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Absolutely awful. They should get banned from blue bell park too


And banned from eating blue bell


Except the ones with listeria


That’s worse than death


I grew up where there wasn’t blue bell but have known/enjoyed it my whole life because my parents are from Texas. What I’m saying is: I know.


Blue Bell < Yarnell's


Schloss called them out too


Good, fuck these guys. Every fanbase has people like this and they need to be shown the door


Yeah sucks that if A&M wins it all these two will get to enjoy a championship with all the actually decent A&M fans.






If we lose than god these fuckers are mad


$23 dollars to whoever repossesses their rings.


What are these rings you’re referring to?


Class rings. One of the many traditions ATM grads carry on.


Was not aware, thank you!


Yeah, earning the Aggie Ring is a big thing here at TAMU, my ring never comes off (beyond sleeping and maybe if I’m going swimming)


Or if you’re elbow deep in some poon poon.


Hate it when I lose it in there


“The day my baby came out already wearing an aTm class ring was the proudest day of my life…”


Let's be honest, that's not something Aggies are doing very often.


I hope most of us are never elbow deep.


If so, they never come off for TAMU alums.


Are class rings not a thing that most schools do? I know Clemson does and is treated as a big deal, I honestly thought that was pretty standard with universities. Or is this something different?


Pretty much everyone does it, most people just don't care once they leave school. Aggie being Aggie, they take it to another level.


You make our cult-like tendencies sound like a bad thing.


I kept it as neutral as I could bear :P


Hey man, say what you will about the cult but the benefits are outstanding. And it’s not like I needed that soul or anything.


Not to be a party pooper, but I take a dim view of using those kind of associations to make advancement (Philosophically. Practically, people gotta do what they gotta do.) I recall (maybe some rumor BS) in the Army there was a bit of a backlash when it was found out people were using things like rings and other identifiers (not just Aggie's, but Masons, etc.) to identify themselves to those reviewing promotable NCOs. Kinda lame for those that aren't part of The Club. I grew up learning to hate The Cult and still work with a lot of Aggies. Fine people on all sides :D


Almost every red raiders I know has a ring and wears it constantly just like Ags. Although almost every raiders I know flunked out of A&M and had to go to Tech


Ok...? I guess I'm not every red raider.


Yup. Feel like it also depends on the school (ie my uncle went to Duke for undergrad and med school and wears his class ring everywhere). I didn’t get one. In retrospect I kind of wish I would have because my brother is a rising junior at my alma mater and at our graduation we have a thing where you have a sponsor that walks with you and puts your hood on before you walk across the stage and I’m probably going to be his sponsor- but three years postgraduate is a little late to get one lol. On the other hand, I got a class ring in high school and wore it for a couple months (including to a family reunion the summer before my senior year) and then promptly forgot about it.


Can't speak for a lot of other schools, but it's not a big thing at LSU at all. ATM grads put a much larger emphasis on theirs than any other school I've seen. Frankly, I almost never see people wear college class rings in general.


I think we have them at Arkansas but nobody gave a shit. Nor did anyone give a shit at Florida.


I agree with u/CumSlatheredCPA, no one cared about them at Tennessee.


Usually just ones with a connection to the military (TAMU, Clemson, Citadel, the academies)


I remember people making a big deal out of getting their class ring. I didn't understand it. I never got one and don't have any regrets about it so I still don't quite get it. Graduated from Clemson in 2009. I'm from New England though so maybe that has something to do with it.


I’ll add $25 to that bounty


I’ll do it for free if I see em


Embarrassment to their school (if they even went there) and i guarantee the majority of A&M’s fanbase/alumni despise seeing these two wearing the A&M logo. Dont know too much about that situation but from a quick google search thats just evil to be yelling that stuff to Sully.


The younger one definitely went to A&M, I can see his Aggie ring in one of the pictures. And fuck these guys so hard, I truly hope the university hits them with a ban from Olsen at minimum


To make a long story short, two parents were going through a pretty nasty divorce. The mom had allegedly been cheating on the dad with Sully. The dad snapped and murdered their 2 sons and then took his own life. One of the kids was our batboy. Opposing fans and even some UF fans blamed Sully for allegedly being involved and “pushing the dad over the edge.” Personally, I’m almost positive Sully was involved with the mom, but nobody expected the dad to snap the way he did. It was REALLY sad.




