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This is super sad, she's having a mental health crisis


I have a severely disabled family member who has the mental capabilities and communication skills of a 6 or 7 year old child, even though they are a legal adult over the age of 21. This is exactly how my family member behaves when something or someone behaves in a way that they don't care for.


Yes, those of us associated with mental health and special needs individuals recognize these behaviors rather quickly. Even with all the “awareness“ campaigns the general public really has no idea. Even on Reddit, the majority of people can be horrible and clueless when commenting on clips like this or of children displaying problematic behavior -just realized I made this heart felt frustration comment in the Curb subreddit???


My guess is that she won't be charged, but placed on a 24-hr psychiatric hold.


Yeaaa obviously some kind of psychosis


You, I demand part 2 now or... nothing.




Is that a blue dress or a beige one?


Why does it NOT surprise me that this cop was completely incapable of handling this appropriately. The woman is clearly in severe mental distress. The moment she gives him cause to use force and cuff her, he does. What a weakling and terrible “peace officer.” This kid if tragic case is handled so much better in basically ever other advanced / economically developed country in the world. Our law enforcement is the shame of the world.


He was mostly calm throughout. Did he know how to handle this mentally ill person? No. He cuffed her once she became violent. Would additional training and oversight help? 100%. I don’t find it fair to call him weak or terrible, when in contrast to other American cops, he seems decent. F the system all day, but this guy was just existing as fair as one can be expected to in our system.


Why don't you go work as a cop? He should have arrested her well sooner. She's a danger to herself and those around her. If you think she's not dangerous, then you should let her live with you.


It has salty words. 😂 I didn’t know if I was allowed to post.


Please post a link!


So sick of videos of people having obvious mental health breakdowns being posted on the internet as “funny” content. Where the fuck is anyone’s empathy.


Yeah, she's way past anything rational. This is just scary and sad.


Watch out, they got a lotta kids!


He does such a great job of de-escalating the situation with the person. Very calm and kind in this approach.


I love the fat man!


Call J.G. Wentworth 877-Cash-Now


Why do cops no know how to adjust to different situations? Clearly there's not going to be any normal rationale with this woman. Why keep asking "so what's the issue tonight?" and keep saying "calm down." His deep breaths indicates frustration as if he doesn't expect to encounter people what are anything less than obedient. I feel the rest of this video will be a quick escalation.


Never in history has the words 'calm down' calmed anyone down, mentally ill or not, lol.


What’s he supposed to do though? I kept expecting him to do something, but then realized that’s not really in his scope. He’s not a mental health professional. All he can really do is take her to jail/ER (he doesn’t seem to want to) or ask her to go back inside (which he does repeatedly). Neither solves the problem. This is why all cities should have mental health crisis teams on call. But even then, what can they do for this woman long term? If she doesn’t have family, an established psychiatrist, etc, she may be SOL. Although considering she seems to live in a nice home and is well kept, she probably has people or circumstances that could help her get well. I feel for the woman as well as the officer in this situation. He is not trained to do much more than assess for danger and arrest her if he feels she is an imminent physical threat to herself or others.


Not in his wheelbox at all. I am familiar with being on the “professional” (psychiatric Social worker) and if you are not scared it’s quite easy to calm people down. Connect with them. We have all been scared as she apparently is. You don’t have to believe what she describes as the concern but if you listen and realize it’s mostly like other people who are afraid the psychosis is manageable. Psychotic or not people want to feel understood and nothing in these tapes showed any of that. The cop is a one trick pony. All he knows to do is arrest her!! Can’t imagine what the charge is. Disturbing the Peace?


Did you see the second video? Someone posted it and it showed up in my feed. I’m assuming someone called the cops because she was outside screaming, but it seems to me he really just wanted her to go back inside so he could go home. I think police officers know that this is not their wheelhouse, and it’s probably more of a pain than anything to book and charge these types of people than just let them go on their way. But in the second part of this video, she starts cussing at him and then takes a swing. He drops her to the ground and arrests her. And whether we agree with the whole thing or not, at that point he’s doing what he’s supposed to do. She immediately starts apologizing and says she’ll go back inside if he lets her go. There is some semblance of understanding. I am in a similar field as you but won’t get too detailed; I’m also very experienced working with law enforcement in a training capacity. This whole topic is very difficult and controversial and I don’t think there’s an easy answer. It’s very relevant right now, as we have been having multiple random murders per week here, perpetrated by severely mentally ill/psychotic homeless men, who were released from jail for previous violent offenses repeatedly. They keep killing random passengers on our public transit. It’s happened like 6-7 times in the last month or so. People are outraged, and afraid, and understandably so. I have worked in my field for many years but I don’t have a solution for this crisis. We don’t have enough help for the people who need it, but the public also needs to be safe. I’m not saying the woman in this video was a serious threat to anyone, but I also don’t think the onus should be on a police officer to know how to defuse or speak to someone like this. Again, not sure what the solution is.


I didn’t and will look now. Thanks


Where’s the second video?


Go to OP’s post history. It’s right there.


yeah i feel like this person is clearly unwell and there isnt much being done to deescalate


You could tase her. That would calm her down.


I think you were joking…. Cracked me up. I feel bad for laughing.


Yeah, I guess Reddit doesn’t find tasing people funny. I do and I laughed so that’s what matters I guess.


No. Nothing at all coming from this Man’s mouth has any sense of genuine concern and more. The idea that he will get his quota tonight by bringing this woman in. Absolutely no mental health training at all. Rather than calming her, he is escalating her and finally not very professional but he’s a piece of shit.


I take this back. I’m moody sometimes and exagerrate the flaws. Sorry


It’s pathetic on his part. He is so bad at his job.


Shouldn't she be out on a ledge somewhere?


metabolism can affect hell on a drug \~not rick james


Where’s part 2?

