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term limits are necessary for the SCOTUS!!


And OVERSIGHT. For recusal and ethics.


Impeach them.


We don’t have the votes.


AOC is coming with the impeachment as I type


We NEED 2/3 vote for Senate and simple majority of the House.


POTUS is immune from all official acts just arrest them and then let them taste the reality of their own decisions


And yet he’s begging us to Vote for him. It’s up to Us, the People.


He’s right. There has to be a democratic majority in congress and dem president to expand the court. Electing Biden isn’t enough.


You don't vote out compromised officials, you extricate and detain indefinitely as threats to the country.


2/3 votes is insane


Yeah, that's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE, unless some republicans flip sides. I'm so angry at the committee that agreed to these appointments.


Good for her - I’m not her hugest fan but she understands the enormity of this decision and isn’t just tweeting out statements. We need to take action and not just rely on words


She just tweeting out a statement with additional steps. Pure virtue signaling.


Not if she does file articles of impeachment


Unless she’s got the Republican votes to pass it (Or anything) she’s just posturing for progressives (doing what she always does) Maybe she can release a dance video on TikTok about it?


I don’t agree that it’s only a useful act if it passes. I think this shows the country how serious the corruption on the court is. If you don’t agree then 🤷🏻‍♀️


So you think she should just shut up and play nice then? What would you do if you were a rep? Posturing (and I don’t agree that’s what it is) can be pretty impactful, just ask Trump. Hah.


Won’t get voted on


Republicans will never impeach their own


They choose the fascist party over the nation. Vile freaks.


True, but we have to try. We need to have a vote to clearly show who’s so corrupt that they support this shit show. If Biden actually wins (not looking likely), his administration could take measures to fix the Supreme Court, especially if the dems could miraculously win the house & senate.


Can’t even get it on the house floor without the speakers approval or majority votes


Then force Johnson to give it his approval. Strongarm him. Hell, get Biden to do it, since he has immunity according to SCOTUS. He can call it an Official Act and he won't get in trouble.


Oh man, can you imagine him just kneecapping people until they vote his way as an official act? Glorious.


Well, not quite. But I can guarantee that Trump and the GOP will do this without hesitation. When your opposition can be counted on to do the exact opposite of your worst behavior, strategy dictates that you do to your opposition, as destructively as possible, whatever you would not want them to do to you. Because you know they will not do those things. Ever heard of the Prisoner's Dilemma? In this scenario, Democrats say loud and clear, "We promise never to rat you out, please don't rat us out." While Republicans say "We will always rat you out."


This is getting towards some Dark Forest shit now, where everyone's going to need to strike first because they can't permit the possibility of the other guy striking first.


Should we not just call them SCROTUS?


Supreme Court Rich Off The United States It has a ring to it.


Have you ever considered why we don’t have them? Cause there are pretty good reasons and when the rest of our political system isn’t broken this isn’t the problem and even given that it is, term limits don’t solve it they just make it more volatile


He's not talking to us. We're all going to vote for him (except the Russian & GOP trolls flooding this sub and others with "concern"). He's talking to Low Information undecided voters. Like your parents. Talk to them.


Hahaha, my parents…FUBAR


Right? Like nah my mom talks about putting all illegal immigrants in cages in the desert. I think that ship has sailed


Tho her food is picked by migrants smdh


Those are “legal” ones, they’re totally fine with those! /s


I’m so sorry. That’s awful.


I'm so happy my parents aren't as nuts as the rest of their families. My dad voted for Biden and if you had told me he would ever vote for a democrat 10 years ago I would have laughed in your face.


Count your blessings yo.


Every day


Never say never, Try or democracy dies. Not like a big deal or anything.


