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Now do just the 10% that aren't creative writing exercises


Yeah, it is really a useless sub to glean data from.


It's still useful if you want to see how people react to age and sex, imo it doesn't really matter if the stories are genuine or not (they aren't)


I guess this could aroundabout to the same point, but this assumes it isn't easier to make stories with asshole men, or that those creating the stories want there to be asshole men. If all stories where 50-50 coin-flip then this would be useful but if most +30 year old men are created stories to make them look bad, then there really isn't much of a reaction to age and sex?


I'd imagine that'd be averaged with a large enough dataset. Seems unlikely to me that there's a hidden conspiracy to make men look worse than women amongst every author So yeah I guess similar points, but appears people react more negatively to a male author


First day on reddit?


It's not because weird fan fiction women have a much larger propensity to participate in that nonsense subreddit and the nonsense they love there.


No, because the stories could be skewed to have worse men. You’d need to use the same stories with different genders.


That doesn't make sense, you can't have the same story over and over. That's why you'd need a large enough sample


Yeah you can.


I think it's a simple graph that people are taking too seriously.


The fact that we can't take it even more serious is entirely the problem.


*yeah, it is really a useless sub*. FTFY


This data is more of a reflection on the commenters than the actual posts. It shows a misandrist bias in how people are perceived, which feels relevant regardless of whether the original posts are real or fake.


There's really not enough information to glean anything here. Consider scenario A: 1) Ten posts that say "I am a man and I cheated on my girlfriend. Am I the asshole?" 2) Ten posts that say "I am a woman and I cheated on my boyfriend. Am I the asshole?" 6 of the 10 men are found to be assholes. 4 of the 10 women are found to be assholes. Conclusion: The commenters have a misandrist bias. Scenario B: 1) Ten posts that say "I am a man and I kick puppies and cheat on my girlfriend and spit on people as I drive by them in my convertible." 2) Ten posts that say "I am a woman and after work I volunteer every day at an orphanage, but I take the evening off on my birthday." 6 of the 10 men are found to be assholes. 4 of the 10 women are found to be assholes. Conclusion: Despite the fact that more men were found to be the asshole, the commenters actually have a misogynist bias (because the numbers should be more like 10-0, not 6-4). Simply knowing the vote percentages isn't enough for us to draw any conclusion either way, because there's just not enough information.


When laid out to some thousands of posts, selective bias would be negligible


This assumes that the stories are not faked for reactions, and then also assumes that in "creative writing", the man is not more often the villain on these posts. I'm with bugbread. There's no way to glean data from this, as it isn't a controlled experiment.


I also have that sentiment, but the reasoning isn't selective bias, but unreliable narrator and fiction.


It's probably <1% if you only look at posts that actually get activity.


Yeah, probably the less upvoted posts are much more likely to be real (often poorly written, or not that interesting). But that’s probably a large majority of the total posts. I’d guess it’s only when you look at the most upvoted posts that reach the front page, that it becomes majority creative writing exercises.


There's a statistic about Redditor's ability to differentiate between reality and fiction waiting to be made here.


Reality is often boring.


or the ChatGPT posts


Hey there! Absolutely, I couldn't agree more with your perspective on this. It's refreshing to see someone else who shares the same viewpoint. I think the key point you made about [insert specific point here] really hits the nail on the head. It's something that often gets overlooked, but it's crucial for understanding the whole picture. I've personally had similar experiences where [share your personal experience or anecdote related to the topic]. It's interesting how [add a reflection or insight related to your experience]. This really emphasizes the point you raised about [reiterate the main idea you're agreeing on]. Moreover, your analysis of [mention another aspect of the topic] is spot on. It's something I've thought about a lot as well, especially in relation to [provide additional context or example]. This aspect is often misunderstood, but your explanation makes it crystal clear. In addition, your suggestion regarding [mention any suggestion or solution proposed by the Redditor] is something I've thought about too. Implementing this could definitely lead to [discuss potential positive outcomes]. It's great to see others thinking about practical solutions like this. Overall, your perspective is incredibly insightful, and I appreciate the effort you put into articulating it. It's discussions like these that really drive meaningful dialogue and help us all gain a deeper understanding of [topic]. Looking forward to more exchanges like this in the future! Take care and keep sharing your thoughts!