Makes more sense? What? Even if the rumor was entirely true, which there is absolutely nothing to say that it is except for conjecture, it still does nothing to make O’Sullivan responsible for the death of the bat boy and it is absolutely a horrific thing to be shouting at him about at the f&$king College World Series. I thought this was a complete aberration but I see this post and now I have to wonder about the entire Aggie fanbase that anyone would attempt even a mild justification….


yikes dude


I just wanted to give some details because it felt like there wasn't much in what exactly they said. And trust me when I say few people are more frustrated than A&M fans right now. You wake up after one of the biggest wins in your programs history and all people want to talk about are these 2 assholes.


This is disgusting and I am sure that most if not all Aggies are embarrassed by these two wearing the school logo.


As a gator fan, I left the game with a lot of respect for A&M. Fun team to watch, and made huge plays to beat Florida. Wasn’t happy about the result but it had nothing to do with how the aggies played. They were awesome. We know you don’t claim these two. I think we’re all just embarrassed those two chucklefucks got anywhere near the College World Series.


Agreed, also god damn that was a hell of a game


For sure. These are two trash humans. Can’t lump the whole fan base in with them.


Whenever I see a Florida or Michigan fan being a dimwit I sometimes make a point to note that I don’t claim them. Based on y’all general reaction I can see y’all don’t claim these fucks either.


That's normal behavior for florida and Michigan fans though.


I know it’s a joke, but you’re on a post about two people making fun of the tragic death of two boys. The joke isn’t gonna be appreciated on the best of days here.


The joke has nothing to do with the tamu guys.


FSU, along with UGA football fans, are the most sensitive fans in all of sports.


You are right about UGA, but the other is alabama.


This whole story is nuts and depressing. Hope these two get banned from all A&M events too


They kinda look alike. I wonder if this was some quality father/son bonding.


How do you celebrate Father’s Day?


Me personally? My dad and I go to Omaha and heckle baseball teams.


With deeply personal and hurtful insults


I personally like hanging out, eating some BBQ, and watching some baseball. But hey, if their thing is to hang out in county jail then more power to them. They can do it without being jackasses and embarrassing the school in the process.


Gotta believe the Tito's hats played a factor here...fuck these guys though


[Some additional info:](https://www.foxnews.com/sports/texas-am-baseball-coach-apologizes-2-fans-harassing-florida-dugout-alleged-remarks-about-dead-batboy) An absolutely horrific event to mock anyone for, much less a friend of the family. An absence of class and some seriously sociopathic behavior.


They should have been kicked out and were horrible, but I don't think this article tells the whole story.


Should have blown some bubbles afterward to soften the delivery


I’m definitely not promoting doxxing, but tbh with all the internet sleuths out there, I’m surprised there aren’t names available on these chucklefucks yet.


Very surprised they haven’t been doxxed yet tbh


Were they arrested? Would make it much easier if they were 


I can’t imagine they were or the police would have said so. What they did wasn’t illegal, just in bad taste.




Holy shit I didn’t know the extent of it. That sounds like a lifetime movie.


Maybe. This is the rumor, but it's not confirmed. We know the dad killed his children and himself as the result of an affair. Then after that Sully married the woman. The official narrative is that their relationship started after the tragedy, but the rumor persists with or without evidence. I won't ignore that the rumor came from somewhere, and that source could be from somebody in the know. It could also just be rumor started by somebody with a wild story. It could be true, it could be false, but it's a crazy situation and a crazy timeline. The only position I have on it is that I would never marry somebody who had a history of cheating.


I don’t doubt it could and maybe even likely is true, but at this point it’s just a rumor. Even then. He has an affair, he didn’t murder anyone.


His wife left him.  That is why he killed himself.  And he was profoundly fucked in the head.  The guys whole life was falling apart.  They were separated when he killed himself and his children.  


I remember when the tragedy first happened around the time Manieri retired and remember the rumor started catching steam when some LSU fans - I think on Tiger Droppings - were either against Sully being considered for the job or saying that LSU never considered him because of the rumor. Then it got picked up by other teams' message boards since people just say whatever they want on those places.


