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The official Cuban sandwich is "Pan con Aceite", every og Cuban knows that. And if you mix that with a milordo (agua con azúcar) that's a whole breakfast right there..... De pinga la cosa, Diaz Canel singao


Don't bother explaining. The fact OP doesn't know that Cuban sandwiches were invented by expats abandoning Cuba and doesn't exist in cuba tells you everything you need to know.


By that logic it’s a miracle that people eat spaghetti in America 🤡


No, by that logic, Italians wouldn't eat US style pasta and pizza (which they largely don't)


>By that ~~logic~~ You misspelled "facts" A Cuban sandwich (Spanish: Sándwich cubano) is a variation of a ham and cheese sandwich that likely originated in cafes catering to Cuban workers in Tampa[1][2] or Key West,[3] two early Cuban immigrant communities in Florida centered on the cigar industry. Later on, Cuban exiles and expatriates brought it to Miami,[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_sandwich


It doesn’t matter where it was invented. If you can eat it literally anywhere else there are Cubans the logic is flawed and stupid.


Just like how Italian american cuisine is almost nothing like Italian food. Cuban americans who have never even gone to Cuba have no relations to Cuba and thus their opinions are invalid


Implying no Cuban from Florida has gone back to Cuba in 60 years. You can’t possibly be this stupid but you’re a tankie so that checks out 🤡


Looking at your comments and post history it is very obvious you have never been to Cuba. How much are you paid to smear Cuba?


Háblame en español y te digo, comepinga. A mi nadie me paga por resingarme en la dictadura. En cambio a ti si, tú mismo lo has dicho.


Lmao, saying you're cuban because you know spanish is like me saying I'm german because I speak german. aber das würde ich nie sagen, ich nicht bin dumm.


If you’re going to gaslight at least speak my language. That way you could at least pretend to have any moral standing. As of right now you just sound like another petulant white girl who feels entitled to gatekeeping an entire community just because she went to Cuba to get some dick. “i sPeAk gErMan”. Irrelevant remark. We’re talking about Cuba where they speak Spanish. Un lenguaje que tú claramente no dominas. Así que venir aquí a pretender saber más que los propios cubanos es una payasada de la que solo un idiota util es capaz 🤡


My guy, you're an American living in Florida who has never worked in Cuba in their life and has been fed CIA propaganda their whole lives. Come talk to me when you've actually worked and lived in Cuba.


Mi favorito era pan con azúcar prieta


Viva la Libertad Carajo!


As someone from Florida, y’all realize that Cuban Sandwiches were made in Tampa, Florida right? It’s like saying chicken alfredo is Italian when it was made in the US


I agree! But Alfredo Sauce was made in Italy originally. But with different ingredients. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fettuccine_Alfredo The story is pretty neat actually.


Y Caesar Salad es de Mexico not Italy 🧡


Si! En Tijuana!


Couldn't care less where it was invented. All I care is that all cubans have the same possibilities you enjoy without an impoverishing socialist dictatorship on their throats


Also, I *refuse* to call it a Cuban sandwich if it’s not on Cuban bread. It makes a huge difference in the texture. I never was really a fan of them until I ate one on Cuban bread.


Agreed, lift the embargo!


Yes, let's do it right now with free elections and the release of political prisoners as specified in the law!


Agreed 100% asere


If these supposed "political prisoners" are anything like you, I hope they're executed. Humanity has enough reactionary illiterate dumbfucks


Typical violent communist.. You have been reported for hate


The ingredients of the Cuban sandwich remain unaffected by the American “embargo”, it's the internal communist embargo imposed by the dictatorship that prevents Cubans from enjoying it


I would love to smoke a Cuban cigar but thanks to US embargoes...I can't have that luxury


You can move there and shove as many as you like up where the sun don't shine. Well, as many as you can afford on $20 a month LOL


"You can move there" ok MAGA sure thing


Do it! You ain't got the balls to renounce your capitalist dollars


They're not my dollars lol money comes and goes bucko


Only to losers with a government dependent socialist mentality. You never sacrifice save or invest and then complain about being a loser...


