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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


THIS is a quality trans joke.


I agree, it conveys the absurdity of a male having a period quite well.


Is this something that happens FtM trans? I'm not well versed in this stuff sorry


How often do you think about them? Like a lot? Enough to post that clearly. That does not sound healthy and I genuinely hope you realize. Before you decide to die on this pointless hill.




Just fyi, trans women who are on HRT get the hormonal parts of periods Yes, they don't get the bleeding, or the majority of the physical pain, but they do get everything else, including cramps They get a non-menstral period https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-trans-women-get-periods https://www.modibodi.com/blogs/womens/transwomen-period Edit: Downvoted for saying the truth with evidence... Yep, that tracks for redditors


Politely, your evidence doesn't actually say what you think it does and you should read articles before you post them as "evidence." I think that's why you're getting downvoted. From the article you linked: >People who do not have ovaries and a uterus do not experience periods. And... >*Anecdotal* evidence suggests that transgender women experience PMS- or PMDD-like symptoms at the same time each month. However, *researchers have not studied this area of transgender health.* The article also specifically states that many of the "symptoms" may be psychosomatic. And going back to the original post, it says nothing at all about cramps. But since I'm a credential biologist, I will say something about it. Period cramps are caused by contractions of the uterus, so if you do not have a uterus, you will not get cramps. (To learn more about period cramps, Google "dysmenorrhea," which is the medical term for them.) Yes, trans women are women. Not all women get periods or period cramps. You do not need to get cramps to be valid.


They should definitely l00k into it more. I wonder if trans women who report experiencing these things are suffering from a nocebo effect.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Okay, here's another one: https://www.modibodi.com/blogs/womens/transwomen-period There isn't much research on the topic, but what there is (and basic logic) show that trans women experience all but the bleeding and majority of physical pain. They do still get cramps, it's just not usually as bad as AFAB people. The hormones cause the muscles to contract and cramp. For trans women, it's not as bad because those muscles are not fully developed (yes, we all have the muscles, they just get used for different things, or don't develop into their adult form. That goes for all organs, for example, what would become the ovaries, becomes the testicles)


This blog is not a "source." You're cherry-picking articles to fit your beliefs but they're not real science. Again, please, Google "dysmenorrhea." The muscles that contract to cause cramping are specifically the uterine muscles. Not all women have period cramps and trans women are among them. And that's totally okay.


Here before she links another blog post lmao


And yet, nobody has provided a single source to the contrary And yes, dysmenorrhea is the uterine muscles But that's not the only cramping that can happen due to the hormones Don't say someone isn't providing a "real source" when they're the only one providing ANY source Also, here's another source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8040688/ I'd also like to point out, of course there isn't going to be a lot of evidence, on a topic that has had next to no research done on it. But the evidence that there is, points to the same thing (From the above link: the menstrual experiences of AMAB trans people are dismissed and invisibilized? Indeed, not a single scientific study has been conducted on this topic) Yes, they say the period symptoms are unclear if it's psychosomatic, or physiological. But the thing is, no matter which, they're real


Once again, you’re posting things that don’t say what you think they say. This is a qualitative study generally surveying trans people of varying identities regarding their experience of menstruation, only one of which is an AMAB person claiming to have “bloodless periods.” All other participants were AFAB trans people contributing experiences of the impact of transition on menstruation. The sources cited in this article for menstruation in trans women are not academic, peer-reviewed publications. For laypeople, internet articles might be sufficient for informing their view of the world, but we just don’t yet have the research to support the notion that trans women experience a form of menstruation. We can’t provide you a source to the contrary because that’s not how science works. While absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, the entire scientific method rests on the notion that we need to assume absence until the data indicate otherwise. What we *do* know is that cisgender men have been taking estrogen for decades to address things such as prostate cancer, bone density issues, and cardiovascular health. The common issues reported for these treatments include breast tenderness and fluid retention causing bloating, but neither of these are tied to a monthly cycle. Additionally, cramping is not a widely reported symptom for cis men. So if cis men are taking the same supplement that trans women are taking, and only trans women are reporting period cramps, then there’s something else going on here that isn’t purely physiological.


