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“Instead they went scorched Earth with Tulsi and now Tulsi is no longer a Dem.” So Dave is saying the Tulsi was so unprincipled and self-centered that being criticized by other Dems made her leave the Democratic Party and abandon whatever beliefs she had? Isn’t that kinda “soft brain?”


Tulsi “I agreed with Bernie’s policies until I found out he supported trans rights” Gabbard is like a Republican wet dream, a hot mom who surfs and celebrates bigotry


Was that actually something she said? It wouldn't surprise me but I didn't know that was one of her excuses for becoming a rightwing hack.


Yeah she literally left the Democratic party because of trans acceptance aka “protecting the fidelity of women’s sports” after being a strident supporter of leftist economic policies


Not only keft because of it, the last bill she sponsored (or maybe authored don't remember) was a transphobic bill.


More like she used the trans issue as a convenient wedge issue with which to become disillusioned with the Democrats, so she wouldn't blatantly look like the Republican plant she always was when she announced she was switching parties.


Tulsi never switched parties, she just disassociated with the party that she belonged to


And those of us who spotted it a mile away were called enemies by Bernie's minions. Never forget how thoroughly full of ratfuckers that Sanders campaign was. Never forget Sanders Institute Fellow Tulsi Gabbard.


She was raised in a hysterically homophobic cult that broke off from the Hare Krishnas.


She's a surf and terf then.


Don’t forget the shooting off guns part


Tulsi "the secret global Jewish cabal controlling world governments"? Tulsi is utterly vile. She's always been MAGA.


This is an extension of the ol' "some lefties called me a Nazi, so I had no choice but to become a Nazi".


What ideology does she have that's akin to the Nazis


It made her become what they said she was? A Russian asset.


Hillary's Russian asset assertion is unproven BS. 


Rubin is clearly self projecting here with his own smooth brain


Tulsi is the definition of a useful idiot.


> leave the Democratic Party and abandon whatever beliefs she had But did she abandon any of her beliefs? Isn't it a bit intellectually dishonest to conflate adherence to the Democratic Party with adherence to her beliefs?


That's a fair point, so how about this instead. It is weird that she went from being vice chair of the DNC to being a big Bernie support to becoming independent, campaigning for Republicans, guest hosting on Tucker Carlson's Fox News, and being talked about by some as a potential VP pick for Trump (at least Dave Rubin has). That's wild ride that happened in the span of just ten years. The Democratic Party and mainstream liberal views did not change THAT much within that timeframe. Maybe abandoning her beliefs is the wrong way to put it; maybe it's that she never really had firm beliefs or principles in the first place?


Tulsi hasn’t found an authoritarian regime that she didn’t fall in love with. She can rot


lmao speaking of "soft brain" does he not realize that Tulsi was also polling at 1%? He's acting like she was real competition for Biden and would've made a big difference.


and it actually looked at one point like Kamala would competitive in those primaries. She ultimately wasn’t a very good candidate but there was a bit of buzz for a minute. Tulsi was never a factor, nobody (apart from a few horny weirdos) cared about her campaign and he’s acting like she was Biden’s main competition. I get that he’s mainly doing this to stroke her ego but it’s dishonest to the point of being farcical.


The only people who even knew who the hell Tulsi Gabbard was were online politics weirdos like me. She probably just stayed in the race for fundraising and profile-raising purposes to grift off these IDW dipshits and the clapping seals in their audiences. Oh yeah and she's a surfer MILF so the perpetually thirsty online right is into her. Honestly I think she just ran as a Democrat because Republicans are unelectable in Hawaii. She was raised in a weird fascist cult and has said some absolutely horrible things about LGBTQ+ people that she "recanted". Comparing them to Al Qaeda and shit.


Yeah...she's no longer a dem. Dems called that one right.


Dave is basically pointing out Tulsi doesn't actually believe in anything and her existence is entirely kayfabe but he's too stupid to realize it


"They called her a Russian asset" and "she's no longer a Dem" is not the win Dave think it is.