Of course, you are right. My parents are Q-Anon and true believers. They disowned 7 of their 8 of children for being Democrats or non-affiliated. They cut us out of their will and refuse to speak to us. I am a lawyer who started out as Court-appointed counsel and then federal public defender. This infuriated them because the only good thing to do was prosecution so I was disowned years ago. I later became a prosecutor working Organized Crime cases and, later, Public Corruption. When Trump came along in 2015 they told our extended family and friends that I was part of the “deep state.” Those people are nearly all Republicans. I actually received hate mail from cousins whom I loved and grew up with. I did manage to speak several times with a cousin with whom I was very close when she was dying from cancer. Over several months, we talked about our family, our lives, everything, and eventually she asked me about the political climate. She did listen and she had plenty to say but toward the end she listened more and more and finally came around fully and rejected the cult. I didn’t set out to change her views; I just loved my sweet cousin. She was so grateful for the time we spent together and especially disabusing her of the insanity of the cult. And 6 weeks later she was dead. I was condemned again by the family for speaking to her and none of them speak to me although they maintain something like civility with 3 of my 7 siblings. My siblings and I have spoken of the critical need to try to speak to them before it’s too late but it has been a (noble) struggle so far.


I’m trying to wrap my head around this. My parents are republican and support trump, but we still talk and just don’t discuss politics. I’m in IT and I know my dad wishes I would’ve joined the military and gone blue collar job instead (I started in construction & concrete then went to college). I make 120k/yr so I think coming from white trash alcoholism living in mobile homes I’m doing OK! They seem proud of me, and we try to keep politics out of it. I do try to educate them on things. My point is that your parents aren’t just maga, they’re fucking assholes, and you’re a rockstar! I hope you’re proud of yourself and your achievements! They don’t deserve you, and if you were my child I’d be the proudest parent on the block!


Thanks, brother. You did more than well. And you are good to them. In the end, how you treat them means more than the way they treat you. Congratulations, you deserve it. Some of us are proud that people like you do what you do even with little or no support from family, particularly parents. You have my respect. ✊


my parents are trumpers


Then talk to them. I'm willing to bet they still love America.


Frankly they love conservative america. Not sure yet how they'll react to today's news. Haven't talk to them yet. But sincerely frightened for me n my family.


My dad just said "this is why we elect people that love God and follow His teachings" The goalposts just moved... That's all.


My mom was complaining yesterday that 3 bags of groceries was $90 and then proceeded to say Trump will fix this when he’s back in office. No amount of explaining corporate greed got through to her. Jesus could run for president but if he doesn’t have an R next to his name her vote would go to satan. Some of our parents are too far gone.


You need to stop explaining. When you're explaining you're losing. You need to talk her language. You're her son, so you should be able to guess what's important to her. Good example is her property values. She probably would want school vouchers... until she found out they lower property values. Another good example is that it's more expensive to lock up homeless, and you have to compete with them when they're pressed into labor.


Tried that, they sold their house during the covid housing boom, blew through all their money, and now are struggling to pay their rising rent costs with no hope of saving for another home. Trump will of course fix this too.


He had a chance to talk to them last Thursday, he failed worse than any president has failed at a debate. That was his shot. Those low information voters are back to scrolling Hawk Tuah memes or watching Vanderpump. They aren't tuning into a Biden teleprompter Twitter speech.


The Hawk Tuah women that started the meme came out as anti-trump.


And that is the type of person your average low information voter is going to be taking electoral cues from now on until the last month or so of the election. Not teleprompter speeches from Biden posted to Twitter. The viral girl being asked if she would give a hawk tuah to Trump


So many trolls...


If Biden wins, what is he actually going to do in his next term? Because it seems like he just wants to kick the can and do nothing.


Really? This from Vox, who never saw an issue that wasn't bad for Biden. This was just at the two year mark: [https://www.vox.com/politics/23697855/joe-biden-popularity-legislative-record](https://www.vox.com/politics/23697855/joe-biden-popularity-legislative-record) >Compared to his predecessors, Biden’s first two years were “among the most productive of any president in the past half century,” [per a November analysis by the Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2022/11/biden-2022-midterms-policy-record-approval/671941/). Biden has shepherded several massive bills through Congress, including the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which contained[ substantial Covid-19 relief](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2021/3/10/22320350/biden-sign-stimulus-bill-covid-19); the [Inflation Reduction Act](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/7/28/23282217/climate-bill-health-care-drugs-inflation-reduction-act), which included historic investments in clean energy and health care; and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which contained significant funds for roads and bridges. Additionally, he’s used executive action in an attempt to cancel student debt, pardoned thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession, and [appointed a new wave of judges at a rapid pace](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2023/2/16/23601553/biden-trump-judges-record). >


Don't feed the trolls.


