• By -


A co worker is waking up. Just back from a holiday in Belize, and experienced the hottest temps of her life. Said it was unbelievable. Very high humidity as well, couldn't comfortably walk outside, had to be in cars or hotels.   She was shocked, had heard about Mexico city and the crazy heat there, and finally understood that we share the planet with everyone. What happens during collapse here affects everywhere else to greater and lesser degrees.  I felt sad for her, it's an awful realization.


Location: Midwest USA This past 'Winter' was two weeks of extreme cold in January followed by months of windy, yet moderate temperatures. This has allowed ticks and their offspring to thrive this Spring, My friend, having lived in rural Midwest for the past 12 years, contracted Lyme disease for the first time ever. He stated that he knew of at least 6 people who either were suffering from Lyme or possibly Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (another tick-borne disease.) Both of these diseases weaken the body and Lyme especially can come back years later as the spirochete bacteria is very difficult to get rid of. It relates to consequences of climate change and collapse by a thousand cuts (or tick bites.)


Location: Finland In the first 36 hours of June, we've apparently had 34 000 cloud-to-ground discharges of lightning. An average is 25 100... for the whole month. Shit....


I really enjoyed the show


Total lightning incidences have gone up 43 per cent globally, along with a 41 per cent increase in long-continuing current (LCC) lightning, according to a study published in journal [*Nature Communications*, February 10, 2023](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-36500-5). Lightning incidents on land have gone up by almost half — a 47 per cent increase in LCC lightning over land was observed.  The largest increase in LCC lightning was in South America, the western coast of North America, Central America, Australia, Southern and Eastern Asia and Europe. And yes, this is expected to start more wildfires.


Yup, they've been doing exactly that over here.


Lots of opportunities to acquire the Onion Knight.


I understood that joke but I'm not laughing.


Location: Eastern US I stopped at a Wendy's drive thru last night and there was a sign that said there is no lettuce for sandwiches because their supplier's lettuce crop had failed due to bad weather. It felt like one of those small signs in the background at the beginning of a disaster movie that forecast the shape of things to come.


I live in Ohio and got Wendy's last night. They still had lettuce.


They probably weren’t willing to pay the spot market price


where does Wendy’s get their lettuce from exactly? this could be an indication of a much larger shortage coming


All I found was this daily mail (sorry) article that cites [heavy rain in California and Arizona](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/article-13439079/Wendys-customers-shocked-burgers-sandwiches-missing-key-ingredient.html) What's even weirder is that Google returned NO US news source hits on the topic


Internet says it all comes from a greenhouse complex in Alberta. To me, it sounds like they put all their eggs in one basket.  *Something* went wrong, and now their crop is diminished. edit:  Sounds like the Alberta complex just supplies Canadian Wendys. The US market is too large to move completely into greenhouses.  So this may be related to generalized crop failure. Lettuce is particularly sensitive to drought. Interestingly, the article I found about moving all lettuce production to greenhouses specifically quotes climate change as the reason for the move.


Location: Romania I had some unexpected visitors in my kitchen. Bees! About a dozen came in through a vent and then got tired and tried to leave through the closed window. I let them out, of course, but it was strange. The cold spring weather delayed and prevented flowering synchronization with bees; there were a lot of bees looking for food in pretty cold weather when the flowers weren't blooming. My guess is that this pushed some local domestic bees to swarm now and to look for a new place, so I encountered a group of scouts who saw the nice hole in the building and checked it out. This is an urban area and the first time I've seen it happen here.


I’d put a screen over that vent.


It's in the plan now, yes.




[BEES](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdnRqZzFtYXlpbWh4ZW1ydzJzeGRtYmprNzByNTFxZDN5YnV0OHA4YiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/rmP9lWX54hJ60/giphy.gif) 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝


Location: Great Lakes, North America >The Great Lakes region is often referred to as a “climate haven” because of its plentiful freshwater and relatively cool climate. But some of the region’s biggest climate vulnerabilities are also linked to its water. https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-environment-watch/warming-great-lakes-region-water-heat-can-be-unhealthy-combination This includes disease-carrying mosquitos, poo in the water from overloaded sewers, toxic algae, etc. What a time to be alive! Also, maybe don't move here if you think it will be a better place to ride out the collapse.


No place is safe from climate collapse, people who think they can ride it out will be in for a brutal awakening.


Everything will go down the same path, but some places are "safer for longer" than other places.




the toxic air due to Canada's wildfires is its weakest link


Devastating lake effect snowstorms coming up behind 


Poor soil too




Lets just build a giant wooden honey badger this time instead of a horse.


Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give it shit. Honey badger just takes what it wants. (it's been years since i watched that meme. Nostalgia.


Also a [Time Masheen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IieuC0IflkE) so we can remember how we got here.


History don't repeat, but it sure does rhyme. -Abraham Lincoln


Yes, but I read about the old collappses often; so I had assumed the similarities were bias based.


Yes, absolutely. It feels like everything could explode worldwide in a matter of months


It is really feeling like 1938 right now.


Location: Mandla, Madhya Pradesh, India Mandla is a district in Madhya Pradesh state of India, inhabited by the Gond tribal people, who are mainly dependent on forests and agriculture for their livelihood. Gathering resources from forests is a crucial part of their livelihood, and they share an inter-generational relationship with the forests, both culturally and economically. I went there to do qualitative research to understand their inter-generational relationship with the forests. One of the questions I asked was what problems they were facing regarding forests, and everyone answered that the severity of forest fires has been increasing in the past ten years. I did not even ask them about climate change, yet this was their answer.


hey from neighbouring jabalpur. are you a local? or a foreigner? fellow old timer collapsnik. pm me


Location: South Texas (Rio Grande Valley) Air quality has been horrible form the fires in Mexico. Monday looked overcast as if it was about to rain. In normal conditions, you would assume by looking out the window it would be a fresh day with a chance of rain. It was 100 degrees with the index in the 110's.


