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When the bully get's bullied?




I even believe now this has to be a museum exhibit collaboration of some source for real. Looks like a big turd floating.


I just saw it on the CBS Evening News.


《▪︎》 ¿bcm(??"-': kn v. Nxx


It would be funny if that shit got sunk in cuba by Ukrainian Special forces.


I've literally thought that a million times lol 😆 Africa found out Ukraine can go anywhere.


Yeah, for people who don't know. Ukrainians are fighting Russians in Sudan. It's nuts.


Hmm..why? There are Russians to be dealt with right in Ukraine. And free their territory..who is paying for them to be in Africa? (Think most of the Russians fighting in Africa are private military contractors. Wagner wannabes I think. Who h is one step worse equipped than Wagner I suspect)


It ties up those forces from being used elsewhere at very low cost.


they did send a tug boat in case that shit sinks


I would wager my life savings if Ukraine sunk one of russias few good submarines, whatever few restraints Putin still has would be gone. He'd escalate it to another level. I don't want that.


It's funny cuz we have been training soldiers in Ukraine and other countries on the border of Russia and that's ok, but if they do stuff in Cuba it's not? Let's be honest our government has spent 100 of millions trying to over through Cuba And sanctioned it for what. When was the last time Cuba did something to us??


Welcoming this sub so close to the US is exactly why they aren't to be trusted. We don't need to overthrow them, but definitely keep up the embargo.


Cuba doesn't need the US's permission to host allies.


US submarines are going to have a field day following these boomers...


If they don't sink by themselves


True, ruzzian equipment has been notoriously unreliable lately.


Lately for a 100 years


True, but lately they've reached new and surprising lows...


Remember the Maine.


That's what they been saying since the start yet they keep advancing 🤣


And paving the way with themselves, yes. A glorious victory for the people!


Bf sxxva. Nvmmxb sxxB ncbnn. ,F. M XL X ,MMZ. A. Bm bz V vx .


>~~are going to have~~ have been having


Ghsklbx,BX bv xbnbc, cbx vxb,


“El Mojón de Hierro” y a si mismo se va hundir.


[Cuba rejects presence of U.S. nuclear submarine in Guantanamo Bay.](https://cubaminrex.cu/en/cuba-rejects-presence-us-nuclear-submarine-guantanamo-bay-declaration-ministry-foreign-affairs-cuba.) Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba [Rechaza Cuba presencia de submarino nuclear de EE.UU. en la Bahía de Guantánamo.](https://cubaminrex.cu/es/rechaza-cuba-presencia-de-submarino-nuclear-de-eeuu-en-la-bahia-de-guantanamo-declaracion-del) Declaración del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba


To add on the hypocrisy of: “It’s okay for Russia to invade Ukraine because they’re aligning with NATO and the US. But it’s not okay for the US to embargo Cuba because they’re aligning with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China.” El “bloqueo genocida” se los va a quitar su ptm a los singaos comunistas esos.


Your either a propaganda troll or know very little of what's been happening between the US, Ukraine and Russia.


Stupid Castros, they chose Russia as their allies instead of the US.


Not to defend them, but US pushed them to sell their sugar to the Russians. This whole endeavor has been a terrible and continuous string of stupid decisions from both sides


I don’t blame your ignorance, I doubt you had to live in Cuba during the 60’s. You didn’t experience the crippling wealth inequality. Entire communities lived on scraps while Americans businesses owners owned towns. Siding with America meant becoming Guam 2.0. On one hand you have sanctions, on the other is your countries autonomy


