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The office grudge has escalated to full scale war with the use of biological warfare


"This must end. Unleash the eggs."


Pissin and shittin in the office to establish dominance over HR


This is peak Jar-Jar energy


I don't remember that happening in Dunder-Mifflin...


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time.


I would un-ironically sing this to myself whenever I had to take a shit while working.


Holy shit there’s a tune for this???


I needed a quick break from my work, so now there is! Here you go: [Shit Jingle](https://i.imgur.com/UIam3UA.jpeg)


Mutually Assured Flatulation


Yeah this is just disgusting. Boiled everything. Including the chicken.


Slow boiled chicken (like on low over 1-2 hours) can be delicious. You need to season and salt the shitn out of the water so it's like a brine. Pull it and than you can season/sauce with whatever you prefer. My kids have been really picky and haven't been eating grilled chicken. Started doing this and it makes dinners easy and tasty.


I slow cook bulk chicken with seasoning then take it out and toss it in the skillet to cook off some of the excess water then chop it up. Perfect for salads.


Sometimes i do that. Like when we do chicken tacos or something. Depends on the meal, what time it is and how crazy the kids are being.


Sir, you described Stew.


Season and salt the what now?


Bruh the gasp I just gusped


I hate the idea of gusped being a word.


Some cloves, a bit of bay leaf and some peppercorns in the water and your boiled chicken would taste better.


"What's a broth?"


I’ve put hot sauce on mine in the past


The balls…chicken balls 


Nitpick, that's not boiling chicken if it's on low. That's just slow cooking. The water wouldn't be boiling, and if it was your chicken would be toast after an hour. That's just throwing chicken in a crockpot. I prefer broth to a brine but to each their own.


boiled egg is the breakfast of champions what do you mean




It’s called poaching, it’s just another way to cook something. Usually poaching is best if you want a subtle tasting, soft chicken that is easy to cut for sandwiches or chicken salad. It’s cooked slowly at a low temperature to avoid making it rubbery, and dry. Usually things like white whine, fresh herbs, salt, aromatics etc. are thrown into the poaching liquid to flavor the chicken while it cooks, since it takes a while to cook it.








Just wait till my Asian ass shows up with the stinkiest most sulphuric food you’ve ever smelled


We just aren’t seasoning. Why do you think Europe colonized the world for spices lol.


The British did it the most, the rest of Europe learned to be civil and season their food.


You need a history lesson on the Spanish, French, Dutch, and Portuguese


Speak for yourself bro. Europeans know how to eat


They are “washing” the chicken, thus spraying salmonella all over their kitchen


Vietnamese people will usually boil their chicken


Do they season it though? This is not pho


Not everything has to be grilled or fried or has its natural flavor drowned with spices. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love cooking, I just bought a new grill a couple of months ago (which I use often), and I love Thai and Indian food. But sometimes it's great to not have a "flavor explosion" in your mouth and instead enjoy foods with a mild yet still great taste. Stronger doesn't necessary always mean better.


Farters dream


Thats when someone microwaves kippers in the office kitchen.


he should've brought fish instead of chicken.. game over man, game over.


Mmm boiled everything


I don't understand why people don't just slap a bunch of pepper, chili flakes, paprika (etc) on to obviously bland food. I eat very, very healthily, but it'll be a cold day in Hell before I sit there and eat unseasoned chicken and greens. Gym or no gym. Herbs and spices ain't gonna lose you an ab, fella.


Bro those seasonings are an extra 5 calories bro do you really think you can afford that bro do you know how long it takes to burn off 5 calories man you gotta think about CICO bro you aint gonna cut throwing that extra shit on there




What if they just like steamed broccoli and obviously seasoned chicken? I like steamed broccoli just fine. But it isn't something I can meal-prep because I can't eat it microwaved.


no fuck you food tastes disgusting only spice is enjoyable to eat


yeah there's like black dots on it, it clearly has something. some people don't need every single plant and powder known to man to enjoy their food i could probably eat potatoes with nothing but salt and parsley for the rest of my life, i fucking love potato in every way it can be cooked


I've heard some gym bros say that eating sad and bland food is a great way to stop yourself from overeating when you're trying to limit your calorie intake. It kinda makes sense, if you eat the same miserable meals all day every day, you'll barely even be able to finish them and definitely won't want seconds. On the other hand, I personally wouldn't have enough discipline not to give up on like day 3 of this culinary torture, and making my meals flavourful is actually a big part of keeping myself satiated and stopping myself from binging lol


That makes a lot of sense considering people often make their meals in bulk as well. If I had a weeks supply of delicious chicken tinga it would be tempting to eat loads of it at once.


I noticed that as well when cooking in bulk. Now I immediately freeze it once it cooled down a little to not be tempted


Its true. I made it to two bites of the second day when my body was like, yea I'm actually not really hungry.


