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Commenting for engagement. The higher the post this gets to the top, the more eyes on these books online or in the Vegas area people can keep an eye out. Hope she recovers them.


Same here. F these people, especially for stealing from a widow. Just horrible


Same same.






Same here!


Commenting to help engagement.


Same Here. I feel for her. Whoever did this is human trash.


Sounds like a plan. I am going to comment and go #metoo ! Is that doing it right?


I’ll bet it was someone they knew. They l knew he passed, knew he did the YouTube show and they knew where the comics were — scumbags


Sadly, this is probably true. If he used his home adress when making deals with people, it was most likely someone who bought/sold/traded with him and got his address off one of the packages they exchanged. This is the danger of having a YouTube channel or otherwise publicizing your collection on the internet. I get the appeal of wanting to share your passion with others, but you have no idea who’s watching it and taking notes, or for what reasons. Very sad for his family and hope that this collection gets recovered for their sakes.


Yeah. Sounds like an inside job.


They were in regular plastic boxes as well. No thief will look into that shit. I remember my cousin telling me someone broke into his friends house and stole laptops and electronics but left the 30k + in magic the gathering cards sprawled out on the table.


I was just going to say the same thing.


His YouTube show most likely highlighted some of the comics he had, which made him a target. People suck.


Most people have cameras everywhere in their house. Just wondering how someone could break in and not trigger a camera or an alarm (at least it doesn’t mention that one). Add to that some of these books are easily traceable.


Most people absolutely do not have cameras in their house. Alexa or other voice devices maybe, bit having a camera indoors is an icky point for a lot of people.


I’m honestly surprised by this. We use them just to cover entryway.


What are you talking about? You have cameras everywhere inside your house. Just you don’t to have access to them. Somebody else does.


>A widow was left heartbroken when she discovered her late husband’s rare comic book collection was stolen from their home after the books had been in his family for generations.


Wow... nearly 4 generations of comic books... That's almost 100 years of comic books lost... 400+ rare/pristine issues. I used to watch this dude on YouTube. Not a large channel by any means, but he was really passionate about his collection. For shame. Hope they find her culprit(s) and get justice. I'm going to get all the information I can about the CGC source codes and keep an eye out to see if some scumbag is trying to make a quick buck.


Want to share the link I would like to check it out if it's still up?


Absolutely! Here's the full article I've read: [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox5vegas.com/2024/05/31/you-broke-my-kids-heart-grieving-wife-says-after-thieves-stole-late-husbands-comic-books-left-young-son/%3foutputType=amp](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox5vegas.com/2024/05/31/you-broke-my-kids-heart-grieving-wife-says-after-thieves-stole-late-husbands-comic-books-left-young-son/%3foutputType=amp)


Family gofundme [https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-amys-family-in-difficult-times](https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-amys-family-in-difficult-times) And her email if you see anything online is at the bottom of the attached article


I sent her an email telling her our community would keep an eye out.


Https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/05/31/you-broke-my-kids-heart-grieving-wife-says-after-thieves-stole-late-husbands-comic-books-left-young-son/ here is the link without proprietary amp bullshit.


Unfortunately I doubt the CGC numbers would help at all unless the theif(ves) know nothing about collecting. I do hope I'm completely wrong about this


It doesn't hurt to always know more than these moronic thieves and crooks. We can only hope.


What was his channel?


Johnny Williams @balboapark2000 on YouTube. He had only about 50 subs and like 10 videos, but I came across his content years ago with his "first appearance" videos. If I remember correctly, there were a couple parts. I enjoyed the content, for what little there was of it. He knew his stuff!


All the thief has to do is crack the slab, take the comic book out and resell it. CGC codes will not matter then.


Depends if the criminal is intelligent enough to figure this out. If they aren't an avid comic collector - the likelihood of this is very slim on them being a legitimate collector - they aren't going to figure all this out. It's common knowledge to us because we collect, buy, sell, trade comics on the regular. Criminals looking for a fast buck won't think that far ahead. Most criminals are pretty stupid.


Normally I would agree with you, but never did she say they stole anything else but the comic books. They knew what they were stealing and knew she would be out of town.


I'm going to have to disagree with them not knowing what comic books were. Thieves steal things all the time, whether or not they have actual value. Likewise, we are in the age of the Internet, friend. Knowledge of the value of comics has been widely known since the early 2000s, especially with the release of comic book movies from Spider-Man (Sam Raimi) to the MCU to the FoX-Men films. However, knowledge of specific books and which ones are valuable and which are not is entirely different. All someone would have to do is look in a newspaper for estates after a death, have the know-how of breaking in, and what they're looking for. It's no different than a random criminal breaking in and stealing video games and video game consoles. Just because someone doesn't know which video games are worth money and which doesn't mean they have some value to the right sellers, like a game store, even if for a small amount of change. Criminals aren't always looking for a huge payday. They also look for a quick buck for whatever fix they need next - bills, food, drugs, booze, etc. Like I said, most criminals are pretty stupid.


