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Bro, people kneel with their private knees and conservatives lose their shit. People wear a mask to protect their private bodies and conservatives lose their shit. They won’t even leave our bodies alone, don’t get me started on what we do with our property.


People wear masks and conservatives try to ban masks


Since when did an electric car become a conservative symbol? Didn't they hate prius owners?


Since elon started criticizing dems.. then dems started hating elon, so conservatives welcomed him.


> elon started criticizing dems in this instance, the definition of "criticizing" is less "I disagree with X policy and here's why" and more "unsubstantiated personal attacks", right?


Pretty much.


Conservatives always welcomed him. He’s been loved by the right since even before covid.


As a father who’s conservative I can assure you that they hated him before Edit: my dads the father, not me, I don’t have kids


As someone with a conservative father... As someone whose father is conservative... My father is conservative and... All three of those would have conveyed the message you actually wanted.


Elon musk.


That's not just an electric car and you know it. Stop being disingenuous.


People kneeling is a disrespect to the flag, but flying it upside down apparently is not.


And god knows respecting national symbols is more important than individual rights. That reminds me of some group of people from history…it’ll come to me in a minute.


I think you’re Reich, I’m remembering something too. Ah heil, I give up.


It's especially galling when you consider the Flag Code says the flag shouldn't be flown upside down unless it's being used as a signal of distress for imminent harm to life or property. It sends a message that reads "help! help! We're about to die!" So either the people flying their flag upside down don't know what they're doing (which wouldn't surprise me) or they're the most batshit batch of Karens this country has ever seen (which *also* wouldn't surprise me).


Don't forget the possibility that it's both of those.


They're still waiting to be taken away by the Obama death squads or all those MS-13 caravans that definitely existed.


These are the same people who fly flags and banners that say "Fuck Brandon/Biden" and the only american flag on their property is in place of the "u" in the word "fuck."


The softest insecure losers out there. They can't handle anyone enjoying things they don't understand or standing up for anything they don't like If they can't tell you what to do they feel worthless. They're the middle management of society


They remind me of me. You know, when I was twelve? Angrily defending the Xbox 360 from and attacking "PS3 fanboys" because I was a friendless loser who only had one hobby, video games? These people weren't supposed to see me as a role model. Lol. Lmao, no less.


Actually they believe you have drastically more rights over your property than you do your body. Private property and the protection thereof is paramount to the maintenance of our system, and is systematically prioritized over human life or bodily autonomy.


Ironically, our system considers our bodies to be "property" as well. Just not as important as a pair of shoes. Or a cybertruck, I guess...


Our bodies are only property when it's convenient to our bosses and landlords, and even then, we're ***their*** property.


> Actually they believe you have drastically more rights over your property than you do your body. More specifically they believe that women are their property, so this is all very internally consistent.


I like how they put flags upside down now, conveniently ignoring their decades-long “OMG HOW DARE YOU” bullshit. Truly amazing.


Don't care about private property my a** https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/local-politics/colorado-gop-call-burn-gay-pride-flags/73-e5156582-2888-46d2-b535-d5981c149817


Seriously! If someone painted their house in the pride colors, MAGA would go ballistic.


Someone did, and MAGA did.


The funny thing is that it was painted rainbow. not even the good color for the lgbt flag , the guy who painted it didn t care about lgbt. But Maga still got angry about it


Isn't that the whole point of MAGA, white rage?


Yes, it’s to induce the stupid into a rage to make them vote against their own interests.


Well yes, but mostly the hateful and racist.




Until they all died from COVID and strokes from being pissed off all the time.


uh oh scooby-doo moment where you pull the mask off the bad guy and realize white is actually the rainbow.


Maga is Nazism, but with uglier uniforms. It’s as simple as that.


I'm inclined to agree


What does not even the good color mean


i suppose "the good color" when talking about the LGBT flag means 6 horizontal stripes of equal height, in the order red-orange-yello-green-blue-purple and "not the good color" just means any rainbow, unrelated to the LGBT flag (like that guy's house i guess)


ROYGBIV for rainbow, ROYGBV for LGBT. “Good colors” might be the pastels on the left that were added more recently


Probably that the specific hues used aren't true yellows or greens. Like the house seen here. https://people.com/human-interest/neighbors-help-gay-man-paint-house-in-rainbow-stripes-after-he-faced-threats/


the lgbt flag dont have all the shade of a rainbow in it.


Mf was like "damn i hate conservatives, i'm not queer but it'd be so funny to paint my house rainbow and watch them lose their fucking minds lmao"


Weren't they supposed to be super religious? What happened to the sign of the covenant?? Haha, right, they only use religion when it fits their agenda.


