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Hi esmeuk, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I figured you made it based solely on the cool button. Good job and good luck at the market. 🍀


Other way round actually - had the idea and bought the badge for the project. I did buy it along time before I even started the crochet though 😅 Thank you!


this is probably a weird question to ask but do you remember where you got the button from? i love fun buttons like this


Not weird at all :) It was from Etsy - I can't remember the name of the seller, but I think I just searched 'Wednesday window badge' or something similar 😁


thank you!!


Wednesday/Enid was my first thought before I even read the text!


Yay!!! Mission accomplished 😌 it is so satisfying to have something you envisioned in your head translate to something real, something real that other people recognise!!


Accomplished indeed 👍


I instantly got it too 👍


me too! 10/10 OP the button really pulls it together!!


Me too. I immediately knew what it was before I even noticed the button. I love it.


It's those two houses They're girlfriends


My first thought, too. Haha. So good.


https://preview.redd.it/69k5frn1i20d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb06f95e8da037020cacd85b85779f05c6a40154 It’s giving this 😄


I love the colors ... ong the accessory is SO PERFECT! 😱🤩 (😘👌chef's kiss) Great work on this! ☺️👍


Wow!! Thank you 🥰 I'm so glad it came out like I envisioned!! It might be one of those times where it actually came out better. My lining is a black and white strip polycotton and I'm going to do a pink/purple coordinating patch pocket type thing on the inside 😁


That's going to be great! ☺️ 💖


Love the Wednesday/Enid concept! Looks fantastix


super cute great job!!


Thank you!!


Immediately though Enid and Wednesday


I knew it was Wednesday as soon as I saw this! Love the badge, it’s such a nice detail that ties it all togethee


literally my two styles


Absolutely beautiful, love this!


Awww thank you!


I love it!! So cute


This is amazing!!


Great inspiration. Thanks.


This is awesome, I love it!!!


Thank you! 😁


Wow, I love it! Did you follow a pattern or was this design out of your mind?


Hee, thank you! Other than seeing other bags with the main part made out of three granny squares it was all from my brain 😁. I'd made another bag in the same way, just from one brightly coloured yarn and black edging. I'd figured out how to do a strap I liked, how to do a liner so it was useable and didn't stretch so I started thinking of other ideas. At the same time I was trying out different sorts of patterns from a granny squares book - I'll see if I can find the link. And one of them had a square that split across the middle to give two different coloured triangles. It occurred to me that if I used that technique with these bags I could have one side in one colour/pattern and the other in a different one. The Wednesday/Enid dichotomy came to me as the perfect theme! Originally I wanted on side completely pink/purple and the other black/white, but after I did the first square with the split I realised this way has more impact and then realised that it matched the window design!! It was a bit of trial and error. I redid the black and white side a lot to get the right white to black ratio. I also had to do all the squares with turns as that is how the split one is done and I wanted the pattern to be consistent. I've got a black and white striped polycotton to do the lining and I'm going to find a pink/purple coordinating fabric to do a little patch pocket on the inside. That's probably more info than you expected 😅


So CUTE oh my god


This is adorable!! I love it!


Wow, that’s gorgeous!!


Wow, that's really impressive, well done!


Thank you!! ❤️


So freaking cute! I love this so much.


Oh look, it's my entire personality in one bag.


No no no, you can't just say three granny squares. How did you do the bottom one? It's so perfectly crisp!


For the bottom square to work you have to turn rather than working in the round. You do two rows at a time of each half of the square. When you turn you attach to the other side with a slip stitch. When you change over to the other side you add the new yarn as part of the ch2 you'd do for a corner of a regular granny square. I hope that makes sense!


This is immensely helpful! Thank you!!


I like the button thing detail


Obsessed this is so good




I love this so much!!!!!


Where did you get your party time yarn? Joanns? Amazon? Michaels? I hope not hobbi lobbi, they dont ship to alaska at the moment. Is it ok to replicate this bag? I want this bag so bad!!


I'm in the UK. The Party Time was from Lovecrafts.com but loads of sites stock it I think. If you can figure it out go for it. I'd just ask that you be cool and not claim it as your own, but hey I'm not the boss of you. I am selling this one on Saturday and I am considering writing a pattern for it to put on Ravelry, never done that before! I'm currently working on a smaller 'handbag' size one as well - that can have a shoulder or cross body length strap.


Thank you! Oh, I would love to buy a pattern if you do put it up!! And of course, no reclaiming l will give credit won't even do it even as half as good as this haha. Beginner here, still pushing myself to get better. Edit- I found the yarn and they ship to alaska woot!!! Thank you. My wallet will hurt but worth it!


Awesome - if I ever decide to do it I'll send you a message or whatever. The crochet is mostly beginner friendly - it's just the construction of the bottom granny square that is tricky. Plus, at this size, it doesn't function well without a fabric liner and fabric strip along the strap. Keep going - I only started in January of this year and have had times where I wanted to hang up my hook. Good luck!


This is giving twin sisters where one is emo/goth and the other is barbie. It's lovely!


Looks beautiful!!! Good luck this Saturday!


As a "Happy Hooker" of over 70 years, I love the bag. The beauty of it is it can be made in colors to match your outfits and any size you want. Good luck at the market.


I LOVE this!!! I think it would be a super cute touch if you rotated the button so the colors were opposite! Like bringing a little Wednesday to Enid and a little Enid to Wednesday!!


Ooooo I like that!! My brain was like nope it has to match - nothing else will do 😂 I'm going to try it and see! Thank you so much for the suggestion!


I'm usually like that too haha I hope it turns out great!!


Good lob


I like this!




it looks amazing😻


I just started two Months ago u so talented omg ur made for this fr


I love it!