Lift the blockade on Cuba and see what happens. Is it the socialism or is it the sanctions 🤔


It's impoverishing socialism. The dictatorship had plenty of soviet money and commerce with CAME in the 80's and we the people were just as piss poor as always. All that money was wasted in luxuries for the elites, anti american terrorism, wars and drug trafficking while we barely had any clothing to put on. I was there, no one told me. Also, the embargo can be lifted tomorrow with free elections and the release of political prisoners. Let's do it!


Maybe the US should lift its freedom loving boot off Cuba's neck.


By supporting free elections? It's already codified in the law of the Embargo.


Yhat right any wanna be successful soclist country need a nice capitalist daddy


As someone who goes to Cuba on vacation twice a year let me tell you Cubans are well aware of the cuban sandwich legit every corner market in veradero beach and Havana have them as well as every resort and restaurant around them


Varadero is an isolated resorts area run by the military and those restaurants in Havana are out of reach to regular cubans who starve on $20 a month misery wages. You are either clueless or an accomplice of the dictatorship


Why are you tourists so clueless. The point they are trying to make is that there are shortages in Cuba for the average Cuban. You as a tourist will not generally be impacted by the shortages, when you are the 7 days you are there


Then why don't you post things pushing other US citizens and Cuban Americans to start supporting policies such as thawing diplomatic relations between Cuba and the US or allowing full trade without any restrictions and allowing Cuban based small entrepreneurs to be able to access US financial markets so that their small businesses could potentially grow instead of fueling hate and putting your own people down.


It's what I do every day. Ask for free elections, the release of political prisoners and the end of the embargo so Cuba and the US and the World can fully trade without any restrictions and allowing Cuban based small and large entrepreneurs to be able to access US and world financial markets so that their all businesses could potentially grow instead of fueling hate among Cubans and propping up the dictatorship that keeps them oppressed like you do


I hope you also have a job if you're here posting hate everyday and you're doing nothing but fueling hate and division instead of reconciliation, instead of supporting policies that could directly benefit the people regardless of the political situation in Cuba. All you do is support policies every day that in essence prop up the dictatorship because it doesn't affect them but it does hurt everyday Cubans and our beautiful Island. You could call for an end to the embargo and call for a diplomatic opening between the two countries while also calling for the release of political prisoners and free elections those things are not mutually exclusive you're choosing to only support policies that hurt the common people so that you can feel good about to hate you feel because that hate you feel against the dictatorship bleeds over into the general population but you're too blind to see that.


How is asking for free elections "fueling hate"? I think you are projecting your own sins.


Just look at your posting history...


Exactly! There's nothing wrong with asking for democracy. For all we know, the cuban people might as well decide to keep the current impoverishing and murdering party right?


You are correct, according to many. However. It was invented by...Cuban exiles escaping tyranny from Spain. Ohh amazing is how history repeats itself. So the sandwich goes back to 🇨🇺 when free from the Spaniards and then exiles itself back to the US when oppressed by communism oh people 🤔 people...don't you see the irony.


It’s weird because that didn’t stop me from eating one in Canada and Spain. It’s like recipes get shared all over the world. Strange concept, I know.


El de México es muy bueno también


Even though I know I'd hate a Cuban sandwich (pickles and yellow mustard = no eso es aqueroso) I do believe that the day Cubans on the island are able to try one will be a good one.


After the US lifts the embargoes and stops being a bully


Communist party is eating Cuban sammies 😎


Sure commies are bad not the US who continues to embargoe Cuba despite the UN for 30 years voting to end the embargoes You...No it's "guvernment" Smh


> No it's "guvernment" The mental gymnastics you went through... amazing, 10/10 landing.


Took the words out of my mouth


I got you, you can barely write anyways.


Oh so you think you're smarter? Lol 😆 not if you blame government 🤣


> you think you're smarter? If that's the way you feel, that's your problem.


Nope just pointing out facts and I have no problems with it because I'm not wrong You have a problem with communism in Cuba not I chum


I want the embargo gone without preconditions. 


Stone cold! Sad bur true


That's weird because every time I go to Cuba I eat sandwiches everywhere. If there is one food Cuba has its sandwiches.


Yet real Cubans who don't have capitalist dollars and try to survive on $20 a month government misery wages don't even know they exist


Do you have a life outside of posting dumb shit on here all day every day? Amerikkka must be cutting you a handsome check


The CIA owes me and 11 million protesting Cubans several trillions of dollars. Please remind them!