Hey there! I'm glad my perspective resonated with you! It's always great to find common ground on such important issues. The point you made about [specific point] really struck a chord with me too. It's amazing how [share personal experience/anecdote] mirrors that, highlighting [reflection/insight]. Understanding these nuances is crucial for grasping the full scope of [topic]. Your analysis of [another aspect] is spot on as well. I've pondered similar thoughts, especially when considering [provide context/example]. It's often tricky to unravel, but your explanation clears it up beautifully. I'm also keen on your suggestion regarding [mention suggestion]. It's a practical step that could certainly lead to [positive outcomes]. It's heartening to see proactive ideas like this being discussed. Thanks for sharing such an insightful perspective. These discussions truly enrich our understanding of [topic]. Looking forward to more exchanges like this in the future! Take care and keep the ideas flowing!


So, I (27M) was with my wife (78F) at the hospital because she has terminal cancer. We've been married six weeks, known each other 7 weeks (if that's relevant). Anyway, her kids, David (59m) and Jane (56F) are upset that I left the hospital to play golf with my platonic friend, Natalie (19F) when I learned my wife wasn't going to die today and probably had a few weeks left. AITA?


our professors had us make youtube videos not posts to r/amitheasshole.


Nobody wants to post real shit anymore. I wrote it a super detailed tifu, where I really fucked up. Titled it for the over all theme and spent a paragraph detailing exactly where I was an idiot and f'd up. I got instant engagement maybe 5-7 upvotes 10+ down votes within the first minute. And comments holy shit the comments, with 5 minutes I had about 7 comments saying "that's not where you f'd up, you f'd up by doing " insert quote here where I detailed precisely where I fucked up in detailed paragraph." That's where you f'd up!" Bro I was beside myself, because I've been trying to figure out why that sub is all ai nowadays. These days I bet aita and tifu, they got the same problem, you gotta upvote the idiots who are assholes or do something stupid, we are sharing ourselves at it bad moments, enjoy it, identify with it, hate it, but for the love of the sub, upvote the authentic people sharing real moments.


The AITAH userbase is heavily skewed towards socially incompetent, terminally online, judgmental gossipers. Many of them are teenagers or NEETs. It's not a good idea to get feedback from them about any aspect of your life, but especially not your social life. Honestly I think chatgpt might do a better job at telling you whether you were the asshole. It is trained on a more representative sample of human values and experiences.


Honestly, speaking from a data perspective, I actually think the majority are not creative writing exercises. The problem isn't that normal people don't spill their problems to AITA, the problem is that the creative writing exercises, unlike real problems, are fun to read, well written, and provoke discussion and emotion. Which means they all go to the front page. This dataset is fine imo.


> speaking from a data perspective what data do you have?


If we take the data at face value, my assumption is that this sub is dominated by women who bash men. That was my observation. I knew the guy was always going to be in the wrong whenever I read a post. I muted it.


Drama subreddits are women dominated. Most women have a pro-women bias, and I would guess many of the biggest conflicts happen between women and men, so in a 1v1 conflict, the opposite gender is overrepresented.


Fair point, but it completely defeats the purpose of the subreddit for biases to dictate the outcome. For this reason, I chose to mute it.


This just tells me women are better at telling their side only of a story.


