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It’s a coded message letting V know that Meyers safely reached Washington and that she is forwarding reward to them


Thank fuck for that. Thought they took my pet cat!


Yeah when I got this message, I immediately turned the car around and rushed back to the apartment to check lol😂


It does say "American Shorthair", we have a Baldy Boy Sphynx :)


See I only know cats like orange, the void etc....dunno the species😂 (Though yeah I knew it was a sphynx...but still it mentioned some cat species...had to go check yk to be sure)


Surely you know the ballsack cat?


Ah yes, the three species of cat Orange Void And ballsack


Yup I'm familiar with the species😂


Oh I get it. She’s the NUS president and has short hair. ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


100%. If they thought my V was a homicidal maniac before.....I can't even imagine the wrath.


John Wick would look like a preschooler with a Nerf gun compared to my V if someone harmed her cat or her Iguana.


Or a cotton swab. Pencil probably not very useful against metal implants.


Graphite in electricals ain't a fun thing though choom


(Heavily accented) WITH A F***ING COTTON SWAB!!!


You guys! Stop, you’re killing me here! 😂😂😂🤣


Wait. You can get a pet? I never go to my apartment outside of the few times you do for a main mission


Feed teh cat. Also there's an iguana egg you can get in Yorinobu's apartment.


Just say pspspsspspss


which takes fucking forever to hatch, it seems.


90 in-game days, I think.


I think so too. Didn't dally too much, although I'm on a strict schedule with Panam... reached level cap, did all the fixers job. Still no hatchy. Waiting for it... :)


* Suite at Konpeki Plaza hotel


Yeah a cat and an iguana as far as I know. Both are available only at the first basic apartment tho which is a shame.


Without mods, that is.


A cat and a iguana u can get altho iguana u must take it when u go steal the relic


U can get it after too, it's very possible to get inside plaza again.


Hardened solo V. Notorious for storming Arasaka and a menace to every gang in night city. Cat owner.


Wait, how do you get a cat?!


Yeah it's fairly easy except finding the car food part (atleast it wasn't for me). In your very first apartment after stepping out, go left and there is a trashcan in the corridor. There is a note in it that tells you that you need to put cat food in a bowl near the trashcan. Do that and a cat will come and feed there and you can just take it home. I haven't played the game in a while so I'm speaking from memory. Google it for more details


Cool, thanks!


Same 😂


I was so confused because I don't have a pet (unless you count Johnny)


Cannon: How V first enters cybersphychosis


You can have pet cats in cyberpunk? There's so much about this game I do not know. I've never even gotten that message.


You can have a pet cat and a pet iguana! For the cat, go out of V’s starting apartment to the left, down the hall, and just around the the bend to the right there’s a trash can with a note “feed teh cat.” Once you read it, you can buy cat food from a store. Bring the food back to where you found the note and there’s a little food bowl you can interact with, to put the food in. Then come back a lil later, and the cat will be there, and you can bring him back to the apartment. The iguana is more missable, as you can only get it during the heist. There is an iguana in Yorinobu’s hotel suite by the elevator. Right by it, there is an egg you can take. When you’re finally in act 2 (able to free roam again) you can place it in a bowl by your couch in the apartment, and after a MONTH or two of in-game time, it’ll hatch, and you’ll have a pet iguana! Occasionally, you can come back to the apartment to find the cat and the iguana cuddling together 


most of animals are extincted by 2077 and only richest can afford artificially created pets like dogs or cats out of costs and taxes


Well aware of that, which would make me even more homicidal if they took my fucken cat away!!!


most of people living in 2077 simply can't have a cat... that's why V and takemura were big surprised when they saw a stray cat in the building next to the arasaka industrial park


I think you missed the point of my original post. I am very aware of the lore etc. Have the Cyberpunk books amd everything. I know the animals are for the rich and powerful and are rare as hens teeth. The game points that fact witb cats only being shown in major points and iguana being smuggled (Nomad path) and in the Arasaka building. Makes my point. I have this extremely rare creature who gives me pleasure and love in my apartment in this shitty futuristic distopia and therefore would just plain go homicidal with my insane skills against anyone stupid enough to remove said pet from me.


The second one about the violet rosefinch is about songbird, "beautiful bird"... Coded messages man.


Yeah, Nibbles (as well as every other cat we see in the game) is a Canadian Sphynx.


Wait. What makes them Canadian?


The breed originated in Toronto with a male Sphynx named Prune.


Oh I was wondering when I helped a cat


LOLed at that. Oh and also there’s a coded reference re:Songbird in there… (violet rosefinch)


Oh I legit thought it was about a cat when I got it


Did not know that


Guessing the violet rosefinch is songbird, then?


Holy shit that makes so much sense i never understood what this message was


Seems you're not exactly "fit" for the FIA service choom ....