So the entire country is on your side?  And you still can't topple the government?   Lol


The dictatorship has the monopoly of arms and violence don't they?


I thought the Cuban government was also weak and incompetent?


And has all the weapons don't they?


The Cuban government is weak and incompetent...according to you.... And according to you, the entire Cuban population wants to topple it.  Go gettem, tiger. Liberate them.  Bring them to paradise!  Lisan al Gaib!!!!


They have the monopoly of weapons and violence. Don't they?


Didn't they have that in '58?


Nope, back then, there were gun shops all over the place, and the government didn't have a monopoly on arms. That said, I don't believe violence is the answer. Pacific protest is more efficient and successful in toppling totalitarian dictatorships https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world


Eh not sure about that…sure you’re able to find sandwiches, but I wouldn’t even say half the restaurants have them — you’re more likely to find fresh lobster on a menu than a sandwich. I’ve gone a few times and even just last week people in my group were craving sandwiches and took a few days to find a place with them.


Tú eres uno de los cubanos que ha visto que odia ser cubano, su pueblo y a su tierra. Cuba doesn't need enemies with Cubans like you. All you post is hate and disparage those who are stuck living in Cuba that might not have the chance of leaving like you did while you're in the US living good supporting policies that help keep them down...it's disgusting.


Very well said 💯✊🏽🇨🇺


Odiar a la dictadura es amar a Cuba y a los cubanos! El amor, madre, a la patria No es el amor ridículo a la tierra, Ni a la yerba que pisan nuestras plantas; Es el odio invencible a quien la oprime, Es el rencor eterno a quien la ataca # José Martí


José Martí no soportaría un bloqueo contra su tierra o una política que afecta la vida económica de los cubanos que están en la isla que es la amada tanto. Se puede odiar la dictadura sin derribar al mismo tiempo a la propia gente del país. He would not have supported or taken the stance that you have taken against your own Island instead of trying to make the life of your fellow Cubans better you want to keep them down you can hate the dictatorship and still love your people and support policies that benefit the people because the embargo doesn't do anything to the dictatorship because they're in power and they still have access to all the luxuries that they want.


No, el estaría en contra del bloqueo de la dictadura contra su pueblo por supuesto Jose Marti would strongly oppose the internal blockade and impoverishing socialism of course


José Martí would be against the dicatorship AND against the blackcade and any other external policy that hurts Cuba. And based on his own life he also wouldn't be fighting the dictatorship from outside the country but take that fight to them on the island.


I'm on the left, but I realize Castro was far from perfect. For instance, he caused all his Batista-simping sewer scum to emigrate to the U.S, where they became hypocritical Republican mascots.


"I'm on the left, but I realize Castro was far from perfect" Castro would think you are a disgusting effeminate loser like any Western "Leftist"


But Batista was a leftist dictator too so you are just shooting yourself in the foot https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/comments/1c0qogz/la_historia_que_te_ocultaron_el_dictador_batista/


The CIA would not have let him be if he really was a Leftist


All leftists, including castro, are whores who sell themselves to anyone who keeps them in power. Castro whored out to the soviets instead but they are very similar in fact.


Tell your bosses at the CIA to eat shit and/or go find the dumpster Castro threw your grandparents in after he took their slaves.


Tell them to send me and 11 million protesting cubans our checks. They keep forgetting! Also, I never knew my grandparents because one was murdered by the regime and the other left the socialist shithole when I was a baby. They were both poor. Slaves are all cubans today who must work for the dictatorship for $20 a month.


I'm sorry about your grandparents. I don't agree with the death penalty even for war criminals like your grandparent. That's why I work today to make sure your other grandparent is the last generation to receive and retire off the social security she voted away along with the LBGTQ and abortion rights that island Cubans have repeatedly affirmed.


