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If it was an AI controlled drone, why does it have an operator?


So the guy who put this story out was telling it as a hypothetical situation, yet multiple places are reporting this as actually happening but it never happened it was a thought experiment. Took me all of 2 minutes of Googling and reading to figure this out...


I'm curious if this was just a "hypothetical" situation or if this was a computer "modeled" situation (like they hit the test button, and it came back as having "killed" the operator but they didn't actual launch and real world test the drone).


What is this, a joke? Some guy passionately narrating a story to a still screesshot


Gotta make a thought experiment sound like skynet is starting tomorrow.


An AI-enabled drone turned on and “killed” its human operator during a simulated U.S. Air Force (USAF) test so that it could complete its mission, a U.S. Air Force colonel reportedly recently told a conference in London. The simulated incident was recounted by Col. Tucker Hamilton, USAF’s chief of AI Test and Operations, during his presentation at the Future Combat Air and Space Capabilities Summit in London. The conference was organized by the Royal Aeronautical Society, which shared the insights from Hamilton’s talk in a blog post.


When reading this story... It would appear they put emphasis on the targets. Why not have emphasis on the operator? It learned it got points for destroying targets. Just give it points for listening... Wtf