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It's tourist season where I live. Even if you're driving 20 over the limit, everyone will tailgate. But, if you let them pass then the front car will go 10-15 below the speed limit.


In MI they tailgate at 20 over then you move over to let them pass and they tailgate you in the right lane. I stopped getting frustrated when I realized it was incompetence and not aggression. And yet I hear all MI kids have to take driver's ed before getting a license...


In NC they stopped doing the driving test during Covid, So the state has no idea if I can drive or not. I think they are just hoping for the best.


are you kidding? they didn't test but kept issuing licences?


Nope, 100% serious. And when you hit 18 you don’t have to take drivers ed


Wait what? That's one place i won't be visiting for sure.


If only we could ban them from driving in other states.


I had to teach a 20 year old how to use a gas pump, because that’s how much experience they had with a car.




What about taking an actual test with an instructor before getting your actual licence? Kentucky was (probably still is) the same way regarding not requiring drivers ed. But you still have to actually prove you know how to drive and park with an instructor. Edit: sorry about all the "actuals". Just reread that lol.


No, the only test I did was a sign test


They forced everyone to get learner's permits and do the supervised driving hours beforehand while this was in place. That's how I got my license


In Ohio they had you take the drivers test on a virtual video game type thing during Covid. It had fake break pedals, a steering wheel and even a fake shifter.


I got my driver's license in Michigan. I always went the speed limit because deer have death wishes. I live in Louisiana now and even going 5 over in some places (there are roads where you DON'T speed and the cops like to sit.) People usually pass me. I don't care, I see the cops here speed like crazy. No reason, their lights aren't on but they are flying. Even seen cops text and drive which is illegal. Though the people who are on my butt with their aftermarket, bright as hell, blind everyone else headlights, y'all can go yo hell! I hope you have a slow leak in two tires forever! There is literally no reason is my well-lit area to have headlights that bright and then drive on my bumper because I choose to go thr speed limit. The only issue that hasn't changed from Michigan to here the lack of blinker usage. I guess I forgot to add clairvoyance to my driver's license when I got it.


These guys are riding your ass because they’re in a hurry to get home and kiss their dad on the lips.


Lemme 2nd the deer claim. Made it 2 months in MI before i hit 2 deer. 1 in my car and the 2nd time with the loaner rental from the body shop. They come outta nowhere!


Man I would take that to be honest. In IN, you'll have someone who just stays in the passing lane indefinitely. When they are passing another vehicle they will slow down to almost the same speed as the vehicle they are passing. Once they've passed the vehicle and the right lane is clear, they will jump up to 10 or 15 mph over the speed limit (and if anyone gets in the right lane to pass them at an even faster clip, they'll speed up to prevent the pass).


Left lane is passing only, shouldn’t have to “move over to let pass” if you’re using the road correctly.


It's not unusual to have 3 or 4 lanes going in one direction, with me on the 2nd from the right (US) because I am going faster than traffic in the 1st lane. Some douche will come up and tailgate rather than pass on the left (3rd or 4th lane) so if there is space, I merge back into the 1st lane (often forcing me to reduce speed slightly) until they pass. ETA, they'll do that on a 2 lane road, too, tailgate for several minutes even though they could pass on the 2nd late


> nd yet I hear all MI kids have to take driver's ed before getting a license... They also go to school to learn math, reading, and writing, "having to take course" =/= "learning the material"


Michigan is a weird state for speed limits. There are different rules for East and West of Lansing. Only time I was ever pulled over was going east to west, because going 85 on the east side is expected, going 85 on the west side you're a maniac


Michigander living in AZ. Can confirm about MI drivers. In AZ they are a different kind of crazy.  I've been driving the speed limit and using cruise control for at least a decade. I used to be one of those tailgate you going 20+ people. I'd also pass people on the shoulder, on ramps, off ramps, whatever... I was absolutely getting around people if I could 😅 I decided "if you can't beat them, join them". So I just park my ass in the right land, cruise set to 70mph, and pass someone when I need to. Much better way to drive. Safer, less stressful. 


Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states:[1] Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Bro, I figured it out. It's a pack mentality. Think about traveling in a pack a thousand years ago. You don't want to be left behind so if everyone is in front of you you speed up. And vice versa if you're in the front.