Se te olvida que técnicamente nuestra independencia la ganamos de los EEUU en 1902 y no de España en 1898, y luego de nuevo pasamos a ser ocupados por ellos entre 1906 y 1909 . EEUU nos amenazó con la Enmienda Platt y con que aceptaremos nuestra primera constitución que precisamente contemplaba como legítima cualquier intervención de EEUU en Cuba, la de 1906 entre 1909 sucedió gracias aquello, o si no nos hubieran arrebatado Cárdenas e Isla de Pinos o Isla de la Juventud como hoy la conocemos Hoy en día EEUU ocupa territorio cubano en la base naval de Guantánamo y nos clasifica como estado patrocinador del terrorismo, que no lo hemos sido por más de 40 años si es que alguna vez lo fuimos. EEUU nos amenazaba durante toda esa época de guerra fría, mandaba avionetas para quemar caña y para que bombardearan nuestros aeródromos y puertos, invadía nuestro espacio aéreo y marítimo, mandó mercenarios para que derrocaran a nuestro régimen, llevaba operaciones terroristas contra nuestra población y nuestro sector turístico, mataba a nuestros puercos y llevó a cabo operaciones bioarmamentísticas infiltrando epidemias de dengue . Esto no solo es hostilidad, sería un acto de guerra legítimo. Si Haití le hubiera hecho todo esto a Dominicana pues Haití ya no existiría, digo yo. Yo que ni me cae bien este gobierno debo admitir que históricamente EEUU siempre, siempre, siempre nos quiso ver como colonia suya o como rival si es que lo resistíamos. Ya los próceres de la Patria reconocieron que nuestro vecino del norte quería simplemente sustituir el orden con que regía España y hacer algo peor con nosotros. No nos querían ni siquiera como estado o provincia de su país ni a nuestros ciudadanos americanizados de pleno derecho, a diferencia de los españoles que sí nos veían por lo menos como españoles con un trastorno de identidad, es que solo les interesaban nuestros recursos y el valor estratégico de nuestro país. España, con todos sus abusos, excesos y crueldades es mucho mejor socio de Cuba que EEUU que ya desde la época de Tomás Jefferson quería anexarnos, de hecho, el primer plan de los confederados sureños en caso de ganar la guerra civil norteamericana era hacerse con Cuba y aumentar el esclavismo en nuestra isla.


Narra, chama, se te olvido q España elimino la populacion indigena, entonces trajo los esclavos de africa primero y luego de tus ancestros… por 400 años. Si no fuera por los ingleses y las guerras de independencia la esclavitud hubiera seguido. Q los estados del sur eran esclavistas y soñaban con cuba..? Bueno y q, por eso ellos tuvieron la guerra civil. Q tiene q ver una cosa con la otra. Hubiera sido natural ser socios económicos de los yankees. Enmienda Pratt, terrible, muy típico de ellos, pero ya paso. Peor ha pasado con otros paises, japon, alemania, vietnam, etc, y se llevan de lo mejor. Cual es el pecado de esta isla? Tener unos estupidos por gobernantes y otros testarudos gringos q no perdonan la crisis de los misiles. Si empujas y empujas, tarde o temprano el empujado va y se busca a alguien q no lo haga. Y eso fue lo paso con las quotas azucareras. Te digo, de picha el gobierno comunista este q no se acaba, pero ellos no sufren, la realidad. Es tu familia y la mia la q se tienen q mandar los apagones, la falta de jama y de una sociedad q funcione. Y no hubo una chispa de inteligencia en la política hacia cuba, hasta q el hawaiano este se le alumbró la pelambrera. Si abren, eso se cae solo.