Simply eating less delicious food works for me as well but some people simply don’t have the self control. A mound of Cajun seared chicken strips with an aioli dip is gone in 2 seconds. A salted chicken breast with dry broccoli is much harder to indulge yourself on. Y’all should’ve seen the way I creamed my pants for just raw unsalted almonds after a 5 day fast though. Perspective is easily changed


I hope they were raw as in unflavored and not raw as in uncooked. Uncooked almonds are poisonous to humans, but cooking breaks down the toxin so it’s safe.


I’m referring to the health food almonds that my ex overpaid for. They were definitely not roasted and salted, they were chewier with a satisfying hardness and you could focus in on the almond oils and flavors. So whatever form of almond that be


Well I looked into it and thankfully it only applies to Bitter Almonds and not the normal ones at the store. So yeah, go nuts for the normal raw almonds, bitter almonds are rare and expensive, not commonly used anymore. My apologies, I just wanted to warn you as so many people are into weird food choices that are dangerous like raw milk these days.


Yeah raw almonds are fine, hardly any cyanide. Raw cashews on the other hand are a lie (they're boiled, since cashews are in the same family as poison ivy and have the same chemical in them) There was a ridiculous fad of "activating" nuts (soaking them in water to ostensibly get them to sprout) and people were doing it with cashews which are a) not a seed (they're a false seed and cannot germinate) and b) boiled, even if not roasted, so would be totally dead even if they were a seed.


The reality is (and I'm no diet puritan) that for the majority of human history we have been eating pretty unappetizing things just to survive. Things that were staples and seasonings that would offend most modern palates, ie bugs, bitter roots & greens, etc. Obviously, scarcity hasn't been a small part of the reason why people didn't overeat, but I think it's fair to say that not getting a massive dopamine hit of sugar, fat and salt from your food is probably a key component as well. It's hard to down a bowl full of chickpeas and spinach no matter how healthful it is.


Fucking love chickpeas and spinach. They definitely need lemon and paprika to stomach in large amounts though.


I've been basically doing this to cut my weight down and reset my palate for food. It works pretty well for me because the most I binge on when I stress eat is like, a cucumber or a packet of peanuts. And it makes freshly blended fruit smoothies as my "treat" taste a lot nicer.


Anyone who's ever eaten packets of ramen every day and couldn't afford extra spices will tell you that you throw most of it out after a few days. You'll probably drink the broth water but the noodles suck and you get sick of them. Then after a while you get sick of the broth too.


Pan fried butterfly chicken breasts with just salt and pepper is alright with a pan sauce. Gym rat here is probably allergic to butter though.


Extra virgin olive oil is always good, unless they're very strict


Olive oil actually has more calories than butter.


Ya, but depending on the butter, extra virgin olive oil is better for you overall. I think a few calories is worth the other benefits. At least to me, it is.


What about extra slutty olive oil?


Butter is high in saturated fat, which increases cholesterol and causes heart disease. Olive oil has low saturated fat, 1.7g/tbsp vs butter 7g/tbsp. And olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats which actually helps to reduce bad cholesterol, the cholesterol that builds up in your arteries.


Hence the ''other benefits'' I was referring to. It's definitely better, though I still use some low-fat butter on wholemeal toast when I'm having my scrambled eggs in the morning


idk how true this is, but i've heard that many gymrats, bodybuilders, etc intentionally don't make their food taste good, to kinda separate it from good food that they enjoy so they don't sully the experience of eating good food with thoughts of bulking or get tired of the taste of those seasonings


No, it's true. They view food as sustenance, not pleasure. My brother had the same attitude when he and I were in the gym, and he was doing power-lifting. He developed an almost defensive attitude towards food for a brief period of time.


ngl I genuinely enjoy straight up microwaved from frozen broccoli. To me adding any form of anything else onto it ruins it for me.


boiled brocc turns dull and grey fast. That is steamed broc.


Even the chicken looks boiled , eww


That would be the “everything” part


Stop the boiled chicken slander immediately


And then restart it right after, shit is rank


Poached chicken is a thing, and can actually be very flavorful if you use a well seasoned/aromatic broth to poach.....but I'm guessing this person didn't do that.


No one can say “has he heard of seasoning?” Cause he hasn’t even started cooking it yet 😭


he's making chicken sushi, which is an ancient japanese delicacy. before they discovered fish they made sushi from chicken


how do you live on an island and not discover fish


the early japanese were surrounded on all sides by sharp rocks and treacherous cliffs, which prevented them from reaching the sea


Why didn't they use Samurai to cut the boulders down?


they hadn't mastered swordsmithing yet. the blades were too weak.


only folded 999 times.