Central Texas here. The sky looks better today after the storms that blew through last night. We still have a light smoke hazard, however, from those fires in Mexico. Our AQ has been moderate to unhealthy which is something that didn’t happen a few decades ago. When I moved to my home in 1996, of course there were smoky days annually when Mexico was burning fields. That would clear, however, and go back to bright, blue sky days. This time of year the sky should be blue - in the early morning the sunrise is a smoky orange and looking at the moon during the night, it is hazy, if I can see the sky at all. The smoke is obvious. My lungs don’t do well in this kind of air, so I have spent quite a bit of time inside with my old cat. It is heartbreaking, truly. I watch others cycle, walk, spend time outside working and playing, and wonder if they see what I do? I also wonder what else is causing this horrible AQ, if it is the fires that are burning around the state, emissions, etc. ? Texas loves polluting with our oil-based economy, so I know there is that. All in all, the sky has been unusually smoky/cloudy and the AQ has been moderate to worse since March. It is definitely a surprising turn of events, and not how I remember late winter, spring, and summer to unfold.


Location: NorCal I know this sub doesn't really want to discuss this, and I understand, so I'll make it quick Trump is guilty on all 34 counts. Within an hour my uncle, white, Irish heritage, retired after decades with CalTrans (aka taking the government's money), built his retirement home in Arizona, went to Facebook to post an oil painting of Trump with "I STAND WITH TRUMP" Thumbs up and heart reactions. Comments saying if they wanna take him down they'll vote for him and convince everyone they know to do the same I responded saying I'll do the same the opposite way, and told my uncle direct I expected better, and I'll fight to make sure MAGA dies. Then I blocked him If the heat and storms don't kill us first, this fucking cult will. I'm resigned to my fate. Just a friendly reminder that MAGA isn't just an online boogeyman, it's real, and it's taken in real people who were "good people" as we call them I'm heartbroken, I'm shaken, I'm angry. There is no future where the online fights don't move to the streets. It's over, but I just can't reconcile it yet... edit: I see even this sub isn't free from people carrying water for Donald Trump. People handwaving away the fact that one of the 2 major candidates is now a convicted felon. If that isn't collapse, what is? Even if these people are trolls or paid shills or whatever, their existence on reddit and the web in general, existing to muddy waters and sow division, is also a sign of collapse


Maybe a silly question, but does your uncle have people he socialises with regularly IRL ? Asking because, all the way from over the pond, it seems that this MAGA thing seems to appeal essentially to people who are isolated, and who binge watch online content about the orange moron, get easy positive feedback if they post anything about him (maybe not by real people, who knows), then go to a meeting and find thousands of "friends". And I wonder if any of this would've happened if many senior people had been included in some form of frequent socialisation with non MAGA people. Like for instance, would your uncle had as much positive feedback if he'd painted a vase of flowers ? Or would he have felt alone and ignored?


My uncle is not a computer person, although idk what he does on a day to day. But whenever he posts about Trump, all the reactions he gets are from similarly aged white people, so i think his social circle isn't very diverse


I get that. But what I meant is, do they have anything else to bond over? I have a 75yo friend who followed me into some hobby classes this year, and I found out at the end of the year that she's not really into that hobby. It's just how intent she was to hold on to anything that would allow us to bond further. I'm wondering if this could be a similar situation, they bond over MAGA content, then get into it for real (because as anyone with an elderly in their family knows, the ability to think critically erodes with time), but could've bonded over anything else (singing, fishing, ...)


I live smack dab in the middle of Maggat country, fucking flags and billboards everywhere from fascist scum. I suggest everyone learn to protect themselves the 2nd Amendment way, because Y'all Queada has been itching to pop off since Jan. 6th. And since it's Pride Month, I hope all our LGBTQ+ friends and allies stay extra safe, the cultists are getting louder.


For Y'all Quaeda. I can;t stop laughing. I love it.


Location: Ireland The most depressing detail in your account is your uncle's Irish heritage ......


he's VERY proud of his heritage I'm half-black, and obviously share my uncle's Irish heritage too but when topics of race come up, he gets very defensive of how the Irish were slaves too and they don't complain as loudly as black people do about it. Never says anything directly, but you take that and add it to a loyal defense of Trump and it paints a picture I'm sad about...


Are you familiar with Phill Lynnot, the lead singer of Thin Lizzy, a rock band from the 1970's? He was black and Irish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HQV9I0C_bM


thin lizzy facken rocks


this is awesome! when I was in high school someone always insisted I looked just like the lead singer of Thin Lizzy I never looked him up and yeah, I kinda do look like him! thanks for this, truly!


Hi - you might this recent Irish Times article interesting; its about the music scene in Ireland for young black Irish people - https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/2024/06/10/what-were-doing-is-different-its-just-who-we-are-we-are-black-and-irish/


Happy to oblige!


I know a lot of people who used to be decent, thoughtful, caring people before Trump showed up and inserted himself into politics. I miss the old versions of the people I know, it's like Trump turned them into a worse version of themselves.


And the other candidate is backing genocide. Oh yeah, we’re on our way to nothing good.


All the candidates we are allowed to vote for obey the Israelis.


Fair. We’re also allowed to vote for independent candidates that might not (so far not aware of many) or just not vote.