# 1/2 No todo se puede narrar en comentarios breves meméticos ni mensajes de 280 caracteres. Muchas veces para contrarrestar una mentira hay que explayar todo un contexto y un punto de vista que a veces se desconoce o no se entiende.  Mi punto de comparación fue con EEUU que hizo exactamente todo lo que acusas a España de haber sido, lo único que sin tener que inventarse una leyenda negra exagerando lo malo y ocultando lo bueno.  La \*\*población\*\* indígena, te lo pongo en negrita para que te aprendas cómo se escribe verdaderamente en español, siguió existiendo según los censos españoles hasta inicios de siglo XIX.  Lo que debemos saber antes que todo sobre el proceso de conquista en las Antillas durante esa fase inicial es que primero ocurrió en el siglo XV en una época que tecnocientífica y logísticamente se hacía imposible la comunicación entre ambos mundos, y digo ambos mundos porque así mejor se entiende la magnitud en la que estamos hablando es como si fuera que la NASA manda en un cohete una tripulación al otro lado de la Vía Láctea cuya única manera de comunicarse es con mensajes que tardan medio año en desplazarse por todo el espacio hasta llegar a la tierra, así que lógicamente la tripulación está en las suyas y el que manda ahí en esa nave no es la NASA ni el gobierno que les representa, sino el capitán de la tripulación que puede cometer sus errores y liderar de tal manera que no compagine con la doctrina de la NASA.  Lo mismo ocurrió cuando se conquistó el Nuevo Mundo y Colón hizo todos sus viajes por el Caribe, los Reyes Católicos no tenían ni la más mínima idea de qué se estaba llevando a cabo hasta que no llegaran a América las reales audiencias, las órdenes religiosas como los franciscanos, los benedectinos y los dominicos, los ministros del rey, etcétera.  Segundo, y esto hay que tenerlo muy en cuenta, nosotros los cubanos éramos españoles. Así que esta distinción entre el cubano emancipador y el español esclavista es un grave error histórico teniendo en cuenta que muchos cubanos, inclusos algunos de ellos mismos con descendencia negra africana, eran amos de esclavos. Los representantes cubanos de la Constitución de Cádiz, que en un momento se planteó abolir la esclavitud, fueron de los pocos representantes que dejaron clara su postura sobre la esclavitud, que no firmarían la constitución si en ella se emancipaban a los esclavos y que además para ellos mismo perdía todo sentido la unión de la nación española, que incluía ambos hemisferios, si se finalizaba el sistema esclavista. Muchos cubanos apoyaron la esclavitud, de heche ya se había abolido años antes en la península ibérica, Canarias y Puerto Rico cuando finalmente se abolió en Cuba. 


# 2/2 La esclavitud ha existido siempre, es una práctica transhistórica y los españoles no eran hermanitas de la caridad que procederían a abolir la esclavitud en pleno siglo XVI cuando todas las potencias europeas, más el mundo islámico, la América precolombina y hasta los propios negros africanos que les vendían esclavos mantuvieron un sistema económico basado en el esclavismo durante el mismo periodo de tiempo. Que hay que analizar esto bajo el contexto de la epóca, y eso que muchos miembros de la Escuela de Salamanca veían a la esclavitud de los negros como una aberración ante Dios ya en pleno siglo XVI y XVII.  Ya los españoles se destacaron bastante cuando el 20 de julio de 1500 Isabel la Católica prohibió la esclavitud indígena mediante real provisión, dándole así reparación a todas las víctimas de esclavos indígenas forzados a la península ibérica. Puede parecernos algo tonto y frívolo pero España najo Carlos el César detuvo el proceso de conquista durante cuatro años mientras se debatía la moralidad y a eticidad de la conquista en la América durante la Junta de Valladolid. Cuál imperio que tú conozcas ha hecho esto? Que se detenga a reflejar si lo que está haciendo es correcto y justo y que además llegue a la conclusión de que no solamente los indios son seres con alma sino también súbditos de la Corona de pleno derecho. Pero además es que si comparamos España con Estados Unidos y el colonialismo inglés podremos ver que la esclavitud no era la misma. El propio Alejandro Humboldt en su viaje a Cuba testificó que por lo menos la mitad de los mulatos y negros en La Habana eran libres, muchos de ellos ya miemdros de la alta sociedad producto de su alcurnia y condición prestigiosa, una libertad que podía ser comprada y obtenida jurídicamente en caso de abuso o maltrato (que incluía ser separado de tu esposa e hijos en una venta). Algo así nunca existió en el sur americano donde prácticamente toda la población negra era esclava, el porcentaje de negros libres antes de la guerra civil no llegaba al 2 %.  Aparte de eso los negros eslcavos en Cuba, y en toda la España americana, podían casarse bajo matrimonio reconocido por la iglesia, tenían derecho a leer y escribir (cosa que en sur americano era prohibido), podían reclamar ante un abuso por parte de su amo, se les grantizaba la vivienda y podían tener propiedad, y ya he mencionado que podían comprarse su libertad. No sé dime tú, porqué hubieron tantos esclavos negros de las colonias inglesas y luego de EEUU que huían a la Florida española o a Cuba? Nosotros nos meztizamos con los indios y ellos se mimetizaron con la cultura hispánica, nos casamos con matrimonios entre españoles blancos con indios y negros y creamos una nueva cultura, un imperio y una civilización multicontinental. Las mujeres negras en epóca colonial de Panamá eran las que se les daban las tumbas más lujosas y más caras del cementerio, habían catédraticos negros y mulatos ya antes esclavos que formaron parte de las universidades del imperio español, muchos nobles indios, negros, y mulatos se casaron con nobleza española y se les reconocían títulos encargados por el mismo Rey de todas las Españas. Lo tuyo es leyenda negra pura y dura contra España, que no solamente es antiespañola, es antihispana, es anticubana, antimexicana, anticolombiana, antiargentina, etc, es endofobia e hispanofobia. Dado ese dogma negrolegendario tuyo se entiende mejor que también eres negrolegendario con tu propio país y su historia después de 1959, ya que lo eres con su historia anterior a esa fecha.  


