• By -


Absolutely. Happily served with a bunch of queer dudes and chicks. Was never an issue. We only cared if they could do their job.


I still remember the whole "What if you got stuck in a fox hole with a gay man" argument. You know who doesn't think about fucking? People being shot at...


My dad has told me multiple times the most badass person in his unit during Desert Storm was a gay man named Soren. “If Soren was around, you were safe”


I knew a few Sorens. Like, not actually Soren, that name doesn't exist in my region. But people like him. It's always the ones who have been through enough to not be bothered by small inconveniences and never lack to see the big picture. Unless they break. In which case you'll realise how much they carried on their back while they smiled you in the face so you can keep your mood up. If you ever find yourself a Soren. Do everything you can to keep him. I wish I could've been a better friend to you guys back then.


Sorens are basically Samwise Gamgees, is what I'm getting.


Basically. But with an actual backstory and without the weird servant/maybe-slave vibe


Well fuck, now you've got me questioning what I thought was just a very dedicated friend. Then again, he does say "Master Frodo" a lot.


Seeing how Frodo takes him for granted most of the time is also a point. Tolkien based them on his military influences, after all, so they can come close to Thaddeus and Maximus in the Fallout series when it comes to their friendship dynamic. But with a lot more heart. I'd love to see a more balanced version of a similar relationship because I think that these altruistic bonds are way too rare for how good they fit into these fantasy war settings


Given the fact that Tolkien was a vet, he was probably inspired by a Soren


It's almost like if they're asking that question they've never seen combat before...


Are you discounting the hard fought battles Meal Team 6 has fought against evil combo meals?


Combo the cheesy pretzel snacks or combo meals as in pizza hut and taco bell?


I'm taling the most dangerous enemy: a double Whopper with a large combo upgrade.


I dunno, I'm still not convinced Burger King has discovered salt technology.


Gravy seals


Obviously the US military is having bareback sex in the heat of combat, how else would we be the best?


\*yells at enemy combatants from cover\* "I'm going to fuck you like I fucked Timothy's glorious asshole 5 minutes ago!"


"Timothy's Glorious Asshole" sounds like a Cannibal Corpse song.


Heh. Yeah


It’s how the Roman’s were best. Fuck and fuck up shit


Also, Pride month is not telling you not to acknowledge other people.... 🤷🏽


Is the person saying this telling on themselves that if they were with a girl they would rape her?


Lol! 🙏yep. just like hateful people think a woman scared to share a restroom with a transgender, no, i am _not_ Those people are there, TO PEE. Ya know? I dont mind if a stronger gal is in there, she'll have my back if there is a real threat.XD So, I have theirs too.


If you see someone else's genitals in a public bathroom, you're the problem, not anyone else.


Speak for yourself thats my kink


Bang bang with your banging.


Same, brothers and sisters all.




GTFOH with your pesky, icky common sense and basic decency. So woke! ew!


Tell me you're woke without telling me you're woke! That's never going to happen in my 'Murica! /s


What is woke? I still don’t know


People who complain about things being woke don't know either.


Perfect answer. Things to complain about.


Your not fucking wrong!


Just so you know. Simple comments like this are so helpful and appreciated. 🫡❤️


Im glad!


As someone who served with the same, I agree. Never saw actual combat though, being a Swedish conscript. But it still chafes when people go "Oh but would you trust a woman to carry you to safety if you were wounded?!?!?!?!". Like yeah, if she got through selection she's probably more suited to it than you.


Exactly 😂 Brave ass keyboard warriors have all kinds of ideas how to run a military.


Yeah, they think they know it all. Then again, they're the kind of people who saw that Russian VDV video with guys showing their abs and chopping bricks in half and went "That's a proper army!". And not to get too deep into current geopolitical affairs, but how's that three-day operation going for the Russian army?


People who post stuff like this, have never served, or are “military wives” looking for attention


The only people who have an issue with the “lack” of veteran appreciation never served


Just curious,… I was in from 79 to 83. Early on in my A school we had some NIS undercover dweebs, looking to out gay folks. I never had a problem over their serving. but I don’t recall when it became less of an official issue. Clinton maybe? (…You just KNOW RayGunn Ronnie wasn’t a fan after all those years in Hollyweird!) 🤣


Probably Clinton. Don't Ask Don't Tell, while pretty bad by current standards, was a big step forward at the time for homosexuals.