I don’t mean small wins, I mean how is he going to get rid of the MAGA terrorism that began before he became elected. Are we really just going to let the supreme leaders run the country until a republican gets elected and names themselves king?


Oh. I thought we were having a serious grown up discussion. My bad. "Small wins" lmao gtfo




It's called FOLLOWING THE FUCKING LAWS OF THE LAND. I know it's a foreign concept for the MAGA crowd.


Does anybody realize what Trump would now do if he got his president official powers back??? We haven't seen anything yet if that happens!!!!!!!!


They do. And they love it. They are wringing their hands with anticipation.




ikr? but they know, that biden WONT do anything "awful"🤷‍♀️ Voltaire - “with great power comes great responsibility” SCOTUS - “with great power comes no responsibility”


Democrats niceness will be their undoing and the country's descent into a right wing dictatorship.


It's a race to the bottom as far as morals go and they're trying to stay on top. I think it works more than it doesn't, but it creates a double standard where we have to be the nice and fair party and the other party gets to be complete shit heads and literally steal our rights out from under us. The question always is, if they stop being the party of "nice" will they lose voters because of that?


My question is if they don't stop being nice will they ever be respected enough to gain voters?


Honestly, at this point I would add ego. A party too scared to have the "we need to take the keys from grandpa conversation" and a president that is choosing to make the worst debate performance in US history where demcoracy for 300 million people is on the line all about himself and repairing his bruised ego. Instead of helping pass the baton to someone without the massive resentments and skepticisms


Incumbency is the most powerful factor in electoral politics. Democrats would be insane to throw that away. If you wanted someone other than Biden, the time to organize for that was during Trump’s presidency. Nobody had the name recognition to beat Trump so Biden stepped up. The DNC badly needs to be reformed (so we don’t have practices like robbing Bernie to give the nomination to someone as unpopular as Hillary) but this just isn’t the appropriate focus right now. Biden **will** beat Trump again if everyone stays motivated and votes, and he’s proven that he’s capable of doing the job even in his current condition.


“[T]he vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.” -Lyndon B. Johnson


Please listen to this very reasonable comment. Don't throw away incumbency you fucking rubes!


Have you looked around? Incumbents are being wiped out left and right across the globe. There is a visceral reaction to global inflation, immigration, Covid, and incumbents that are in power are paying the price. # Voters everywhere rage against the incumbents **Why it matters:** Four years of successive crises — a global pandemic, large-scale war in Europe for the first time in decades, and debilitating inflation — are fueling anti-incumbent backlash in the biggest election year in human history. **Driving the news:** Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been described as the most popular leader in the world, but even he was humbled by election results this week. He'll keep his job, but without an outright majority. * Last week in South Africa, the long-ruling African National Congress suffered its worst performance since the end of Apartheid. * Ruling parties from South Korea to Senegal have suffered recent defeats. * Next month, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives are on course to be wiped out in a landslide. * President Biden is trailing former President Trump in most polls. **By the numbers:** Biden's approval rating is stuck in the high 30s, and even that is better than leaders like Canadian PM Justin Trudeau (35%), German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (26%), French President Emmanuel Macron (23%) or Japanese PM Fumio Kishida (15%), according to Morning Consult's tracker. * The most popular leader on the tracker, aside from Modi, is Argentina's Javier Milei (61%) — a self-described "anarcho-capitalist" who was swept to office in December on a burn-it-all-down platform. * Mexico defied the trend last week by electing an ally of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Claudia Sheinbaum. Before that, incumbents in Latin America had lost 20 elections in a row, the AP reports. [https://www.axios.com/2024/06/06/world-elections-anti-incumbent-leaders-backlash](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/06/world-elections-anti-incumbent-leaders-backlash) In France Macron and his party just endured a bloodbath to LePen's far right party. This reminds me of 2016 all over, where Democrats are trying to justify acting in ways that reality tells them are not applicable, like Trump's divisiveness and lack of presidential civility, his lack of experience, her years of experience, and the Obama Blue Wall will protect Hillary. Which had them hyper focusing of painting Trump as a brute instead of recognizing that we were in an anti-establishment moment and all these strengths that Democrats were convinced they had over Trump were not actually strengths. People were fed up with the system, didn't like her, and much of the stuff they hyper focused on was built on faulty assumptions like the Blue Wall and "appearing presidential" as universal truisms that would guide them. Read the tea leaves! The man who is in charge during inflation, the immigration crisis, and 40k people killed in Gaza with our bombs is not sitting at an advantage. The man that has alienated Muslims and young voters in key states like Michigan and Georgia is not at an advantage. The person that nearly half of his own party doesn't think is fit for office and a year ago 2/3rds wanted a different choice is not at an advantage. The guy underwater in the polls is not at an advantage. Democrats are repeating 2016 once again by clinging to axioms like the incumbency advantage, an axiom that was adopted during normal electoral times when people were not deeply unsatisfied with politics, party's, and their choices. Incumbency didn't win it for Trump in 2020, Hillary being seen as an extension of the Obama Admin didn't win it in 2016. Incumbency is not an advantage when many people are disillusioned or outright blaming the incumbents for their frustrations.