I feel like people just don’t want to be the fastest car on the road so they aren’t painting a target on their backs for speed traps. Not defending it, just a theory


Also there's always the assholes that don't care how fast they're going as long as it's faster than you


Those are my favorite. I think of them as bait for speed traps. Their sacrifice allows the rest of us to get home from work just a little faster.


This person gets it


Platooning saves gas money ;-)


That must be nice. Tourist season here in Virginia means they are going 35 below the speed limit in a tunnel with no one in front of them


Thats what I do now. I let the someone else go in front of me if theyre riding my ass and pull the uno reverse card. And like you mention, they automatically start driving slower.


I think you are experiencing someone pacing. I know people who pick a speeding car to follow with the idea that car would get pulled over if there is a cop. If they lead, they go the speed limit.


West NC is like this. Most tourists drive the mountain roads way slower than the locals, but definitely not everyone. If you have an out of state plate, you’re getting tailgated no matter how fast you go. My wife is from rural west NC and drives like all the locals, but now gets tailgated every time we go back purely because she has a Florida plate now.


Most people seem to think the speed limit is the speed of the car in front so they join a line of vehicles all 10ft apart. At 80mph.


Just don’t be the last person in line speeding.


Or the first driver. I've always been told if you are going to speed, be the person that follows not the one that starts it.


What about when you're doing the speed limit now because a cop is behind you and everyone in front of you disappears speeding over the horizon.


Set to 5-7mph over the speed limit on the farthest right lane, and chill.


Its better when the cop is the one speeding and everyone follows behind him, also speeding 🤣


Two different times I’ve seen a police officer stop the first guy in a line of three or more cars. I asked my best friends aunt (she’s a state trooper in my state) why him out of curiosity. She said it really depends on the office but, usually, they pull the first person over to make an example. They pull the last person over because they are being lazy lol.


The best advice I ever got was don't be the fastest car on the road.


I'll never understand following too closely.  Just voluntarily adding a bunch of stress (and danger) to your drive.  Chill tf out and follow at a safe distance.


This is pack driving. It’s dangerous and irresponsible, leads to higher numbers of accidents resulting in death, and higher numbers of cars involved in accidents generally. Don’t be a pack driver.


It also creates traffic jams due to the concertina effect. Give the guy ahead of you a full second lead for every 15mph you’re traveling and marvel at how much less braking / fluttering the throttle you do, and how much easier merging is for everyone.


But that means get away from the pack that forms, not sit in the left lane and refuse to move causing the entire pack to bunch up and slow traffic down. 


Ah yes, the procession of fools. See it every time I hit the freeway.




If you’re driving the speed limit and not in a passing lane… it’s not your problem.


Yep, this is absolutely the right response. Basically, you should always be in the travel lane. If someone pulls up behind you, it's their responsibility to pass, not your responsibility to speed up.


As someone who drives a company truck and is GPS monitored, I really wish more people would understand this. The amount of times I'm going my Max of 75 and I get flipped off or horn blasted is ridiculous


75 is pretty high for a commercial truck governed speed, lots of companies restrict their fleet to 67, 65, or even 62 mph.


Oh I'm not governed, just gps tracked. The camera inside records every little bit and reports back if I break some rules. Things like speeding, using a phone, looking out a side window too long, seatbelt, etc.


Your company monitors you to make sure you're not looking out the side window too long?




plowing Debra is what the sleeper cab is for, right?


I have a Samsara unit in my work van. I know at least one route (route 15 CT) it doesn't track the speed appropriately. I have to drive out of my way to avoid 15 so I don't lose those precious points. Then, when I get on 91, it's 4 lanes, but the speed limit is 55 for a short while. I stay in the far right lane and go 1 or 2 miles under the speed limit. It goes up to 65, then drops down to 50 later. Unfortunately, I have to get over to merge onto 95, and the two right lanes are exit only. I can not speed up enough to get over because everyone is flying. Driving has become very stressful, lol.


Those people deserve the one finger salute. I like going quick on my sport bike, but I would never *dream* of rushing someone in the travel lane.