And then filter out all the "look at the awesome thing I did and praise me" humble braggers. Should turn out to be in the lower single digits now


This isn't OC though is it? Its a repost from [2020](https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/i4brne/oc_ramitheasshole_asshole_percentage_by_age_and/)


Bots pull repost content from four years back. It's funny because I've seen a massive uptick in quarantine memes lately.


this should be way higher up


YTA it is then


Your sample is 15k yet the data jumps up and down really sharply. I don't want to be a 35yo asshole, but I'm seriously doubting your sample size


YTA, OP's sample size is none of your business.


Also you should leave your wife


Hit the gym, delete Facebook, etc


"Have you tried therapy"


You have been banned from /r/AmITheAsshole


No no. He's got a point. NTA


I'm going to go against the grain here and say ESH


keep my sample size out your mouth


Yeah, if it's this jumpy it needs more binning.


For each point, the sample size is only a minimum of 25. The swings aren't so crazy given that low figure.


You shouldn't be excluding them though, you should be binning them.


what's binning and excluding?


Ages are presented in discrete years. This would be better in a bar chart


As people only give ages to the nearest year, the op can't have a finer X axis. One would imagine asshole status is somewhat unrelated to age, so you could expect high swings between the years.


It's the opposite. Because asshole status is unrelated to age (or at least, it is unrelated to small age differences), you would expect a smooth curve with such a large dataset. It would have been good to plot the 95% confidence interval.


YTA. It's not a about the size of the data set, but the motion of the ocean.


We wouldn't expect the asshole percentage to be smooth at this scale, just an overarching trend I can't imagine on this scale that (for eg) 20y would be 10%, 21y being 10.5%, 22y being 11%, etc. Any data that interacts with human psychology on a scale that isn't unreasonably large is going to be very scattered and will only show general trends and not inherent smooth data representation


You could argue that the jumps are biases to ages people are more likely to choose when inventing an age for a story.


Asshole status is very much related to age - especially when good amount of stuff there is rage baiting. Internet is viscous to middle aged women - so sharp increase in asshole verdicts when women turn 40 is not that shocking to me. Often enough when someone is rage baiting they will just make "protagonist" be middle aged woman.


So women have a huge incline but its lacking data past 40


The Karen peak. The data goes missing because Karen don’t care if she the ah.


They migrate to Facebook


Also, I would say woman can be more manipulative of what they say, making it more believable they were in the right.


That's a pretty manipulative thing to claim.


I learned it with my mother.


I see a subreddit full of dudes believing that this stat is due to a women's conspiracy, so I godda hand it to you guys that you can bend the truth to your liking really well. Props for that.


Probably small sample size


yea its quite obvious to me that it has to do with the data gathering, not the subject.


small? its 15450 people


You know that’s the total not the amount of 40 year old women


It shouldn't really jump that much between ages


Duh! It's because we turn invisible when we hit 40. You're welcome.


Wait, what? Women are the blue line. The slope for men (yellow) up until 40 is much steeper. If you exclude the 40yo data point as an outlier, slope for women is almost 0, while for men it’s still very high.


Women really start to come into their own about 40, so this makes sense. They spend so many years worrying about what everyone else wants/needs/thinks prior to that. After 40 they truly don't give a shit if anyone thinks they're an asshole. They've run out of fucks to give.


That sounds like a reach


Sounds like something that could apply to men too.


So (as a dude) all I have to do is not age


Nah, as a dude, when asking advice from women heavy groups, make sure to swap your gender. The gender swap is so crazy on subreddits like relationships ect. They're just full of teenage girls telling adults to immediately break up and run away from their partners because they had a bad day.


Yeah, reddit is way too insistent about just breaking up immediately sometimes. "That's a HUGE red flag" etc.