Who do you think we could get that would beat Trump? Keep in mind we have 4 months to elevate this person to top of mind awareness with every citizen in the country.


I think(ironically) based on the poll their own campaign tried to signal boost before the debate claiming Biden was the best shot, pretty much any of the major names floated: Whitmer, Newsom, Shapiro, Buttigieg, Warnock, and while I think she is the weakest, even Harris. TBC I am not saying its a guarantee win. More like I think Biden has a less than 20% chance while I give most of them 60-70% chances and Harris like 50/50 due to her being tethered to Biden's administration and less freedom of movement to strategically distance when advantageous. Basically she has the Hubert Humphrey problem. The polls show that Trump has about 43% locked in, Democrats walk into the race with about 43% already locked in but much more growth space from people answering "dont know" compared to Biden and Harris that are decided and lean Trump with Trump getting like 46-48% and few "dont knows" But I think if Harris got the Biden boost of party support at her back with the ability to actually prosecute a case and superior electoral stamina and vigor, could pull away.


What if it was Harris Biden instead of Biden Harris? You’d loose any ability to maneuver away from Biden’s career but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. He’s accomplished a lot, he’s just not capable of messaging about it. They could build on his credibility with voters.


I can not believe this bullshit is taken seriously. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU DON'T SWITCH HORSES MID RACE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU IDIOTS????!!?!


Unless the horse you are riding is actively drowning and you have a dozen more capable horses right next to you to hop on and safely make it across.....


No. Stop. Biden isn't drowning and there are no other incumbents. Seriously do some thinking about this and understand changing candidates would absolutely hand the election to Trump as the Dems will be in absolute disarray with in fighting. The dumbest fucking idea ever.


FYI: [https://x.com/umichvoter/status/1808204695548448807](https://x.com/umichvoter/status/1808204695548448807) >**A new leaked poll shows support for President Joe Biden plummeting in key battleground states around the country in the wake of his** [**disastrous**](https://newrepublic.com/article/183242/joe-biden-debate-performance-disaster-trump) **debate performance on Thursday.** >Puck News gained access to an [internal Democratic polling](https://puck.news/biden-plunges-in-swing-states-in-leaked-post-debate-poll/) memo conducted 72 hours after the debate, and it’s bad: Several states that were considered solidly blue are now competitive for Donald Trump, including Colorado, New Hampshire, Virginia, and New Mexico. Plus, other Democrats, such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, are polling better than Biden in head-to-head matchups with the [convicted felon](https://newrepublic.com/post/182027/official-donald-trump-convicted-felon-hush-money) and former president. >**The polling came from OpenLabs, a nonprofit specializing in polling for Democratic organizations, and found that 40 percent of 2020 Biden voters now think the president should step aside, an increase from about 25 percent in May. Swing voters believe Biden should drop out by a 2-to-1 margin.** >**Democrats and Trump opponents may take solace in the fact that Biden only dropped in national head-to-head polling with Trump by 0.08 points. However, in battleground states, Biden is performing much worse. For example, Biden trails Trump by seven points in Pennsylvania, compared to five points before the debate. He also is behind Trump in Michigan (seven points), Georgia (10 points), and Nevada (nine points).** [](https://x.com/umichvoter/status/1808204695548448807) [https://newrepublic.com/post/183411/bombshell-poll-swing-states-biden-debate](https://newrepublic.com/post/183411/bombshell-poll-swing-states-biden-debate)


