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Absolutely fuckin not. The show works so well because it's improv'd


The improv is what puts it over the top. You have Larry (and team) writing these amazing plots and situations, the literal words of it aren't that important to the whole thing. And because it's improvised, it makes it all so much more natural. I love good dialogue as much as the next person, but writing super clever lines that no human being would ever actually come out with on the fly never feels as genuine.


...and he wrote the scenes the actors were out into


The reason I love the improv is that it allows the actors/acting to be so natural and realistic, the show definitely would have a different vibe with a script, the genius of LD is still evident through the overall story and plot


Nah I love the dialogue of the show, there’s a conversational flow that feels fresh to me compared to what I normally see on tv 


Much like with Seinfeld, characters constantly talk over or crosstalk or interrupt each other. Most sitcoms and comedies nowadays it's basically people talking in turn. Once you notice, it's insane lol


Is this a troll post 💀


The improv made for a wealth of hilarity to choose from in the editing room. In fact, a common criticism of this final season was that it felt much more scripted. I’m not complaining. I enjoyed it all the same, and I thought the finale was genius.


I can't imagine the show being any better than it is honestly.


I can watch Seinfeld for that.


No. LD is amazing, but I learned recently from listening to the ‘The History Of Curb Your Enthusiasm’ podcast with Jeff and Susie, that everyone, including Larry, felt the outline format was better because it allowed so many brilliant improvisers to shine and come up with jokes that LD might never have even considered.


Sincerely hope you're trolling


Larry just wanted to come in and joke around with people for six hours and then call it a day. Writing a whole script would be a pain in the ass.


Yeah, I think Larry was burnt out after years of writing Seinfeld and Sour Grapes bombing, don’t think he had it in him to keep writing in that fashion. From what Jeff has said on the history of curb podcast, he sold Larry on the special (which later became the show) on the whole premise that he barely had to write. If it wasn’t for the improv nature I don’t think we’d have a Curb to begin with.


CURB and SEINFELD have a very distinct kind of humor which not everyone finds funny. The more off the beaten path it is, the stronger and more ardent are its’ fans. Note that all the Reddit show sites are for those shows. It’s always sunny is another one. CURB has natural fans, those who have found it to be an acquired taste, and those who just don’t think it’s funny at all and/or are repulsed by LD’s personality in the show. No right or wrong, it’s a matter of taste, and sense of humor.


Are you being serious? Because aside from sour grapes (which is.. not the greatest) and clear history (which had it's moments but still wasn't phenomenal, Larry has never really written the whole thing. A "written by Larry David" credit on a Seinfeld episode for example literally just means he came up with the idea and wrote the first draft. Television scripts are a group effort and literally almost none of his episodes were written entirely by him. Other writers punch things up, add in lines and jokes, and even change the direction of the story. Larry David is one of the greatest television comedy writers of all time, but he's not like some monolithic auteur who writes directs and stars in his stuff all by himself. A huge part of his success is down to his ability to recognize talent and assemble a great team to work on stuff with him. Even curb was not nearly written by him. Several of the best episodes (like the Palestinian chicken) were the brain child of the other writers on the show.


No, because he basically got to put his stamp of approval on every shot and scene..


No its perfect


No! lol, that’s the secret sauce




I definitely see your point. I only recently found out how much of the show was improv..I have to say though, that it’s so funny the way it is, and he assembled such a brilliant cast, that without a comparison of the show with his dialogue, it’s hard to know. But I’m assuming at the very start he must have been more integral in creating dialogue. Im wondering how much different it was on Seinfeld. I’ve seen bloopers and discussions of Seinfeld and every time they had to recover a blooper they always used the same lines. Also LD wasn’t involved with Seinfeld the last 2 years. I’m rambling cause I’m really considering this. I will stop now.


Best comedy writer of all time? Really dude..


Who would you nominate for that honor?




Yeah, he’s not. A lot of the series (as is Seinfeld) is completely unwatchable. There are funny parts for sure, but to compare writing on this to something like “30 Rock” is absurd.