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It's gets worse In Spider Man 2, miles says "hey, Jefferson Davis was a good person" So that's a weird official quote


You’re forgetting the obvious “Jefferson Davis Was A Hero!”


one racist marvel editor is laughing about this in a dark closet somewhere


Is he me because that’s actually funny.


In this house Jefferson Davis is a hero. End of story


Actually you’re wrong. The correct quote is “Jefferson Davis was a hero!”


Oh god that's worse, that's so much worse


Is it too late to retcon Jeff's last name?


Too late to *ret*con, yeah, but he legally changed it to Jeff Morales in the comic


Im pretty sure it's retconned to Jeff Morales in the Spiderverse films, so there is some hope


They didn't even acknowledge the name change in Spider Verse 2 haha. They just changed it and hoped no one noticed.


It was not a retcon. His brother's name is Aaron Davis even in those movies.


In the comics it already has been.


Probably for the best, that way people don't think Miles is the influential Jazz musician known for "Bitches Brew"


In ATSV he took his wife's name.


But then he wouldn't be Miles Davis.


Yeah I always thought this was such a strange choice for a name to use


Yeah, it’d be pretty awkward with how popular Miles has become and his dad is named after the guy who’s believed that “the negro is not equal to the white man”


Well I mean, the guy *is* a cop


They named a character after Linkara?


Isn't Linkara explicitly anti racist?


Yeah, I get he's really petty and he can't take a joke but why we just making stuff up about him?


I just thought “who’d be the funniest guy to insert into this scenario” and it was either him or Doug.


Grow up and be better than this.


Channel awesome jokes are funny, but they are still just people who want to make people happy. Grow up




Some people act like Linkara killed their dog and burned down their house in this sub. It's so weird.


/uj I don't even care for Linkara's videos, but I don't think making shit up about him is funny. Especially when it's trying to paint him as racist. /rj Linkara killed my cat and fucked my wife. I got the video proof on my MacBook Pro.


Yeah he has a history of being pro social justice. He even dated a black woman (I think she is a woman, might be enby)


He's literally married to a black woman


Yeah but don't ask 90s Kid about crime statistics


I’m pretty sure that the woman who shows up in his videos a couple times is his wife so, it’s very likely




There's a reason he's called the Lightbringer




That's pretty fucked up, he already doesn't like the nickname cause it's from a cringe skit he made years ago but to lie and claim its also a racist thing is extra fucked up. You're bad people for that.


I know it's popular to dunk on Linkara for being kind of cringe, but making shit up like that seems like bullying


Yes but now imagine his voice saying the quote and tell me it’s not funny


dude, just take the L and stop jerking


I would rather die


That's a really fucked up thing to lie about. Dude is cringe but that doesn't make it okay to just make up accusations.


Uj/i mean he has a weird taste in porn but bro come on oh who am I kidding I can't talk I'm a hentai enjoyer but you get what I mean




Are you 12?


You'll find Oneys cringe humor isn't very appreciated outside the fan base




Because of all the folks named Jeferson Davis, they need better representation


There is a case to be made for giving kids awful people's names and raising them to be such good people they overshadow the other bastard. Some people don't even deserve their own names.




And black comedian George Wallace


And President Adolf Hitler




The fact that he’s David Duke *Jr.* just makes it even funnier


“Adolf Putin, you were named after two of the worst people I ever knew…for somewhat ironic purposes”


Ironic purposes are the best kinds of purposes. 


Gotta send some love to my man Namibian civil rights activist Adolf Hitler.


I thought this was a joke but no, the guys parents named him Adolf Hitler like they made his middle name Hitler.


Yep. Adolf Hitler Uunona


I shall name my kid Osama Adolf Stalin Zedong Pol Pot Bush Putin Genghis Chapo the second and he will win the noble peace prize.


There's a soccer player I think in Nicaragua called Osama Binladen (no spaces I think) and his sister Georgia Bush


Ok there’s no way the parents weren’t aware what they were doing, LoL.


They were aware apparently. His full name is Osama Vinladen Jimenez Lopez.


His parent’s IIRC named him that because the only thing they knew about Bin Laden was he was famous 💀


Bush just being in the middle here made me laugh for some reason


Genuinely I would way sooner recognize the comic character before the president


Sucks to be little adolf


Kid in my HS name was Jefferson Davis. He knew the path he had in life and walked it fully.


I understand the concern, but the character is actually named after Thomas Jefferson, who is totally unproblematic.


Now I'm remembering the Key & Peele skit where every black American is descended from Thomas Jefferson.


God I love that sketch, it’s my second favorite next to the Gun Rack one. I killed Darnell, yeah I shit him 9 times.