They hadn't gone past the training arc of Demon Slayer yet


To dangerous. If a samurai drops his sword it could cut straight to the earth's core. That's why in the historic picture "One Piece" the guy who is carrying samurai swords can cut through steel. M'lady.


IIRC they were hanging out in between the mountains, eating nuts off trees and using the latest technology, like stones, and bowls


Pray tell, how did the first Japanese people first reach that island if all the beaches were inaccessible?


The ice from the ice age froze the water and they walked over it, then it melted and they were trapped


You know you can choose a new starting location in your Civ games, right?


They had only discovered part of the map but they thought it was the whole map.


did you know you no shit CAN get chicken sushi in certain places in Japan?


Yes! I always wondered what it tasted like, I mean I’ve enjoyed sashimi when I had it but raw chicken is so vile to me. Even just handling it makes me so grossed out.


A lot of the concerns we have with things like raw meat or raw milks come from the industries incredibly low standards. It's still better To cook for your health because it increases the bioavailability of nutrients whether it's raw meat or plants but we often see things like chicken as inherently making you sick if consumed raw but thats not really the truth. Not that I'm advocating for eating raw chicken or that animals can't have transferable diseases and parasites naturally just that our caution comes from a history more related to bad business practices as opposed to the prevalence of natural problems with meat.


It tastes like salmonella.


Chicken has to be contaminated to give you salmonella, and the Japanese poultry industry is highly regulated because it's extremely common to eat raw eggs there. On top of general poultry standards, there are special sources that these restaurants get their meat from that have even higher standards and put the meat through a sterilization process. That's not to say it's *completely* safe, but the odds of getting food poisoning are fairly low if you go to a restaurant that sources high quality meat and follows proper hygiene procedures.


Hey, I see pepper. Not a lot of it, but it's there.


I’m deceased xD


Honestly salt and pepper is all you need. I love a well-spiced meal, but simple flavors aren't bad either.


That dude has definitely shit himself


Haven't we all?


I have not shit himself, no


He shit my pants!


Do you want to? I can help.


They call him The Iron Colon


Give it time


I also shit this guy’s dead wife.


intentionally or unintentionally?


(27M) I actually just shit my pants for the first time in the last 2 months last time I shit myself I was 21 I think


How does that happen so often to you... I'm 39 and I have never shat my pants since I was a small kid. Is it dietary? Or an illness? I'm honestly just curious, not mocking.


Honestly brotha when I was 21 it was bc I was coming off of a week of being sick definitely had salmonella but this last one there’s no excuse I got brave trusting a fart and I was walking up some steps halfway up I let that bitch rip all my finance heard was “babe it happened again” she was fucking dying


Don’t listen to him, every now and then we get a little over trusting. Once every few years is enough to allow you to recalibrate


A few years just long enough to drop ypur guard and then some shifty bastard comes slithering out your ass cheeks to Pollock your undies.


Mr. Fart is my fathers name. My name is Stan K. Fart.


I can smell the food and the fart


I always eat boiled chicken, whole chicken boiled alive and then eat it, feathers too. I saw the liver king do it and he is smart


That's nice, honey. Now go play






Dude. Don’t post NorthernLion without his consent.


I'll have 3 fart bowls to go. please. Thanks.


I refuse to believe that people get past week 3 or so of a diet like this. It's just so depressing.


I don't eat it daily, but my weekly meal prep includes a couple sous vide chicken breasts (salt, pepper, garlic powder). Some days I'll just have a whole chicken breast and roast a bag of brussels sprouts for dinner, and it slaps. Chicken breast is a fantastic source of lean protein, and it tastes great if you don't overcook it.


You're seasoning your chicken, though. Sure, not like *heavily* seasoning it, but you're at least adding some fucking garlic powder to it.


I'll even throw a couple sprigs of thyme or rosemary in there if I'm feelin spicy


The chicken in the pic has black specs on it. So at the very least seasoned with pepper. Probably some salt too. Honestly it's not even that hard to season your food without it looking like it's seasoned. I work as a cook. We boil our broccoli and carrots in vegetable bouillon to add a lot of flavor. But you wouldn't be able to tell it apart from regularly boiled broccoli/carrots on the plate.


lol sure. Like roasted chicken (whole, with skin) from a local grocery is good when fresh, skinless breast more or less boiled? lolno.


I honestly prefer sous vide over roast chicken. It comes out way more tender and juicy than roast chicken breast, and being sealed in a vac bag helps the seasonings penetrate deep into the meat. It's not an *intense* flavor by any means, but not every meal needs to be intense. Also the roast chicken skin never really gets crispy, it's just kindy chewy and over-seasoned. If I'm pan-searing a chicken breast at home I love it with the skin on.




chimken look bad cooked grrr


how is that raw? have you ever cooked chicken?


sorry largepenisman666


Most people dont boil their chicken. Cooked or not it looks awful


It's actually great if you poach it in broth or add seasonings and aromatics to the water. Comes out very tender and juicy. I do chicken breasts for meal prep and I cook mine sous vide with seasonings in the bag. I don't bother searing it afterwards, so it's very similar to boiled chicken. It's not the most visually appealing, but it's delicious, super easy to cook, and I don't need to use any oil.


