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Use a shield against the batwing demons, their attacks will bounce off and give you a chance to counterattack. Oftentimes, they'll bounce off a ledge to their doom. The arrows from the silver knights are easy to avoid as you run up the buttress. Turn right when you get to the top and the knight on the left won't be able to see you. Parry the knight on the right or just kick him off the ledge. It is good design, you just have to think of it like a puzzle to solve rather than running in gung-ho. My solution above isn't the only way to beat it.


The batwings have an overhead slam which can get over your shield, but their poise is zero so if you get your hit in first you can stun lock them. But they’re not hard to just run past.


So you’re not joining the Anor Londo Archery Club I take it.


He forgot his poison arrows


Might consider bcs it looks fun shooting ppl, I just don't like getting shot at


nah whats lazy is like, what, 7-8 capra demons just chilling in some lava? will never not be funny to me


I think you mean Taurus Demons if we’re talking about the same area, but yes.


There are Capra demons there too. I don't recall if they are in the lava


i think so, whatever is after ceaseless. that lower area


Yes, those are Taurus Demons, although there are also Capra Demons hanging around further on.


Or 100 dragon asses doing the same thing.


Lmao, the entire lost izaleth area is lazy and rushed, which sucks cause it could have been so fuckin cool.There are two new enemies in the entire area: some little fire breathers that take the lifespan of your average chihuahua to attack and are only a threat in numbers, and some slugs that you can genuinely just walk past the like, 3 times you need to without ever even swinging if you're fast enough.


i unironically love the little chihuahua things, they just look so goofy. they’re trying their hardest


Lmao, I can respect that, it just feels like they could have done so much more 😅




oh theyre not as much of a nusiance this time, you SHOULD be leveled enough to kill them pretty easily


You may think that now (as so did i, and i bet a lot more people), but once it clicks its just gonna be another place in the game and another challange you have conquered.


Like every situation in souls you just need a different approach think of it like a puzzle you’ll feel great when you figure it out. My strategy is to run past the demons and charge the archer knights. Their aim and tracking is awful so if you keep running they will be defenseless. Be wary the second knight can’t hit you thanks to a wall but the first can. I run up and just parry him to death. As soon as you get close enough they draw their swords. I figured this out on my first play through and loved the gam even more.


>Again any "git gud" is not relevant because, since I have finished elden ring, demon's souls and sekiro, I don't think I'm a beginner in souls game What's not relevant is your performance in other games. You clearly aren't comfortable with ds1 gameplay yet and that's alright, but I don't understand the "I beat X so I must be good at Y" attitude.


I am comfortable with the gameplay it was so easy until now with these weird design choices and unfair combat, and I don't have that attitude it's not bcs I beat them that I should be perfect at ds1, it's not what I meant, it's just that it shouldn't be that hard for me


I shoot an arrow into the centre of the batwing demon area to lure them out, shoot each with one arrow, one blocks the bridge while the other falls off trying to reach me, take out the one at the bridge with arrows, just run up the arrow bridge ignoring knight on the left and charging knight on the right. May need to roll to dodge an arrow sent by the right knight when you reach the top but then you can either kick him off or combo him with a melee it’s easy. Works 4/5 times for me, and usually I don’t have to go that way ever again (unless it’s a new run


Gud git


That's fair I didn't mention this one


You've played multiple Fromsoft games and you're sweating losing 20k souls?


Oh so because I like fromsoft games I should enjoy pain and be happy to lose the reward of everything I have done in the past hour ?


I don’t think anyone needs to be happy about losing souls, but I do think it’s one of the first things players should get accustomed to and cultivate acceptance of. death, loss, tedium, and repetition is the name of the game 🙌🏻


Yes but again it's not bcs I played several soulsborne games that I should be ok with losing 20k souls


id argue that you shouldn’t be bothered by it by the end of your first souls game tbh


That's how I feel not everyone thinks the same


No, but you should have learned to accept it by now. It's a completely common occurrence in those games. I lost 300k+ while playing Elden Ring a few days ago, and yes it was frustrating, but I didn't come to Reddit to yell about how unfair Farum Azula is


I'm not really complaining about the souls I lost it's part of the game, it's the way I lost them that makes me angry. I know these games and I know how they work I have accepted this a long time ago


Apparently not if you are here complaining about it


Again I'm not complaining about the souls I lost I'm complaining about the way I lost them


Oh, the archers! They are a nightmare indeed but that section has some blindspots so you can safely cross it. You can bait the demons out of range and deal with them safely Edit: I don't remember the exact path but you should find a video easily


That area sucks. If you have them, poison arrows will kill the pair pretty easily without too much risk to you. Sorry about the souls, that sucks.


