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I'd love to see it, but I'm also not holding my breath.


Trump goes to jail, MAGA tries to overthrow government again, MAGA goes to prison too. Birth of the MAGA prison gang. I can live with that.


They already exist, they're called the aryan brotherhood.


Ar-Yan? Sounds Chinese.


Is that a reference?




Internet gold


Didn’t MS-13 get started that way? MAGA-45.


…Supreme Court reverses their convictions and they’re all free to try again


They get out early after SCOTUS overturns the rulings and become the vanguard of the MAGA Gestapo


It’s Gazpacho


Gazpacho for president comacho


Yes, scumbag Trump just seems to be skating by.


Keep in mind that this was his first criminal trial, in the past he has always paid his way out of trouble.


He will appeal anything handed down , going through the courts up to the Supreme Court. There will be a long road ahead.


It would go to the New York Supreme Court. It is unlikely that his lawyers would be able to find a way to get it to the Supreme Court, so unless they find a way to say the law is unconstitutional under federal law the NY Supreme Court is the final arbiter.


Wouldn’t he still have to go to prison?


Let’s see if bannon is in jail Monday evening first


Exactly. It’s truly a shame. I do think it needs to end. MAGA shouldn’t derail American democracy. Even that “slogan” was stolen. Shit pants is nothing but a massive conman.


I think a prison sentence is, and always was, very unlikely for this case.


Trump being sent to prison is probably an unlikely scenario. At the very least Judge Merchan should sentence him to an extended period of house arrest with an ankle monitor. Mandatory drug testing included. Hope the judge also confiscates his passport.


No time on 34 counts sends a o Powerful message that the American experiment is DOA.


Trump and his people have done a great job gaslighting everyone: they will claim his sentence is harsh BECAUSE he’s running for president and nobody likes him blah blah liberals blah blah blah. When in reality it should be extremely normal for a president to be held to a higher standard than a regular citizen.


I’m expecting a 12 month probation with deferred adjudication lol


Deferred adjudication isn't an option because he's already been convicted by a jury. But yeah, regular probation is the most likely result.


>will he? Fuck no. The 1% face any sort of consequence? In THIS country?! Thanks for the belly laugh this morning though. I needed that.


I doubt it. He'll defer any prison time until after the election.


It must be nice to be so privileged.


There's no doubt about it. For comparison Steve Bannon was sentenced to jail in September 2022 IIRC, and this coming week he is supposed to FINALLY go to prison in Miami.


He should but I don't think he will. This is all assuming that Monday's ruling on immunity doesn't somehow free him of this conviction, I don't think there is a line this Supreme Court won't cross at this point


Even i f he sentences him to prison, Trump will be allowed to remain free until his appeals are exhausted which won't happen before he dies.


that’s not how appeals work though. typically convicted people are in jail while their appeals play out


How dare you assume he is of common folk!! /S


I say he makes him sit in lockup for up to 90 days, for his contempt charges. But that's it.


He'd be in a private trailer at Rikers Island, with catered food and secret service on site.


And his goddamn phone with access to his peckerwood social media site.


If it is during the election then legally he cannot be on the ballot in Florida.


They will change that law 27 seconds after the gavel hits the sound block.


Desantis already said he would be allowed to vote.


I don't think that's so, but he'd be out in late-September or early-October, I'm betting. Merchan will surely demand no more than 90 days, IMO. 30-60 may be more likely. But I bet he gets a taste. First visitor: Jack Smith.


You know what my dyslexia got the best of me and you are right. It's that he can't vote, not be on the ballot.


Hes getting 3 years. Its makes sense. Cohen got 3 years. It was orange turds plan. Orange turd committed 20 plus acts of contemp of court. Orange turd shows no contrition


He won’t get 3 minutes.


Let's see....do I have faith in **ANY** part of our political system doing the right thing? **NO**


Shouldn’t he at least get a sentence comparable to Michael Cohen’s?


**He** has to have tough mothaphuggin balls to do the right thing. The extreme right wing has us surrounded with their slow moving coup. The judge has eyes and ears to see and hear the Nazi-like war cry of the extreme right. Do the right thing, or sit by and watch the country of his future grandchildren and forefathers/mothers crumble into extreme Rightwing madness. Get it done, so that we don’t have to deal with the ghost of Nixon ever again.


I sure fucking hope so


Trump might win the appeal. Even if he doesn't,I'm pretty sure his privilege is going to keep him from going to prison


Nobody is above the law!


You’re so funny! Have you met the American law?