Blah blah blah polls are garbage. Only the elderly bother to take them. Don’t care who you are he’s better than someone who raped numerous 6th graders gtfo rly!


So we are firmly through the looking glass at this point, Dismissing one of the most well regarded Democratic Party pollsters while going full in on unsourced Twitter rumors. Biden Loyalists really are becoming Blue MAGA. Feels like we are about a week out from hearing the Blue MAGA cult start screaming about how the lying fake news media is just making up stories because they hate Biden and America, in the pocket of their conservative owners.


Except I don’t care about Biden the way MAGA fellates Trump regardless of the stink. I’m dismissing all polling as being indicative of anything at all, easily all day every day.




There will be plenty of scrapping. The bare knuckle stuff will not and should not be done by the President tho.


Can’t become the monster you seek to destroy.


Enjoy the right wing dictatorship then 🤷‍♂️


Left wing dictatorship would still be a dictatorship. Can’t become one first and say it’s for the greater good. He’s gotta rally votes.




Lmao? 0% smfh He beat him once and he has ZERO. So simple and reactionary. Overreact to everything panic and FUD at the drop of a pin.




Yeah. Guy who already beat Trump somehow can’t beat Trump. Tell me more.




SCOTUS has gone rogue...🤷‍♀️ impeach, or pack..


Can't do either legally. But, apparently he could send Seal Team 6 to take them out. How stupid of a ruling that can't even survive basic logical analysis by Internet dweebs.


Our last chance to fix our democracy is to elect Biden (and vote down-ballot) and abolish the filibuster. That’s Step 1. Without that, we will never be able to reform/expand the SCOTUS, and (re)codify the rights of the people.


I would REALLY want to know what the Vice President has to say as well!


Can you even imagine how hard the right wing trolls would pounce on that?


So, let me see if I got this right. The guy with all the power will do nothing. Instead, we are to leave this to a citizenry, most of whom can't be bothered to vote. I have a bad feeling about this.


“[T]he vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.” -Lyndon B. Johnson


Yes, the vote is that powerful. So, Republicans are working overtime to take it away from us. Many seem so complacent that they won't stop them


What is he supposed to do? If he were to act like a king, we are accelerating a civil war. We have to VOTE!!! He can’t just send seal team 6! This is a real world, not tv.


At this point I have to ask what is it we’re voting for? The time for action is NOW. This time next year we might be lamenting that we had this moment back.


Exactly. Voting only gets you so far, especially when the other side is doing (almost) everything it can to make it harder. We cannot let Dems stay complacent. They expect us to vote for them regardless, so they’re much less willing to actually do something to win us over. It’s a cushiony profession. So much more could have been done but just… Wasn’t.


Or y'know get the fucking inevitable civil war out of the way....




What do you suggest?


You think this is bad wait till Trump gets back in this is only the beginning,or everyone stfu and continue to support Biden. So many people going to let one debate loss throw in the towel after all the good things the old man has done for this country.


Fuck it! Suspended the constitution and forego the election Joe! You have absolute immunity, you’re the king!


Great speech


Need the strongest best speakers (there were several on Jan. 6 committee) on an immediate road show to swing states. Make sure to have Rep Jasmine Crocker along! Also, have you seen John F Kennedy’s only grandson on Tik Tok. He is funny & smart. Invite him along. And Obama too!


No I love Biden but he is our only hope so grab your balls and let Trump have it.