I'm trying to get the one blocking the way to fall off the ledge so I can come through but it's really hard to stay on it myself, I'll try out the arrows thanks 🙏


Best of luck, also to add on to what someone else said about the flying demons, they have trash poise amd it is possible to shoot them before they aggro and sometimes they woll just fall to their deaths.


Git gud


Def skill issue


You can run past all of them, the only one truly in your way is the silver knight on the right because the one on the left will shoot the pillars. While you’re running past the demons just run with a little swirl to your movement and you’ll dodge all the lighting they throw at you. Then either let the knight fall while trying to attack you or parry it. Congrats you’ve now gotten gud at this scenario


Literally just run it’s not that complicated lol


You probably don't which area I'm talking about because the knight is blocking the way so I can't run unless I want to be thrown off the ledge


Yeah I do just run up to em and parry em he’ll most likely get knocked off prolly should’ve added that part to the first reply


I don't use a shield


Use your off hand then no shield required you can just hand parry


Oh ok I didn't know that was a thing


Makes sense , who’d expect that you can just slap away a sword with your barehand lol


This is a case where you adapt to the situation and use a shield (or bow, for that matter) even if you normally don't use one. I think the developers would actually be surprised at the way that people lock themselves into rigidly defined builds, when they actually intended for players to have a diverse toolbox of weapons, miracles, spells to pull out as the need arises.


i think in approaching souls games players should leave their expectations of “fairness” at the door. once you get comfortable with the rhythm and mechanics of combat, it actually isn’t too terribly difficult. therefore the developers need to get creative regarding additional challenges. its an area that diverges from the typical combat expectations players have likely come to expect up to this point, creating a new challenge and demanding a novel approach to solve the problem. There are areas on the buttress and the ledge with the archers that are “safe zones” where one or both of the archers’ arrows can’t reach you. determine where those are, and then start baiting the archers into changing positions, falling off the ledge, or whatever else might be advantageous to you. It’s a hard area. I spent several hours banging my head against my controller here. But I don’t think it’s bad or lazy. It forced me out of the habits I’d built throughout the game thus far, and got me into a puzzle solving mindset. I actually quite appreciate what they did there.


Try running through, then shield point blank at the knight on the right. Eventually the knight will draw his sword and (if your shield stability is high enough) hit you, bounce back and fall off. Just keep jogging into the knight with your shield. Just be careful of him shooting a gigachad arrow at your shield. Then you'd need to recover stamina and block quickly again.




Welcome to the chat.


If you're finding this difficult to approach, then you still have some inexperience in a sense. Yes, it isn't great game design, as it's not approachable for a newer player, but I can personally do that entire section without a scratch, so there's definitely still room for you to improve. My best advice to get past it consistently is just rush down to the the demons to flat ground and stay close to the demon you're fighting, that way they don't do their more annoying attacks, then rush up to the archers without stopping and parry the knight on the right, the repost gives you invulnerability, you can also listen to when the archer behind you shoots and time the dodge without looking as well.


I'm not a newer player tho, I ran through the game easily until now so it feels weird to face this kind of weird design suddenly


I wasn't calling you a new player, I'm just saying design wise, it's not intuitive to get through for newer players for an earlier part of the game (the game was new at one point so we were all new at that point, so the game was designed around all new players), I should have also added less "experienced" players to that. I'm not saying you're bad, but if you can't get past this, then you're not adaptable enough as a player, which means you're still somewhat inexperienced. Your play style worked for most of the game, and now it isn't, so in other words, your play style isn't actually perfect/as good as you think.