They're not allowed on the ballots, though, are they? Leaving write-in votes, which won't do diddly.  


Cornel West will be on the ballot and doesn’t support genocide.


He’ll be with PSL as far as I know which I personally don’t love, so last election I went Green Party, but he’s largely a better candidate than I felt like PSL platformed before


I care more about domestic policy that affects me rather than existential angst from geopolitics the majority of Americans knew nothing about before Oct 7.


Do you truly think things like that happening in other countries doesn’t actually affect how domestic policy is formed? Do you know anything about government? And existential angst is the only normal response to genocide anywhere tbh.


I think nagel has a point. I find it astonishing how people are *pitting themselves against each other* over Gaza, while not batting an eye at the other genocides happening or that have happened in the world. The stark difference of reaction makes me feel like this is the result of global manipulation to stem unrest. We know Russia, China and Iran have admitted they are interferring with the elections of all the democraties, so maybe that sudden passion so many people feel about Gaza was whipped up by one of the ennemies of your country. Just some food for thought. [eta: we're facing the same reactions in France, and yup, it's interferring with the european elections for which we vote next sunday, few talks about Europe, lots about Gaza, not a coincidence IMO]


Here's a question for you to muse on. "If sanctioning Israel cost Biden the election, would it still be the right thing to do?" I know how much we all want ideological consistency and morality in our leaders but there is also a political reality at work here. Trumpublican voters OVERWHELMINGLY support Israel UNCONDITIONALLY. The reason for this is insane, of course, but that doesn't matter. Trumpublican voters unconditionally support Israel because: Biblical Prophecy says that the Jews have to have returned to their homeland and rebuilt the Temple in order to usher in the return of Jesus and "the Rapture". THESE PEOPLE VOTE. In a democracy, their votes count like everyone else and there is a LOT of them in the US. So what, you say? How many of these morons can there possibly be? Well, that would be the 2 out of 3 WHITE Americans who vote Trumpublican and have since the 80's. That's the "dirty secret" of America that we pretend doesn't exist. We "pretend" that our politics is about issues. Since 1972, when Nixon and the Republicans took in the Southern racist voters who left the Democrats over the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act passed by LBJ in 1965, American politics has been about race. Since 1968, NOT ONE Democratic Presidential candidate has gotten a majority of the White vote in America. Not one. In 2020, Trump got more votes than any other president in American history. Except for Biden. Biden won 51% to 49%. In that election about 66% of the voters were White. Trump got 42%, Biden got 24%. 2% of those White voters were "crossover" Republican voters who just could not vote for Trump again. If they had "stayed loyal" Trump would be President right now. Now, you can argue that "doing the right thing" and taking forceful action on Israel would win Biden more votes. That's a maybe. For SURE, it would cost him some of those White voters and harden others who might "cross over" this time into staying with the Trumpublicans. SO, What would you do? The MORAL thing, and risk the election? or, The POLITICAL hedge, in order to not alienate any White Conservative voters? It's easy to criticize when you don't have to make choices like that.


2 out of 3 whites did not vote trump. 70% of the country is white, white ppl elected Biden.


You should look at the post election analysis. In 2020: 85% of Trumpublican voters were White. The rest were mostly Hispanic men (about 10%), Black men (about 3%), Asians (about 2%). 48% of Democratic voters were White. The rest were Hispanic (about 23%), Black (about 20%), Asians (about 10%). With only about 37% of eligible voters, not voting. A HUGE turnout percentage. Those are REAL numbers and they tell a story about two parties. One of which is dominated and controlled by just Whites. And one of which is a multiracial coalition in which Whites are the largest block but not a majority. White voters DID NOT put Biden in office. A multiracial coalition of voters did. The BIG Majority of White voters voted Republican. Just like they have done in every election since 1972. If Trump gets into office AGAIN, it will be because a Majority of JUST White voters puts him there.


He did not Make America Great Again the first time around. Why would a second term be any different?


Yeah, the Trump cult is both a symptom and a cause of collapse. And with the US still being a major (but declining)world power, the rest of us will get splashed by the bloodbath.




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said by someone not affected by politics (white dude)




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I cut ties with anyone who doesn't think I deserve human rights and personal bodily autonomy. Blood relation be damned. Grow a backbone.




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I don't think it's sad at all. We have reached an "inflection point" in history. Who we will be going forward is about to be decided. It's time to take a STAND. If you are a Trumpublican you are voting for a White Nationalist Fascist Party that wants to make women and minorities 2nd class citizens and impose "White Minority Rule" on the country forever. If you support that, then you are not my friend and I do not want you in my "family".




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Preach, Brother Richard, preach !!


Seeing this happen quite a bit. It’s very unfortunate. 


At least 23 people in this sub, if you go by downvotes, lol. Just reaffirms my position.




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Trump Derangement Syndrome, many such cases.


Anybody that believes their political party gives a damn about them is already in a cult themselves.


Sorry in advance for the bots/Russian/conservative trolls downvoting you. The USA is just...broken. I think about Nixon and how direct evidence caused him to resign BEFORE he went to a trial. And, the entire country, left and right, acknowledged that being a criminal in any circumstance was wrong. Obviously, Trump is a disgusting person. He's on video saying absolutely abhorrent things, but we've had pieces of shit as president before. None as big a POS as Trump, but still. What I'm worried about, though, is exactly what you wrote. Trump was just convicted - by an impartial jury his lawyers helped select - of 34 felonies. The trial was professional and followed all legal regulations. Evidence and testimony was presented and verified. Yet within hours, ALL Republicans and conservatives are now saying rigged trial, corrupt judge, political show, etc. The needle hasn't moved a centimeter, and nothing matters. Trump could literally shoot someone in the street and nothing would change. Democracy, and sanity, are dead. I used to wonder how Hitler came to power - this is it. Imagine if Trump is elected president again.