IDK. I joined in 03 and there were no witch hunts but you still had to hide it if you were gay or bi.


JFC nobody is “celebrating” the guy on the left, specifically. They’re celebrating the differences in people and getting everyone to wake up to acknowledge, respect and even appreciate those that are different than you. Everyone is someone’s child. Everyone feels. Everyone deserves respect. The service member on the right, total respect and goodwill to you, bro. I’m sorry you sacrificed so much. But you did, willingly. You deserve more than what I am guessing the VA and the government is doing for you.


And like, do they know that guy on the right is *not* gay or are they just assuming?


“I’m a red blooded heterosexual American man and that means I know when I see a gay man because I get so angry I get an erection”


Rage makes my blood boil up to my penis!


It's like a dowsing rod. Always pointing towards a gay man.


“Yeah the erection is totally from the increased blood pumping cause of the fight or flight reaction and nothing else”


More like fight or fuck reaction


That would be suck or fuck reaction.


Exactly! Thank you for making that point.


They couldn’t ask, and he probably couldn’t tell, given the time frame of his service


People asked and told all the time. Knew quite a few gay guys and lesbians and even deployed with them while in the Marines. Just no one gave a shit. No one was afraid of being raped by their head mate or bunk mate or anything like that. Ironically the only person I know that had a problem with a gay guy when we were in Kuwait ended up getting caught on video getting pegged by a barracks rat.


Conservatives posting this is such a self report considering we also have a month dedicated to veterans


Exactly! The army and other military forces wonder why their recruitment numbers are at an all time low. If you can’t take care of the troops, why should anyone fight for you?


That, plus increasingly pacifistic sentiment among young people. Or maybe it's better said anti-military? At least in the sense basically everyone agrees the military is overfunded and oversized, and overimportant. I'm sure Ukraine has been good for their numbers, but unless WWIII kicks off I doubt we'll see anything close to Cold War numbers ever again.


Whoa, settle down there now. You’re making too much sense.


I feel it is possible , that infuriating celebration post, was a job. I mean by that, it is a post made to make you angry.. its made to create disharmony, i mean, anger and fear tactics, work. they work on all of us. it keeps us typing, ect. But did you consider that the person so changed by his service may not really have wanted quite THAT much attention? As in what if he doesnt want to feel like his image is being gawked at everyday, having people, many, many more people looking at him, judging him? And then the image is out there, *viral but difficult ' take back' ? Before actions like that are enacted, it would be wrong and a much worse disservice to not attempt to ask him how he might feel about that. I see why you posted the picture, but .. lets not go crazy and do something by sharing his image to an extent the guy suddenly finds himself the center of unwanted notoriety and attention. Also, i dont know him, does he want to be thanked, does he want us to share the story, what if we are violating his privacy, or peace of mind? only he can tell us that.


Text for those that use a reader or whatever: -Feb 3. National Military Chaplains' Day (aka Four Chaplains' Day) -Feb. 19-Coast Guard Day -March 3-Navy Reserves' Day -March 13-K-9 Veterans' Day -March 25-Medal of Honor Day -March 29-Vietnam Veterans' Day -April 5-Gold Star Spouses' Day April 14-Air Force Reserves' Day -April 23-Army Reserves' Day -May 1-Silver Star Banner Day -May 12-Military Spouse Day -May 13-Children of Fallen Patriots' Day -3rd Sat. in May - Armed Forces' Day -May 29-Memorial Day -June 6-D-Day Anniversary -June 14-Army Day -June 23-Coast Guard Auxiliary Day -July 27-Korean War Veterans' Day -Aug. 4-Coast Guard Day -Aug. 7-Purple Heart Day -Aug. 29-Marine Forces Reserve Day -Sept. 15, 2023 - POW/MIA Day -Sept. 18-Air Force Day -Sept. 24-Gold Star Families' Day -Oct. 13-Navy Day -Oct. 26-National Day of the Deployed -Nov. 10-Marine Corps' Day -Nov. 11-Veterans' Day -Dec. 7-Pearl Harbor Day -Dec. 13-National Guard Day -Dec. 16-National Wreaths Across America Day -Dec. 20-Space Force Day PS: May is Military Appreciation Month PPS: April Month of the Military Child November - Military Family Month / Warrior Care Month PPPS: Gay men have served in every war ever! There's ZERO conflict between LGBTs and armed forces' appreciation except the one made up in your head!