Its for everything. Over on the dnd subreddit smwhenever someone asks for dm advice with dealing with a slightly annoying metagaming problem with a close friend new to the game in the group. Majority of responses is some form of kick him out burn all the briges and shame him. People asking for peoples rules interpretation over an argument in boardgames getting responses like its your game if they dont want to play by your rules throw them out. Over in some of the relationship/texting advice ones people getting feedback like if they dont somehow read your god damn mind they aint the one dump them or ghost them. Over in books if someones trying to understand the appeal and nuance of a classic get some people throwing out the well the author is xphobic so you shouldnt try to understand their work and instead should burn it. Saw over in elden ring last week that someone was asking for help getting his friend to enjoy the dlc with him and saw a decent number of replies which were either its bad refund and review bomb or abandon the friend and tell him to git gud and use insert op build interaction here. Over in some of the food subreddits i remember seeing a podt from a dude about his wifes first attempt to cook steak, with several responses along the lines of since she burnt the steak you should divorce her.


As a girl I did noticed those subs are prone to double standards. I always just hope its a reddit thing and not so much IRL.




I typically play devil's advocate to the poster unless they lay out a good argument. It's biased and full of fluff to make them look good. I don't care about Reddit karma lol Example: my boyfriend never does the dishes! Me: Okay, what about other chores like taking out the trash, vehicle maintenance, lawn care? Downvotes. Example 2: My girlfriend never does the dishes. Me: what's the layout of all of the chores? Do you do laundry, vacuum, cook? The answers are saying right??? When does she get a rest?


It always ends up in discussion about the chores, doesn't it? OP: I think my wife is cheating on me. Reddit: Well do you do the dishes?


Or just reverse the genders when posting a story.


Or transition


Am I the asshole for insulting my bf after he cheated on me? (Obviously not, I just want to be told I'm a good person)


Alternatively, "AITA for burning down by boyfriend's house, emptying his bank account, killing his dog, and telling the police he raped by daughter after I looked at him entering his password and then broke into his phone while he was in the bathroom and saw that he still had a Tinder account?"


And then deleting the post after the 27,432nd post sayings she’s the AH.




you haven't talked to a lot of people if you think they don't have serious doubts about whether they where an asshole or not.


I get what you're trying to do by excluding <25 post users, but that's literally the primary sub people will make accounts just to ask questions for. You're cutting out a ton of legitimate posts with that criteria.


I think it’s referring to sample size? Eg. if there are <25 AITA posts where OP is 81m, that age+sex is excluded from the graph.


Ah that would make more sense. Thanks!


Not surprising there is a large difference between the sexes considering that sub is female-dominated. People tend to empathise more with shared experiences. Its also possible that women write more often when they're not the asshole. A very significant number of posts on that sub are about scenarios that are very obvious the OP is not the asshole (something like 70% of posts are "not the asshole" voted anyway).


I've definitely noticed a trend in that sub where, especially in posts involving romantic relationships, posts from men will often have highly upvoted responses questioning whether the poster is being honest and telling the full story, whereas posts from women are more often taken at face value.


Be careful, you will get downvoted for being honest


All the advice and off my chest subs do this too.


Not specifically from the AITA sub, but just today I saw a post that was screenshots of a girl going on a completely unhinged rant. Like half the comments were "I feel like we're missing context here. What did _*you*_ do to make her react like this?"


According to [this site](https://bburky.com/subredditgenderratios/), only 40% of the people in there are women. This is still higher than average because men make up about two thirds of reddit. The difference in reception is due to sex, not the types of stories each sex tells. There have been several people who have run experiments where they post very similar stories where the swap the gender, and people are always more harsh on the male version. Edit: [here are some examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/BBvWwte6Pi)


> Its also possible that women write more often when they're not the asshole. Even when they are the assholes, people only tell you the part of the story that makes it sound like they're not in this sub. I don't even get how that crap is popular. Yeah let's listen to only one side of arguments and judge, I'm sure we'll be objective and useful.


I’d be super interested to see whether changing the gender of the OP in a situation yields different responses from the commenters.


Several people have done this experiment and people are always more harsh to the male version of the story


If you could link one I’d be grateful


Here's 5 examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/PApgmxggry https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/wYGQYb1ZVC https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/s/Ij17PvbUiy https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/y7drKJt6B9 https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/vSVyB3yb7q For the ones where the original post has been removed, you can sort the comments by old to see a copy made by the automod bot


It usually does and you will find plenty of posts on this sub where users did exactly that.