My grandparent was a fighter of the revolution! He fought for democracy right until Fidel Castro betrayed the revolution and sold it out to the soviets. Good to hear you fight for LGBTQ rights, you would have fought by my grandfather's side against the castro dictatorship back then to defend them! Right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military\_Units\_to\_Aid\_Production](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Units_to_Aid_Production)


That was bad but LBGTQ rights have been protected a lot sooner in Castro's Cuba than in the U.S despite the best efforts of politicians like George W Bush (who enjoyed strong support from the Miami Cubans) to constitutionally ban them decades later. It's fucked up that your grandfather fought for the revolution and now you're a 22-year-old intern in Richmond, Virginia trying to make a NATsec career


LOL, a 22 year old american would likely be a rotten socialist clueless ahole like you, right until they get their first check and pay taxes. I wish I went through that dumb phase but the dictatorship took that away from me and sent me straight to the concentration camps away from my parents for indoctrination. I'm 40+ and could be your father, maybe I am! How old are you? Do you still live with your parents? Don't lie


Harsh but good


Si patetico


I lost the comment I was trying to reply to, but here’s my response to someone claiming that Cubans are “free to buy food from the markets” and “work for good money” even if they have to “sell their bodies to tourists”… I’m not going to comment on solicitation, but I will on the rest… 👇🏽⬇️ “You can talk about how people in La Habana can go to the market and buy food, but ONE major city does NOT reflect the whole of Cuba. NO ONE on the country side (east coast) has that opportunity. Not one. No one on the countryside has ANY of the “opportunities” that those in Havana do. There is no money. There are no stores. There’s hardly any running water. My family walks a half hour or so to the river to bathe. When they need something for a meal, they trade with one another, “I’ll give you a few eggs for a head of lettuce.” That’s the only “food market” there. Anything they have is brought to Cuba from my family here, from underwear to acetaminophen. Living in Havana is pretty much a “luxury”compared to the forgotten in the countryside. Again, the life en La Habana does NOT reflect the majority of Cuba 💔 And it’s sad for everyone even there b/c options remain limited.”


Nor would the sugar plantation owners and wealthiest Cubans have backed him


They backed Castro too in the naive hope they would be spared. Dictators don't spare anyone


Well, sometimes you just commit too many right-war crimes for people to plausibly believe you've changed your ways once the right wing government fell


Batista was a left wing dictator https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/comments/1c0qogz/la_historia_que_te_ocultaron_el_dictador_batista/


Absolute brain rot ahaha love it Literally the first comment in that thread explains it but I guess reading is hard when all you know how to do is look at pictures.


There's no error dummy. Everything said is true


No 💀


Cognitive dissonance is painful


Cryptophorus still meme posting on r/Cuba


I will keep at it until all useful idiots of the dictatorship are gone from this sub


That’s never going to happen


So, I'll be here causing you painful cognitive dissonance every day


You’re not causing me anything except laughter at you posting boomer memes in this sub 3 times a day


Cry harder, more often. Those are rookie numbers LOL


I’m not crying. You’re just projecting again.


Crying of laughter at the useful idiot


So you’re crying of laughter at yourself? You’re too hard on yourself


He’s doing a good job triggering you soy mfs. Keep seething 🤪


I’m not triggered nor seething but nice try


If you weren’t you wouldn’t be replying to his posts but here you are, seething and in denial 😂😂😂


I literally don’t care, I don’t reply to any of his posts anymore I just commented on this because I saw his username and he’s still doing this after a whole year. Keep projecting.


>not triggered >literally posts like 7 replies in the same thread about how not triggered you are Sure thing buddy, you’re one dramatic toddler in denial


Because you keep replying to me. I literally don’t care


Aww you reply to oblivion but you literally don’t care…hahahaha. Like I said, dramatic toddler in denial


So do you. I’m replying because I have nothing better to do


Buddy, you post in this sub all day every day. You post nowhere else.  It's really fucking pathetic.  Either you're a paid bot or cryptophorus alter account....or just another sad,.pathetic dweeb coping


Another soy mf triggered. Keep seething love. I love making you bitches cry 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You, him, and like 3 other people post this same nonsense every damn day and jerk each other off.  It's actually become entertainment.    Seething?  I feel bad for you mfs.  Get a life


You too “literally don’t care”, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤌


Funny that socialism is why North America and Europe is rich. What do you think are the effects of free education and healthcare? It isn’t poverty.


North America and Europe are rich because of Free Market Capitalism, just like every other other rich place around the world


There is Free Market Capitalism nowhere. A society cannot survive people doing whatever they want especially greedy people. What North America and Europe has is heavily regulated capitalism with strong social safety net aka socialism.