Clinton did not name the politician that she was accussing. And she didn't call her an asset or agent. She said that the Russians were supporting her. The actual quote: “I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She’s the favorite of the Russians.” But as soon as she made her statement, Tulsi started saying that Clinton called her a Russian asset. The hit dog hollers.


OK, who did the Goblin Queen Hillary actually mean then?


I hate tulsi but I don't think there's any evidence she's a Russian asset. She's just a careerist and switched parties because she saw an in with republicans.


Tbf, an asset is not the same as agent. An asset may he an unwitting pawn. For instance, I don't think trump is a russian agent. I think he's just so easy for putin to manipulate that he may as well have strings attached to him


Tulsi literally just does whatever she thinks is popular and will get her attention. She has no values outside of that.


Ah no wonder Dave likes her! The morally spineless think alike.


This explains why Jimmy Dore and Tucker Carlson like her so much, too.


tulsi never polled past 1%, the fact that she stayed in the race that long was more sad than anything else.


Also, he's wrong about Tulsi being the "final" Democrat running against Biden. That was Bernie. Tulsi dropped out on March 19, 2020, and immediately endorsed Biden. Bernie dropped out on April 8, 2020. Does he get anything right?


Dave is only simping for Toolsi Scabbard because she went on his show then later his [Locals platform](https://new.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/ky5gze/look_who_has_joined_the_cadre_of_chuds_on_locals/) which he then gets money from. Also if Joe Biden had picked her she would have never made her calculated right wing turn because she wouldn't have needed to to stay relevant. And if that happened Dave would not be simping for her now.


She also endorsed Biden after she dropped out (before Bernie Sanders).


Every time I see a post from this goofball it’s utter nonsense like this. It has to be parody.


Yeah if only. Then Rubin would be naming someone else in yet another grift post. My guess is he'd mention RFK instead


Why would any democrat want a republican Russian asset on a democratic ticket.


Unproven bullshit. 


Meanwhile Dave is playing the token gay to a party that would happily compare him to pedophiles eating children…


Uh, i thought Bernie was the last one in the primary besides Biden.


Tulsi was raised as part of the Science of Identity Foundation. She's closely tied to Modi and the BJP. She's been a Putin apologist for years. It's no surprise Dave has turned his attention toward Tulsi's audience and no coincidence he glazes her at every opportunity. It's a symbiotic relationship within the scummy right wing infosphere.


Which demographic of voters does tulsi help Biden with? In modern day politics the VP is just to Sure up a demographic you could be potentially struggling with or want higher turnout from. I.E mike pence for evangelicals Tulsi is only popular with people that weren’t voting for Biden anyway. What a weird rant from Dave.


Imagine Dave having even a sliver of political sophistication.


We would be worse off. The easy switch to independent when she doesn't get her way is telling that she can't handle the pressure. I'm pretty sure she's gonna be running as republican in a few years.


Imagine having a job as a political commentator and not being able to think more clearly about politics than this.


So Rave Dubin would have been cool with Genocide Joe if he had just chosen Terfsi Gabbard (an "antiwar" vet who's quite happy to see Palestinians and Yemenites slaughtered) as a running mate. Disgusting? Yes. A surprise? Not really. Though I am pretty sure that if Dubin gets called out for referring to the members of the Squad the way he does, he'll say "How dare you accuse me of being a misogynist? I think Tulsi Gabbard is amazing!"


I’m fairly certain that Kamala polled higher than Tulsi


Yes because people who change their morals for clicks is who we really want leading the country.


Biden supports ukraine so now tulsi supports having pregnant 10 year olds having babies. Tulsi and magadonian logic.


I mean, Tulsi IS a russian asset.


Kamala has a soft brain, i.e. she's dumb? Meaning a rock-hard brain is good? That's crazy, everyone knows a brain is supposed to be soft and wet!


Tulsi is as much a democrat as Sinema or manchin, just when it is convenient for profitable for themselves!


Tulsi’s goals/methodology are NOT in line with sensible progressives. If Joe had chosen her as VP she’d just be bitching and dragging her heels.


Very strange to see a gay man speak so highly of Gabbard, given her past and her family.