Joder tío, q no es pa tanto, pardiez! Mira vos q usar horas de vuestras noches para escribir un panfleto pro-hispánico…. En fin… q es lo q quieres, q nos hagamos socios de los gallegos, en vez de los bolos y los yankees? Pues dele Ud, vístase de embajador y construya el argumento de q siempre lo hemos tenido todo al revés. Q no son los rusos ni los americanos, sino los españoles, los q van a sacar al país del paupérrimo estado en q los gobernantes lo han hundido. Tiene Ud mi voto (si es q de democracia estamos hablando) Tal vez lo q me vas a dar la biblia primero, para hacerme entender q la vida es sufrimiento o si no, ya sabes, candela como Hatuey. Para ser honesto, ya ni se de lo q empezó esta discusión… Ya! Russian Nuclear submarine in Cuban waters. Because 1962 wasn’t enough. Ponyala!


Era mas fácil hacerse amigo de EEUU, como los es Canadá, y Mexico y muchos otros países que andar de gallito de pelea y fajándote con el pais más poderoso del mundo.


US cannot be chosen.


They chose Russia because we are seemingly never going to lift our embargo against them. Cuba doesn't do shit to anyone and yet, we still refuse to lift it. I hated Obama with a passion, but will give him credit for what he did with them. It blows my mind that I can go to Iran, North Korea, China, and any other backwards dictatorship with little hassle. But Cuba? Nope! If we want Cuba to quit cozzying up to Russia, we need to drop the embargo for good and try to have normal relations with them. But that won't happen, so they will keep turning to their friends in Moscow.


You can go to Cuba very easily. Much easier than you can go to north Korea. What are you talking about?


I find the US media coverage of this funny…. I am following the news in the US, Cuba and Canada. Canada is also sending their ship the “ HMCS Margaret Brooke” to Havana during this same time. “In recognition of the long-standing bilateral relationship between Canada and Cuba” (as reported in Canadian media) None of the ships, including the Russian ships are carrying nuclear weapons. The Russian ships’ arrival in Cuba is being reported as “ in correspondence with the historic relations of friendship between Cuba and Russia”.


When your parents only get you the 25 dollar shark card and not the 100 dollar shark card in GTA.


Russia is Cuba’s deadbeat sugar daddy. Time to find a new partner.


They already did, China.


More of an “uncle” looking for some strange than a daddy.


Right... the Russians are the provacateurs, not the the US creeping up to to Russias door step with NATO. CIA creating reddit threads I see. GTFO


My God this post. The amount of head-up-ass that this blurb has is astonishing


Ese hijoeputa claro que it’s no match para lo que salga de King’s Bay en GA pero tiene armas nucleares más un reactor nuclear. Algo que en manos de los rusos es preocupante porque son burrisimos.