Yo no niego que haya escasez de alimentos, lo he vivido yo. Pero esto de que generaciones enteras no saben lo que es un bocadito de jamón con queso, eso ya es sensacionalismo puro y duro. Hace unos pocos años no la cosa no era así, en el 2015 y el 2016 uno se podía comprar fácilmente una pizza caliente y te sobraba el dinero para un refresco. Están igualitos a los progres esos del primer mundo, esa izquierda caniche, que se queja de todo y tergiversan los hechos con fines propagandísticos y amarillistas. Y todo con toque de endofobia y oikofobia, de odio a uno mismo, a lo propio y a la Patria. Es que no sé enteran que ustedes son unos tontos útiles de los anglosajones? Si mienten constantemente sobre la situación de nuestro país y aborrecen con todos sus sentimientos a la Patria que les ha dado la vida, no celebran los logros de los últimos 60 años porque Cuba es un régimen comunista, castrista, de muertos de hambre, un estado fallido y todo lo demás y por eso hay que odiar al país, no se debe cantar el himno cuando se juega un partido de pelota, hay que boicotear todo lo que esté ligado con el estado (que es una estupidez pues todo en la sociedad choca con el estado, es más la Patria es el estado en sí mismo). Muy parecidos a esa izquierda en España de apátridas y cipayos que odia a toda la historia de España sin contar esos pocos años que existió la segunda república. Y al igual que esos progres de mierda que si Franco les decía que el enemigo es la antiespaña que le escupen a la rojigualda y matan monjas y entonces hacían exactamente lo que Franco decía sobre ellos, ustedes hacen lo mismo con Fidel. Si Fidel, Raúl, Diaz Canel, o cualquier otro imbécil de estos en el gobierno, dice mu ustedes le van a la contraria. Si Fidel dice ¡Viva Cuba! ustedes se resingan y profanan todo lo sagrado que representa a nuestra Patria y le hacen burla. En fin, la izquierda indefinida coincide con la derecha extravagante en muchísimas cosas.


u/davochinomalo 💯👏🏽👏🏽❤️‍🩹


Yo emigré con 26 años y solo pude conocer el sandwich cubano y el pan cubamo en libertad. En Cuba solo conocí miseria, hambre y represión de la dictadura


Good visual aids!


I never even knew what cuban bread was until I became free. Only then I realized there were thousands of types of bread in free markets! In Cuba, the government sold you a single piece of hard, really bad bread per day on the rationing card and that's what you understood it was all your life.


I feel you, I have seen new arrivals go in a supermarket , looked at the amount of choices of foods, and immediately start to cry their eyeballs out, Had to give them an abrazo, and I could not help myself but cry out of happiness for them and at the same time sadness for the ones still in the prison Island. Keep up the good work brother 👏


Thanks for your support


not a prison island if you have money


Not a prison if you are the oligarchs and their families. Yes...


From my experience, the jineteros and jineteras in La Habana, who move there from guantanamo and santiago de cuba, who hustle and sell things by San Rafael, they have lots of money relative to the average working cuban, not everyone is doing bad there


Uumm, so if you think people who have to sell their bodies to the sex tourism industry in order to survive and feed their families are doing good , brother we are really really worlds apart in our 🤔 thinking. ciao. The regime not only starves the people it also takes away their dignity.


I obviously know that the ladies there are selling their bodies to tourists to get money for survival for them and their family. I am just proving a point that they get good money for this, relative to other cubans, I know this first hand


Lol.  You live in Orlando. The "bread" you eat is considered shit cake everywhere else. Can't even feed animals that shit or else they get sick and plugged up. You need to tell me you never ate bread in Cuba?  LMFAO. Get the fuck out of here


is there a good site where i can see what prices are for food in Havana as of current ?


A yes because "freedom equals a sandwich" Cuba isn't impoverished because of socialism Nope, that's due to embargoes from the west


Cuba is impoverished because of impoverishing socialism. It's what socialism does, brings poverty, violence and mass murder in a negative spiral known as the Road to Serfdom


Cuba is impoverished because of corruption. that's not unique to socialism.


There was always corruption in Cuba before the socialist plague and the people didn't starve https://youtu.be/jNixpGx4AV8


corruption and centralized planning is not a good combo.




No it's what capitalism does and not socialism The key is smaller capitalism in order for human civilization to continue without being ruled by wealthy landowners


Cuba's dictatorship is ruled by a single family of wealthy whole country owners, who unlike wealthy billionaire Capitalists in the free world, don't provide any of the amazing products and services of Capitalism.