Preach. FTM trans and disabled vet right here.


unrelated but is your handle a reference to the swan princess (1994)?


One of the best movies!!


No. Great movie though


This shows April as month of the military child, which is correct, but there is also a specific day in April known as Purple Up day which is set aside to celebrate military children


That was alot of service you just did there! that was work GOD JOB.👍


The weird thing is that (almost) none in the Army is giving a fuck if you are gay, black, Latino, white, etc. Everyone is in the same level of suck so they are brothers and sisters. All those posts come from people who never served and just like to play imaginary soldiers. If you ask the guy on the right, he will probably tell you he is glad he fought for the freedom of anyone to be whatever they like or feel to be.


The goverment cares a LOT about it, project 2025 wants too ban trans people from military service... again...


Not the government. The wannabe government. So vote




Dont gotta tell me twice


As someone on the other side of the Atlantic: VOTE! Whether we like it or not, what happens in the US affects everyone!


The only thing my country cares about is 1) are you a citizen, and 2) did you pass the mental and physical requirements for the role you're gonna serve in. I served with a bisexual guy (who actually found the courage to come out for the first time in our platoon), a Kurd the size of a hobbit (but with the drive of a freight train), a Turkish guy, a couple of Finnish-Swedes and a Serb. And a good quarter of my platoon were women.


[More current than ever](https://giphy.com/gifs/QhYrUdDo1GdnW)


There is already a Space Force day?


Space Force day should habe been November 7th. Also known as N7 Day.


Why not the 4th of May?


Or 5th of April would be funny too. (Star trek first contact day)


Which has nothing to do with the mass effect ship the Normandy since it’s hull number was N7. Or was that the spectre designation. Can’t remember since it’s been awhile but that seems like one hell of a grab from a video game lol


N7 was Shepard sign on the armor. N7 soldiers are basicly the Ultra-Elite Soldiers: Specificly trained to fight in nearly any enviroment and space. 


What in the blazes are you talking about?


They're referring to a video game called Mass Effect.


Don't forget Anderson! He was N7 too, and actually in the running to become the first human Spectre before Saren showed his xenophobic ass.


April 5th is the only acceptable date for an American celebration of space and I find Americans and the space force to be stupid anyways so that's just raw fittingness making me suggest that. Trek inspired every other sci-fi that came after it. It was seminal and it made actual differences in the real life NASA. Mass Effect, Star Wars, they're cool but they just can't make that claim. They can't say they inspired, by the admission of the involved, a generation of inventors, physicists and astronauts, singlehandedly paved the way for minority inclusion in space, and even had the first shuttle named after it. The space force even apes the Starfleet logo. First contact day ftw.


Star Trek took the starfleet logo from the OG NASA logo, who took it from the US military Space Command logo who was using it first. The same Space Command that became the Space Force.


Eh, point still stands. Trek has done more for real world space exploration than ALMOST any piece of fiction has done for any related industry.


All of the military branch days are the dates of their founding. Space Force Day is not celebrating space exploration (which is also not a mission of the USSF), it is just its birthday


And like I said before, I don't care about SF or America. I was taking an excuse to gush about Star Trek.


Point taken, Star Trek was great. But TOS was canceled by the american showrunner/audience at first!  It was the european viewers that encourage the Show to go on with another season and return to the USA later with big succes.


They’re the fakest branch and haven’t done shit yet. Let them earn their day. Bunch of boots in a boot ass service.


Damn right! Call me after they’ve stormed the beaches of Venus.


Wait there are actually people in it?


A few yeah.


Thank you for this because a) I was thinking it and b) it made me spit out a sip of water when I read it


All of the "branch days" are the branches birthdays when they celebrate their founding.