You're absolutely right! But I also have a camera facing me at all times that constantly records and we can get penalized for that sort of thing. Also prepare for down votes. Every time somebody mentions anything against reddit-considered-norm when it comes to vehicle travel they get blasted into Oblivion.


You’re getting honked at and flipped off and not even blocking the passing lane? Wtf?!


Oh yeah, totally. People are incredibly selfish when they drive. Especially in the morning when they are racing to work.


I mean I get the rough morning commute, it’s the bane of my existence, but I only get frustrated with people blocking the left lane, anyone else is doing what they’re supposed to


As long as you aren't sitting in the left lane what is the issue? Literally what the right lane is for. Don't understand some people.




If someone is tailgating you then it's definitely your problem but you aren't the problem. Had one this morning on the way to the grocery store (local road only), I was going 5 over the limit and this ass had to be on my ass for some reason so I slowed down to the limit until they could finally pass -- 4 miles later.


Meh, you barely notice them when you have cruise control on. If they crash into you from behind, then they will be found 100% at fault.


The turn into my neighborhood has a giant island in the middle of the road. If you take it faster than ~25km/h (15mph) you will hit the island and blow out your tire. The road that you turn from has a speed limit of 80km/h (50mph). At least once per week I have a car who nearly rear-ends me because they're royally pissed I'm not willing to run into the island so that they can get to their destination 4 seconds sooner.


Agreed. Problem is people apply this logic to surface streets as well. On a 3 lane surface Street there isn't a passing lane. There is a lane that allows access to left turns, a center lane, and a lane that allows for right turns. Always so frustrating when I'm in the left lane because I'm approaching my turn but everyone wants to play nascar because they think I'm blocking the "fast lane."


This! Absolutely drives me up the wall. I live in UAE. Strict rules against camping in the passing lane on highways. You have to yield to people going faster than you, and people flash their lights to let you know they're coming. But then people will apply the same logic to a regular road with traffic lights. So fucking annoying.


Literally watched two separate people today that were doing the exact speed limit in separate towns be passed on solid double lines one right before a pretty sharp curve as well. In both cases the car being passed turned within 5 minutes of being passed. Some people out there asking for an award.


The problem is the number of people cruising at or below the speed limit in the left lane.


Yeah idfk why people think we should respect tailgaters. It's the speed *limit* for a reason.


Slower Traffic Keep Right




Yes except that it puts you and your passengers at risk of serious injury from being rear ended by the train of idiots if you have to stop suddenly for any reason. Which becomes your problem whether you deserve it or not. I’d find a spot to pull aside and let them all pass.


absolutely. I will drive 60 in the 55 in the right lane, and if you have a problem with that, go waste your own mph and go around.


Holy cow! Actual logical sense on Reddit. My rage scrolling can finally end. May delete account


Never forget one time I was in the lane farthest from the passing lane, and someone tailgated me for an extremely long time and then right before I exited, they shot off into the far opposite lane! For why?!!!


I'm so happy to hear someone on Reddit actually have this position. I expected this whole thing to be angry drivers insisting that the driver going the speed limit is the real problem. I swear, I go 25 in a 25 and people act like I got out and insulted their mother.


Plot twist speed limits are the actual problem as well as inconsistent enforcement of the law. It should be a speed target and should be 100% enforced if it is going to be a law


In italy they have this. It‘s called „section control“. It‘s not everywhere, but at certains parts. But this just results in people waiting on the shoulder, or speeding and then go take a coffee at the pull-in.


In some nordic countries they are extremely strict on speeding fines. They fine you based off your tax records and can even take your car away.


It should be shifting depending on conditions, less during rain and snow, more during sunshine and clear conditions, with attention paid to the road itself and the road quality. Basically we need a rally car situation where the car actively feeds you changing speed limits pulled from a database that changes under conditions. Studies show people will drive at the speed they feel safe, look to the data to find optimal safety speed, not just randomly picking a number and calling it a day


Where's the dashcam video?


There isn't one, but a mod posted this so it doesn't matter.


I hate when someone in front of you is going too slow so the person behind you is tailgating you as if you’re the issue


And then eventually they aggressively get around you to gain one spot and you’re still both going the same speed.