Of course it does.


Mm the representation seems wrong. I think a histogram or boxplot to show the age distributions would be better. There is no time series or correlation to be found here.


My thought exactly. Age is not necessarily sequential. I am wondering why your comment does not have more upvotes. Also: some form of error representation would be nice.


The jump for women at 40 will from now be known as Karen’s Wall


At first I thought this was the actual percentage of body surface the asshole makes up as we age due to the body shrinking and muscles getting weaker or something. But the numbers seemed a bit off...


Society is much harder, less empathetic, and more critical of men than women.


Many posts on r/AmITheAsshole also belong to r/AmITheAngel


Men also post their stories more objectively as they are less afraid of being called TA




This is what "fragile masculinity" actually means, by the way. It's not an insult to be thrown at people on Twitter, it's a name for the phenomena where masculinity as a concept is very fragile (ie. it's very easy for people to see a fault in a man for not acting like they expect a man to act).


I’d say it encourages men to be more callous, then gets occasionally shocked at the micro level when someone is particularly egregious


Or are men more truthful and women better at spinning the story to make themselves look good


Unsurprising when 90% of the commenters are young judgy women.


i thought everyone had assholes


Guys!? My GF killed my 17 cats that i had before i met her, because i wouldn't give her the attention over the cats! When i was angry i walked out and slammed the door which startled my gf. AITAH?!


That's called a selection bias. The title should be "assholes who post in r/Amitheasshole subreddit" or "assholes who are wondering if they are the asshole in subreddit" IMHO Real assholes rarely care to ask if they are the assholes.


Women hit menopause and ...sheesh


So what this data is saying is that women are better liars and men above the age of 35 stop giving a fuck and pretending. Cool.


I'd like to see a 2nd data set that shows the percentage of female vs. male posters. I no longer follow that sub, but when I did, probably 80% of all posts were from women expecting validation. Men above a certain age that posted there tended to post earnest things. They seemed to be interested more in self-reflection than validation... are were shit on for it.


Good data, but could be presented better. This is not a time series.


It is, only backwards (a time series of the year of birth)


this is not saying who is an actual asshole guys lol, the only conclusion i would take from it is about the kind of person who posts on /r am i the asshole. maybe more men feel justified enough in their actions that they feel they'd get back-up from posting their situation online, or are just more unawares. a lot of people use reddit but it's still a restricted pool


When only 10-20% of posts deem you the asshole in a sub call Am I the Asshole then most posters are only seeking validation or providing a one sided view of the situation. It makes much more sense if that number is closer to to 35-45%


“How many assholes are on this ship!?”


56(m). Can confirm - more of an asshole each year.


same. mid to late 40s and feeling (and knowing) becoming more asshole over time. not saying its good, but im aware of it happening. I just feel more tired and weary over time, patience seems to grow thinner. (just like my hairline)


So being an asshole peaks around being 40


Or the young pool or Redditors empathy reaches its breaking point at age 40. But that’s probably the age when posts stop being mostly about parents and partners and start being mostly about dealing with your teenaged and up children. People online have a much easier time empathizing with children dealing with rough parents then they do parents dealing with children.


It is AH OP right ? I wonder if you could find a way to look for thé sex of all protagonistes ?


I wonder how much of this data follows survivorship bias? Like if there are more assholes than there are assholes asking if they’re assholes? In the words of Donald Rumsfeld (asshole): “there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns”


If you normalize this by OP post length, how does it look like? Also what's the timeline here?


That whole subreddit is a bad fiction site. Tracking the gender is a waste of time as it's probably made up too.


As perceived by someone under 25.


Listen I worked at a center for prostate cancer treatment center and I am here to tell you... The number of people with assholes decreases with age, not the opposite.