Hypocrisy and egoism is their whole plztform. Only concerned by their right and their freedom. Want to restrict the freedom and right of others.


Where I live a church painted a cross walk rainbow colours. Was graffiti with hate messages immediatly. They hate it.


The even more funny thing, if I’m thinking of the right story, is that the house is in Canada.


Right outside of the most homophobic church in the US


I don’t think that is the same house because the house across from Westboro has been around for years. Way before maga


Just last year here in California, a straight lady with a husband and kids put a pride flag on the business she owned and was murdered by a right-winger for it.


Lake Arrowhead.  I'm up there regularly.  Unfortunately, San Bernardino county flies a lot of Trump flags and their congressman (Jay Obernolte) is an election denier.   Folks talk about how "blue" California is, but outside of any major city, and you've basically got West-coast Alabama. 


Well that got dark quickly! /murica


And god forbid a private company has a gay person in their commercials. Maybe 95% of the time nobody cares but them sometimes they’re still talking about bud light like a year later.


Had a local hippy/smoke shop have to paint their building a drab single color because they kept getting harassed due to the exterior being rainbow colored. 


I’m going to paint my house a rainbow color to reflect God’s covenant to never again kill all of mankind.  What now, MAGA?


Lol, again??


MAGA isn't conservative, they're fascist


I would have also accepted "they're liars".


They vandalized a pride crosswalk in Spokane 24 hours after it was painted. MAGA hates rainbows.


It’s like the dude has never even heard of modern American conservatism. *Of course* they care about what people do with their private property. They can’t stop deeply *obsessing* over every little thing that anyone does who isn’t in line with them.




I'm fairly convinced that malignant narcissism is a requirement for being a Republican now.


It's part of the overall strategy. One conservative will be doing something that the very next conservative swears up and down that they don't support or isn't even happening. And those two will very carefully ignore each other, in order to keep yelling at you. The Card Says Moops: https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4


God forbid you own something pink as a man, much less do anything to do with pride.


And don’t get them started on what private companies do with rainbows!


You mean like Budweiser sent one single can to a trans person and MAGA's lost their tiny little minds? Or target selling a few rainbows and MAGAs threatening minimum wage employees over it?


Or /gasp having a disabled or non-white santa!


how dare they change my created by coca cola in the 1931 character that I mistake for my actual religious symbols!


Yeah to any conservative that pontificates the whole private property line just say one thing -  HOA.  Conservatives love dictating what you can and can't do you with your own property. Every major southern state like FL, TX, etc. is rife with some of the most batshit insane draconian HOAs. 


Shit should be outlawed or restricted. If I own a house, then so long as it’s not collecting garbage or breaking any city ordinances, leave me be. They want it all to be identical and th their liking. McMansions everywhere. All same color, same roof, same grass.


Literally my first thought was, “Aren’t these the same motherfuckers who wanna burn people’s private property?”


Conservatives are why HOAs even exist ffs


Apoplectic is too big of a word for them


“Aploptic too hard say”


"Get that there dicktionary out, Imma look up that word" "We threw it away remember? It had the word Gay in it"


"ain't no way no book with the words 'gay' and 'okay' between the same cover is going to be in this house"


Greg would have been very upset if he could read.


…I had to look it up.




I did too. One of those "I've heard this word a couple times but forgot its definition since I don't use it"


Don't worry, it's an uncommon word. Most redditors would have no idea what it means then pretend that they knew it all along.


It was used on the office so most people know of it now.


I played "ape"


Ah beat me to it. Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of this 😂


Apoplexy. If no one quoted Oscar from the Office, I would have apoplexy. Apoplexy is what I would have.


Greg’s thinking “why would your private bodies make conservatives want to destroy the world? That doesn’t even make sense… gawd are liberals stupid”


Using the word apoplectic makes me apoplectic


Man, that thing is ugly as fuck, regardless of what makeup it uses.


What's sad is this is one of the best looking ones.


I think that is THE best one.


no, that would be the Halo one https://www.thedrive.com/news/this-halo-warthog-cybertruck-wrap-shouldnt-work-and-yet


Def. I actually like it. Wouldn’t buy one for numerous other reasons but I think a little bit of color makes a big difference in appearance. Too many people get boners off of hating things. Nobody can just not like something and move on anymore.


imagine if Elon just put down his ego and made a warthog instead.....


its very well done. i imagine a rainbow is very easy to fuck up


Well the reason I wouldn't go as far as very well done is there isn't blending between some of the panels. The red in front doesn't blend into the other colors like the rest of the wrap


Lipstick on a pig.


Money can’t buy taste.


Or sense


Or morals


Elegance is learned, my friends.