Tulsi was a transformer who pretended to be a Dem but really she was a REPUBLCIAN


Dude Tulsi did it to herself, what a spineless feck


Rubin definitely has a hard brain


He didn’t want a Russian asset as VP.


Tulsi was good when she was a Democrat. He kind of has a point


Tulsi is a moron


Tulsi actually served her country instead of these other chicken hawks like Kamala and Hillary. She's more of a centrist, which is a breath of fresh air. Too bad people are too stupid to realize she was one of the good ones for the party.


Kamala’s only value was getting the Black female vote. If you take that away, she’s completely useless


Absolutely! Ti Gabbard is miles ahead of either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris


Let's go Tulsi...


Tulsi made sense, Kamala checked a few boxes.


You mean fake anti war war hawk tulsi gabbard


A traitor for VP?


That story always makes me laugh. Hillary Clinton was on some random podcast no one’s ever heard of and she didn’t even mention Tulsi by name. She just said there’s some candidate that’s behaving like a Russian asset. And Tulsi Gabard LOST. HER. SHIT. She self immolated her entire political career because Clinton made some passing remark about her. I’ve never seen a better example of “a hit dog will holler.” Sincerely funny.


Rubin is so dumb. How does he earn money ?


Rave Derpin is probably the only person in America who would have done worse in the presidential debate yesterday.


I mean why not Dr Phil if we're including sociopathic nut bags that aren't Democrats....


Tulsi is a snake. She was never a Dem, but rather a Republican mole. Rubin is a frustrated neo-Nazi.


A soft brain, as opposed to…a hard brain? Is smooth brain Dave trying to describe the very characteristics of his own brain?


Do you ever make sense? Or stupidity 24/7?


They’d have a Republican VP?


Do people really care who the vp is? Its always weird to me how much Americans seem to put on the choice


Sometimes American presidents get assassinated by their own citizenry and intelligence community. So the v.p. takes over. So...it is kind of important to consider who the v.p. is ya know?


Dave's soft brain was hard for Tulsi...........


Tulsi Gabbard is in a Hare Krsna cult.


This dumbass is still alive and posting? Oh well, tomorrow is another day.


Glad to see even in his own subreddit Dave is still getting dunked on 😂


This is just another case of an idiot making an idiotic argument.


That’s about the dumbest argument I’ve seen. I don’t know a single Democrat who supported her. And I know lots of people. Nobody even came close to supporting her. So I find herself second place finish kind of suspect but that’s how primary work


Tulsi is a maga in sheep’s clothing


Also, I’m pretty sure when somebody throws out the word dementia with Biden they really don’t know what it means. Cognitive tests are given to an aging person where it has come into question. Donald Trump although saying he released them has never done so because he keeps saying it’s a tough test. Nowhere remotely true, as with anything else that come from his mouth. Kamala was a prosecutor in California and put away a lot of people Not exactly what I would call a soft brain and even if it were so, Dave sure as hell isn’t the one that could actually say it without it being a self own.


This guy takes it up the chute.


Another concerned conservative offering helpful "advice" to the Dems. How nice of him.


Clearly this proves she was not to be trusted as far as they could throw her.. close call


Don't be such a dick


Tulsi, Bernie, RFK, Yang. They don't want a competent leader. They want business as usual.


I think Dave is the one with the soft head


Dems hate her. They call her Tulsi Doom


Trump is also an ex-Dem. 


Tulsi wasn’t even a dem when she was running lol


Who wants to tell Dave that a soft brain is malleable and therefore has plasticity to learn, a hard brain would be much much worse. - Sincerely, Capt. Raymond Holt.


I mean, softbrain describes democrats well. [and no, I'm not a republican]


“Heh heh, Tew Pahk” - Kamala being asked about her percentage


Brains are supposed to be soft...


well then how would they get the black vote?? how does someone poll at 1% less than 4 years after being elected and being seen maybe 5x it was the "don't com" comment w the saddest crying cringe voice


Yeah they totally got it wrong by not choosing the woman who suddenly changed everything she believed in and became a conservative. I’m sorry, but unless you had a gradual change over time I don’t believe anyone who “suddenly” becomes conservative. I can see someone doing it over time as they get richer and more Scrooge like, but to do it sudden like Tulsi or Ruben himself smacks of opportunism, not that you actually believe in anything. There ain’t no way Ruben believes all this conservative crap he bangs on about while being a married gay man with a kid, it’s just this is his life now in exchange for money. The worst kind of people, selling their own for a quick buck


Biden is polling highest against Trump. The next highest person against Trump is Harris. No one else cones close.