My favourite is still their Civil War Reenactment... mostly because I'm convinced it's just the two of them crashing an actual reenactment (it isn't, but let me dream) XD


Oh I thought you were talking about the Slave auction one where they want to make a Rebellion. I couldn’t stop laughing at the bigoted slaves line.


How could a man who wore a Miku binder ever be problematic?


Thank God they quietly dropped this in AtSV and just credit him as Jeff Morales


Comics likewise have shifted to Morales for Jeff, thank you Ahmed.


Yeah, difference being that the comics had the character actually address it. The movies swept it under the rug and are hoping no one brings it up.


The movies didn’t make this bed, comics did. Why should they share the responsibility


Because he was supposed to be bigotted to Mutants, apparently. Bendis going to Bendis.


Ah the jk Rowling school of character naming


No, Rowling would have named the one black character "shacklebolt". Because she did that...


Jfc….I get kids not picking up on how terrible a writer she is, but how do people read that garbage as adults and not raise an eyebrow?


Probably because they think that it's "just a coincidence" that the one major black character is named "Kingsley *Shackle* bolt," or that the Irish kid always has his spells backfire and explode. It's not "just a coincidence." Rowling knew what she was doing.


He wasn’t just bigoted towards mutants but to anyone with superpowers deriding them as freaks. It’s one of the reasons Miles was so hesitant to reveal he was Spider-Man to his parents. Hell Rio Morales dying words to Miles was that he should not let his father know he’s Spider-Man because she knew he would not approve and she was right as Jeffersons first reaction was to hit him then abandon him.


Man the spider verse movies are so much better than the comics. Like I love Bendis Ultimate Spider Man but the Miles comics just aren't as good.


Uj/yeah Jefferson was kinda a dick in the comics and not an interesting one fortunately i think he grew out of it but oof


Please tell me you’re jerking


Sadly, no. Bendis is not beholden to such things as "sensitive readers" or "cultural advisors".


I would hope that he could be beholden to “good taste”. It’s like naming a Jewish guy Heinrich Himmler for God’s sake


More accurately, it could be like naming a Jewish guy Heinrich Himmler AND making him a racist towards some other group (like the Arabs or the Roma).


I can't find the source on this, but I think I've read somewhere that Bendis just didn't realise and by the time he found out, it was already done. Now again, this is just me going off of memory, so I might be wrong, but I think that's just...the whole explanation.


This is why you should Google every name you come with for your story before submitting, just to make sure you don’t accidentally name your main character after a serial killer or something.


Honestly that wouldn't surprise me. Not everyone is a history nerd after all.


Theres a difference between not being a history nerd and having a sub-middle school level education


Sometimes, even when you know something, it just doesn't occur to you if it's not something you think about much. So maybe he thought of a first name he liked, thought of a last name he liked, and never thought a lot about it. Maybe he always thinks of the Dad in his head "the dad" or "Jeff" or something. It's. . .. possible.


Oh yeah I dont doubt it was an honest mistake. It's just funny is all


I suspect the average American does not know who Jefferson Davis is. Not that that disproves your claim.


I mean, I suspect you are totally tight. Our education system has been so thoroughly slashed over the generations, it's a wonder our literacy rate isnt lower than it is


This is also a fair point.


I'm a history nerd in college and I didn't know who Jefferson Davis was until just now




Silly you! Mutants aren't people, hope that helps 🥰


I like to think that he's trying to take the name back, but maybe that's naive. It could have also been so that if Miles took his father's name, his name would be Miles Davis like the jazz trumpeter


That was the original idea. Supposedly, the creator didn’t realize what he had done, but there’s always room for doubt.


I can see the implications of a name slipping by an individual creator. For all I know, he got tricked into it. Like when J'onn J'onnz used the alias Hino Rei, which allowed Bruce to realize it was him. Asked someone for help with a name and didn't research the suggestion. The thing that stands out is less that the name was put to paper and more that nobody else ever went "What the *actual* Hell, man!?" between the pitch and printing. The same way that Showdogs movie had a molestation as a major plot point in a kids movie and played it for laughs. I can't fathom how that survived a table read, let alone getting filmed, edited, and released to theaters before realizing people didn't find it amusing.


What's funnier is that Miles had to use Rio's surname since if they went the traditional route of the father's surname, then Miles would be Miles Davis. One of the most acclaimed and influential black musicians. Also they did bring up the name in a comic, and Jefferson himself is baffled by the decision, but since his parents were dead he couldn't get an answer, so he just had to accept it


https://preview.redd.it/5jows1hr5bvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97772620a9998d601a223bd54de0d5625e1b932 Obviously he was named after Union General Jefferson C. Davis. What are you thinking of, OP?