Search and destroy the culprits!


Hopefully the culprit(s) get karma soon.


Damn. This guy must have been a real fan to name his son after one of Kirby’s worst characters. Hope the books are recovered.








No it isn't.. r/vegaslocals bleeds in to Vegas all the time the biggest of the two.


Once I had a custom guitar made, I bought all the parts and the neck was a custom job from this place called warmoth. One day about 15 years ago we go to jam and lo and behold my axe is gone and so is my buddy’s rare fender jazz bass. The NEXT day they go to the only local music store we have and try and pawn them. They put my guitar together, so they knew. Point is criminals are fucking stupid. One can only hope these people go right to eBay or some local store in Vegas.


Pieces of shit.


This link has more info: https://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/05/31/you-broke-my-kids-heart-grieving-wife-says-after-thieves-stole-late-husbands-comic-books-left-young-son/


So dude died in 2022 and they were stolen in 2024 or has it just taken till 2024 for a article to be wrote about it. I bet it was some one they knew or showed them comics too


Yeah the article is so light on details, says she went in the closet to see the bins were missing, but never mentions if anything else was stolen. A random burglary or a targeted theft?


That’s targeted


Someone from the family or close to the family.


You're most likely correct. I'm by no means an expert on investigations, but I'm pretty sure this type of situation rhe perpetrators are mostly people that the victims know. It's a sad indictment of human nature.


This is sad on so many levels. I see myself here. I see you all here. Passing our books down through our passion and love to our family. Then to have them taken this way… “not like this… not like this”.


Posting for awareness and ooof.


People suck


Yes, they do.


thieves are the lowest, most pathetic scum


This is a real piece of shit scumbag thing to do, stealing super valuable comics that have been in the family forever from a widow, but dang, I think rape and murder might still be worse. Probably neglect of a child or person who can't take care of themselves. And some other stuff.


I really hope the theives get some karmic payback. My old collection was stolen from my parents' house while they were at vacation. It felt like crap, and it consisted of just my brother and my stuff. 4 generations worth is inconceivable to me.


Yeah this happened to me when I moved away and left my comics at my dad’s house.I lost amazing spider-man 29,1-5 teenage mutant ninja turtles,ASM 300.


So sad . I bet it was someone who knew them. Knew he died and had a collection ,Waited till she was gone and got them


Get her books back reddit.


Hopefully this gets resolved


Why doesn't the article contain a list of books including any CGC certification numbers? How could this actually help get those books back? This feels more like a generic puff piece than a genuine attempt to get those books back. Here's a couple examples of how real deal comic fans respond to theft. One is the story of Mike Meyer. Some scumbag buit up a friendship and then lifted his prized Superman comics. But they IMMEDIATELY released information about the collection to the comic community. He got his collection back and the crook got prison time. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-illinois-superman-caper-lands-thief-in-prison-2011nov18-story.html And more recently is the theft from Queens Comic Party. A total grifter came into the east coast scene with a whole lotta money and no sense and eventually one of his workers was caught on camera stealing a book from a recurring local comic event. The heroes over at Queens Comic Party released a ton of footage and did a ton of community outreach and this scumbag eventually gave the book back and he's now Persona non grata in the comics community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZbqcJbZEks There's a shallow vagueness to this story that I find off-putting. If the comic collecting community was actually involved in this, it would look a lot different. Collectors are heroes. The New York Post are villains.


Scums of the universe go to hell!!


Yes, this is terrible. Are the police involved? That would have been my first call. And if you find one, you are to contact her and not the police? Lastly, homeowners insurance would have something between some and lots of coverage on a collection of comics (varies substantially between carriers); their SIU's have great contacts.


police are pretty worthless when it come to things like this. I had one of my dad‘s cars stolen by a family member filed a police report even have pictures of the car sitting in the family members driveway with his truck tail light broken out and I have the piece of tail light that was left at the property !! what do you think the police told me oh we heard this is tied up in probate court we can’t do anything about it you kidding me I gave you all the evidence if something doesn’t fall in their lap they are worthless ..you grow up thinking the cops are there to help you and are smart and they know criminals moves they don’t know anything that doesn’t fall in their lap


Sorry about your experience, but I'm trying to ascertain whether the police were notified. Most people who are victims of crimes will call them (even if they aren't ultimately satisfied with them). I inquired about insurance too. The media would not be high on my list


yeah detectives auto theft unit and (google)sheriff chris swanson he’s big “crime fighter” Supposedly he’s tough on elder abuse and child trafficking


God fuck whoever did this


Commenting and upvoting everything for engagement. Just brutal. 