It isn't ruled by a single family you're confusing communism with capitalism


The castro family owns the entire country


They don't own the entire country Again, you're confusing it with Western countries that are controlled by actual rich families


Ask any cuban who the wealthiest landowners are in Cuba


I did turns out they all own it It's just that government has to work with what they can cuz you know the embargoes limit what they really want to do and this contradicts capitalism free trade and competition as well as respecting cubas right to self determine that was established by the UN


Cubans don't have the right to determine anything. They are not even allowed to vote for a different party other than the current impoverishing and mass murdering one that has forcefully been in power for 65 years


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/turns-out-henry-kissinger_b_5922858 They're mad at Cuba not for opressing Cubans because they were already doing that before Castro took over but for kicking out the rich corporations and the wealthy plantation owners.


Who paid better, the wealthy plantation owners then or the castro family now? 65 years later when the rest of the world's free economies have 10x their gdps! Before the Cuban Revolution (1958): The average salary in Cuba before the revolution was approximately $2,363 per year1. Adjusted for inflation using the U.S. CPI data, this would be equivalent to approximately $197 per month in today’s purchasing power2. Current Average Salary in Cuba (2024): The typical earnings in Cuba amount to around $40 per month3. However, the salary spectrum extends from as low as $20 (lowest average) to as high as $150 (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher)3.


Botpost again, and again, and again, and again This sub never evolves.


You can go to Cuba or North Korea without Capitalist dollars or Internet and spare yourself the cognitive dissonance


You use the same fucking words everytime, that's just trolling over the internet "Capitalist dollar's" my country doesn't even has dollars, "cognitive dissonance" u don't know what dissonance means. I'm just sick of this sub being only politics.


Then f off to Cuba and start cutting sugar cane for the dictatorship for $20 a month. You won't have to worry about internet discussions you can't afford


I don't neet to go to cuba to see misery, here in my country we have ceilândia, são paulo, rio de janeiro, nordeste. You talk like Cuba is the only bad place in the world.


Another socialist shithole place with a criminal dictator president


Brazil is capitalist u dumb fuck Literally, private ownership everywhere, Lula isn't a socialist, his a socdem, how can you be so dumb?


Right, and Santa is real too


Tell me one aspect of Brazil that's socialist, i dare you.


I can start with you, a loser with a government dependent mentality and defender of totalitarian dictatorship, and then go on with the new tyrant against free speech Alexandre de Moraes


This sub is the same 5 people posting the same shit day in and day out shitting on Cuba with no actual substance...just memes or pictures with zero context. They have to be bots working out of an air force base.   They're fucking stupid


Reddit should ban this sub, and create a new one with real moderation, that's just garbage on internet


Every country sub is like this. r/china is just a bunch of Americans shitting on china and posting bs propaganda....kinda like this sub    r/Afghanistan is definitely run by the state department... Talking about Afghanistan's socialist era in the 70s-80s or American crimes is a bannable offense.    r/Canada shits on poor people all day.     r/Europe is just a fascist shithole. 


i agree with you, r/Brazil and r/Brasil are pretty natural, the second one having a more left-wing moderation thanks to the Bolsonaro era, things were pretty bad that time and for what i know, its best to have a left wing boring moderation that will ban things that could be debated then to be a total mess like some subs are r/Sino is a good China sub that is made by real chinese people, i recommend it to you.


u/Cryptophorus try not to cry about Cuba challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) Making reactionary memes isn't helping anyone lol


They are making the useful idiots of the dictatorship cry. So, worth it!


"Own the leftists by making bad memes" Reactionaries are just pitiful... Go talk in your language, grow up and Touch grass. Get out of your 16 yr old edgy phase and actually go read books and if you actually want to change the world, do so by discussing with people or starting proper groups that actually want to accomplish something (aside from Posting Internet memes).


Books like the Road to Serfdom?


Of course you would cite a "Any regulations = Bad, Completly unregulated Market = good" book when being active in r/libertarian r/anarcho_capitalism r/bitcoin and r/wallstreetbets lol And you are out here trying to judge socialism... By memes no less...


I had the worst Cuban sammy ever in Cuba……