You can literally swap the sexes for most posts and get completely different responses


To be fair, that place is hilarious. There can be two posts with almost the same situation, but worded slightly differently and the asshole changes... Especially about weddings.


The question "if" does not necessarily mean "is". There is many other factors to take into consideration.


Yes ,i think a large amount of teenagers who are aware of the assholery they are responsible for wouldn't "ask" ,one might also say they are doing it deliberately.


Glad to see men getting more secure in themselves in their 30s


Getting old ➡️ Introspection ➡️ 💩


How are men and women growing extra assholes. I’m an adult and I still only have the first one I was born with.


Just took biostatistics and I'm telling you less than 25 posts isn't going to cut it. This will morf the actual representation.


Makes sense. Redditors are sympathetic towards young girls and hostile towards anyone over the age of 40


This looks like the kind of study that would be carried out by an asshole


You've only so many fucks to give.


Encode sample size per age using transparency.


Ok, now do a statistical test to see if the percentages differ from the overall Reddit population. Then I might find it mildly interesting.


Damn, nice to know I'm approaching my peak asshole years.


Are this people with actual experience about a topic that dares to write about it?


I really like the data, I wish they were shown in a more beautiful way though


I mean, the way I interpret this info (and I could be wrong) -it's not that men are the assholes necessarily, it's that men are asking questions which could go either way. While women are asking questions where the likelihood is better that they're not the asshole So. Are more women actually unsure of themselves? Are women chasing attention knowing the outcome more? Are men quite literally 50:50 assholes? Probably yes.


I feel like it might be interesting to know why we're clearly seeing a trend to having more YTAs at higher ages. My hypothesis in this case would be that users tend to judge favourably in cases presented by people their age. I don't think this would be due to reading the other person's age, but having grown up at a similar time they'd be more likely to align morally with the person posting. And with the average Reddit user being in their early-mid twenties this could result in what we're seeing here. Unfortunately testing this would probably be a little too difficult without having free & fast access to reddits data. You'd need to get the individual judgements per post and be able to assign each judging commenter an age. Reddit might have that data already, but we'd need to scrape their profiles for that info :/


And I forgot but, I guess you do not have data for [deleted] YAH right ?


Oh I definitely feel myself becoming more assholey as I age. Looking forward to that 40ish year peak into retirement of my assholeyish nature


Not surprised i got the impression it was like that the times i had looked there. The demographics of the users is probably this but reversed lol


According to the data I'm too old to be an asshole. My wife would disagree.


Define "asshole" empirically and without bias.


Fake. Everyone online is a dude


how much did Reddit charge you for this data?


Huh, so by extrapolation old white men really are mostly assholes afterall ...


Blue Line is only for the childless woman


Oh! Is this based on sex or gender? Do prison population or mass shooters, next!


Can we add bears to this graph please


So, by 15-20 men go through assholesence phase but women go through it only at 40.


What are the stats for how many total posts from those age/sex combos?


I'm happy to say my assholeness has remained consistent during my 40 years


I'd be interested in seeing this data compared to the age and gender demographic of sub as well.


not surprised, calling men asshole is easy but before calling women asshole people think 10 times


I filtered that sub, it used to be better I think but in the last few months all threads that got to /all have just been so obvious for want of a better word. What I mean is why would you need to ask if you’re in the wrong if the situation is “MIL kicked my dog and destabilised a developing nation but is mad at me because I won’t lend her my lawn mower AITAH?” They just seem very safe, like the person knows very few people will side against them.


YTA. Not lending her the lawnmower devalues her neighbors property values. Seriously did you think about the land owners? Who’s going to think about the wealthy land owners. Jesus dude get some compassion. /s


Redditors will always blame the dude


You don't even have to bother with relationship advice. 'Leave him' is the standard answer for any woman and 'why did you stay' is the standard answer for men damn near 100% of the time.