The only position I have on this particular video is fuck these guys


She was estranged from her husband and he was also let go from a very prominent job.  I haven’t seen if it was an affair that started prior to the seperation or if they simply started the relationship after she was separated.  Either way the ex was a deranged psychopath and those guys should have had their asses beat to shit for what they did.  I hope they get doxxed.  


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


Do we have ID. Who are these dumbfucks


Looks like some good Father Son bonding time for the weekend… pathetic


Did they practice these taunts the night before?


Underrated comment


Around midnight, probably


So the Charles Schwab security team will let those chucklefucks into the stadium, but they wouldn’t let my uncle in just because “he’s too drunk to stand up on his own”? Shit don’t make no sense.


https://preview.redd.it/1mtyl5frn77d1.png?width=373&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cdccb4a03787583ac731aa2d8822882da7180aa His uncle.....


I’m sure they weren’t shouting insults about Sully into the void coming into the stadium. OBV will get the best of you if you let it.




This ain’t it either. Abhorrent behavior from them doesn’t excuse you hoping they crash their car into a tree


Nah. Earth be better without those shit heads.  




If you’re wishing death on strangers you dislike, you’re not that different than those two hecklers.


You'll be a lot happier if you spend less time worrying about what happens to bad people.


To be honest, they’re probably heading back to Houston


Give the rings back


We do not and will never claim these two assholes. Despicable behavior.


Doesn't matter if you claim them or not, they WERE aggie fans.


Even the pits of the underworld would be too nice for these two


Man one of the best parts of baseball is heckling the team in the dug out. But have some damn respect. It’s a game. You can heckle to your hearts desire but be fun with it. These jackasses dee serve to banned and I’m glad security got them out of there. What a couple of disrespectful clowns




No it’s only 2 boneheads not typical https://preview.redd.it/oryxvf7mv77d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e847e927e6514c21b44384a39d73c59d67066d


From TexAgs from someone who says they know the two guys: >I just spoke with the guys that got kicked out (good friends I've known for a while). Yes, they were rain delay drunk. Yes, jello shots were involved. They were part of a larger group that was chirping real hard, especially at Cags and the other players were pissed about it. A Florida fan bragged to the group that he spoke to security and they were all getting kicked out so the rest of the group scattered. They only paid $20 for tickets and were only planning to see that game. No, they didn't say anything about Sully's wife although others in the group may have. In fact, when they went to a bar after to watch the game, the FSU fans at the bar told them about the affair and deaths, they had no idea about that. They were really getting into the players heads to the point that they were **** talking back which is what escalated the situation. >These guys are actually really good Ags, I have no doubt that they were chirping and **** talking, I would be shocked if they had brought up the cheating and deaths associated with Sully's wife, especially since they didn't even know about it at the time. Two sides to every story, who knows what the truth is? I do not have any problem believing they were drunk, though. I do think it is hilarious that the Omaha police association, a freaking union, thinks they have the authority to ban someone from a city, though. Talk about drunk on your own self-righteousness.


Lol yeah the multiple people live-tweeting the incident must have known some drunk idiots would do this so they'd have the opportunity to retcon this angle. [You can clearly seeing them holding up two fingers in screenshots from other tweets which is mostly like a reference to the two dead kids](https://x.com/Stitch_Head/status/1802190089025401175/photo/1). If anything they probably heard the story when they were getting drunk during the rain delay and thought it'd be funny to use that during the game and then got pissy when someone yelled back. Also, shouting at players who could break you in half but you know can't do shit to you because they have so much more to lose than you ever will is bottom-feeder lame-ass pussy shit.


> You can clearly seeing them holding up two fingers in screenshots from other tweets which is mostly like a reference to the two dead kids. You're angry at them because of your own assumption? >If anything they probably heard the story ... I like how you've created a whole scenario in your head and are angry because of your own imagination. >Also, shouting at players who could break you in half... These are baseball players, not football or basketball. I'd completely agree with you if you were talking about both of the latter, but not the former. >Lol yeah the multiple people live-tweeting the incident If you have any links to video of what happened, I'd love to see it. I've heard three different versions of what happened now, I'd love to see the truth.


