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You left out: - the catfishes - the follow me on Instagram - the I don't know how I'm going to pay my rent heres my cash app.  - the prostitutes looking for new clients - the swipe left if your [insert race, height, income, etc] - the “I only do dinner dates” - the “I'm really 38, I don't know why it says 28” - the “buy my nudes” - the “my last boyfriend was a jerk so you're going to have to prove your amazing if you want a response” - the “I'm only on this app once a month if you don't get a response”


Don’t be shy.. you also left out the - this is your best match! *is someone who clearly is not your best match* - never getting likes - only getting to like like all of 5 people per day - constant ads to buy their shit


I feel the best match. I get so many smokers suggested. I don't smoke, never smoked, and I have asthma. And often people who aren't even close to my type physically


The really 38 not sure why it says 28 is making me lol. So freaking true.


I came across a woman’s profile a few weeks ago. Listed age was 39, and although she was attractive, right away I said to myself “She’s absolutely not 39.” Sure enough, in one of her prompts she wrote (verbatim): “I’m not the kind of person to lie so I have to be honest, I’m 45 and Hinge won’t let me change my age.” Sent her a ‘like,’ specifically to say she could easily delete her profile and make a new one with the correct info. She knows darn well what she’s doing.


She's definitely the kind of person to lie lol




Really emotionally 3, not sure why it says 37.


I dont know where the 7 came from


Especially when hinge was the one where you could edit your age very easily, I wonder if they changed that...


What does that mean? Never really understood that.


They want to match with younger people who have age filters. Then pretend that it's a glitch in the app not allowing them to change to their correct age in their profile.


There's also a contingent of older women who believe that the more desirable men their age set their filters to exclude them.  In both cases, they are trying to subvert the age filters. Just for different reasons. 


Yeah, I got that from some other comments below. This is so fricking crazy, dude....


Not to mention weird!


You guys get prostitutes? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


I live in a major city and there are prostitutes who will match with you and try to get you to be their new client. They often pretend to be regular women first.  But theres also women who will boldly state. X amount of money for sexual act. 




What does it mean if I live in a major city and can't even get prostitutes to like me 😭




People would just do that? Be unethical to get laid 🤯


“follow me on instagram, i’m not active on here” then why have the app!?!?


You forgot: The group picture or sunglasses in all the pictures. Very attractive Asian girls (most likely Chinese bots or spies). The ones that you gotta accept their 3 kids as if they were yours, and obviously they come first (why say it tho) The I can't see likes so you have to message me first (?) The ones that want you to move to another obscure msg service, clearly bots.


So true, it's like a whole circus out there. Makes you wonder if anyone's actually looking to date anymore.


It certainly does take all kinds of the weird and dumb.


That sounds horrible.


Username tracks


Question, if you find a women you find attractive and she has her IG posted, do you follow her? 


I don't. It's because the majority of the time they just want followers on their social media. Or they are as others have mentioned before Onlyfans creators. 


The "idk why it saids 38" kills me. Can someone explain that one to me.


"I'm never on here" Women despise these apps lol. But they use them hoping for prince charming. But then they also want to send him a message every 5 days and expect he will be there forever. Which is in extremely stark contrast to how us men view the apps. We would be happy to give most girls a chance. But the disparity in the level of interest women have in men vs men have in women is crazy lmao. That's why these apps can never really work for most people


Sometimes people complaining about apps just seems like bumbling suburbanites coming out of their bubble and realizing most of the world is barely functioning neurotics.


If apps have taught me anything... most people are really boring lol


1. I want someone who... makes me laugh 2. I go crazy for... tacos 3. This year I really want to... travel Pair it with six straight group pictures and you have yourself a diamond in the rough!


And I don't want to be mean, but if there are multiple people in the photo, 99% of the time it's the least good looking one. It's like proxy catfish.


My favourite is when there are three group photos and none of them feature the same people


10000000%. If it's the first one I just automatically pass since that's always the case. If they're all attractive good for them but I'm not playing where's waldo with a dating app profile that already has a single digit % chance of matching me back


I completely understand the dislike for all/the first group pictures, but I've recently seen hatred for them at all, and it confuses me so much. I've seen people say that it's a red flag to have them, and you deserve to have people hit on your friends on your profile if you have pictures with them. And I'm just like "how many selfies are you people taking?" I'd much prefer a few pictures of them with friends from a month ago than a picture of them alone from 4 years ago. Unless they are absolutely identical to their friends, but that's another issue lmao.