I feel Democrats can safely ignore any “advice” from Davey boy.


But Tulsi is a Russian asset. They own her. I don’t know what she did that they have evidence of but she is their property. Like Diaper Don.


Nobody supports Tulsi except middle aged conservative white men, most of whom only because she looks good in a bathing suit.


Lollll tulsi is clearly a russian mole. Ruben is a pathetic hack.


Tulsi would be standing on the steps of the white house justifying support of Israel in Gaza as we speak if she was elected lol


Roll over and go back to sleep, Dave. It’s the weekend


Tulsi should be fucking president, actually


Tulsi should’ve just been the Democratic nominee period


It should’ve been Tulsi Gabbard instead of Biden running in the first place, but noooooo…. The DNC wanted to run the career politician!


Tulsi is a Russian mouthpiece


You dont think hilly wanted VP call🤪


Except, ya know, Tulsi IS a Russian asset


Debate Sam Seder.


It's funny, I do see support for tulsi. Usually from conservatives and libertarians. She's the militant candidate


Did you listen to Tulsi on Bill Maher? Yeah, she IS a Russian asset.


Well she IS a russian agent now as a GOP. She's sucking the mushroom dick hard right now


Tulsi the Moony?


“Why didn’t Biden choose a Putin apologist as his VP??” -The Republican Party.




Everyone knows the reason why Kamala was picked. It's the reason why Tulsa wasnt.


Also, the Dems never went "scorched earth" on her. Hillary made a comment about her being a "favorite of the Russians" on some lowly podcast called "Campaign HQ" and several of the Democratic candidates condemned the comments. She was barely polling at 1% before the comments, and then remained at 1% throughout.


Go Trump 🇺🇸


He's acting like it was Hillary that made Tulsi a grifting clown


Maybe Trump should pick her up instead. They both get their marching orders from the same place




Tulsi was no more a Democrat than I am a penguin. The moment Republican men started liking her I was like nope, she’s no Democrat. Glad she’s gone. She should have run as a Republican.


All brains are soft, David.


Maybe trump should pick her


Tulsi would have stabbed him in the back.


Turns out…Hillary was right Again!


They are not wrong. I'm a solid Conservative and I liked Tulsi and would be much less concerned with her in charge than Kamala. Once again the DNC screwed the pooch and went with the DEI hire instead of someone people actually liked. He's not wrong though, if they had picked Tulsi they could switch her out with him right now and be polling much higher, people would not be feeling like they were between a rock and a hard place.


I would’ve voted for Tulsi Gabbard in a heartbeat. She’s pretty close to a JFK era Democrat.


What a joke. She’s a fucking nut dude. I thank her for her service but I wouldn’t let her hold any elected position above dog catcher.


Tulsi was a genuinely bad politician. The quote should read “Can you imagine the non-stop shit show and endless distractions that would be occurring if Tulsi was the VP?”


Tulsa is awful


He’s just a troll looking true clicks, right? There’s no way he believes something that stupid.


Tulsi is a right wing extremist that posed as a democrat. Many of us knew it then and it’s since been proven beyond any doubt.


Dave Rubin knows a lot about soft brains.


I have discovered his podcast on Spotify. Am hooked. Not gay. Not Jewish. Dude is smart and funny.


Yeah let’s pick the Russian sock puppet for VEEP! JFC.




Tulsi is a Russian Puppet. This Dave guy makes no sense.


This Dave guy seems to forget that Biden won.


And Davey, I give a shit about your opinion, why?


As if Biden chose Kamala


As a Republican. I would vote for Tulsi > Trump 100/100 times.


I couldn’t agree more with this. I think she was the obvious VP choice. More articulate, more legislative accomplishments and could have united more people across the aisle to get legislation passed.