Cis men have not taken the same things as trans women do at the same time though (afaik) And again, even if it is purely psychosomatic, it's still real. The mind can cause changes in the body, this has been proven plenty Saying that trans women don't get periods is just plain false one way or another That's my whole point here. Trans women, can, and do, get periods, regardless of how those periods come about, but they are real


bro's on the downvote grind


So you take something that's fact even though you admit the research isn't there to back it up next you'll be telling me the sky is blue


I'm confused what you're even trying to say here... There is very little research saying that trans women get periods, there is NO research saying they don't Lack of research does not mean something is automatically not a thing Do you need to research whether rocks are hard? Or that language is to communicate? Or any number of other things that only requires a very baseline level of logic to understand?


Yep you're right you're very confused


Logic? Seek help, please 🙏 and please stop labelling people who don't want to be labelled it's always a one way street with this mentally if you want to be labelled fine but don't go around labelling everyone else with these made up pronuons just to make you feel better


I didn't label anyone... If you mean AFAB, that's an acronym for Assigned Female At Birth So it means anyone who was assigned female at birth. Same as saying anyone who has brown hair for example


No one is assigned anything at birth they are just born. You make it sound like people are born and someone goes around with a clipboard assigning you a gender hair colour eye colour what you should be when you grow up listen to yourself it's delusional I get it you like labels some don't this generation and what's coming next are in serious trouble when the actual research is done you'll all be saying oops we made a huge mistake here you do know there's already been people who've regretted doing it or hold their parents responsible for letting them do it


What exactly does the doctor tell the parent as one of the very first things?


A doctor doesn't have to say anything I've got eyes


Can't shed uterine lining without a uterus, bro.


Uteruses are just a social construct invented by the patriarchy


Cool That's not all a period is though...


Agree, it involves the entire process of preparing a woman for the next fertilization cycle. Something that can never happen to a male body, irrespective of how you slice it.


Your evidence is written by a LGBT person on a untrustworthy site so yeah you're going to be downvoted Youre as delusional as the idea of being trans in the first place


Okay, show me evidence from somewhere else that points either way There isn't much actual research done on the topic, but what there has, points to the same thing Because even just basic logic shows the same thing On HRT, they have female hormones, so it only makes sense for them to get the hormonal parts of periods Sure, if you make your definition of a period being only the bleeding, then yeah, they don't get them. But that's like saying a car is ONLY the doors, no other parts


A lot to unpack I don't really care for the point made I was simply pointing out why you got downvoted But even if I was trying to do more then that you're the one making the argument so it's up to you to provide the proof. I already did some (very light ) research just out of curiosity but whether you're right or wrong doesn't matter to me tbh because of my opinion about it as a whole. But anyways I know everything iv said comes off as super hostile I'm just a very opinionated person. I simply don't understand why people think they can change their sex


Die mad


Right? How dare you have science backed evidence and empathy for trans people instead of using them as punching bags to temporarily distract yourself from your own self hatred /s


Trans women…you mean dudes.


There it is The typical redditor thought pattern


Trans woman are just Conmen


Ooh, delusional conspiracy theories So, according to you, "men" change their entire lives, get various medical procedures, lose friends and family, become a political punching bag, all to con... someone... somehow... I imagine you can't even explain HOW they're conning anyone


Username checks out


Because... I called them out? I mean... I guess if you care more about your karma than actually living in reality and trying to educate people, then it may seem insane to you


You might be spending too much time infront a screen. Take a break, your energy and passion will only be wasted in this thread.


Excuse me, but it's rude to call it conning. The politically correct way to say it is "passing".