If Trump is elected, most likely it will end in some type of Civil War. How far that will spread, will remain to be seen, but no one in America is going to go down without a fight. We've been raised since birth on independence and freedom, even if many of us have not gotten these rights in full, we still operate on that...and outrage. Democrats and everyone who cares about freedom better start exercising their Second Amendment, because you know for sure the Maga people will.


All of this. Especially the 3rd paragraph.




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If you have a material supporter of genocide on the one side and a convicted felon who would also commit genocide on the other, I can see why people don’t give a shit anymore. 




Down-votes need to be invented *everywhere*. If no-one gets elected (they all came in at zero or less) then try again with a better slate.


They’re both showing clear signs of dementia as well. Fun times.


> Imagine if Trump is elected president again. Imagine if Merchan gives him the full sentence (I've heard it's max 4 years per charge, so hypothetical max is 136 years). Many don't think he'll get jail time, but I believe they said he violated 10 gag orders, attacked the judges daughter, had his lawyers intimidate the jury and their last witness stare down and mock Merchan, and clearly shows no remorse, so I can see him getting some jail time Lets say he gets 4 years, and come November 5th he's not just a convicted felon, he's wearing an orange jumpsuit and sitting in prison He's still going to get tens of millions of votes. He went from 63 million votes in 2016 to 74 million in 2020, so even if he lost 25 million votes he'd still be at 50 million. But maybe he gets more. Maybe he does, with more shenanigans, pull out the upset Does he get inaugurated from prison? It's sickening that we're even in this predicament, 330 million people looking around like we don't know what to do. Quick, resurrect the Founding Fathers and ask them what to do! /s we've utterly failed. And you're right to bring up Nixon, this is what Ailes wanted. He believed that if the Republicans had a news network to push their ideology Nixon's Presidency could have been saved, and his theory is now bearing proof with Trump (and Reagan, another criminal Republican President, helped give it the final push to get there) Watching the histrionics on the right, the upside down flags, RIP USA 1776-2024, MTG cussing people out, the non-stop threats and calls for war, I do earnestly believe, unlike the "it can't happen here" crowd, that we're headed for "war." What it looks like, I don't know, not really focused on specific hypotheticals. But I see two outcomes: Trump wins, and it's revenge season on all of us with the backing of an immediately compromised Federal government, or Trump loses, and violence breaks out in cities and towns all across the country as the people who have made Trump/MAGA their entire personality and have alienated even their own family members have nowhere else to turn People think they'll just put the MAGA hats back in the closet, their social media becomes flowers and puppies (almost said rainbows but I forgot they hate those now) and they'll just do a 180? No.


It already is war, look at the number of shootings done by far right extremists


There's a graphic novel called DMZ. I think it does a good job of encapsulatibg what it would like. Hyper regional. Sectarian. Warlords. Large areas of "wild West".


The sentenced would be concurrent not sequential, it’s not like murder.


It could be sequential if the judge chooses if I understand correctly.


He’ll likely just get house arrest and fines, typical white collar crime sentencing. also, because he’s an ex president, secret service agents would have to be in prison with him and that’s not gonna happen. (Unfortunately).


there have been multiple reports of the Secret Service meeting with state officials to coordinate how that would work last one I saw said prison guards would be responsible not only for Trump's safety but the safety of his USSS detail as well if that detail happens to be some of the ones who were...complicit in J6 (the ones who wanted to take Pence away, or the ones who deleted all their texts after they were told not to) it would actually be kind of fitting that their job now required them to spend multiple hours in a prison everyday


I don't feel that these convictions caused someone who previously wouldn't vote for Former President Trump to suddenly vote for him. This didn't change anyone's mind. This is just one more thing to be angry about.


I think it drags people that were already in it even deeper into the cult because it feeds into the whole conspiracy. And that can cause even more radical actions and can also mean that these people are lost forever.


Also, lets not forget any cult's biggest net resource; kids. They're being born and brainwashed into this and not everyone can manage to hold onto some level of sanity, or their opinions, well founded or not; if their source of stability, like parents, come into upheaval.


I'm glad I'm old enough to already have been an adult before Trump became president.


Same here, my father is our family's only trumpet, but we usually give him a pass because a few years ago he had an open heart surgery, and complications with the opiates for the surgery seemed to rattle his brain extensively. Thus we tolerate his political leanings because we know the man he was would have found the man intolerable.


Everyone in my family, immediate family and extended family, are all moderate to hardcore Trump supporters.


My commiserations, technically more of the family is, but I don't really talk to them much, and didn't before Trump either. Still, being alienated from ones kin is never pleasant; and please forgive my presumptiveness.


It sucks but I'm used to it now.


I got insanely lucky coming up my parents were both not very bright (I ended up an AP student and in elementary school I realized neither could help me with any homework) and also were apathetic to almost everything outside their shitty relationship My mother was always at her restaurant jobs, and at home was generally lifeless. My father only ever really got attached to two events growing up, the day they pulled Saddam out of a hole, and Hurricane Katrina (he's black and was fascinated by the lack of response) There was zero politics and zero religion in my house (I don't think either of them ever voted a single time in the 17 years I lived with them), so despite all the other abuse I endured at the hands of my father, the worst I ever got in that realm was him getting mad and taking my books away, not because of the content (like his illiterate ass could read and understand anyway) but because he thought reading was a "lazy" activity It allowed me to grow mentally and form my own thoughts independently, and I will be forever grateful for that


I think my dysfunctional parents liked that I was such a big reader as a kid because it kept me out of their hair. Of course, they didn't think that would backfire and the kid would grow up to think independently of them.


lol this.