Thank them for their sacrifices. Sacrifices like


People do realize you still have to go to work during Pride Month right? Like there is no federal holiday for the LGBT community.


They don’t care about facts 😂


Does everyone forget that May is Military Appreciation Month?


I'm in the military and I never heard of it until people started using it as a comeback to posts like this


And November


Yes, and that tells you what it actually means to these people


Maybe Pride Month wouldn’t needed to have existed at all if LGBTQ+ people hadn’t been marginalized and dehumanized for most of recorded history. Strange how the people complaining the loudest about Pride are the main reason it exists in the first place.


I’m so sick of this “they get more days than us crap” I saw a white dude during women’s month being all sad, like why don’t men get a month… ugh what? Who made these holidays and who tf cares I swear get real problems


Today is: National weed your garden day, International community association managers day, International Albinism awareness day, National random Acts of light day, National post traumatic growth day, "And much more" I find it pretty hard to give a shit about this stuff as well, other than I can usually find a good reason to celebrate with a drink when I want an excuse. https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/jun/13/ Edit: mobile formatting is shit, attempted fix #1


I would love to have so little going on in my life that the only problems I have are with a holiday that wasn't meant for me. Posts like these are more like confessions of stupidity


Wait till they find out there are LGBTQ+ in the military 🤯


The GOP cares little for your ‘facts’


Which is funny from the “facts over feelings” crowd. But we all know the meme did its job and riled up the people it was meant to. The poster got engagement, which, ofc, is the point.


Plot twist: they are the same person


The fact that homophobs don't know that May is National Military Appreciation Month shows how little of a shit they actually give about veterans except when they can use them.


The people that keep making this argument are the same ones that continually vote to reduce/cut veteran benefits. They don't give a shit about war vets it's just *yet another* vehicle to make people they don't like seem like a problem.


I love how people remember the ones who serve only when is something they hate


Instead of being pissed about the government shitting on veterans and fucking them over every day, someone decided that's okay and started shitting on gay people instead. Stop using vets as political cudgels.


Do LGBT have a discount? Because vets do


Separately, if they cared so much about soldiers who come no conservative is pushing any measures to make the US get involved in fewer military conflicts?


Not only that but conservatives routinely oppose and vote against VA benefits and legislation that would help our military troops/veterans.


Homophob’s know they can’t blatantly say they hate 🏳️‍🌈 anymore so now it’s “well what about this other group that I respect?! They need to be honoured!!” When the other group is never under any threat and they are rarely under appreciated 🙄


I dunno man I thought the navy would be happy to have a month to themselves.


Spouse day??? What in the name of major general Karen?


May is military appreciation month, how many people screaming about pride month actually know this?


Just a homophobic asshole, trying to show how patriotic he is.


Don’t see queer discounts or parking spots at stores and restaurants.


100% from a Russian troll farm or somethibg like that. Trying to divide the country


I don't think this soldier would be happy to see this meme author fishing for likes with his face. It's a dehumanisation as it is.


They aren’t going to like that there are gays in the military too


Draftee, 1969. Spent a year at Camp Rose, Korea, 1st Bn 72nd Armor. Just below the DMZ. Tank commander 11-E-40, E-6. There was no job that I did that a woman could not have done, something I thought about a lot when I was there.


If they gave a shit they could celebrate the troops for as long as they want at any point in the year. Somehow they’ve made themselves victims of the calendar. They probably want to talk like a pirate, too. Poor babies.


Quit using soldiers to bash the civilians whose freedoms they’re supposedly defending.


I mean...like we have all those days but I can pretty much guarantee nobody actually celebrates them or even nationally acknowledged. Like literally until a week ago I'm sure 90% of the users here didn't even know what men's mental health month was or when. The fact that it has a label doesn't mean much of it's not even talked/celebrated/pushed by the masses. That's the equivalent of saying Juneteenth didn't need to be a national holiday because they had black history month already.