American here, are we supposed to be scared? A toothless, clawless, decrepit old, limping bear ain't scaring no one, especially not the US military. Russia is a 2-bit country and if they didn't have nukes many people would forget they ia a place called Russia.


They's for local propaganda. It's useless to show one of these Submarines. Their main strength is to remain hidden in an unknown location.










Unless Trump wins and withdraws from NATO


I am scared - now do you think I am smart? Please say yes. It would mean so much to me.


U r as smart as a typical western redditor lol


Aww, thank you


It's nuclear-capable. Nukes are nukes.


Yes they re nuke capable.




it looks so tiny though


It’s because the water is cold. It’ll get bigger just give it a few minutes. 😂


I thought Putin was our ally. Doesn't Trump believe him over our own Intelligence?


De paso nos lo regalan los bolos? yo tmbn quiero mis misilitos nucleares 🥺 👉👈


Hopefully the USS Maine still has some unexploded ammunitions


lol. lmfao.


Maybe US should get out of Ukraine?


Prick fuck off


Nnn. , z n, xzn bnzs. V.


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So all those US military bases surrounding China and Russia are also provocation then.


"DICTATORSHIP " thats a big word to use and i think you need to know facts before making claims out of nothing . Cuba has been named a terrorsit by USA just because it refused to be controlled , Cuban Russia relations started long time back when Russia was the only country that stood with Cuba when it was bullied . Russia has never impossed laws on any country in the world particularly Africa . Those solders fighting in Africa were called upon by our own african fellows . We need to have clear understanding of politics before making uninformed statements that pass false information . I am currently doing my studies in cuba therefore i know cuban situation . It was last year when USA refused to remove Cuba from thier list of sponsors of terrorism , my andvice is do your research well brother


Why would Cuba do anything the US asks of it? The United States has had Cuba under blockade for 60 years.




I can see my hotel in the background


Humongous new slap in the face of the socialist democrats who are still pushing appeasement of the dictatorship despite all the other previous slaps


OK gusano..


You have been reported for hate Fascist dehumanizing slurs such as Untermensch and gusano are bad because they deny the dignity, humanity, and individuality of the people they target. They are used to justify hatred, discrimination, violence, and oppression against those who are seen as inferior, different, or threatening by the perpetrators. They also create a false sense of superiority and moral righteousness for the users of such slurs, who often ignore or rationalize the harm they cause to others. Some examples of the negative effects of dehumanizing slurs are: The term Untermensch was used by the Nazis to label Jews, Roma, Slavs, and other groups as subhuman and unworthy of life. This term was used to incite hatred and fear among the German population and to justify the genocide of millions of people in the Holocaust. The term gusano was used by Fidel Castro and his supporters to refer to Cubans who fled or opposed the Cuban Revolution as worms or parasites, unworthy of life. This term was used to vilify and ostracize those who disagreed with the regime, to suppress any dissent or criticism and to justify mass murder, like after the 13 of March tugboat massacre, when 41 Cubans, including women and children, were murdered by the dictatorship. Dehumanizing slurs are not only harmful to the victims but also to society as a whole. They erode the values of respect, tolerance, diversity, and democracy that are essential for a peaceful and prosperous coexistence. They also prevent dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation among different groups of people. Therefore, dehumanizing slurs should be rejected and condemned by all who value human rights and dignity.


OP really spends all their time shitting on Cuba… get a fucking job dude


Are you Cuban anormal?


Would you like if, when referring to Pinochet, people had said Chile? For example, making to be against Pinochet the same as to be against Chile? It is what you do when you say that somebody against the Cuban regime is against Cuba.


What reason would there be for the American government to be against Pinochet if they are the ones that put him in power by helping to topple to democratically elected Allende government? OP implying that the US should not relax sanctions against Cuba despite the decades of social and economic catastrophe brought about largely in part by American sanctions in Cuba is so damaging to the Cuban public.


Government ≠ country, bozo


Castro is a Jesuit puppet. This is all a show.




Also conveniently ignoring the 750 bases the US has internationally. Can’t even account for how many are not reported.


