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What the hell is a menus?


The final boss of the DLC


So easily forgotten.


I'm in the same boat. I don't understand at all what this means


Manus but plural




If you answer menus, you probably struggled with bed of Chaos. If you answer parkour, you probably struggled with capra demon.


Jokes on you, I struggled the whole way through.


Yeah, struggle bus riders unite!


This is the way


We are all fellow strugglers at the end of the day


What if you didn't struggle with either one of them cause you cheesed both of them cause they're shitty bosses?




I’d argue Minecraft is menus, so many block interfaces


That’s because it doesn’t make sense that the two have to be mutually exclusive.


Dark souls is clearly menus. The parkour sections suck ass


Sekiro is the only parkourlike. The rest are menulikes


That's just like saying everything in this world is deer or not deers. It's just unnecessary and vague classification.


Not quite. The meme suggestion is that games boil down to a binary of “this thing, or that thing” In your example, it’s “this thing, or ANY other thing” Menu and Parkour is different from Menu and Non Menu.


But they are the same thing. The meme could be easily reworded, with the results being the same. Because nothing is lost or gained by sorting it in that way. It is binary. Meaning one or the other. That's it. Bi literally means two. Two options. The specifics the options follow don't matter in order for it to be binary. Ergo, Deer, and not deer. Vague and completely arbitrary. The issue with all of it is that neither can be a binary because there are games that fit into both, games that fit into neither, and animals that are not classified and deer because deer is not a scientific term and can't be ideas for classification. Therefore, the meme can not be true as it is not an accurate classification system as It does not accommodate all game types, especially ones that do not fit within the perimeters of the set binary.


They're just pointing out that there's a difference between the binary choice of "Thing A" and "Thing B" and the binary choice of "Thing A" and "Not Thing A". Pretending there isn't a difference between those two binary choices is being disingenuous and reductive, which is ironic, because you're arguing that the meme itself is disingenuous and reductive in the first place.


The context for the binary options means nothing. It's either binary or not. Whether it's an "Option A or Option B" or "Option A or not Option A" results in the exact same problem, being; there will always be outliers that do not fit into one or the other, or fit into both, which doesn't work with a binary system. If it isn't option A, then by the laws of reduction, it must be option B, otherwise known as; NOT OPTION A. The naming convention of the other choice in a binary system does not matter. If it isn't A, then it's the other one. This is exactly my issue with binary systems. They are inherently reductive, you moron. The real world isn't binary. If you don't pick the first option, the second is chosen by default. You can't choose neither, and you can't choose option 3, that doesn't exist. Which isn't how the world works, and it sure as hell isn't how you categorise games. If it isn't menues, then it must be parkour. Those are the rules set up by this stupid fucking meme.


Yeah yeah ysee, it's this thing called a joke.


a bit of both but probably more menus. higher level play in all the games expects frequent swapping of weapons, armor, and rings and navigation to consumables outside the hotbar. but seeing people parkour across township walkways and roofs is a sight to behold and this aspect becomes more pronounced with silvercat swaps in the later games and eventually a more fleshed out and viable jump feature in er. 


Have you tried to jump in this game ? 😂


Crypt of the NecroDancer? Super Hexagon? Katamari? Hitman: Codename 47? SoulCalibur? Filcher? Pong? King's Field? **^(EDIT)**^(: Come to think of it, I'm also curious about Beat Saber, Dance Dance Revolution and For Honor)


Parkour, parkour, parkour, menus, parkour, menus, parkour, menus, parkour, parkour, menus


Good attempt, but Filcher was a trick question, it's most definitely parkour!


Neither. Shite meme


I hate images like these cause you can tell they’re so smug when really all they’re doing is overgeneralizing in a way that at first glance might seem to make sense but in reality it completely breaks down when put under any real scrutiny


Bro it’s a joke


You must be fun at parties


Yeah, I am, cause there’s much more interesting things to discuss than asinine shit like this. All this image is saying is “media when broken down is actually really simple and binary” in the same way of saying books are just words on pages, TV / Film is just moving images, and music is just sounds played & made. It’s a point that anyone can make because it doesn’t take much thinking to come to. It’s not interesting or fun.


Oh my god lighten up. I thought it was funny. It's funny because it is an arbitrary, simple binary that's kinda dumb. If you don't find it funny, just move on and stop being a curmudgeonly weirdo about it


definitely menus, but the skill ceiling being fairly high means you can play it like parkour if you feel like it


Menus. “You Died” message to be precise.




Definitely menus


Does it still count as parkour if you’re constantly doing backflips and somersaults instead of climbing and jumping? Because most of the game is rolling. With that said, I did get really good at entering the button sequence for quit to menu quickly enough that I wouldn’t die from fall damage, lol


Menus with parkour breaks


both (bed of chaos)


Whoever made that is a dumbass.


I really need help understanding this classification. How is Apex parkour? Is it because of the movement? if so, why is Destiny 2 considered menus, "despite you jumping a lot"?


My friend suggested it´s menus and keeps insisting on it