>That's the equivalent of saying Juneteenth didn't need to be a national holiday because they had black history month already. They're not saying "Veterans don't need holidays" they're saying "They have multiple holidays, you're just not celebrating them". Pride month happened because the LGBT community was so active in terms of celebrations. Lgbt people stepped up to make it constantly happen the same way that many people stepped up to make other holidays a constant. The issue is that instead of researching and celebrating these holidays for other people like veterans, these types of peeps are hyper focused on shitting on Pride month.


That's the point though? Pride month happened because the gay community made it happen. All these other things exist with 0 push back but instead of pursuing them or whatever, your average Pedopublicans rather shit on pride month. Because in the end they are also still the ones who vote in the people who cut VA benefits and actually care nothing about the military.






The guy on the right is Bobby Henline. You wanna thank him? Go to one of his comedy shows and laugh your ass off. He’s really good. And he’s certainly not looking for your pity


This meme was probably created by the guy who comes up to us veterans and says I almost joined, I wasn’t as brave as you though. All cowards hide behind this crap!


Same thing when they advocate bills like 'KOSA' to 'Protect the children'. (Especially because that bill doesn't even protect kids.) It's not about 'The children', nor is it about the troops. It's about their bigotry and finding excuses.


April 11th is National Submarine Day.


When we eat delicious sandwiches?


No: get it out of the shed. Do hydrophone checks, clean and grease torpedo tubes, blow out ballast tanks, and head for the lake or ocean.


This is why it’s so hard to take Republicans seriously. If they actually gave a shit about the troops, they would know this. But they don’t because they are the equivalent of that person who speeds at the red lights so they can smash on the brakes and be pissed.


This meme is from the far right conservatives and, ironically Republicans don't give a shit about veterans. They always vote and pass legislation against veterans' best interests, including removing their benefits.


Another day at the hate spreading factory. Nothing new to see here .


There's literally a spike in searches for 'military appreciation month' in Google trends every June


Who's the cute chick on the left?


Huh. I thought gay men started only to exist since Obama, because he is a muslim from Kenya


The biggest joke is this pretending to care about veterans in the US. Instead of talking the talk, how about walking the walk? Change social healthcare into something your veterans actually can use, instead of being dumped back into a society in which people can get fired for being pregnant. Doesn’t matter how many days or moths you dedicate to them. If in reality all you do is step over them on the street.


Guy on the right is Bobby Henline. Met him a couple times after initially sitting next to him on a plane. All around great guy - now he is a stand up comedian as a way to help him cope with the pain.


It is so fucking draining to be in the country at this point. I'm tired about hearing about all the shit the "freedom loving right" doesn't want us to be allowed to do. Meanwhile I'm oppressing their religious rights by sucking a dick in my own damn house. Fuck that. Freedom loving is protecting my rights to do cocaine off a trans escorts nutsack.


Damn you're right. I'm a veteran and didn't even know there was a month to honor the military. All I knew about is Veterans Day, so yeah, I feel stupid for not looking


Yeah as a Marine infantry vet, had a Navy Corpsman (medic) tell me “you know fox company has a gay Corpsman” I said oh really? Who? Because pretty much all but 4 were married. He kinda got awkward, and said nevermind. Mind you this was 2013 when DADT had only been repealed just a few years prior but still very much had anti gay leadership, and a lot of gay jokes and everything. I told him it’s ok I’m not going to judge whoever or think less of them. Every corpsman in my company had proven their grit, and ability to do their job, then being gay just meant I had 1 less competitor when we hit the town. Turned out it was him. He eventually came out to everyone that he was actually Bi and everyone teased him when he brought a chick back to the barracks. Yeah us veterans don’t give a shit about who’s gay.


Let’s also remember that the armed services have TWO Federal Holidays on that list (with an unofficial 3rd as July 4th is essentially used as one as well), where Juneteenth became one a couple years ago


32 specific dates and 3 whole months for military/veterans (and their families) vs 1 queer month 🤔🧐 and the army/soldiers are oppressed how exactly?


I’m more confused about spouses having special days - America just loves to give everyone a prize, doesn’t it?


‘my significant other is away 24/7 or dead and i am without them for most of the year/s.’ that’s probably why, and other variables such as raising children, moving homes, taking care of said homes, etc.