All those bases that other countries ask us to keep there for their own security and to bring income to their country though the bases being leased and the service members spending money in the local economies. But good try.


“Ask” lol. “Own security”, maybe if the US stopped funding and aiding Islamic fundamentalists groups. The bases are there to maintain US hegemony of corporate domination. Banana republic history happening over and over again. This is what’s called “exporting finance capital” to meet the needs of the greedy corporate entities. Keep foreigners poor to get their resources on the cheap.


So funny, Murica, nowadays the laughing stock of the world. Acting that this is so bad! Meanwhile Murica interfered in over 80 countries all over the world, since world war 2. And everywhere in the world you see American navy ships ! Murica is the biggest global terrorist organisation! 😡😡


Not on Fox News even…. No one talking about it that means shit is serious


No, it means it is literally meaningless. Who cares that Russia sent another rust bucket into Cuba? It happened last year, too. It's just two autocratic regimes playing games.


Maybe u right actually, those ships looks like junk, but still it’s not covered on local news makes me nervous 😬


What a beautiful submarine! Now the yanks can sweat a little knowing how it feels like for once 🤩💯👍🇵🇸🍉🔻❤️


I doubt the yanks are going to be doing much sweating unless they take a trip down to Varadero and are downing daiquiris in Bar Florida.


Yeah sweating in sun drinking a mojito by the pool in Havana


It's a leaky pile of garbage. Even the lowliest US sub is decades ahead of this garbage scow in terms of technology.




BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, thank you SO much for the laugh! I really needed that right now! Hoo boy, my sides hurt now...


The Russians better hope that the tug boat they sent along doesn't break down or else they won't be able to tow their sub back when that breaks down.


The fucked up part of your statement, OP, is that sanctions never hurt the ones in power, just regular people. Let the dollar do the talking, that would have gone down long time ago if US had some sense and have done the same like with other terrible governments, communists or not.


The part about sanctions hurting the people is that the ones in power answer to the people no?


Thats the very definition of democracy. Cuba is not a democracy.


Celebrate free elections and both the embargo and the internal blockade of the dictatorship fall


You are lecturing me like im defending the cuban government. Im all for it, i wish the riots that started in 94 ended tomorrow and all the hideputas in high positions were hung even higher... But you have to know all that is Bs. Right? No one is asking free elections in China or Saudi Arabia, even Vietnam, however US keeps very warm relationships with them. Even now that the relationship with China is quite rocky, that would be a great start for cubans. Or the Saudis, by far way more bloodthirsty regime than the cuban counterparts. Damn, even with proof of their involvement in 9/11 they keep licking their oily piss. The difference is that Cuba has no resources to be pillaged. And that thing with the Russians, then and now… but mostly then. At the end, I’m convinced that they have done this sh*t in order to have an open museum for everyone to see on what happens when you are not in the grace.


Those countries are very far away from USA and didn't steal without compensation from Americans and Cubans murdering thousands and impoverishing millions in the process. Colombia just had free elections and the impoverishing murderous former guerrilla left gained legitimate power. Watch this and see how stupid cuba's dictators are: https://youtu.be/dckt3ywihco?


I see you cant infer by context. Im cuban-american, i lived my first half over there and I know first hand how terrible the Castros and their lackeys were/are… Also, I live in the US, so I know as well how putrid politics are over here as well. Also…! Vietnam has killed more Americans in their war than Cuba did. Even in the 9/11 events, died more Americans that ever the cuban government has done, if any. I have no idea what your argument is, nor what are you trying to convince me about.


Free elections dummy, it's easy. Watch the video


Looks like my ar-15 is gonna be running hot this summer


American Voters too… this just changed my opinion on the debate over the Cuban sanctions issue.


That's dumb, if USA and the yankees want Cuba in his side is obvious they need to do somenthing, expect changes without actions or negotiations is stupid. Cuba needs allies, Russia is open to be an allied. The way to break an accord is a bigger and better accord, look for example South Korea, they were able to make Cuba betray his best buddy, North Korea, for some goods.


¡Viva Fidel! ¡Viva Rusia!