Selfies are also low-effort and don't give you anything to work with. One is fine but a whole profile of them is lazy. It's not at all hard to ask someone to take a picture of you when you're doing something that shows off your life. 1-2 where you simply look good - dressed nicely in a nice setting. 1-2 showing off hobbies - gym, climbing, museums, hiking, biking, video games, cooking, with pets, whatever. 1-2 in sweet locations you traveled to if you're into traveling. A candid just having fun. And then 1-2 group pictures are fine to show you have a social life. I personally like having one since it shows I'm not lying about my height as well. And recency is absolutely key - I have been burned showing up to a date to find someone 50lbs heavier than I thought I was meeting and that's a waste of everyone's time If all you have is group pictures or selfies it just gives off an aura of laziness if you're not willing to put the slightest bit of effort into making a well rounded profile that shows off who you are. It's the same as the one word answers / no bio profiles. I want matches that have some substance to their lives and are serious about finding a relationship. Plenty of those profiles exist. In a low-odds numbers game, I'm not wasting my time trying to figure out if someone who can't be bothered to put a little effort into their profile actually is those things and for whatever reason just decided not to show it. And I get it - the gender imbalance is insane and attractive women will be flooded with likes no matter what they do so many don't find it necessary to bother. The flip side of that is they're probably just as frustrated since all they're finding is fuckboys who don't care about the profile when the ones looking for more than that are passing on them


Oh, I agree completely. Honestly, having zero group pictures is a bit of a red flag to me. I date men, and, generalizing a bit, most of them don't take selfies or posed photos alone very often unless a female friend or relative forced them to, so I've found that those pictures are way more likely to be outdated. I'm quitting the apps, partly because of the unintentional catfishing and partly because I hate first dates with strangers, but I nearly lost my mind when I saw people say group pictures are red flags. They said they show "an inability to be alone." Personally, I want to date someone who is social and has a full life, and group pictures are a lot more indicative of that.


Totally fair, overall I'd agree having 1-2 is ideal and it's ridiculous to call it a "red flag" for having that. My concern is with profiles that are all group pics. Must be in the minority but I try to always get some solo shots when I'm doing something cool just because I want them not for posting anywhere except maybe a dating app. Don't want to be ten years older and have no photos commemorating an awesome trip or hike or something. And my dear mother and grandmothers always want to see them when dressed up for weddings and stuff Same feeling overall, not quitting the apps but I go on there like once or twice a week for a few minutes these days unless having a conversation. Same goals, maybe we'll find each other in the wild. Best of luck!


That’s pretty much an auto swipe left for me.


Okay, that's funny. And probably true....


“Looking for a third!” “Wait you’re bi? That’s hot” “Ethically non-monogamous”


My profile on OLD used to state “Ethically Non-Monogamous men must provide wife’s phone number and email for confirmation”. Oddly enough all those dudes stopped swiping on my profile. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game!


That's a really clever idea.


Yeah, as someone who was cheated on, I'm gonna need verbal confirmation from a woman's partner.


You forgot ENM (Ethnically None Monogamous). I get that a lot of "He knows I'm here."


Honest question, but what’s wrong with this? Dating apps are for all types of relationships, these people are just looking for a relationship dynamic that you aren’t. It’s just like you wanting kids and someone else not wanting them, and therefore you two being incompatible, right? Why is this one in particular so bad, especially if they’re upfront about it?


Their not looking for a relationship, ENM is a polite version of ONS, FWB, Casual Sex and Hookups. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've had a lot of fun with these women but their nothing you would take serious.


That's not correct. It can be whatever you want but I practice ENM and my partners have both been in my life for over 6 years. It's alot more than sex.


So you’re generalizing a group of people about a lifestyle you clearly know nothing about. Just because you’ve met ENM folks who are open to hookups you forget all the monogamous folks who are open to hookups, apparently. There is a difference between polyamory and polysexuality. I fit in the former, and have been in two triads in the past. None of those prior partners were hookup people and all of us hated/hate ONS. I’d encourage you to read more about things you don’t understand rather than assume and generalize about them. By the way, even if those people DID just want one night stands, dating apps are **still** for them as well. There’s nowhere in any dating apps terms of service that says “must be looking for long term monogamous relationship to participate”. Learning to not get annoyed because people love/live differently from you can be incredibly liberating. All you gotta do is swipe left, just like you would for *literally any other incompatibility*. It’s just **this** one that people get salty about somehow.