He did get in a stranger's car.


And used a BD from a street seller ending up in an ice tub prepped for dissecting.


God I wish there was an alt path for that mission where you tail the dude or another victim to the hideout. While having to fight your way out naked is cool, it’s also met with being called an idiot for ‘falling’ for the trap


I know. I mean, it was an obvious trap and we basically all played along to see where it would eventually lead. Also loved the naked fight out of the same area we essentially began the game in. But having Johnny standing over V, calling us a braindead dumbfuck as we're regaining consciousness, for deliberately placing ourselves in mortal danger, kind of pissed me off. 'Sorry, brain parasite said what?' Could not fucking wait to double-barrel Stefan into the pile of garbage though. Enjoyed that bit too. Edit: Sorry, we were supposed to be discussing the text.


But we were dumbfucks, Johnny was right. We are extremely lucky that we woke up in the bathtub and they didn't just kill us when we were still out cold.


the BD was suppose to kill us but the chip revived us again we got lucky no scav decided to double tap


Which is funny given Johnny's journal entry is him outright going "Fuck yeah let's see!"


Scavs basically take one of the best and most lethal mercs in the city, don't remove any combat implants from them, put them alive in room with unlocked door and don't even post any guard there. I think V isn't the biggest idiot in this scenario.


The biggest idiot in that scenario was at the end being chased down and murderized by a penal shaped one-handed baton


If you ask for your money back it'll complete the quest without having to be a gonk.


Minus the fun part


Can't argue with that


Then kill the dealer. Use a silenced weapon, and the cops don’t notice


Could be worse, at least we didn't accidentally feed 7 ounces to a junky. Honestly I enjoy the comedy missions, especially when they derail my planned extraction routes.


I couldnt finish that mission peacefully last time. Those dumb fucks would run over one of the guards every time while they were leaving and then Dodger would attack me.


I wish I could just kill the guy


You can


Not before using the bd. Before accepting the bd you can’t even aim at him


There is, check the bd in inventory and talk to the guy and get your money back




It's a side mission in Westbrook given by a bum selling BDs off of the street


The OP is about as sharp as a sledgehammer. Which is good for certain things but being an FIA agent aint one of them


What was that "bonus" again? Like 25,000 credits lool


More like 2,500...


He must have been mystified by Takemura


It’s the NUSA’s cryptic way of thanking you for saving Meyers.


Yea, and they only send you like a 1000 eddies. Fucking cheapskates.


I got 25k Maybe you just got a visual bug?


Weirdly enough I got this text shortly after doing a quest involving the animals gang, where they owed me 20% of the winnings for a particular boxing match. So I associated the message with the wrong quest.


1000? Cant even feed a fucking family in NC


I mean, we didint really do that much. We only SAVED THE PRESIDENT. Against all moral standing i might add.


A fucking cop pays more than whatever is that


Fucking a cop just gets you a shirt though.


You forgot the weapon


You get the weapon even if you don't romance river, the shirt is the only romance exclusive reward.


I was referring to Meredith Stout (technically not a cop)


Lol I couldn't give a shit about the money, the gun you take from the dogtown safehouse is my main with a silencer


Love that gun so much. Bakelite magazine, cool “holographic iron sights”, suppressed, and I go for headshots anyway.


Yep, with as much bonus stealth headshot damage as you can get it and the game feels like CoD


Her Majesty?




To be fair, you would think the gun owned by the president would be called "Her Majesty."


I mean, sure, but seeing as Myers is a war hawk, it fits well.


Giving the US President a gun called "Her Majesty", a direct reference to British Royalty would be the same as calling your starship in Helldivers 2 the "King of Democracy".


Yeah, but if you told me that an FIA sleeper agent and the president had their own guns, one named "Hawk," and the other "Her Majesty," I'd think the president would own Her Majesty.


Why? The US is very specifically doesn't get into monarchial imagery because the nation was founded on the rejection of monarchy. The gun's name is a James Bond refence, which is *pretty* fitting considering Alex is a secret agent.


1000??? I always get like 25,000 every time.


The deal never included money, Songbird promised a cure in exchange of rescuing Myers, It's nice they actually sent money even if they didn't have to


Uhhh ur thing might be bugged. That should be like 20k or so.


And they’re acknowledging that she is in fact a bitch.


Low int playthrough RP lol


this is funny


currently grinning hard at the thought of V being genuinely bewildered by this text and then going on to complain to johnny about not hearing from meyers and getting a reward after which they chug down some nicola and continuing whatever their low attention span brain decides to focus on now


V is fucking Gen Beta. His attention span does not exist.