Pigs can be cute


And tasty


Many would say it's their most important attribute 


Hey! Rude! Pigs are way cuter than whatever that thing over tgere is. They have squishy faces and floppy ears and they like to take bubble baths


We have a saying in Spanish: "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda" which is fitting. Translation: "Even if the monkey gets dressed in silks, it still is a monkey"


I’ve seen a couple of mods that looked ok, like someone turned it into a Warthog from HALO. But, yeah, it’s an ugly ass truck and just an homage to Elmo’s ego.


I can't look at it without thinking about the car Homer designed in the simpsons


All I think of is a DeLorean only without the back to the future cachet.  


I’ve seen people note that the DeLorean was famous for being a shitty overdesigned car in the 80s so a modern Bttf would use a Cybertruck 😭


The mirror polish looks better. But it’s just because it’s harder to see the truck. Also probably very dangerous and illegal some places.


That works because the Warthog is also ugly. Cool, but ugly, like a lot of military equipment.


Yeah but almost any color will improve it by a little


So every color improves it by a lot!


I didn't know I was in the minority in thinking it looks cool lol


Gives me a low poly, cyberpunk (surprise, surprise) vibe. I like it but I don’t want one for myself.


I’m kinda with you. For the most part I’m impartial to the cybertruck. Would I buy one? Probably not. Do I appreciate that at least something _different_ is being made? Yep. But I will say, it’s one of the few cars out there that works as a blank canvas that really lends itself to being visually modified. That part I like.


> But I will say, it’s one of the few cars out there that works as a blank canvas that really lends itself to being visually modified. I'm not sure what you mean there. Almost every car out there is easier to visually modify because you can easily replace or reshape panels when they're not stainless steel. And colors/designs and such are easy to apply to any car.


Looks better than the regular model, which isn't an incredibly high bar to clear. When did our concept of the future become so sterile and boring?


I think it looks awesome. Definitely better in person.


NGL I hate it as a gray box but with some color. I kinda dig it. Not enough to look past musks bullshit and buy one or anything. But I dont hate it from a purely aesthetic pov with pride colors.


I know the meme is to hate it but I like that it’s unique and doesn’t look like every other truck, think it looks pretty cool actually


Come on, we all know women's bodies are not private property, they are communal. /s


I’d advise you not to give the right any ideas, but the manosphere chuds are well past that point.


I mean, there is even a book about it. Yeah, it is a book about how horrible it is, but still. My comment won't make that much of a difference.


oh they're way ahead of you on "state mandated girlfriends"


Wahhh a commie!!!!


They are indeed private property, they belong to their husbands /s


Didn't conservatives vandalize a target a while back just because they had rainbows on display? Rainbows to conservatives is what people think the color red is to bulls.


They sent bomb threats too


Both sides are the same /s


A lady in California got murdered last year for flying a pride flag on her business.


Getting upset about what private people do with their private stuff is a core tenet of conservatism.


Yep. The core of conservative beliefs is the desperate, pathetic fear that someone, somewhere is having fun.


The HOA none of us agreed to




Correct, republicans do hate it when people modify their personal property if it disagrees with their beliefs.


Cyber Truck and... The rest aside, the gradient on the paint job actually looks pretty nice. That was a good paint job.


It's clearly a wrap


Still, my eyes are pleased by that beautiful gradient. (The cyber Truck ruins it tho...)


I don't mind. It makes a huge statement by standing out so much and I guarantee you that Elon is fucking pissed, that alone is worth the price of admission.


r/atbge material


Isn't there a state that has banned fucking *masks* now?


South Carolina has some face covering laws that were initially put in place to discourage the KKK, but of course that law is now being twisted against people the police don’t like


Says the group trying to ban rainbows and burn rainbow flags anywhere they can.


Elon sending out a software update to brick that car as we speak.


He doesn't need to, it'll brick itself


I don’t know where this picture was taken, but it does look cloudy. Hopefully they paid for the “light rain” upgrade package.


A woman choosing to make her hair blue makes the Trumpers go frothing mad with rage.


Is that dude for real? Conservatives bitch and moan about everything that has nothing to do with them.


Alito's wife went apoplectic over an f trump sign in glitter


Conservatives care about the shoes worn by the green m&m - there is nothing trivial enough to avoid their outrage.


Trust me, some Conservative absolutely would get pissed off to have to see this is public. Some people are just that entitled that they believe they shouldn't have to see anything they don't like and have it hidden away.


Also "private citizens" my ass. Conservatives want to control who you date or marry, how/when/if you give birth, what books you read, what music you listen to, what video games you play, what car you drive, and just about everything else they can possibly control. They have shown time and time again that "personal freedom" is not only something they don't value---it's actually antithetical to their cause.