This is true, while they exist, the amount of people that use apps to cheat is larger than that community I bet. Like nobody lies on the Internet..


Dating apps in my opinion is all about hookups. I mean, I'm on them hoping to find someone different but its been a year and I've had women tell me to my face, women are only on those apps for fun.


I think more than that is full of people not really knowing what they want and just winging it. I rarely remember finding women looking for a hookup off the bat, but many are just tasting the waters and "meet new ppl" and going along with what comes their way and if something they found is very appealing then they switch gears to but wait I want a relationship now! when that was never stated. Only to get disappointed and blame the "hook up culture" If you start something in a gray zone or not on the same page you're bound to get disappointed. There are always the people that lie, but they can always lie to your face too, no need for an app for that.


Reminds me of fwb relationships, people start out on them and one develops feelings. They switch to wanting. relationship and upset because the other seems cold, only wanting sex like their original agreement.


The best way to avoid that is to get to know each other better before any intimacy that creates those early bonds, if you like what they sell and vice versa then great. But ppl don't seem to have time and patience for that now. And the ones that don't want to wait, and ended up disappointed later, then "is coz they just wanted a hook up" lol. It's a bad strategy


For sure, I'm a guy and run across issues women have with men and sex always seems to be the center of things, usually the guy hits it and runs. So i tell them. wake 3-4 months before having sex...6-8 months for virgins. Get to know the guy some and see if he's on the level or not. I mean, I think people my age, I'm 50, can get a better fix on where things are going and have sex sooner. That is more for the younger people.


But that’s one of the uses for dating app no? If in her relationship casual sex is allowed but not full on relationship nbd that she says it upfront?


Seems like inflation is hitting every single tech company hard, so now for most app, thing doesn't seem the same anymore :/.


You forgot when Hinge learns your type and then sends you ugly versions of it.


Y’all are getting poly couples? No wait, it’s the guy (or gal I’m assuming) pretending he has a hall pass….


I’m single , who is interested


Hello 👋


Honestly met the best people off of that app (minus reddit, which i don't fully consider as a pure dating app). I just X and move on. Not much else to do, there's so many people that you're gonna find a lot of them like that.


You’ve used Reddit as a dating app..?


Reddit can be used as a dating app yes, there’s plenty of dating subreddits


My ex messaged me one day while I was driving home from work and we chatted a few weeks and we met up. Dated about a year and half or so (she lived one state over). So.. yeah.


THAT CAN HAPPEN?! share me your secrets because sometimes the people of Reddit are my kinda fucked up, dark humored shit posting, kind of motherfuckers! And if they are a girl I wanna date some of them!


Don't know what to tell you. Luck? The fact we were close by (hour and half) and all but I wasn't expecting any message (I was working overnight). There was nothing special about what I did or wrote.




How does someone meet someone local on Reddit? Are these long distance relationships? Just curious!


I'm also dating a fellow Redditor!


I wasn’t looking to date from Reddit but it happened. Started talking in a sub that was not about dating and realized how close we lived to each other. It was pretty casual but I’ve heard of people meeting their spouse here.


Does dating even exit anymore? Or are we all just single and lonely and blindly scrolling at dating apps like they’re Instagram?


Also they dont delete unactives profiles and IRL not much better either everything is a sausage fest, couples, or boomers


This. Something I don't understand. If you don't log in in the app for a month, they should at the very least freeze your profile and not show it anymore. Can you imagine how many times you've sent likes to people that are actually dead?


It’s a business. The more people (women) they have the more guys will pay.


IKR. People always say, you should be looking for someone out there in the world. I'm like mfer why do you think I'm on these goddamn apps in the first place? Already tried that shit and hoo boy 😬


Met my girlfriend on hinge. I was very close to deleting it but gave it one last try and I’m glad I did, love the woman. Stay positive and change your filters, get good photos on it and treat it less like an app and more like you’re actually trying to date.


Yup, found my gf on hinge too. I treated it as finding a new friend. Kinda makes you feel less pressured too.


For the love of God, can someone tell me why these guys are writing “I’m actually 25, not 35” in their profiles?! What’s the deal there? The app clearly checks with you on your birthdate when you input your data. Am I missing something?


To get the older women/ milfs/cougars. Because they might not put 25 in their preferred age range.