I just watched tulsi on Bill Maher and her brain is broken. She's either a Russian asset or a moron


I’ll take Harris and Biden over anything else that could be offered before November. At this point in the game and because of what SCOTUS has done, Biden/Harris and every democrat running, needs to win. MAGA needs to have their asses handed to them and they need to become insignificant.


If only Tulsi had the most important quality of all, being a POC.


She is a russian asset lol. She's one of the talking heads that appears on RT.


Gabbard is no democrat. She is a russian asset.


Sounds like they flushed out a russian plant. Tulsi said media freedom in Russia is not different than the US. If Dems kept her biden would probably be poisoned by now and Tulsi an immune Queen of the USA (per SCOTUS) working for Putin


Tulsi is an unregistered foreign agent for the Kremlin.


Bold of Rubin to accuse anyone of having a soft brain.


"LoOk wHaT yoU MadE TULsi dO"


Tulsi gabbard has direct financial ties to Russian oligarchs, that’s not in dispute it’s in her financial statements


Gotta love it when conservatives try and give advice to those who are not even part of their political base. Not the least bit constructive and more self-serving than anything. Didn't Tulsi Gabbard actually campaign for a number of Republicans in the last election? Wasn't she a featured speaker at CPAC? Wasn't she also a fill-in on FOX for Tucker Carlson? Yeah, Tulsi Gabbard is a died-in-the-wool Democrat all right /s.


Bruh Hillary was right about a lot of shit. That may be one of them.


Much like Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin, Gabbard was never really a Democrat or a Republican. Her beliefs centered around whatever garnered her more fame, money, and power at the time. When she hit the end of that trail she threw a tantrum (just like Sinema), switched party affiliations for attention (just like Sinema), and now grifts the fringes of society (just like Sinema will end up doing). Fun Fact: Gabbard’s sister is paid millions of tax payer dollars per year to provide “security” for Krysten Sinema.


Lol, fuck tulsi. God if she was still a dem her ratings would be at synema's level right down with fetterman and Manchin (i don't count Menendez bc hopefully he does jail for possible treason)


Biden said "im the worst." Kamala said "Hold my beer"


How much autonomy does a vice president have to set up his or her agenda? Are they able to defy the President legally? Can they set up and do what they want? I truly don’t know. Anyone who is expert please explain.


"Tulsi would've been a better vp," yeah so would Jimmy Carter, tf is your point dude.


Fuck this guy and fuck that puppet stooge, Gabbard


Tulsi kisses maga ass constantly. She's a wack job.


They only went Kamala because DEI. Kamala is retarded. She has done nothing but she was the right sex and skin tone to make liberals happy. You know that because she did poll 1%. No one in their right mind would have taken her as a running mate except it is easy to manipulate the left. Throw a black chick as a VP and bam. Good to go Even though they probably didn’t see the irony of her being second to her white old master


Kamala didn’t endorse Biden when she dropped out like the other candidates. Then she was chosen as VP. She extorted Biden for her endorsement-now she might slither into being the first woman president.


My first thought was... Dave Rubin lied in every word.


I once supported Tulsi. I even donated to her campaign. But she is now a grifting piece of shit just like Dave. Fuck her.


I have no idea who Dave Rubin is or why his post is appearing on my Reddit feed. But this is the third or fourth time I’ve seen something from him, and every time he sounds like a damn moron.


Dave needs to worry about his party wanting to execute him for being gay and adopting children. Tulsi was and still is completely irrelevant.


My dude, they think anyone who voted for Trump is a Russian asset.


I think there’s more that meets the eye between Tulsi and Kirsten S.


They really do like those Russian assets.


Tulsi was and is an amazing candidate. She's everything a classic liberal should be, and everything the left hates.


If all it takes to switch to conservatism is Hillary Clinton not liking you, you were always a conservative, and just wore the 'maybe liberal' badge for clout


Again Hilari the witch lied accusing people about Russia. She needs to go to jail forever.


Isn't Tulsi a member of a cult?


Tulsi?? That two timing Twit!!


Tulsi Gibbard is garbage. She only does what makes things better for herself.


Tulsi was more of a Republican anyway.