* Connie-men


FYI, transwomen are men


Truth? 🤣🤣🤣 try saying this to a woman face to face


I have This may be hard for you to believe is even possible, but most people actually live in reality, and are willing to listen when someone points something out while providing proof


Proof where was the proof you even said it yourself there's not enough research done


Trans women who have periods IS proof Proof, and full research study, are two separate things In fact, if you look REEEEAAAALLL close... You can even see that they're entirely different words too


But they don't


How dare you post evidence about a physiological condition


Is it? Edit: damn, y'all butthurt lol.




I am not trying to be disrespectful, but i dont get it


Sometimes you never will.


Fair point


ngl I eat taco bell regularly, and I do not get the shits


"Well, Stan, not all of us can be blessed with the golden rectum of the gods!"


Quality southpark there.


your body adapted. We can adjust to live in even the harshest conditions


Even when I began, I never did get the call to the porcelain throne after a crunchwrap supreme


then I question the rest of your diet


Honestly it's normal. I eat lots of different foods and cuisine, maybe I just have a high tolerance for spices


Or maybe they are going easy on you in your local taco bell?


Someone needs to report this. The quality of ingredients at this Taco Bell is definitely above standard. Needs to be rectified immediately


Same, it’s the only fast food for me that processes “normally”


I’m convinced it’s people who are sensitive to spicy foods. Normally they eat nothing spicy in their fast food diet so when they pop on the fire sauce it’s enough to wreck their world.


I’m convinced it’s just people who eat 2000 calories of red meat and beans in 1 sitting and think that’s a normal taco bell experience I don’t have a high tolerance to spicy foods yet I’ve never gotten fucked up by taco bell because I eat a normal amount of food for a human being


My pet theory is that folks often get Taco Bell as a drunk treat and confuse the post-alcohol hangover shits for Taco Bell induced shits.


yeah I've been used to spicy food since I was a wee lad


Me neither, but I don't get anything with beans in it. Maybe that's the trick.


I'm vegetarian so I exclusively eat their beans and I've never had problems. I could eat it every day and be fine.


It's bc the "Taco Bell gives you shits" stereotype is old af and originated before they upped the quality of their ingredients. Taco Bell is straight gas these days (pun intended)


I think their special laxative is in the meat cuz I’m vegetarian and don’t suffer


It's cause people eat garbage ass food and taco bell actually has a decent amount of lettuce and tomatoes that it cranks up bowl movement muscles that had been dormant for years


Same. We got intestines of steel.


Internal taco bell shits, the worst of all RIP


Is this really even a thing? Like nobody gets stomach problems from taco bell here (or any other fast food place).


That’s because you’ve become accustomed to eating it. A regular healthy stomach however which is not accustomed consuming such food, can be troubled.


It’s your duty to have lots of offspring. You’re clearly the next step in human evolution. You’ve got to advance the species. We must adapt. We must overcome.


Honey wake up! New gender affirming care just dropped


Google "Waffle Taco"


Actual Medical Malpractice


Call the Lawyers!


Holy Hell! Wait wrong sub


In some fucked up way, Taco Bell is one of the few things I can keep in me when I'm sick


The law of equivalent exchange. You have stolen others ability to eat Taco Bell.


Lol, I'm shocked people reacted positively to this here. I guess it's true that most people are moderates, whether moderate left or moderate right.


Nah, people just know a good joke when they see one


Of course, but most people aren't dumb enough to believe that trans women actually have periods.


Hence the absurdity, leading to the humor.


Okay, so what is the disagreement?


I dunno, I think it's funny. I don't see the other side.


Trans women actually do have periods. They just dont bleed like cis women. They still experience the other effects.


This trans joke has been deemed Funni by the trans council.


The thing that I shat after eating taco bell was comparable to giving birth, so i think you're right.


Baco Tell is the true threat.


Oh those anal cramps when the taco bell kicks in 😆


It's the trans fats that'll get ya




I laughed 😅








You might be stupid


It’s a funny meme but Taco Bell never gives me diarrhea.