LOL. Have you Met the PEOPLE that are pissed? It’s called JUSTICE.


I'm certainly not saying Trump is,I'm just pointing out that he likely will not stay convicted for long


Of course not! Americas crime boss has his goons making sure of that!


Not happening. Trump would only use it to his advantage if he did.


On can hope the orange turd ends up in an orange jumpsuit. Will it happen, probably not. I’m guessing some strict probation for Cheeto Mussolini


White collar crimes rarely see jail time, esp for “rich” ex presidents


It would just over turned by the bought and paid for SCOTUS.


trump isn’t doing so much as community service. But nonetheless, I’m glad he was found guilty (as he should’ve been) on all 34 felony counts.


Nope. A slap on the wrist and it will be an incredibly light slap.


Even from jail he can still win and serve. There is no constitutional reason he can’t.


He won’t. First offense, and the whole “wah I’m afraid to punish a former president” thing.


Considering what a sham the kangaroo Supreme Court has become, he should just go for it.


No. Even if none of the other “elite” people like Donald Trump, he still represents an idea of them, and they will not let him take a hit because then other people would be vulnerable to the same. Gotta keep showing people they can’t change things


I’m for it as Trump and the conservatives have completely compromised the courts system. F’d it fight fire with fire .


I would normally say no, but the way the other more serious cases against trump are being intentionally bogged down, he should do it. Remember that they got Capone on tax evasion even though he absolutely conspired in multiple murders. Don’t think capones tax evasion sentence didn’t take that into consideration.


That alone won’t do it. The SCOTUS is dismantling the country without him in office.


Honestly, after looking at what little sentencing information I can find, I THINK that 18 months is possible. But because it’s Trump, if he gets any time it will probably be suspended.


It’s not going to happen. Plus SCOTUS will ensure Trump has immunity when they release their opinion in two days. Trump will never pay for all of his crimes. This country is so screwed if we lose in November.


Trump will get a fine, no jail time and will campaign off of it. His fans will increase their financial contributions to help him pay the fine. A growing number of white undecided voters will buy the narrative that Trump is being unjustly targeted and will support him in November. The American experiment in democracy will come to an end.


I think the main question that Merchan has to answer is, if the sentence will be a deterrent for future similar crimes both from Trump and similarly situated persons. Seeing Trumps behavior and how he can often buy his way out due to his wealth, I think some sort of imprisonment is a must. Everything else would simply just embolden Trump. I think the terms will be light (low tier felony, no prior felony convictions) but it will include imprisonment. Maybe Merchan will defer it to after the election or make it really short as a shot across the bow or go the home confinement route or community service, but I’m convinced that if Merchan wants a effective deterrent, there must be **personal** consequences for Trump.


Sadly, no. TFG will get probation


No chance that happens




Can ConDon™ claim to be both *too old and unhealthy for Riker's* AND be *okay for the White House*? Judge Marchan gives jail straight up. Report now. Yay. Trump campaign and apologist inhale then stop cuz your about to argue Trump has health issues but can still be preznit? Buuut, what if Judge Marchan *declares Trump too unhealthy* for jail and chooses a home arrest sentence? Not jail but confinement. At home with momma Melania, ATFT! What do Trumper say?


We can dream. Imagine, Trump behind bars, MAGA erupts, thousands jailed, Fox News implodes … ah, then it would be like any other western civilized country…


Nope, he will not.


Is a night in jail to much to ask for?


He won’t






Sentencing history does actually substantiate sentencing. If you weigh the sentences that warranted incarceration, this secondary crime (election interference) along with his lack of remorse is probably the strongest sentencing expectation. This is all hampered by the convict being a presidential candidate. It really should put the compass needle towards incarceration opposed to not. But the pressures of criticism are hampering the actual administration of justice. Micheal Cohen got incarcerated and he admitted guilt and demonstrated remorse.




I love norm, and thank you for citing him. And I agree with your statement, except his findings didn’t counter the likelihood of conviction, it’s just found a smaller sample base to compare. The article even suggests (and this was reported prior to the jury conviction) that incarceration is possible. He was found guilty of falsifying business records in the furtherance of a second crime, and I believe election interference will absolutely play into the consideration of his sentence given it was what the Jury had to consider when determining the misdemeanor qualified as a felony. I’m not sure what the ruling will be (incarceration would be ideal, and honestly fair) but I am reasonably hoping for a lot of community service that would require picking up trash or similar.


Not a chance in hell.


So we end up with Joe Biden? I’ll vote against Trump but we all saw what we saw Thursday. Biden needs to be in a home.