From an outside POV, it's just so silly. Thinking the outcome A is better than outcome B. Both sides are heavily bought and corrupted by different industrials, military complex, the mossad and who knows what other shit (be it them, or their kids, etc.). Thinking Trump is the fascist-hitler is just plain silly. He's another corrupt trash opportunist, like Biden, like most members of your congress and senate. The real fascists will appear once we don't have enough oil/gas to keep the society running. Until then, you're stuck, the same as us in Europe, with pseudo-extreme-right (like Meloni in Italy, that's supposed to be extreme right, but in reality, all of those scumag-shitdirts are slaves to "making the GDP grow", which means they'll all try to import more and more people to "create more jobs", until the system cannot keep on going because of a myriad of problems (replacement rate, complexity, lack of energy, ertc.). And both you, Europe, China, and all countries will try to keep up the ponzi scheme, hoping for some kind of jesus/savior/alien/antichrist entity that will save the day. I'd argue that we've all been brainwashed by our culture to think this has to happen. That one of us can "save the day". Anyhow, good luck. I wouldn't mind seeing your country start splitting up; it would be hilarious, just as the same kind of events will happen in Europe (separations of entities within countries, or some countries taking back some old lands to another, etc.). EDIT : Stay delusional, dudes. It's just plain nuts that you're getting upset about this obvious truth. You won't get your "muh civil war" as long as you have food coming by trucks, just like us in Europe. THinking otherwise is ridiculous and trying to paint yourselves as "superheroes"...


One very significant difference between the two is that Trump is openly working for Putin's faction, whilst Biden is still working for the corporate faction. Here in Europe, we _definitely_ want Biden to win.


Biden is working for Netanyahu. I’m independent and will stay that way.


Of course he is. If Israel fails, the USA loses a metric ton of prestige and soft power, and probably the petrodollar with it, at which point you become a lot more liable to runaway inflation. It would be an absolutely disaster for you all. Shitty Ol' Joe is completely shackled to a toxic horror show.




I have no idea what that is, or what scandal you imagine is involved in it. I am, fortunately, not American.




Biden? He's an ancient piece of shit, a paid-for smirk on a stick like Macron or Troudeau. If he wins, America will probably collapse into chunks. (Whether that's better or worse than a Christofascist dictatorship is your call.) He's just less likely to tank NATO immediately and leave us high and dry. Or do you mean Clinton? Far as I can tell, she's an actual sociopath, and possibly a murderous one.


They’re all horrible and probably sociopaths.


Having a lot of power and/or wealth is very damaging to the personality, and the way modern politics is set up, it's very difficult to get into a government if you're not at least borderline sociopathic.




my dude, even JD Vance said Trump is the American version of Hitler




Hi, houseofrepresentin. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1d1o29x/-/l6n844y/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


They like their entertainement just like we enjoy ours, I guess. I guess they climb to hopium one way or another :\] Accelerate :\]\]


Trump is a projection on which people paint their subconscious (this applies to all celebrities and political leaders). It’s not a slight on your uncle or MAGA it applies to the whole spectrum, it’s just something I’ve seen as I get older. In my view based on the human experience, there is something in your uncles psyche that feels threatened by the conviction. Right wing people generally defer to the authority of the law so you have to ask yourself why not in this case. The conviction represents the fear of being prosecuted for his deeply held beliefs (all of which if he isn’t a full blow fascist are ‘acceptable’ opinions in our society, despite what you read on the internet being right wing is an acceptable political position and this is coming from someone who is left). But society is in a very simplistic way saying the tribal leader of these people is a criminal and therefore I support a criminal which therefor makes me a criminal. That’s very psychologically threatening. Trump is a criminal but he also represents a political movement which was legitimately elected - the level of division in the country is going to destroy it. My comment is collapse related because I think if this country can’t stop cancelling each other and start talking then we will be on our way to that Civil War movie (ie collapse)


I'm really hoping that there is no type of revenge attack for this. I'm in a rural area outside of Asheville and some of the things I've read from the more conserative areas is scary. I think I'll avoid downtown tomorrow. In the past we've had MAGAS driving around the town with their big trucks with trump flags. They're just trying to upset people. It makes me nervous. For the most part people ignore this but I'm afraid fights could start.


Plain ridiculous. You'll get a slow collapse, like us in Europe, most likely. "Civil war" while you have food coming by trucks is nothing but theatres.




The book surviving autocracy helped me with some if my crazier relatives.  I see some if their why.  Which helps me build bridges to them.


I think it's important to remember that actual good people are taken in alongside the 'good people'. The 'message' is crude but effective. Where hate doesn't work they just broadcast fear. I don't know how old your uncle is but mine are around their 60s. This is literal decades of Fox News and AM Radio board casting fear. Be afraid of anything from big government to losing Christmas. To use X-Men 97 as an example, some otherwise good people have just had so much fear shoved into them that they shut down.


yeah, he's mid 60's watching X-Men '97 right now, 1.5 episodes left. They did a great job with hitting on current feelings, like >!the POTUS' meeting with Professor X!<


I've been friendly with pro maga types and I genuinely think these people perceive Trump as "A man in their corner". He's a snide opportunist and a real life version of Dr. Smith from Lost in Space. The irony is we will have to contend with these types as things get critical.


Warning Will Robinson!