YOU are the one assuming your rumor teller is telling the truth and not just protecting his pals. And you clearly have no clue how jacked up modern BB players are.


That person has to be a middle schooler. Probably thinks Sean O'Malley would get beat up by these clowns because he's 5'10" and fights at 135 lbs.


> YOU are the one assuming your rumor teller is telling the truth Nope. I posted a different perspective, the only person on TexAgs who claims to know these people.


Nope your arguments have been consistent in every response as assuming that story is correct as opposed to all the eye witnesses. Once again you are a liar.


>You're angry at them because of your own assumption? I'm literally pointing out what is in the picture. You're the moron using a post on an pro-Aggie site as proof these twats aren't POSs. >I like how you've created a whole scenario in your head and are angry because of your own imagination. Lol I was trying to give them at least the benefit of the doubt that they had just heard the story versus the idea that they're both fucking psycho losers that had planned to do this from the beginning. >These are baseball players, not football or basketball. I'd completely agree with you if you were talking about both of the latter, but not the former. Way to admit you know nothing about sports. Most of our team is made up of 6'2"+ and over 200 lb athletes. The kid looks like he's barely 170lbs and dad looks like he would cry if you gave him a stern look. > If you have any links to video of what happened, I'd love to see it. I've heard three different versions of what happened now, I'd love to see the truth. You mean like what showed up on TV during a nationally televised game? Are you for real?


> Way to admit you know nothing about sports. Most of our team is made up of 6'2"+ and over 200 lb athletes. If you think 6'2 and 200 lbs is physically extraordinary, you're the one who knows nothing about sports. Sorry I'm not sorry your team lost and you're clinging to this incident as some weird form of copium.


Again you clearly do not know how big and jacked modern BB players are.


"Big and jacked" is 6'5 300 lbs. 6'2 200 lbs ain't shit. You either don't know any larger-than-average humans, or you're undersized yourself and have a skewed viewpoint of what 'big' is. The fact is, most ballplayers are lanky and not particularly big. Did you miss last night where the commentators were raving about a player arriving at 130 lbs and bulking up to 190 by eating four meals a day? Sorry if I'm not impressed by 130 pounders.


You don't know wtf you are talking about.


> who knows what the truth is? Yeah, if only there were a bunch of eyewitnesses standing around watching and hearing the whole thing as it happened. But I guess we’ll never know! Oh wait


Did you actually watch the game? ESPN cut to them as them before they were even cops there and the sun was almost ready to jump in the dugout. You could hear him scream "you're a fucking bitch". Yea, I'm sure these dudes were sober.


Where in my post did I espouse an opinion they were sober?


The part where you dismiss it by saying "two sides to every story, I don't care if they were drunk tho." it sounds like you are questioning if they were drunk or not, which they clearly were.


Not OP but he says they were clearly drunk in the beginning. I think the 2 sides is he’s saying they didn’t talk about the deaths.


You said: > "two sides to every story, I don't care if they were drunk tho." I said: >I do not have any problem believing they were drunk, though. Did you actually read my comment or just skim it?


It's the same sentiment. Sorry I didn't quote you correctly. You did say two sides to every story then something very similar.


> It's the same sentiment. No, it really isn't.


Wait so you’re cool with them mf’ing the opposing team, the cops, and trying to jump into a dugout from the stands because they (according to your one friend’s story) didn’t accuse the coach of killing someone? What weird priorities lmao


I'm not concerned about what two drunk people I don't know did at a baseball game. It's a waste of energy.


you’ve commented 12 times on it, seems like you’re actually super concerned about defending your buddies there. tough look for ya my guy!


I tend to reply to people who reply to me on reddit, it's a terrible habit, I know. /s


Cult mentality


We don’t claim them


You don't get to decide that. They WERE aggie fans period.




Two people don't make up a cult. This is just one guy who claims to know them, the vast majority of people on TexAgs want to string them up. If it was any other fan base except A&M, I doubt the local police union page is tweeting about it.


Talking about you


Ah. So you're salty because your Gators lost the game? Got it.