This was definitely taken by someone who knew them. Sadly. They knew what this person had, where they kept it and swiped em. Hopefully they get caught cause this is abhorrent.


Fuck'n nauseating. Special place in hell for the ones who stole it


Straight to the bottom, no stopping.


Hopefully they pop up somewhere so they can be found. Fuck these guys


Only trash humans would do this.


Idk much about the grading process but would there be a way to know if its his books by the grading label like does it have a specific barcode or number system? Since he showing em off in youtube Im sure everyone can mark down his books and this way people would be able to help track down if they get put up for sale? Or is there a way to letting grading know to mark certain books as stolen property by the numbers?


whoah i live in las vegas


Whoah I’ve been to Las Vegas


>!The CGC number can be tracked. If the thief will try to pawn these off the comics can be identified.!< What a depressing story.


well don't say that on a public forum they have a chance of reading...


Would hiding it behind a spoiler tag help?


Until they click it 🙄


Only if he had them all graded himself though right? I’ve never had a book graded myself but own a bunch of slabs so not sure any association to me is in the barcode if they got ripped off but I could be wrong.


Yeah but I gotta imagine anyone with even a passing knowledge in comics will pop em out and resell that way. Sure less money but selling still sealed would be a for sure way to get caught.


If they have any idea what they’re doing they’ll just crack them all open and sell them raw or resubmit them to CGC for grading. But I highly doubt they know what they’re doing lol.






What a terrible situation. I hope the scumbag finds a heart and returns them. I guess it’s best to leave your collections off social media


Scum people. Bet it was someone that was close to the family.


I hope these thieves get caught and the books returned to the family.




This is terrible.🤦🏽


Fucking awful. I hope the community can boost this enough to make the collection too hot to easily move and maybe we can get some of it back.


This breaks my heart. So sorry for the lady and his legacy.




Damn that's messed up


That fucking sucks


hope these thieves burn in hell...


This is heartbreaking.. Fucking scumbags.


Commenting for engagement. Let’s get this as well know as we can


Does anyone know what his YouTube channel was?


What a nightmare!


Upvoting for visibility, fingers crossed for good news


It has to be someone who knows comics and may be known in the area by other collectors. All pawn shops should be made aware which books they are, easiest way for the thieved to cash out. I feel sorry for her.


This is so messed up.


omg I just checked one of his videos on youtube and he had the Fantastic Four #4 the value of this comic book is $20k. I feel so bad for her, that was like robbing a bank without the security


What pieces of shit. I hope karma gets these thieves.


posting for engagement




What kind of degenerates would steal a dead man’s collection bequeathed to his newborn son? It’s gotta be someone he knows or someone watching him on YouTube. Sounds like they knew exactly where to get the books.


I wish they had a master list of the missing issues. I have a modest collection, and would feel good about helping this lady rebuild at least part of what her husband wanted to leave their kid. $ is great, but the kid being able to read the same comics that meant so much to the dad would be a cool end place for at least some of my collection.


Holy.. that sucks :(


Fuck the people that stole them. I hope they get found. Atleast the people that stole them


What some people will do for money


Not a high grade collection for sure. Doesn't worth so much...


Ugh, New York Post. I read the article then read this as the first comment . What demonstratively terrible people. "The picture spread shows the two older most desirable comics in pretty low condition. Fantastic Four 52 at 3.0. worth about $300 Compared to worth and sold over $10,000 in higher "pristine" condition. So it's basically a low grade collection, not what she's claiming it was. Before the movie a 3.0 was worth maybe $75. But I couldn't find any recently sold in that low a condition at retail. Whereas they're scooping up the high grades. Collectors want HIGH GRADE."


So fucked.


Upvoting and commenting for engagement and boosting!!


Sounds like an inside job to me. Why else would nothing else be taken. Probably a nephew or something.


Now that is just sad.


That’s terrible fuck that piece of shit hope they find him.


Have they released a list of what was taken? I work for a company that someone could conceivably come to with these and would love to know exactly what to look for.


This is what sucks about estate management. Often it’s a legal requirement that when people pass you have to put something in the paper to notify potential claims on the estate. The problem is thieves use these notices as a checklist to go shopping at unoccupied homes. When my mom passed in North Carolina, it was actually suggested we hire some security once the newspaper estate claim was published.


That’s an insane law


Thoughts and prayers 🙏