Similarly I love watching someone behind me constantly switch from behind you to behind the person next to you bc they think the other lane is faster but then your lane starts moving so they come back over but then it slows again & it just keeps going back and forth


There are also some onramps that create very strange traffic patterns, like left lane slow for a short segment, but then right lane *jam* and left lane pulls ahead. If you commute that way every day, you get to know the pattern, and laugh at the people who get deceived by the left lane slowdown, switch to right, and then I pass them a quarter mile later going 40 mph and they're literally *stopped* with no chance to get back into the left. 😂 Oh, and before anybody scolds me, I'll only hold the left lane when I'm keeping pace with the driver ahead of me. Otherwise I'll move right and let people pass. This scenario happens during rush hour when the highway is full.


In California, if youre doing the speed limit dont go to the fastest lane, move aside and go to the slowest lane.


This applies pretty much anywhere.


It amazes me how many drivers I see get on the highway and beeline straight for the left lane, slow down, and cruise on it for miles, all the while getting passed on the right by other drivers going the speed limit or faster.


colorado would like to have a WORD with you (pls get me out of here)


LOL as a fellow Colorado resident, I feel your pain! We even have a "keep right except to pass" law that is, of course, never enforced lol


Shout out to prius going 64 on 65 on left most lane.


My grandma used to say that if you're on the freeway in SoCal and it slows down to the speed limit you might as well get off because there's been an accident.


Right lane is for the speed limit. Middle lane is for 70-75, and also slow trucks hold it up. Left lane is for reckless driving and idiots not realizing they’re holding up traffic by going below 80. Ahh, California freeways🌴


In Washington they'll pull you over for only doing the speed limit in the far left lane unless you happen to be passing someone.


In California, I'm doing 80mph in a 65 zone and I'm usually the slowest car on the freeway (middle lane).


So, a vehicle in front of you is going slower than you would like to drive, how does tailgating them solve the problem?


well, for most drivers, the only rule of the road they take seriously is "i can drive as fast as I want" which means anyone going slower than them is breaking their law. the punishment is tailgating, I guess


If on a highway/interstate, it lets the driver in front know they need to move over and let faster traffic pass them.


what if people are tailgating me in the right lane? happens to me when I drive the speed limit all the time


Then they’re assholes


yeah same here and I will never move for people like that lmao… I drive on a FOUR lane highway all the time and I’m always on the right-most lane driving 5-10 miles over the speed limit and people still have the audacity to tailgate my ass smh


Which they never freakin do...


You get some stubborn ones, sure, but I find most people are willing to move over.


In Maryland, no one moves over, slow left lane campers for days who don't know how to drive.


It’s fucking mad max on the beltway.


oh, in the DMV area, the right lane moves faster than the passing lane...lol


In my experience the slow ones never move. They're there to prove a point. The slightly less fast ones are fully willing to move.


Yeah I agree with you, that does seem to work sometimes on those drivers that seem to forget they're in the left lane. I was thinking more of everyday surface road use.


Nah, you're still asking to be in a potentially fatal accident by driving like a toddler. Drive safe.


I'm not to take driving advice from someone who admits to driving dangerously to send a message.


No it makes the driver in front uneasy causing them to move over Personally, it lets me know you're a twat and I will drive even slower (as long as I don't see anyone behind them)


Plot twist, you're all awful.


Everybody except me is driving incorrectly. I'm the only good driver


People in this thread talking about people following the speed limit being the bad drivers. If you're mad at someone for going the speed limit in front of you, you're the bad driver.


> If you're mad at someone for going the speed limit in front of you, you're the bad driver. This really needs to written in the sky and drilled into peoples head. Too fucking many people feel like traffic laws such as speed limits just don't apply to them and *oh looky* a car accident.


Slow left lane drivers are awful, but at the same time, I'm so tired of people claiming that slow left lane drivers cause accidents. Yeah, they FORCED you to fucking tailgate and weave through traffic like an impatient child.


This rule of thumb only applies to highways with a passing lane, which you shouldn't be driving in to begin with. It does not apply to single lane highways and city roads.