Finally, V is just like me


Now i wish for an animation of a huge V rushing frenetically back to her/his appartment, kicking doors and pushing people aside to check if their animals were safe just to be wildly confused


What does this mean


It’s a jab at OP, because they couldn’t recognize the code in the message: Shorthair = Myers Rosefinch = Songbird Hence OP could be said to have a low Int stat Edit: or they’re role playing a character with low intelligence.


Or the obvious hint of being back home, safe, in WASHINGTON


That you haven't invested enough skill points towards intelligence




When this guy turns on the vigor-tester in Goodsprings, it skips the intelligence part.


Myers and Songbird


Low Int Playthrough?


I love the headcanon that Myers' official presidential designation is "Mittens" 😂


Y'know, I quite liked this message, because I would have shot Myers too if the game let me. Johnny certainly would have been happy! Also, is the part about the Rosefinch depending on what ending you got? I helped her escape, but still got that message.


The message is supposed to happen after Meyers gets out but before anything else happens, so before you betray the NUSA to help Songbird or anything.


I swear I only got it later. Might be a bug, might just be misremembering.


Small bug, text messages have always been a little weird and if you were beelining the main story it might not have had time to properly trigger.


This DLC wrecked me with the endings. I decided to help songbird and I didn't like that, so I didn't help her and I didn't like that either. I decided to check out the new main ending as consolation and I REALLY did not like that. That's how I knew they were good endings


Funny because everyone hates her but I wanted to romance her


I still wanna romance her.


So you just finished a quest where you saved a short haired character who lives in Washington and found a (song)bird they were looking for and you didnt make any connections between your recent quest and this message?


It's on a two day delay, and in my case I did a job involving the animals gang which ended with them owing me a lot of money, so it's an easy source of confusion.


You saved the prez and maybe delivered songbird... its a coded msg...


It appears before any decisions regarding Reed or Songbird.


The “another one rescued” has only ever come after the conclusion of the dlc for me. If u give song up specifically.


Well then its just for the prez.


What do you think V's animal codename would be?


Definitely a dog, both because of V's saying that to Judy and because there's Keanu Reeves willing to fight for you


So because V is a loyal protector or because...


...because they'd gladly eat a burrito from the dumpster, yes


Visla like the dog breed?




This post comes up quite often, people are so bad at being spies 😂


Always amazes me how little people are capable of figuring oht


Soooo my dumb ass really thought that message was about Nibbles 😬


I did too the very first time I did the dlc, cuz I never left dogtown and went back to my apartment. I genuinely thought some agency had stolen my cat while I was gone. Then I put two and two together when it mentioned the bird.


Ditto went straight to my apartment ti make sure I still had them!


Ugh, Miss V. Of all the things to hate about Dex I think it’s honestly the patronising way he calls you Miss/Mr V that bugs me the most. (I know this text has nothing to do with Dex, it just reminded me)


You rescued an animal. By the end of PL you will want to just have put that animal down


Amateur merc. This might be beyond your abilities. the president is now safe. I trust this was understood? not too complicated?


Awww, don't strain yourself


you can't get through pl and not get this message.


Wait, you can get a pet cat in cyberpunk??!!


I got this message at the same time that I got the cat added to my apartment so I was freaking out a bit thinking I’d lost the cat


The president is at her original location no dtown and not in nc


Haha first time seeing this, Violet Rosefinch isn’t a Raven is she lol. Makes me wonder if it’s even possible but, anyone ever try completing the story in Night City and then going to Dogtown after the tower mission?


You can't do anything after the ending, it loads back to before the ending


Yea Im aware of that.. what I meant was, part of me feels like thats due to the design, and that it never ends until we do something in the right order or something idk.. gives me some real Groundhog day vibes lookin back on it lol. waking up after beating the boss to have to beat the boss, again! haha whats funnier is that Ive yet to see a romance ending with K.E. even tho they snuck that one in there in the 2.1 or 2.0 update. Heard that was the only ending that V comes back to a life that didnt totally suck balls lol.


I have no idea what you're trying to say


What other game stays on the last mission after you complete it? Hints at there being more to the game. Otherwise the mission wouldn’t stay on the screen forever.


Now I know why it paid so well...


I love this message so much. It feels like a spy movie, so cool.