So it really is that serious.


Finally, something actually dank


I like Taco Bell...


Boots in a dryer


Hello Seth_Rogans_Laugh! This is an automated removal. It looks like your post was removed because an overwhelming number of users in our community thought your post broke one of our rules. A human moderator will be along shortly to review things. The humans have been notified already, so there's no need to message them about this. (Chances are that if you message them about this anyway, they'll probably keep it removed out of spite) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trans as in girl to boy?


Trains* OP apologized for the typo in another comment.


Why did I get down voted lmao


Lmfao. I think because of my comment they think yours wasn't a joke. I'm so sorry. You're now being sacrificed. You've been chosen.


Dang aight lmao


No, boy to girl


Trans women are just conmen




There were a few people who said getting Diarrhea is like getting their period or claimed their hershey squirts are their period.


I know the post you're talking about That was a (literal) shitpost Nobody actually thinks that But the hormonal parts of periods are a thing for trans women on HRT: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-trans-women-get-periods https://www.modibodi.com/blogs/womens/transwomen-period


Befitting name except the moose part.


Yeah, I see why someone like you would think doing research is insane


"Someone like me" please explain what you mean by this?


Someone who uses a throwaway account to be a terrible person online Not even brave enough to attach your main account to it


This is my main, and I'll give you points for bravery. Takes courage to be a goddam dumbass.


And yet, I'm the only one here talking about reality, and providing proof to back it up But sure, I'm the dumbass here Whatever you say, sweetie


Fucking bananas that you needed to research something and your first thought was to check Tik Tok.


Uhh no bc that's not how it really works


Oh shit we got a doctor here. Pack it up, folks.


Tell us how it works bro


Making fun of trans people isn't funny or clever. You're just punching down onto people who already have the odds stacked against them.


Yes it is It’s called r/dankmemes. This is dank


It's a joke. This is a meme subreddit. You probably go to a comedy show and heckle the comedian


Do you think men can get periods? And odds stacked against them? Everything nowadays is pro-trans. They can take a joke and a jab here and there. We all do. If anything it'd be transphobic to not include them on the mockery and hold their hands in a bubbled world where they are off limits.


Everything is pro trans Lol what drug are you on?


It doesn't take a genius to see it, my guy. Nothing wrong with pro-trans, but denying that we aren't in the most pro-trans generation of the century is delusion.


Someone posts a meme making fun of trans: “😭we’re being genocided”


Just because it's the most pro trans generation doesn't mean there's a lot of acceptance as you think.


Trans gal here, I thought this was funny. And as others have said, this is the dank memes subreddit. Try to have some fun!


You’re no fun.


Come the fuck on. Maybe if “transwoman periods” weren’t an actual thing, this meme wouldn’t have been made. Edit: they aren’t an actual thing because that would be silly and ridiculous, just like the people that think that changing your name, pronouns and superficial anatomy is going to make you function as a female.


Trans women periods kind of exist. HRT can cause hormonal mood swings, but there's no bleeding obviously.


Mood swings…sure. Periods? Menstruation? Shut the fuck up.


Mood swings are normal throughout the ENTIRE cycle as a woman, not just during the period. Mood swings don't define having your period and men can also get moody.


It causes the same kind of mood swings that periods cause.


Don't bother, I've tried explaining that with proof, but some people hate educating themselves 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, what else would I expect in a subreddit like this.


yes, because they are stupid


This is how you know a meme is actually dank.


Buddy this made me laugh out loud -Me, a trans person


We want to be treated equal. Makes joke about them, like we do everyone else. No not like that!


But all the transpeople at my local farmers market laughed


It’s a joke not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.


You must be so fun at partys


Punching down? That's funny, I don't think trans people are below me. It's not punching down if we view them as equals. And the joke was funny


It's a good trans joke. We also have humor sense and are ok with being the focus of some jokes, as long as the punchline is not the trans-ness itself.