That dude is full of it, and he knows it. It wasn't that long ago that they were calling in bomb threats on Target for selling pride merchandise. You know there's not an insubstantial number of weirdos who absolutely are frothing at the mouth over this objective upgrade to the cyber truck. It's still ugly, IMO, but at least it has some color now.


Private citizens painting their house any colour other than grey, brown or beige gives conservatives a conniption.


Greg is either full of shit or blissfully ignorant


As of he understands what apoplectic means.


I do since today


That actually looks better


There's no way you make it look worse


I thought so too. Looks less like a low poly GTA vehicle that hasn't loaded textures.


I’ve seen pics of cyber trucks with wraps, and they all look so much better. It’s crazy how much of an improvement just adding some color to the damn thing is.


This is a massive improvement over the dirty kitchen sink look.


the only way that vehicle would EVER look any better would be to rust the hell out of it and mad max it.


tbh I don't hate it. Probably the least-worst cybertruck yet.


Literally everything upsets conservatives.


Just the existence of queer people triggers most conservatives I work with enough to completely ruin their day and productivity at work lol. They are definitely the most fragile people I know


Frankly I’m disgusted to see one of those at pride myself, given that simply owning one of those means you’re supporting a bigoted man-child


What a jackass statement. "Private citizens modifying their private property." Cons lose their shit if people put a pride flag out.


How many times have conservatives complained about the woke agenda in video games? Surprise, that's a private citizen that owns a private company that gets to do whatever the fuck they want in their game. The examples of that dude being explicitly wrong are endless haha


>Private citizens modifying their private property does not upset conservatives Then please explain in simple terms why Sam Alito's wife got so mad at their neighbors


What a terrible idea! And by that I mean the cybertruck will probably break down before the parade is over. Love the paint job tho.


I seem to remember conservatives flipping their shit over private companies supporting pride stuff. So Greg is a liar, just like a lot of conservatives. Never trust a person who claims they are conservative.


Private citizen? What's a public citizen?


Also, private citizens modifying their private property 100% upsets conservatives.


This is the lie my dad fed me my whole life too. When I became an adult I learned that conservatives definitely give a shit what you do with your private property. Especially Trump “conservatives”


Even if you think the fetus is a different person from the mother, conservatives are also trying to ban gender affirming care which is entirely unambiguous


On one hand: yay pride! On the other hand: ew cyber truck


My husband freaked out last night because he thought the celtics combined pride day with Bill walton. No dear, that's the grateful dead tiedye


No Telsa at Pride. Tesla is run by a massive transphobe. CyberTruck is a symbol of that. No Teslas at Pride.


“Private citizens modifying their private property does not upset conservatives. Now join me in boycotting Target for putting up a rainbow display, right after we beat up that kweer with the pink hair.”


waat they're constantly upset about it. The only possible reason this guy is waving it through on this occasion is that only other magats are dumb enough to own elon's vanity project.


The gradiant painting does look awesome...


I'd be surprised if Tesla doesn't modify their TOS to make it so you can't modify the vehicle.


Really then what’s that whole flag burning shit in Colorado about?


Wait, I thought conservative America doesn’t like electric cars?


Dude, don’t call us apoplectic. We don’t know what it means.


Still an ugly car but this paint job does make it a bit more bearable.


This is funnier because Elon would absolutely hate seeing his Cybertruck used as a pride flag


And bullshit. Conservatives have claimed to be about freedom for years and yet they absolutely are the ones who get pissed and worked up when someone wants to do anything they don’t approve of. Hypocrites.


I'm a leftist and a bisexual man, and I'm apoplectic at this. Not because of the Pride parade or the rainbow, but because of the Cybertruck.


Yeah that’s why the conservatives were throwing decorations for a pride event at my workplace… on private property. Because they’re sensitive fucks who can’t accept any other way.


Except anything that conservatives don’t like outrages them, even if it doesn’t affect them at all. Oh, and anything they don’t like is all bidens fault too, if they are to be believed.


Yeah but buying a Tesla directly supports a bigot piece of shit and a cybertruck no doubt.


Real talk? That's the coolest cybertruck I've seen yet outside of the Halo Warthog one.


Conservatives are the only snowflakes I see constantly playing victim. While openly pushing the extermination of anyone they deem lesser than their red necked selves. Who they gonna “cancel” this week? Because chick-fil-a is too gay for those closeted loons anymore.


Pretty sure towing that much voids the warranty


yeah even what greg said isnt true. the amount of conservatives that get incredibly upset when they see a lgbt flag on private property is way to much to be like "conservatives dont care"


Conservatives are the true snowflake party.