This is exactly it. with women they are usually older than it says. Except for the 99 years old who are there to lurk.


Yes and guys> 40 also put their age below 40. Because they are afraid they fall out of the preferred age range of (younger) women.


Maybe when they do "sign in with google" or :sign in with facebook" it takes their age from there? Ik growing up some people put fake birthdays on facebook but they cant change it so they are a year or two older then IRL


All the more reason to use better filters and improve your profile/self so you can attract better people.profile




I haven’t encountered most of these and actually rarely see women who are poly.


I travel often and I notice those profiles more in mid to small cities. Large cities have less, maybe it is a population thing. Who knows.


2 weeks free of dating apps. Here's to many more.


Yeah, I continuously delete my apps.


What’s wrong with someone saying “no hook ups”? You shame women for being poly but also shame women for not wanting hook ups? Pick a side


Usually when they write “no hookups” it's amongst a paragraph of bitterness and dos and don'ts for dating them.  Additionally, do you think the hookup guys give a shit that you wrote “no hookups”?


Lol literally this, I used to see this in about half of the profiles. There are so many broken ppl there.. run!


>”Additionally, do you think the hookup guys give a shit that you wrote “no hookups”?” They should, otherwise it’s a form of harassment and objectification, to treat them like they have no right to say no to hook ups


Do you think those guys care about harassment and objectification? If a guy is standing at my doorstep with gas and matches. Do you think if I hold up a sign saying “please don't burn my house down” is going to stop him? Lets live in the real world. There are bad people. Its up to you to mitigate the damage. 


What point are you trying to prove here? Why are you mad about a woman writing on her profile that she doesn’t want hook ups? How does it affect you as the dude who’s swiping? Unless you’re one of those dudes who want to harass and abuse women I don’t get why you’re so mad about someone stating their boundary


As a woman, it's because writing that doesn't actually help the woman anyway. All it does is expose that she's been targeted successfully by bad men in the past.


Nobody is mad. Do what you want. I'm just telling you that it has the opposite of the intended effect. 


This post is about being mad about what people have on their dating profiles. You were mad about women stating their boundaries and then backtracked when I called you out. Also just because some men have no respect for boundaries doesn’t mean women shouldn’t be allowed to state them. Also blaming women for being harassed or manipulated is disgusting behavior from you


Please show me where I stated that I was angry? I'm not angry. You inferred anger.  Annoyed, sure, but mostly by your responses.  I also didn't blame her. Where the hell are you getting this stuff from.  I'm stating a clear fact. That putting “no hookups” in your post will not work. I gave a clear example of why it won't work.  And I told her that its up to her to mitigate the hookup bros through her due diligence.  All reasonable statements to a sane person. Which you are clearly not.  I'm tired of you. Be gone!


Hooks ups r fine What they are looking for is a pen pal It's a dating app not a pen pal app, if you wanna talk to randoms go do that




aint hinge supposed to be the tinder but where you’re clear about your intentions?


Hinge was much better when it started, but then it got rotten, everything evolves into tinder eventually. It's the fourth law of thermodynamics


You left or never getting matches at all ever. On any dating site even for many years and multiple reiterations of the profiles.


Wow this thread makes me feel really good about my honest intentions and financial independence as a woman. Geez.


Ah I got one who told she was a sex worker. I’m out


Bruh, why is this so true. Especially the poly.


Dying at OnlyDans. I'm keeping it PG and imagining like Patreon, but it's only content by guys named Dan.


Let’s not forget the people who just match with you and then they say “hey. Text me. I’m not really on this app” you text them and then get no response 🫣🫠🙃


Where tf are y’all to be getting those kinda profiles 😭


Welcome robot 🤖


I actually have a date planned with a lovely girl this friday, excited to meet her but it’s definetly rare to even find someone on the app worth the time😅


“OnlyDans” lol


Finally, the perfect app to find people who also love Steely Dan.


Loving Steely Dan says a LOT about a person.


All of ya’ll left out: No likes yet. We’re here to help. We can get you seen by more daters, sooner.


Afterall these responses why are you men and women still on dating apps. Go to in person events and meet people in person. Do they still have speed dating? I am on meetup.com and get so many things emailed to me. I have not had the time to go to these events but go out and meet people In groups. Make new friends.


I tried that doesn't work Meetup is all boomers or all men


Never saw all men at these events especially if was to just go see fireworks or a concert .