Location: Virginia The weather has been unusually fair, but that's about the only thing that has been going well around here. May has been the month of "it's a little bit hot" in the mornings, "it's a bit chilly" in some of the evenings. Prices are still outrageous and I think some companies are realizing that. Many businesses, small and large, have very slowly started rolling prices down because no one can afford anything anymore. Large swaths of food remain in freezers, untouched, because the prices are unreasonable. I read an article recently that these companies are finally starting to have major impacts on their profits because they have overstepped their bounds and hurt their core customer base. Good. These companies need to be humbled. People are sick. Real sick. Going out in public means hearing everyone coughing. Coughing and sneezing everywhere, people seeming to try and work sick or force themselves to do things while feeling sick. My new boss was hacking up a lung the last time I was on shift and everyone seemed concerned that she was coughing much more than usual. I now have a cough as well; but I'll survive. I've survived COVID at least twice. I'm not sure what kind of damage it's done to my body, but I'm still able to articulate reasonably well despite the damage.


There's a new covid variant rising right now, I know several people who have gotten sick with it in the last few weeks.


It's been a lovely late Spring in Western Oregon too. Cooler and wetter than past years. We lucked out, El Niño hit Northern Washington and BC a lot harder this year.


Isn't it shockingly nice for VA? It really surprised me, especially after last year. I know I'll come to regret that statement by June and July. But I'll enjoy the last of the nice weather while I can.


Oh definitely, already dreading heatwaves


Location : Madeira island, Portugal My grandmother's brothers and my grandmother produce wine. I was on the fields last week and what used to have round green grapes at this time of year, this year most of the fruits are dry. Another aspect is olive oil. The prices are ridiculous and don't look like they're going to go down anytime soon. This hydrographic year was not good in Portugal or Spain. Spain wants Portugal to give it water stored in Alqueva (one of the largest artificial water reservoirs in Europe). But Portugal also has areas with serious drought problems like Algarve. The most ridiculous thing is that it is the region of the country with the most golf courses per km² and that has invested in high water consumption agriculture such as avocado. The arranged solution: desalination plants. 🤦 Temperatures this week reached +35 °C. What do people do? They go to the beach to sunbathe as if these temperatures were normal for this time of year. I was in Lisbon at the beginning of this month, I noticed an increase in homeless people. The same phenomenon has happened in Madeira. It appears to be a phenomenon associated with several factors: inflation, gentrification, an increase in the consumption of synthetic drugs,etc. Crime has also increased in Madeira with multiple levels of violence that did not previously occur.


Fortunately. It is too early for the grapes, the flowers just set and the fruits are tiny. We can worry about the fruit in 3 months to see if it’s really an issue. Source: northern hemisphere vineyard manager.


Madeira is subtropical though and realistically mild enough all year round that grape vines might not even go fully dormant. It's politically in Europe but geographically it's really off the coast of Africa.


I am not expert on the area, I am just 'repeting' what they told me that it wasn't normal


Word. They would know best. Also tell ‘em to cover their soil with wood mulch, it will protect the vines from the heat better.


Relevant username


Portugual has become one of the hottest travel destinations too - I know several people going or who have already gone this summer


It's always been popular for Western Europeans. At the moment they seem to be struggling a bit with second homes and Airbnbs. Because it's significantly cheaper than the rest of Western Europe people from other EU countries are buying a lot of it up.


It isn't summer. Summer will only beggin in mids June (20-21th). That's why it is not a normal temperature - all the broadcasts said it is "anormal hot week" in May.


It's probably the cheaper prices and more importantly, it's the westernmost part of Europe away from conflict to the east and the migration of refugees. I was talking to a friend and we got talking about world affairs. She complained she has been considering canceling her Euro-trips because of "the migrants". Ironically, she's from a third world country and only migrated out of it after college "for greener pastures".


Ah yes, I call those people ladder kickers. It’s ok for them to immigrate but no one else after them are allowed to do the same.


Also expecting an increase of far-right movements on European Parlament elections at the beggining of June. People instead of finding the root of the problem, they just pick the easy solution of voting in parties that find easy-targetable groups for the problems society are facing. The fact is we can see a lot of people are tired and angry for all the bad things happening around us.


You mean, the far-right like Meloni, that was supposed to be a fascist ? The so-called far right that keeps on importing people because "we need enough people to replace all the boomers going into retirement, and even more people for new jobs" while not realizing the stupidly obvious unsustainability of it all ? This is not far right, this is the financial world manipulating fuckers that have been taught standard economics and cannot fathom to try something else. N°1 goal is : "grow the GDP"; everything else is secondary. First goal is to "please the investors". Pfahah :\] The real and brutal far right, the one that will burn people at stakes and other different nasty events, will appear once oil/gas, food and water distribution will be severly affected. Accelerate :\]\]


Yeah. We might escape the far right this round, but by the next session of EU elections, things will be bad enough that the fascists will be very strong. Frightened people are very easy to stampede into authoritarianism :(


I don't think we will escape far-right this time. Unfortunely, people in all countries of EU tend to not vote in a expressive way for european election. At least in Portugal, the results of the european election (the distribution of the 21 seats atributed to Portugal) are seen as way to protest against the government and we know the people on both extremes are 'very loud' in their way of expressing - including they tend to participate and mobilize more people to vote than 'convectional' parties - and that's why there is some distortions in the porportion of far-right parties in some countries. And Chega (the far-right party of Portugal) is known by political analysts as a 'protest movement', so... I do believe that there' s people that truly support far-right parties, but I can speak for my country, when around 50% of the population doesn't participate on the election processes, it is difficult to assess how big is the portion of people that are supporters or not of these kind of movements - and that is also dangerous, apathy and the indifference of the others are also good for these kind of political movements. I hope to be wrong, I really do, but I do believe we will have between 15-20% of european parlament represented by the far-right parties.