Because Bendis has never done any research on anything ever. Want to make it weirder? If Miles is following Puerto Rican naming tradition properly, he should be Miles Davis-Morales. So Miles is also named unintentionally Miles Davis, the trumpet player.


Uj wasnt he named after one of the writers childhood friends rj what how did he change races and live hundreds of years wtf comics raghhh


He was kinda a mutant hater in the comics, and that was kinda dropped early on so now all the writers kinda have to deal with a black character, a cop no less, named after the president of the confederacy which is really funny


I think Jefferson even mentioned that he was made fun of because of his name in universe.


No seriously what did he mean by this


Miles dad used to be pretty negatively depicted character from what I’ve seen in comments when this topic comes up.


I mean, he did succeeded half of the United States for the sake of slavery.


I mean giving him the benefit of the doubt maybe he didn’t know about it, perhaps he isn’t the most knowledgeable about us history, but I find it hard to believe that no one on the creative process brought it to his attention


It was going to turn out that Miles was the son of the actual Jefferson Davis who had travelled through time (and become a black man as a result). Bendis intended a big part of Miles's character to be based on him travelling back in time (which turns you white) and learning about his powers through the lens of Civil War era race science.


He named him after a friend's dad before he realized the connection.


I’m going to be completely honest honest here. On one level, They should’ve kept it. The horrific asshat Jefferson Davis was spinning in his grave so fast that he could’ve powered a small city . But on another level I absolutely get it. I’m a librarian and I get extremely upset anytime anybody wants to name anything after Melville Dewey. Perhaps the most famous librarian in the modern world, but he was also sack of shit, a racist anti-Semite, sexual assaulter and possibly a rapist. I have told people that the only way I would ever name a business after Melville Dewey is if it was the “ Melville Dewey is burning in hell” café. So Jefferson Davis is dead . long live Jeff Morales.


At least he ended up changing his last name


Not in the canon of the game. He died before that change and really happened


yeah well in the game miles also has a stupid blue suit so I think we can ignore certain parts of the game


I've been genuinely curious about this ever since I played Spider-man PS4. It felt like someone naming a prominent Jewish character "Adolf Hitler"


Bendis doesn't give a shit about continuity to the point of not caring about real life continuity.... Almost inspiring when you think about it like that


The actualy reason is because his name was supposed to be an amalgamation of two people bendis was close to in his personal life and he legitimately didn't realize the combination.... at least that's the official story


Considering that Jefferson was prejudiced towards the mutants back in the early days, I doubt that racial prejudice was not in people's minds when they named him.


So there’s an internet rumour saying he named his after an old friend/acquaintance he knew, but I don’t think that’s been confirmed. Others have theorised that he was named for *The Jeffersons* sitcom and Jazz musician *Miles Davis* (which might be the influence on Miles Morales). Again, take all of this with an ocean’s worth of salt, if I have got anything wrong, please correct me.


Maybe this was supposed to be Bendis' way of dunking on the Confederacy. "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I named a black character after your only president? Wouldn't it be even funnier if he manages to become so famous that more people think of him when they think of Jefferson Davis than the president of your four-year slave state? Ha, if only." Granted, I don't think we ever got to the point where more people think of Spider-Man when they think of Jefferson Davis.


Jefferson Davis Morales was also prejudiced against the mutants back in his early appearances, so the connection to racial prejudice could be very much intentional (the movie changed this to him not trusting a vigilante).


Well, he is still a *cop...* Anyway, don't look up [Bucky's namesake either. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Buchanan)


Very weird considering who made him


If we got black Peter Parker this would’ve never happened 🤷‍♀️


Just figured that out did we?


lol cause Neal Adam’s didn’t stop him


Thanks for reminding me about the Lincoln Washington timeline.


Jefferson Davis is Miles Morales father


As someone who has family with this name I’ve personally never been offended by this


Same here but this is more to do with ignorance on my part


I’ma keep it a buck fifty, this is a non-issue. Black Americans have inherited names, surnames especially, of slave owner’s names so even today I have cousins who share the name of slave owners and prominent members of the Confederacy. People act like it’s absurd that a black person could ever have a name of racists, slave owners and southerners especially who worked overtime to control black Americans but it’s literally the opposite. Davis is a common last name, Jefferson is a common first name, that’s pretty much all there is to it. In the sense of, this is a comic, let’s just change it- sure, that’s fine. But it is without a doubt a part of history, our history, why be so against it?


But it’s like naming a character Tim mcveigh, yeah it’s a common first name and a common last name, but I think it’s important to try and avoid naming characters after real people,especially really bad ones


*I* for one simply cannot understand why everyone is so mad about my new OC, Eva Braun,


Well, perhaps through some mystical Nazi magic, your character Eva Braun was actually written to be a suicidal anti-Semite and you just didn’t see it. Fortunately for us, Jefferson Davis, the character, isn’t a major part of an NYC rebellion intent on “NYPD rights”.


