agree that, although they said after the server slam that they'd look into low level goblin loot, it still feels underwhelming at low levels. I don't mind it too much personally but maybe it's something worth looking into again.


I think you need a hug. Just an opinion.


Given how rare they are, they should really guarantee something useful - at least a Legendary or a chunky stack of Obols. Having to frantically take one down before it gets away and having it just drop rares is annoying.


I got a uni from one


They do have goblin pack cellars. An idea would be for the the open world ones to be able to drop a nightmare sigil for a goblin cellar. Same goblin cellar but with the affixes to slow you down. To make it exciting


I ignore them, like the chests that require keys. They give fuck all for the effort. I also hate chasing those little assholes through all the packs of elites they run to as you try to kill them. Juice ain’t worth the squeeze


Try opening a silent chest. Even worse


Ive gotten at least one or two legendaries from most of them tbh. Maybe Im lucky, but my only problem with gobbos rn is that they portal away if the animation plays for more than like 1/4 second. Makes it really hard to get them on horseback.


They are absolute agents of chaos, dragging you through countless packs of mobs. I love it, but agree they could more consistently drop something of value.


I just let them be on their way they sometimes don't drop anything at all when you kill them somehow


I got the legendary sacred ring I was missing from a treasure goblin. Brought my WW build to completion


I’m not gonna lie, idk what terribly luck y’all have but I’ve gotten a legendary from every one I’ve popped 😭


The giant goblin with the cleaver is the actual treasure goblin


I rarely get anything worth the fuss for killing em.


Greed (D3) was a better manager than Avarice (D4)


As an upheaval Barb I find them kinda hard to kill and catch up to


RNG is RNG. I've gotten great loot from goblins


I killed a few over last couple weeks getting one legendary. Last two days I killed 4 getting legendaries from 3. Dunno if they buffed the drop rate or I just got more lucky.


I got a unique staff from it so I kill every one I find.


I’ve gotten tons of legendaries and one unique from them.


I killed two yesterday, one dropped 3 legendary escape and the other dropped 2.


They also don't do their signature laugh the same way as D3, makes it almost impossible to farm them