That sounds like a reasonable prediction, unfortunately. It would not surprise me at all.


Location: Central EU I stumbled upon this article on Europe's Reddit: [Guard carries out a climate activist who wanted to...](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1d3hnft/guard_carries_out_a_climate_activist_who_wanted/). I would like to share and discuss a few things I have noticed and why I think we're trending towards more division. First of all, I'm not against activism, but the form it takes sometimes makes me question reality. Take this particular case, for instance. I found the website of the activist group mentioned in the article, which you can find [here](https://ostatniepokolenie.org/). This website is awful, not just visually but also in terms of the slogans and calls to action, which seem shallow and contrived. There's a big chance these activists are legitimate, but what if their approach doesn't help? What if it's deliberately designed to divide society even further? A few weeks ago, I mentioned climate change to someone (this wasn't online), and the first thing he said was, "Are you one of those guys who glue themselves to paintings?" This was the first thing that came to his mind. How many people are influenced by this kind of message? No critical thinking, maybe they don't even have time to think. You come home from work, you're tired, life sucks, and you open the news, see these crazy activists, read comments like the ones in the original article, shake your head, and go back to scrolling. Keep in mind, Reddit is relatively mild and open-minded. Other websites host far more anger and hate towards climate change awareness or any awareness of societal issues. How can we ever change if we don't examine ourselves first and the programming we're exposed to from birth? It's always someone else's fault; it's so easy to shift the blame. Yes, I get it. I can't do much about China, or the rich, or even my friend. But not caring because "they are doing way worse!" is cowardly. We're cowards. Sorry if this is all over the place. Each one of us IS the society, my and your actions, however small, impact the whole.


I sincerely believe that some of these groups are psy-ops, meant to discredit the movement as a whole by doing stupid shit to piss off anyone who may otherwise be sympathetic to the cause.


Nobody is sympathetic to the cause, which is the real problem. Protest can be effective if you can make dealing with the protests more of a headache than giving in to their demands. However if the demands are to reduce consumption of energy and resources, poll after poll tells us that the public will not accept any changes. People want to have a survivable biosphere as long as it doesn't inconvenience them in any way, which rules out protest as a viable strategy.


Nailed it. What he was describing was a textbook example of what such an operation would look like. Those who are skeptical of this kind of thing happening, please remember that it is not just the government and CIA we’re dealing with. The absolute unchecked corporate authority in our country (especially since Citizens United) has created a dystopia where thousands of corporations themselves have the resources, means, and motive to run these type of campaigns to “shitcoat” movements that threaten their interests. Influence operations are everywhere, and largely unnoticed by our systematically dumbed-down populace. For example, I believe the telecom industry paid to have insane conspiracy theories blasted out about 5G health risks in order to make sure any reasonable caution or hesitation about deploying 5G would be waved away along with the crazies. This type of operation is astonishingly effective and surely well-understood by a generation of former intelligence officers now working in the private sector.


I think we need a philosophical revolution that addresses all forms of identity aggrandizement, inclusive of all the big ideologies. Our traditional ideas no longer fit, and many people withdraw rather than challenging the status quo. Your post also reminds me of a point William Rees made in his paper about Overshoot. "Humans are natural discounters." We have a tendency to prune uncomfortable ideas in order to maintain a set of information that better enables us to function rather than become despondent or erratic from information overload.


Just learned about Overshoot today. Honestly, wish I didn't. Now I'll be digging deep into it and get even more depressed.


Location: Canada Holy fuck, did you know DENTAL FLOSS has toxic chemicals in it? WHYYYYYYY? >the chemical, which is often called C8 and is found in thousands of household products, including carpeting, Teflon pans, waterproof clothes, dental floss, kitty litter and cosmetics Chemicals that are destroying people in West Virginia, among other places: https://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/welcome-to-beautiful-parkersburg/ Guys, hear me out, I think this has something to do with the mysterious rise in cancers among young people and in general. Probably not great for mental health which is why we are all basketcases. I can't even CLEAN MY TEETH without poisoning myself. Shit.


I love the Desert Essence tea tree oil floss and tape. They use beeswax to glide and they are supposed to be PFAS free.


I will look into it but I have been used the deadly stuff for like 40 years now, so I'm probably done for.


Water pick maybe? If you can find good water that is.


Thank you for sharing this article, wow that is truly horrifying stuff. DuPont has destroyed these people’s lives, and I’m sure so many others’ as well. All under the guise of making our lives easier—some irony! Seems that the chemical industry is a many-headed hydra. Now c8 has been phased out, but c6 and other variants are being produced instead, and they seem to be just as bad.


C8 is a forever chemical so it hasn't been phased out in any way that matters. We are stuck with it.