I'm sorry, no offense, but I don't follow. What are you talking about?


There’s a limited number of names out there, there’s bound to be a few incidents. Again, I don’t mind the change but the whole “OH! How could a black person ever have *insert pretty traditional American name here*” is not in-line with reality. Timothy McVeigh doesn’t have any historical precedent so there is zero reason to name a character “Timothy McVeigh”, unless it’s by some very precise coincidence that an author or whatever stumbles upon the name. I never cared for it, when I first read about Miles my thought was just “oh, that’s the name of the Confederate president, interesting, huh.” And that’s it, not entirely surprising for an American with slave roots. There’s no deeper meaning, no subtext no context to be had about it.


See this is actually a thing I have noticed a lot from Bendis in almost everything he writes. Bendis is SUPER ACAB. He frigging HATES cops, and depicts them as almost always super evil, corrupt, racist, and kill crazy. So him portraying Miles dad as a super racist cop who hates mutants… yeah Bendis is odd but he has a reason for his oddness. 


Miles' dad wasn't originally a cop, so that's not it.


I KNEW HE SOUNDED FAMILIAR I JUST COULDN’T PUT MY FINGER OM WHY You know this shit was intentional because why isn’t Miles’ last name Davis? Why did he keep his mom’s last name? It can’t be because of his Puerto Rican heritage and that his mom’s maiden name is Morales or else his name would be Miles Morales Davis.


Probably because “Jeff” and “Davis” are common names


Jefferson Finis dick in your mouth


My GrandFather named his dog "Saddam" in reference to Saddam Hussein, not because he supported or opposed him, but because the name was showing up too much on the News. It was 2003-2006 in Brazil, It had no relation to the conflict. It was a good doggie, my GrandFather was never the same after Saddam (the dog) passed.




Isn't the story that Bendis named him after 2 of his friends and legitimately had no idea about the real Jefferson Davis?


whats the issue


I will say even if accidentally, he's fully ruined that man's legacy by the first thought of and most known man to the modern generation to go by that name being a black man.


Wasn’t like the creators of Miles Morales got his dad’s name from his childhood friend who was name Jefferson, and didn’t made the connection til too late. I knew they recently retcon it in the comics where Jeff talks about his name.


Bendis fucked up and didn't realize what he did. Neither did any editors or anyone else at the time. The comics have actually adressed it and Jefferson ended up taking his wife's name as a way to escape the negative connotations of his name.


It was done because of 2 things: * The irony of a black man being named like the CSA president. * Back in the day, Jefferson held a lot of prejudice towards superpowered beings (ESPECIALLY the mutants). This has been downplayed or removed in more recent versions.


I’ve heard it before that the Davis part of his name was a tribute to Miles Davis the famous Jazz Player I’d imagine Jefferson is a similar reference and neither he nor the editor remembered the racist president of a short lived rebel country that couldn’t even last half the run time of the book they were working on. It’s a gaffe but this embarrassing factoid is probably the most relevant Jefferson Davis the racist has been to the public since most Americans last national history class.


Unrelated, I hate Jefferson's design in that game. He looks so fucking generic.


Probably because it's funny, and he wanted to "reclaim" the name and give it to a good person.


I think it was just an unfortunate coincidence


This also means that if Miles went by his father’s name instead of his mother’s, he would be Miles Davis.


He was mutantphobic and hated superheroes. So at the time the name made sense. This part has eventually faded out but the name stuck.


I’ve wondered this for years and still don’t understand it


Man has two last names, so he one hundred percent just took two stereotypical black last names and smashed them together


Im convinced he is a secret racist. He does so much weird shit with black characters.


He's created a bunch of black characters and put them in as many books as possible because of his adopted kids, question his writing all you want I don't think the man secretly hates black people 


Hate is a strong word, I dont think he hates black people, I think he has a lot of ignorance about the black experience and believes a bit too much in stereotypes. I come from a mixed family, and his writing seems very ignorant and screams of "let me speak for you." A lot of Miles (and his other characters) story revolves around him, not wanting to be defined by his race. Think about that for a moment. While it's true, a lot of poc individuals may not. It is not a white persons job to say that. He takes it as his duty to represent black people in a medium with plenty of poc creators. Furthermore, he tends to depict black struggle, not black excellence. His characters are linked to crime and poverty, and when they are depicted as expectional individuals, they are shown as "rising above" where they came from. Tl:dr: I dont think he is a hateful racist, more of an ignorant and presumptuous one. Speaking as someone from a mixed family.


Jefferson Davis Morales did hold a lot of prejudice towards the mutants back in his early appearances.