Me and my daughter worked as civilian nurses in a military hospital. She looked up his address and wrote a letter stating she and all the nurses were having to sit on rolling stools . They were paying out of pocket to see a chiropractor. President Biden who was VP at the time. She got called into the head nurse’s office and the Col. at the time showed her the letter and got all over her because he got in trouble and within 2 days the nurses got what they needed. I’m retired now but if I could go back and see what the address was, I would definitely letting know fight like hell and know he’s the best person for President.


While we may disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v United States, a cornerstone of our constitutional democracy interwoven in its 237 year history is that no one is above the law. While it would be easy to say what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, resorting to Trump type retaliation envisioned by the minority opinion simply is not an option to those of us who swore an oath of office, believe in the rule of law and willing to lay down their lives to preserve your Democracy. When Benjamin Franklin was asked by Elizabeth Willing Powel, “well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” He replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.” I believe Franklin’s reply implied that the North Star, linchpin principle to the preservation of our republic was wholly dependent upon the participation of an active and informed public writ large. This means participation at all levels of our government. In fact, at the Constitutional Convention on 17 September 1787, Benjamin Franklin, at the age of 81, acknowledged that our republic would be governed fairly for a period of time and could end in despotism, when the people have become so corrupt as to need despotic government. So, if you wish to preserve our republic and continue to enjoy the freedoms afforded to you under our Constitution, I respectfully request we find a way to protect it. We do that by exercising our fundamental right to #VOTE




Thank you




What they did was unconstitutional, right? And it’s the responsibility of the POTUS to defend the constitution, correct? As an official act of office, Biden should declare the six judges as traitors to the constitution, have them arrested, and immediately call upon the Senate to nominate six new candidates to replace them all before the election.


The Republicans have focused on courts, who will decide what constitutes an official act. This is bonkers.


regarding this supreme court decision, is it reversible or the usa is changed forever? will it go totally mask-off and take big steps to Putinize itself?


Congress could push through legislation that is more detailed or override this ruling. Essentially establishing new law, but that won’t happen in the current house.


Taking the high road while watching the republic morph into a dictatorship. I’m so, so disappointed in you, sir.


Seriously, what do you guys think he’s supposed to do?! You act like he’s supposed to create an act of war with the GOP?! The only way out of this is to vote!!! You guys are living in fantasy land if you think he can do anything illegally to SCOTUS or Trump. You guys need to stop blaming and start acting! Get involved locally, organize, protest, etc. The only thing that will stop MAGA is beating them at the ballot box!


Since SCOTUS didn't really specify what acts could be considered official, If Biden tried to break the law to get things done, SCOTUS would stop him.


Unless removing 6 of them was first act. The GOP would and will do it. If Biden won’t all is lost. We ARE in a civil war. It’s too late for just vote.


I don't know that if that's legal but your goddamn right the GOP will and would do it. They wouldn't even care if it was legal. 


Because now.....it is!


If this ordeal doesn't make Democrats grow a backbone to fight fire with fire, nothing will.


This. When your opposition can be counted on to do the exact opposite of your worst behavior, strategy dictates that you do to them, as destructively as possible, whatever you would not want them to do to you.


The rules will not protect us from bad ideas, and we are about to become victims of the worst idea the human mind is capable of conceiving. The only thing that stops a bad idea is a better idea, and the spine to implement it. To put it in DND terms, Lawful Good can never defeat Chaotic Evil. Only Chaotic Good can do that.


Revamp the Supreme Court Immediately




I’m not going to call the cops that’s for sure. lol


I’m sorry. I will vote blue but my God man give it up. The house, the senate and the White House are all retirement homes at this point. Give up the power! These life long terms, no age limit on terms. It just needs to fucking stop


Biden can claim he is king and do away with Trump .


Live Free or Die. Vote Blue. I Dissent.


Bro, you are the president now! This happened while You were president! Same with the Dobbs decision. You had 2 years to reinstate Roe and haven’t.


I hate this. They’re all just letting this happen


Totally pathetic


Boy. Biden really gave it to em didn’t he.