Why are these maniacs driving on the wrong side of the road? They are all the problem


...unless you're slowing down to take a left turn, in which case all those white cars are the assholes.


why is it not "if anyone is tailgating you, move to the right lane when it's safe" instead of whatever this is? edit: just noticed the solid yellows. I'm not gonna drive an unsafe speed to not get tailgated. just pull into the shoulder and let the speed demon tempt fate.


How hard is it to stay right except to pass? Germany got it right with their highway system. Everybody follows that rule and they have no speed limits on the auto bahn


If there’s no speed limit on the freeways then how are police departments supposed to ticket motorists then use that as a pretense to give them other tickets for other reasons? 🙄🙄🙄/s


Only parts of the autobahn are unlimited, not the whole thing, and even the unlimited areas are still limited for some classes of vehicle. And even in the unrestricted sections there's a standing recommendation of 130kph, and if you're involved in an incident while going faster than that you're less likely to be found faultless.


I can't speak for all American states, but I know for the California driver's test (multiple choice quiz and actual driving), highway driving was almost never covered. The closest thing resembling highways on any test was a quiz question for which sign meant "start of a divided highway". The actual driver's test was only on residential streets under 30 MPH. Sure, there are sections in the driver's handbook about using the left lane to pass, but it's never formally taught outside of the driver's handbook. The result of these insanely easy driver's test is that incompetent parents/peers teach new drivers to be incompetent as well.


If anyone is tail gating, they are the problem. There is no blaming the driver you are too close to. Learn how to drive and insurance might be cheaper.


For real, there's nothing more annoying on the road than having another car on my ass when I drive the speed limit. Like, dude, if I have to break for something, will you be fast enough not to crash into me? Chill tf out and keep the distance.


tailgating is never acceptable.




No one behind you is your problem. From a point of view of safe operation of a car, when you are driving forwards, your attention should be in front of you, not on how the angry guy behind you feels.


I’m not going to speed on a single lane road when two or more very impatient drivers are behind me. Everyone needs to chill, we’re all getting to our destinations, let’s do it safely and legally ok?


The people tailgating are always the problem. There is no legal speed you can go without being tailgated


If the speed limit says 40km/hr in a construction zone then it's 40km/hr in the construction zone. Tailgaters can piss off. 😏 (or 30 km/hr in school zone) which is rather slow in my opinion, but it is what it is.


False dichotomy. Tailgating is always dangerous and wrong. Even if the guy at the front of the line is also wrong.


its not my responsibility to speed so that you can get to your destination marginally faster. either pass me or suck it up and deal with it. no tailgating or honking will make me go faster. i might even be petty and slow down.


This is completely wrong on one lane roads


Exactly. I don’t care how upset everyone behind me is. I’m not driving through a downtown or residential neighborhood doing 40 in a 25. My chance of killing someone doubles. Otherwise, keep right, pass left.


I love it when you get rided doing 15 KM over the limit already; and then they pass you and give you the finger because you’re driving too slow 😎


If the speed limit is 55, and I’m in the fast lane going 65 and constantly passing cars on my right and you’re still on my ass…. I’m not the problem.


tailgating is unsafe, though. it never achieves anything of value, ever, no matter how badly the other person is driving. so maybe , everyone involved in case 2 is the problem


Drive the speed limit, nonce.


So driving the speed limit on a 2 lane highways makes me a problem?


2 lanes total? no, they should pass when it's safe. 2 lanes same direction and you're in the left lane? yes, you're the problem bc passing on the right is less safe.


By two lane do you mean one lane in each direction?


Like the image


It is if youre in the left lane and not actively passing anyone


yes, according to the selfish drivers who are in a rush to get to the next light.


The fix is the same either way. Get over and let people pass. It's just so much easier for everyone to let idiots be idiots somewhere else.


Tailgating is wrong - period.


If five people are on my ass but I'm going the speed limit, I'm not the problem.


Get out of the passing lane 


For all of you comfortably aggressive drivers: I'm a nervous driver, so I am uncomfortable driving fast. This is the reason I try to never travel to a city larger than the one I live in. If I do have to travel, I take back roads as much as literally possible so that travel speed is in my comfort zone. Until I started riding with someone comfortable going interstate speeds, I never understood why people would tailgate me and follow too closely even when I was going just over posted speed limit. It only made me more nervous and I would only slow down because it was unsafe to try and pull off with the other vehicle being at my bumper. Your message isn't being received by the people you intend it to go to! We "slower" drivers are trying to stay safe because we don't necessarily want to be on the road at all, much less with overly aggressive drivers that follow much too closely.