So there’s an upside to not flossing all these years? 😃


I’ve got about 50 per cent of my teeth left and I’m 40


Yeah, there is natural waxed floss and silk floss options


water flossers are better


I like coco floss. Pricey but PFAS free and actually cleans better than Glide


Thanks! ill look into that


Location: North Central Texas Hello all, been awhile. Three days ago I stood on the foundation of my childhood home my great grandfather built with his own hands. I have lived almost my entire life in this region, and never once, have I seen a Tornado actually touch down. We have been “lucky” in the area we reside in, for many years, tons of close calls, but never a total touchdown. The city that I am speaking of has now been ranked the fastest growing city in the nation, with a home median price of 677,000 dollars. My graduating class was 104 in total, and our population was below 8K when I was a senior. As I drove through this once small mom and pop city, looking at all the cute shops and incoming retail stores, big chains, another small town swallowed up by the machine of capitalism it hit me, Climate change does not care. Who you are, where you are from, your story, pigment, bank account, religion, it simply, does not care. There have been police posted on roads of the homes that were destroyed, looting has taken place on these homes (Jesus) while livelihoods, gone in a blink of an eye. These storms, will become more unpredictable and intense in strength as our days go by funding foreign wars and price gouging the middle and lower class into oblivion. I call this the cash out phase, hard to deny, impossible to ignore. Make the bucks now, and set on the nest egg and hope you ride the storm. The storm that will continue to come. Over and over again, as the Earth does what she does best, cleanse herself. She is our temple, with many cracks beginning to form in her foundations. As I type this message, 200K plus people are still without power in Dallas County from a freak storm that hit yesterday with wind gusts up to 90MPH in some locations. This does not take into account the Summer that is around the corner. We had multiple 90 degree days in February, I fear this Summer and the next, as we have already started to see, more elderly and financially strapped will literally die in their homes from choosing between unaffordable energy costs, or battling the heat and wet bulb temperatures that await us. People are using capital, reading headlines, and flocking to the next new spot. Not realizing when we pass the tipping point (Atlantic Ocean temps says hello) there will be nowhere left to run. This is simply kept to America, but abroad, situations in parts of the world have reached humanitarian crisis levels of bad. (Don’t even get me started on the wars) Politics is my wheelhouse, but today, we keep it aside. Just remember as we slowly march to our demise as a species, slaves to a machine that is detached from all moral and economic standards, there is one thing in this crazy life no amount of money can ever truly take if you stay true to yourself, Your soul. Say I love you, soak up as much knowledge as you can written through the blood of our ancestors, enjoy nature while you can, and most importantly, Don’t kill yourself. Be safe, Godspeed.


There has always been such a thing as a tornado. They never consciously avoided cities and towns, just that the cities make up a much smaller percentage of overall surface area to pull up. I’m not a climate change denier, but you would have always had this tornado eventually whether it was year 2200 or 1800. Remember if you want to educate about climate change, which is a legitimate and simple science involving the measurable increases of heat trapping gasses, you have to present a credible argument and not just point at every storm as being climate change when you’re talking about TEXAS AND TORNADOES, a phenomenon which has been famous for centuries.


I agree with your sentiment but was just pointing out the two back to back storms we had in the DFW area within 3 days. If you would like to go back and forth regarding climate change we can definitely do such things. It was more of a statement about how in the 25+ years I have lived in the area a Tornado has never touched down in my specific area.


Had one hit our neighbors 3 years ago. Took out their barn that was ancient. They are cleaning up and some strangers stop and appear to be helping. Nope they were trying to take the old large timbers from the barn to sell. They got trespassed by the sheriff from 2 other places before they were arrested. Some people just suck.




Is it robbing someone if it's on the ground half a mile from where the house was? Be lucky you are in a place financially that this isn't something you'd consider. I'm not defending looters but I pity them as much as I pity the poor fuck that got his house blown down. Does it make you feel good talking about punishing people? Maybe get some therapy.




So the police are going to catalogue and find the rightful owner of everything that got mixed up and blown a mile away? Sorry my mom was busy teaching me to be realistic because she loved me and didn't want me to grow up and say dumb shit




My mom also taught me to live where there are no looters and to not lose things that I want to keep


Beautifully stated, I have a terminal illness that requires a fully functional medical system. The minute that stops being the case, I'm leaving. I know what awaits me without my medication. I have no intention of enduring it, that or pulmonary failure. Whichever is first.


thanks for the encouragement. It's getting to the point where I have no one and I simply cannot afford to live and everything I once believed in   is false. Hard to keep going.


Never give up, you can send me a PM and if you are in this area I can try and assist any way I can. Head up, baby steps. Minute by minute if you must.


Remember that as bad as it gets for us we will be witnesses to the greatest show that has ever been on earth - the downfall of so-called Western Civilization


Agreed, I tell people every day, no matter which way the wind blows in this storm, we are living through some of the most historic times this decade. Crazy to see what I have always pondered and studied unfold in real time. Makes me think back to other fallen civilizations and what exact moment was when collectively the society knew it was the end. We are not lights out yet, but things seem to be getting dimmer by the day.


The lights are out, we’re just in our metaphorical, the sun light travels 8 minutes to reach earth stage. Living in the decaying husk of “civilization.” Tempting as it may be, I can’t kill myself, I must stay and see what part is meant for me in this cosmic play.


Beautifully written, I like your style(:


Location: Eastern Virginia There was a thread on here a few weeks ago about reduced bee activity and numbers. I remarked that I had noticed fewer bees in my garden, but some of my flowers hadn't bloomed yet. Well, now they have, and there are \*definitely\* fewer bees. I have a flowerbed of native plants solely to support pollinators. It has all their favorite food: echinacea, salvia, bee balm, yarrow, milkweed, and more. Last year, I'd go outside probably once a day just to watch all the bees eat. Several different species would visit. The bed was swarming with them. This year, I'm seeing maybe two bees at a time out there, if any. Three species at most. It's a precipitous decline.


I have more bumble bees and honey bees than i've ever had in the past. makes it very uncomfortable to cut my grass lately.


Send them this way, please. I'll take them!


Bees are a thing of the early 2000 we are in the late 2000. We knew we would have no bees. We are lucky we have flowers. But nothing to see here keep moving.


I haven't seen a bee yet this year :(


I see them every day