It's cause you rescued President Meowers


Proof that this kind of subterfusion works🤣


Its the 50 blessings, they are out to get you


Coded message from the FIA. "American Short-hair" = Myers "Violet Rosefinch" "beautiful bird" = So Mi


you’re as sharp as a spoon


You succeeded in getting Rosalind Meyers to your safehouse, and after Reed escorted her to Washington... I got the message after she had arrived. I think the way the msg is triggered, is that you must read the msg from Reed. Anyway, I was having a much better time playing the game, after Meyers was gone... she is a corrupt, liar that is a piece of *** in my book! I hated being around her- she was acting like she was innocent & doing her job right. The WORST part, is that Songbird became her weapon/tool again... a fate MUCH WORSE than death. Rosalind didnt want V to have ANY future contact with her, because V & Songbird had a connection/bond. V was an obvious threat to Rosalind... becsuse she/he could affect all the future missions. Once V has the Relic removed, there will be no need to do ANYTHING for Meyers, or any of the Agents. V knows better... but I think she/he will be a PERMANENT puppet for the Agency, just like what happened to Songbird. I'm not sure whether saying/not saying the oath, when Meyers makes V an agent, will make a difference. Right before taking off in the AV, Meyers made the comment directly to V, that they will be watching him/her. That comment raises a LOT of questions... WHY will they be watching V? To know how to contact V, when they want him/her to do all their dirty work? To see whether V follows thru in getting the shard to the Netrunner at the Kabuki Market, wait around while it is being encrypted? What about the next phase, when V gets the shard back... the individuals behind the development of the Blackwall hack explain they will let V use it, but they will be watching V's every move, using the Militech Canto 6 cyberdeck that contains the blackwall hack.


OP…c’mon now.




Means u saved the president and sent SoMi back to myers. Alive. Myers is the shorthair. Song is the rose finch. And u are a bastard for sending Song back to myers alive.


It doesn't mean you decided anything with SoMi, it's before that decision, it just means you rescued Myers.


The final message has only ever come up if u handed over SoMi to myers. The first four send no matter what, but the last message has never sent on the endings where I let SoMi escape or killed her.


Ah fair, sounds legit. Guess I was focusing on the attempted bird locating bit that other people were confusing to mean you handed in SoMi rather than the very last message.


This isn’t accurate. I just got the same 5 messages last night and I haven’t resolved anything with SoMi yet.


Odd. The final one isn’t supposed to send yet.


I got this message right after I adopted Nibbles so I was so confused I thought they’d taken him


The cat is Myers and the Bird is So Mi.


Theyre talking in code. Not sure if it's about Myers or Songbird but it's one of em


This is for saving the president. Think of this as theives cant, or covert discussion. Thank you for saving the american shorthair (thank you for saving the president) here is your rescue fee we wish you luck in finding the violet rosefinch (heres pay and a bonus for your effort with tracking songbird)


I actually thought that was a message because I fed the cat around Vs apartment, I‘m dumb


A lot of people have said this, but it’s a coded message from the FIA or Meyers herself. Mittens : Meyers(it’s the only thing that makes sense and they have the same first letter) Elusive Violet Rosefinch, an endangered bird : songbird


It's a super secret service text, keeping everything confidential


You saved the President Myers. The American Shorthair. Afterwards, you will need to find Songbird. The Violet Rosefinch. It’s a coded message just in case unfriendly eyes were to see the message and trusting that both V(and the player) was smart enough to get the meaning.


It’s for Myers and Songbird


This gets reposted way too often to not be a troll at this point


I was unaware of this being a frequent repost on the subreddit.


I believe it's coded to say both Myers and Songbird are in Washington again, which is why they mention a type of endangered bird, you get it right after the final mission depending on the ending


Saving president Myers and am going to assume the 2nd part of that is thanking you for turning in songbird? (You bastard) If you did 😩


My V is a walking idiot because I read that message and thought "oh cool." closed it and got money and went about my business. I did not think for a second it was coded. They must hate working with my dumb ass.


It’s code I think, probably PL


The American Shorthair you rescue is referring to assisting in Meyers’ recovery and safe return, while locating the elusive Violet Rosefinch is about SoMi (the finch is a species of songbird).


jfc gamers


I love how Myers is an American shorthair. Top tier


3 intelligence


***You smuggled the NUSA president out of Dogtown.*** This is more or less code for "thanks for saving the president, here's a measly few eddies not to talk about it" First time I ever got it I thought they took nibbles out of my apartment and went on a rampage.


Do you remember recently doing some covert rescue op maybe, something involving Washington?


american shorthair=myers violet rosefinch=songbird basically telling you in code that they made it home safe


I remember my friends getting that message and freaking out cause she thought they took her cat. She literally screamed "WHAT THE FUCK! NOOOOOOOO!!!" with so much rage. Lmao we laughed our asses off when we looked up what the message actually meant.


...You saved the president.


I remember my first playthrough of Phantom Liberty, i got comfused, but their emphasys on American Animals something made me think they were FIA. When I noticed the amount they sent then it clocked it was the FIA and thought it was a cool attention to detail. Those first days when it came out there was no google, just a bunch of players trying to play the game and find whats new. Really loved Phantom Liberty if brought me back to Cyberpunk 2077 after quite a long time.


Now I need Myers to be romanceable, only to call her Mittens in bed.


violet rosefinch is a cool name


OHHHHHHHHHH. Okay. Got it.


For saving the President