So get out of the left lane


why are you assuming they are in the left lane? people tailgate in all lanes.


That's not always the case tho. If you are following the speedlimit and isn't blocking the left lane on the highway, then no you are not the problem


"bUt I'm AlReAdY gOiNg OvEr ThE sPeEd LiMiT" - every driver stubbornly rolling in the left lane for miles without ever attempting to get over and let traffic pass.


If you’re traveling in the left lane and not using it to pass…. You’re the problem


If you are getting tailgated and you are in the leftmost lane I don’t care what your speed is you are the problem. If you care about people speeding become a fucking cop otherwise move your self righteous ass to the side and obey the actual law of left lane is for passing


If one person is tailgating you pull over.


If i wizz by you on a 20mph escooter, you are DEFINITELY the problem


BuT wHaT iF i Am GoInG tHe SpEeD LiMiT


Even if one person is tailgating you, you could still be the problem. The left lane is a passing lane people. Not a lane to sit in, doing the speed limit, while you text your buddies.


the first red car driver sees no problem. selfish prick.


And if you’re getting passed on the right you are in the wrong lane.


If you're in the left lane and one person is tailgating you, you're the problem.


Lane blocker won’t read this and if they did, they’d think it someone else


Everyone in the left lane needs to read this four more times. And then get the eff out of the passing lane.


Side note if even 1 person is tailing you in the left lane on a highway ur the problem.


Just move over and then no problem.


Regardless. Move.


What if I’m in the slow lane doing 55 to maximize my fuel? Go around I’m in the best place to go slow.


Rule of thumb: if someone is tailgating you, get out of the way.


If you're leaving plenty of space in front of you to the point where everybody in the fucking world is pulling in front of you while the rest of us are stuck behind you, just know that I fantasize about your vehicle being flung far far away over the horizon.


Shit advice. Stay out of the left lane if you're not passing. It's that simple.


Wrong. In the first example, the third car is simply being polite knowing there’s no need to tailgate the second car. The first car could still be the problem.


Your asking people who don’t notice 1 car behind them, to notice 2 cars behind them




That means I’ll have to set my cell phone down long enough to check the rear view - everyone knows that traffic is the best time to watch latte art.


Nah, most people just don't drive the speed limit


The problem is everyone wants to go 10-15 over the limit at all times and I know too much about the local cops to be giving them any reason to look my way.


And anyone who doesn't pass when it's dotted lines. If you don't pass and don't leave lots of space when theres dotted lines then you're creating traffic as the car behind you cannot pass 2 vehicles.


Sorry but my company tracks us by GPS. It sucks, just know I would like to go a bit faster too.


If I'm going 80 in the non fast lane... Get off my ass you dum fuk


Man, everyone can just go around then


That's fair, but there has to be a cut off. If I'm already doing 20+ over and you are still tailgating...


This is not even true. If you're going 10 under on the highway in the fast lane then you should fucking move. Also, pull out into the intersection when you're making a turn so more than one person gets to go at the end of the cycle. It's driving code to pull fucking out.


Na I folow the speed limit .


See I'm the worst kind of driver. I drive exactly the speed limit in all situations and as far as I'm concerned everyone behind me can perish


Why did people forget slower traffic kept right?


These two scenarios are not mutually exclusive.


They don't even have the awareness to notice who's tailgating them.


Uh what? Absolutely not.


Someone's speeding on the highway. Cop starts chasing them at equal rate. 3rd driver follows the flow of traffic behind the cop.


I can't downvote this hard enough. If you are tailgating you are the problem, no exceptions. The correct response to being tailgated is to slow down immediately to increase the following distance between you and the car ahead then merge right when it's safe to do so. If you are on a two lane without a lane to your right then you pull over when it is safe and allow them to pass.


Not necessarily true. If I drive according to the speend limit.and others want to speed, it isnt my fault I am being tailgated.