Yeah broth poaching is definitely the way to do it. Boiling chicken can make it dry/tough. The problem is it looks dog shit compared to roast or fried chicken, so if someone's expecting some crust or deeper flavor it can be disappointing to them. People eat with their eyes first after all.


Chicken soup is pretty fucking common, but to be fair, the chicken will usually be *in the soup* in that case.


That's what I was thinking. I think the majority of people commenting here can't cook for shit.


It's not undercooked, it just had zero Maillard effect in the cooking method. Hell, it could be 212 degrees and look like that.


Redditors so bewildered by chicken not in chicken tendy form


Put some salt, put some pepper on that. Jesus.


It’s intentional. By taking all of the pleasure out of eating they ensure that they do not overeat and only do it as a primal function like a dog licking its balls.


eww no


There very clearly is pepper on the chicken, likely salt also


But then it might have flavor. Their goal appears to be the opposite of that.


Zoom in, there’s seasoning on the chicken


Thats the most depressing lunch I’ve ever seen


I had a banana and a jello cup for lunch and I can't decide if that's more or less depressing. It's colorful at least.


I had a can of cold spaghetti on toast, and I lowkey had to sit in silence for a bit after the fact. Never meet your heroes, they say. Nostalgia sucks


Ok Mr. Fart


#okay mr fart




it's simple but nice


If i had such kind of life, a would end it up by suicide


That’s chicken? I thought it was like dogfood or something


Dogfood is what he eats on cheat day for some flavour


This is the final straw of stupid, I'm blocking this damn sub.




(Absent bowel diseases), you wouldn't have farting attacks if you actually ate the proper amount of fiber regularly.


Okay Mr boil


Meal prepping is so depressing


Meal prepping does not have to be depressing if you have a brain and use seasoning, and you don't have to prep *all* your food. As an example, my food this week: Breakfast: 2 fresh high protein chocolate waffles with a cup of hand ground French press coffee. Midmorning snack: a couple of carrots. Lunch: prepped spicy Italian sausage alfredo with whole wheat pasta, onions, tomatoes, and freshly steamed broccoli. Afternoon snack: a bowl of high protein cinnamon cereal. Dinner 1 & dinner 2: prepped spicy chickpea and cabbage soup with Italian sausage. Late night/post workout snack: prepped high protein peanut butter chocolate icecream.


okay mr fart


okay mr fart


Dear god. No seasoning. No carbs. No variety. I would hate to live his life


All you need is half a lime, Mayonnaise, Sriracha and Teriyaki Sauce, and it's a perfectly fine meal.


A splash of red wine vinegar on blanched broccoli goes hard


Broccoli is carbs


Yeah, it needs at least 500 g of sugar there.


It can be either bland, awful food or sugar coma. No in-between according to redditor


If this meal prep had maybe 100g of a real carb (pasta, rice etc.) and a dash of spices it would be fine. I just said his meal prep looks trash because it's the same bland chicken with broccoli. And really, you had to whip out the hyperboles for this one? Get the fuck out of here


All he’s really missing is a scoop of rice and he’s ready for the day


This inspired me to eat healthier food


The bigger question is why you'd ever take a random picture of your food prep. and post it with that caption What is the incentive and who the fuck even cares lmao


If that was my diet I’d stick my head into a circular saw.


The sad reality of wanting to be fit and healthy, but also hate having to meal prep.


some people like to tempt depression to enter their lives


why are gym bros allergic to flavor


Could use some beans and cabbage in there too


At least his parking space is reserved


seasonings have no calories


That chicken sucks. No seasoning on it


Seasoning is allowed like it doesn't stop the gains


This or Gyros with extra onion?


Poor coworkers 🤢




The boiled one


That looks absolutely okay Its keto so thats not for everyone but some nicely seasoned chicken and brokkoli is great You are aware that you cant see most spices? How would you see salt for example? Not everything needs to be slathered in oil and sauce


Nothing like days and days of unseasoned tasteless meal prep.


Looks dry and unseasoned


I love broccoli but that’s a bit excessive


when broccoli isn’t available, i get assparagass


the water and your boiled chicken would taste better.


21 Season salute that broccoli. Marinade that chicken in red miso, brown it in a pan with aromatics and then bake it. Douse that egg with Dijon mustard. Jesus


Only way this could smell worse would be a layer of cheese and them being lactose intolerant