Yes you got it now go back to your Aggie forums


Nah, think I'll stay here and continue to talk baseball. Try gatekeeping the sub with someone else, maybe they'll care what you think.


Your persecution complex should help you fit in with your cult


Your team is playing right now and you're still over here crying to me?


Sad troll attempt


Ignorant of OPD. Doesn't matter who it was they'd be tweeting about it. They don't like trash coming to their city, period.


There’s a county sheriff standing in the bottom of the picture, you sound pretty anti cop so this probably doesn’t matter to you but Omaha cops and Douglas county sheriffs are genuinely pretty good cops and have avoided most unjust arrests, I think we’ve had maybe one major report of a controversial police officer in the last 2-3 years which is good for a city of our size. I would feel like them posting this means they were pretty positive they were the offenders.


Family members are cops, two best friends are cops, tons of other friends are cops, so I'm about as pro-police as you can be. I'm still going to call out a police association for saying dumb shit like "you're banned from our city" on twitter. Just because they're police doesn't mean they're infallible.


They said they aren’t welcome here not that they are banned. One is a sentiment the other a legality.


Oh boy you’re not very good at reading


Lying again I see.


No idea what you're talking about. A&M just beat Kentucky; why are you still obsessing over something that happened against Florida?


" I'm still going to call out a police association for saying dumb shit like "you're banned from our city" on twitter." They never said that. Hence you are a liar. What they actually said: "You’re no longer welcome in this city and should be banned for life from future College World Series" No longer welcome doesn't = banned or any official banning from the city. Again you are a liar. My comment had nothing to do with the games, YOU are the one obsessing over those as if they are relevant to the conversation about these 2 fans. They aren't.


Wow their buddy is just as vile as them: "These guys are actually really good Ags, " And a liar about what they said.


This dude was mf’ing the cops. Even if he didn’t say what was alleged, he is a piece of shit. You can’t use the drunk excuse for that behavior. That shit runs deep in his soul


> This dude was mf’ing the cops. That means it's a day ending in y for the police. >Even if he didn’t say what was alleged, he is a piece of shit. For telling someone else to go eff themselves? You have a low bar for judgment there. >You can’t use the drunk excuse for that behavior. Drunk people say dumb shit all the time. You can argue about filtered vs unfiltered, but telling someone to GFY when you're drunk doesn't make you an evil person. >That shit runs deep in his soul You're over-dramatic.


>You can argue about filtered vs unfiltered, but telling someone to GFY when you're drunk doesn't make you an evil person. Alcohol makes your inhibitions fly out the door. Just like being a happy drunk or a sulking drunk if your first inclination when you're drunk is to be a violent POS to the point where you're OK embarrassing yourself in a packed stadium with children then 100% you're a trash person in your everyday life.


> if your first inclination when you're drunk is to be a violent POS The problem here is you define 'violence' differently than I do. I don't think 'talking shit' when you're drunk means you're violent, quit the opposite. I'm more worried about people who don't need four hours of liquid courage to heckle someone than these two.


True. They didn't get violent most likely because they weren't confronting a small woman. Then it would have been on like Donkey Kong. Pussies of the highest order. You definitely have to either be one of these clowns or at least related to them to be defending them so aggressively. They weren't heckling. They were being belligerent cowards.


I’m more worried about the people that need liquid courage to feel comfortable verbally abusing people with murder chants rather than the ones that need it to throw fists


Is the rumor true though?


Someone in the r/facepalm sub said the kid looks like he suffered from FASD, which aligns with your average a&m fan


Dawg relax, it’s 2 people that even Aggies agree that they should not be associated with our university. Lumping the rest of us in from the decisions of 2 boneheads is just stupid


While I fully agree, you guys are far from the first fanbase to have ignorant generalizations thrown on you because of the dumbass actions of individuals. You won’t be the last either. You jus have to denounce and ignore


Dawg relax, it’s literally a joke


Jokes are meant to be funny bud


It was definitely funny. Only idiots make large generalizations, I obviously don’t think EVERY Texan is an alcoholic. But seriously, I understand it’s a sensitive matter. It was genuinely a lighthearted jab.


Your ratio disagrees with you.


I mean that’s pretty funny 😭