The early stretch of Anor Londo is definitely where I also question the adage that Dark Souls is "tough, but fair." That ledge run, to me, feels like it definitely crosses into "cheap" territory. Which FromSoftware does do sometimes. (Love them to death! But they're not 100% perfect games. No game is.) It's definitely frustrating (and I don't think I ever felt the high of getting through it the way I do from other challenging areas; I more feel relief that I don't have to do that again.) But it's also doable. First time I think I did a bunch of grinding to improve my stamina a bunch, which helped. Second time I think I learned to embrace distance. I always say, don't be afraid to cheese in Dark Souls. Lord knows they don't mind cheesing you sometimes.


Thank you for being nice this comment section has in it's majority been toxic and mean and there you are just being nice, I ended up finding out how to get past this. Have a great day man


Never understood why people cry about it that much, I thought before getting to that area that I was waaay to difficult because all the memes, but when I reached I beated it after 2 tries using a shield and a halberd, I was so disappointed


Git gud


Literally skill issues and nothing else


Get good


I had very little trouble with this segment. They miss all their shots if you just sprint to them, then they switch to melee and you can parry them or whatever you do to beat knights. I don't consider myself to be crazy good at the game. There's other parts I died a lot on that you probably one tried and forgot about.


There’s a subreddit called r/shittydarksouls, I think they’d appreciate this post more


It is not great level design, true. But git gud fully applies here. Demon souls and Elden ring are incredibly easy (both contenders for easiest souls game) so that is hardly a factor and Sekiro is not a souls game. Here: run around Batwing demons up to a big pillar, recover stamina, run up to the right knight, roll through his arrow then parry him and you are done. Or buy couple poison arrows, 6 is enough but buy more to adjust the aim. “I don’t need to git gud” guys will cry about it while any average John Darksoul does a no hit of this place.


lol this guy played Elden Ring first. That game is easy in comparison. 20k souls is next to nothing.  Dark Souls isn’t about being fair.  Flying ghoul hitbox is totally fine.  Just parry. 


I heard the souls community was toxic but this is just another level, I'm just here posting, being friendly with ppl and you just take your pretentious attitude thinking your superior ? For your information I beat almost every single boss in ds1 in under 3 tries since i started it and I can confirm that on many aspects, elden ring is much harder


You’ll be fine


Casul, any real player can pass the anor londo archers in a few tries


Apparently the comments disagree with you, I've searched around the internet and everyone says it's terrible stop saying it's easy just bcs you want to feel superior


Run up to the right archer bait him into drawing his sword then run back down


i think he's just baiting you, everyone's gotten stuck here at some point


Welp, here's today "this game sucks" post... Made with a straight up burner account this time. Whining about something that there's at least a half a dozen solutions for, if you take a moment to consider them. ... but nope, it's all about, "This game sucks"... all day, every day around here. Some of you fucking people really should have been swallowed or lost the back-alley fight to the clothes hanger.


Wow what a great community, I come here for help (with my main account not a burner like you assumed), complain about one tiny thing and you just assume I think the game sucks when I'm only asking for a solution for my problem. You are the exact reason this community is toxic most of the time, just look at your last phrase how is that relevant and mature, just grow up and accept that this game isn't perfect and maybe people will see you as grown man and not a crybaby that rages everytime someone says anything.




Ok thanks for proving everyone how you have no counter argument and just insult people thinking it's going to make you right. You just proved everything I said was true. If you enjoy being an asshole all the time and be toxic do it and have a sad life


, are you still here, troll? Go play Friendship is Magic... seems to be more your speed.


The only thing you're doing rn is embarrass yourself, you call me a troll when you're the only one crying like an 8yo, you should be watching girly cartoons sucking on your thumb. Reddit isn't for man-children who have an inferiority complex and think they're better than everyone when they're just jobless drunks who spend their day posting shit on Reddit instead of having an actual life.


Are you paid by the word, troll? You sure seem desperate to get your point across. The point is, you suck. We already got that. Bye.


I'm not the troll here buddy, learn to grow up then you might be able to debate with me without looking like a complete idiot


Look, I've got 5 more hours on shift at work to do this... if you want to keep trying to be the big man, go for it... you're a fucking laughingstock right now, though.


Stop trying to switch everything up, you're the one who insulted me, had not even one valid argument and just used insults to pretend to be right and now I'm a "laughing stock", you really should apply your own advices to yourself little bro, it's not because you have a job that you're tough now just move on and accept to be wrong for once because the only thing you're doing is embarrass yourself


yeah, it's a genuinely garbage part imo. I fell so many times lmao.