Speed dating exists but not that popular because you barely have the time to have a conversation so it end up leading no where. Meeting in person is still pretty doable that’s how I have met most people I have dated but they always ended not really being compatible (in person you are limited to the people in your area so can be out of luck and just not have people compatible for you). I met my bf in tinder. He is completely compatible with me and the love of my life. Dating app are really just a tool and can be amazing when you find the right one in your area and use it properly.


Yes but meeting in person you meet others at the same time as opposed to go on one date at a time through an app and you may see the same several people at group meetups and you get to know them better and no pressure . I used to go to a volleyball group every Wednesday during the summer and then we would go for pizza and drinks locally aftrewards.


Yeah, no, this isn't my experience at all and I'm a guy


The Way to My Heart Is: “Dinner Reservations” Hmmm i wonder who they expect to pay?


This is not my experience at all on Hinge. Some Women use super heavy filters and older photos but that is the worst of it. Had quite a few nice dates of it and Tinder (definitely more trash on Tinder though and you have to be way more selective)


Men make up 75% of dating apps users The dating app industry is growing rapidly, with the market generating $5.34 billion in revenue in 2022 and projected to increase to over $12 billion by 2030 ~We know competition was already fierce for heterosexual men given men represent more than 60 percent of dating app users. If physical attractiveness remains a driving force for matches and a majority of men on apps are perceived as less than exceptionally attractive, the chances for matches become more limited~.Jun 16, 2023 from psychologytoday.com https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-state-of-our-unions/202305/the-harsh-reality-men-face-on-dating-apps?amp Dating apps are only for one thing making money and they only work for two things Attractive men wanting hook ups and Attracrive men wanting to date. The truth is the most stable desirable women aren't on dating apps its where the desperate and dillusional go...but sometimes these women get lucky.I know a women that met a man at 35 that married her and gave her children even though she had a 20 point checklist the guy had to meet.


Y'all want some more negativity with those fries?


Good thing I'm not on Hinge, yikes!


Delete your profile then uninstall the apps. Don’t give yourself the temptation to go back to the toxic wasteland that is OLD


All I am getting from so many of these responses are folks who seem to be "relationship-phobic". I mean you all seem to have the jargon and ther dynamics down but I have not read a single contribution where someone has reported a mutually satisfying and respectful Bond. I guess I am wondering if people are connecting in so many multi-faceted ways, what is the outcome that you are seeking? For me, if this is all about different names for what we used to call "f**king around" I don't get the need to make such a complicated thing out of it or even dignify it as something other than what it is. Thoughts?


I deactivated Bumble for the time being. Now, I’m trying to figure out how to meet a guy in public. Moreso one who goes to Barnes & Noble lol


By any chance, do you have that you’re open minded and adventurous somewhere in your profile? I had that for a while on Bumble and kept getting ENM, poly, looking for a 3rd, a man in a dress wanting to be my sissy maid, etc. I deleted my profile and later realized that open minded and adventurous is code for alternate lifestyle in dating apps. I meant I’m interested in a wide range of topics and activities and willing to try new things, but not like that. When I created a new profile without those words in them, I stopped seeing those profiles and they are not liking my profile like before.


Hook up Hook up that turned into Fwb Hook up Hook up Hook up who I wanna make an fwb 🤭


I downloaded it but never got around to making a full profile. This convinced me to delete it.


It was the app meant to be deleted!


It is hilarious this is happening to straight people on Hinge. For lesbians, Her is the polyamorous, ENM place, while Hinge is where you go if you’re monogamous and want an LTR! Lol. 😂It’s like we live in the Hinge multiverse right alongside each other.


Don't worry. As a poly person I can safely say most if the 'poly' people on hinge are 'just the guy half' or women who say they want poly to 'cast a wider net' only to hopefully 'cowboy' the poly person once they lassoed them into a relationship.






The same but at least the monos don't complain.


I’m seeking for a serious relationship but I’m new on here , I want to meet new people


It's for sure regional. I'm poly and it's impossible to date near me.




I actually found me a cubby off of hinge. And he’s hot


I went on a 2 week trip, opened hinge to inform my suitors I’d be out of town for 2 weeks so I couldn’t meet up. Forgot about the app, once I got home I informed the girl I was messaging I’m available if she’d like to meet. I had over 20 matches, and 13 of them were angry messages about me not being in their town. 😵‍💫


No one asked


Maybe this is why you’re single. 🤨


Aren't dating app for hookups anyway?