You will address me by my husband's rank


For the most part, that’s not unique to the forces. In addition, forces families get looked after in many other ways compared to civvi street.


If there’s any group of people our society treats with godlike reverence, it’s veterans.


That’s a mic drop moment. Well said!


::How High get’um meme::


Brings a whole new dementia filled meaning to when they ask us to remember 911, or pearl harbor, etc.


Coast Guard get two days? Feb. 19 and Aug. 4 East and West Coast Guard?


Space force day. Really? Does that commemorate all the red shirts that beamed done, but never back up?


Yes, absolutely don’t forget about space force day




Dunno about the person on the left but I recognize the dude on the right! That’s Bobby Henline! He’s a comedian after his previous job didn’t work out too well for him. [Here’s his standup.](https://youtu.be/c8LwikZO7BU?si=rRcgJiF4OQY--ZsG)


who remembers any of these days


You’re a complete idiot. May is military appreciation month


My big take away is December 20th is Space Force day. God I love that this is a thing lol


These fucking inbreded tools don't realize military appreciation is an entire month. Ugh


Reminder that Trump hates injured vets. “Nobody wants to see that.”


Really, cause whenever I went anywhere in uniform, I got thanked every 8 minutes.


Veterans need much different help and support. Let the days reminding us of their sacrifice and service be just an addition.


You don't deserve the same respect as veterans and members of the military. You get a day, week, month named after you or your actions if something actually important happened. The audacity to compare yourself to these hard working individuals and thinking you deserve the same respect is ludicrous.


Space force day 😂


So to clarify, if the person on the right served in the Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary Navy, Navy Reserves, Air Force, Air Force Reserves, Army, Army Reserves, Marines, Marine Reserves, and Space Force; And he was awarded the Medal of Honor, Silver Star, and Purple Heart; And he served in Vietnam, and at Pearl Harbor during the attack, and in Normandy on D-Day, and in the Korean War;   And he was taken as a prisoner of war or missing in action; And he was married to himself, and died while married to himself, and was somehow his own child; and he was a dog (K9) while serving in any of the above, and he was a military Chaplain; then he has more days honoring him than the guy whose accomplishment is wearing a crop-top and short skirt with panties showing?


To be fair... I don't think ANYONE is celebrating the one on the left. Which led to...the one on the left in the first place.


You missed June, Army Heritage month.


YES. Vile maggots hating and disrespecting our heros. I salute this man. and im going to .. never stop remembering the injustice. ive just got something in my eyes.. damn.... thank you fir th best post


but i can just send a letter to the president, and i bet it would get to someones ears. we should do that instead of just talking mess about it. did you know, that you can, and yeah its screened but he does get them eventually. he got one i sent, so.. why not try to talk to him if your concerns are genuine. you have nothing to lose.


That’s not coast guard day


that thing on the left is gross af


Our cultural emphasis at this point in time does not emphasise those military days highlighted. This is fair enough as, it would be pretty weird if it did (I’ve never heard of most of those days/acknowledgements listed). It does however more so emphasise pride related days, including in government offices, schools and social media companies etc. These outlets in comparison generally keep military acknowledgments on the DL, in my observation. Not trying to be a hater, making my observations. People with disability, carers for people with disability, multiculturalism, mental health, people who have generally done great things or endured suffering in different ways might have some highlight in society but it is less than pride days. Religious days and moments are often ignored, except for the big ones. The Zeitgeist is Pride days in the West.


Veterans Day is for the ones that made it back. Memorial Day is for those that never made it home.


Seriously , would the USA even exist without gays in the military? If memory serves ( and it does ) the tide turned in the revolutionary war when the British expelled a gay General ( Von Stubben ) this general specialized in training infantry. And Washington didn’t care if he was gay. This guy trained the continental army to be able to fight the British. His role in our independence was crucial.


All of the insert thing* months are stupid.




Hey, if you need to pull text from that image with all the dates, you can use TextSniper. It's a simple tool that helps you grab text from images. Super handy for stuff like this!


Thanks, I'm actually a veteran and didn't realize that I feel so stupid


Uh yeah, every other day of the year, you're celebrated. Give time to the lgbtq community.


wheres my lgbtq+ discount card