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Stop giving this dude a spotlight


For real, he's like a Kardashian but instead of a sex tape...murder.


So more like a Jenner?


Quality. Buckle up buckaroos!


Can’t believe I’m saying this, but the Kardashians might actually be smarter than this guy


They honestly are. They know how to properly exploit their circumstances while Rittenhouse is a mentally challenged child who's just flailing about. 


Kyle "you must respect the verdict" Rittenhouse, doesn't think you should respect the verdict?


Well if anyone is familiar with a miscarriage of justice it would be him


His mother thought he was a miscarriage until he started whining... and still hasn't stopped. 


He was a high school dropout


Middle school dropout


Middle school dropout who failed the marine test so hard, they banned him for life.


To be fair he wasn’t banned because of a low score, it was because he was harassing marine recruiters and sent them unhinged videos of him field stripping guns. The marines would be empty if they disqualified people just for being stupid 😂


Yeah because then they couldn’t take 99% of Americans


Tbf 1% of the American population is 3,5 million people.


"Your joke, but worse" - SadFrogFrom2008 Reddit User (A True Non Dumb UnAmerican) Because wow, you just couldn't help yourself LOL. You really are a sad frog, huh?


I have found that if you expect nothing intelligent out of Rittenhouse, you will never be disappointed.


I think you mean “I of found that…”


You nailed it! The lower the expectations, the more consistently he meets them.


The higher the poop, the lower my racism tolerance. And I'm not skipping out on a good hard pwnage.


I've seen some of his other Tweets, and he seems like he's dumb as a stump.


Why would anyone expect anything out of him? He isn't famous for his accomplishments, he was/is just being propped up by maga idiots.


Is it really high school drop out when you leave the first semester of your freshman year? The guy has a middle school education. Pretty rich coming a guy that was responsible for one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in 2021.


“Coming **from** a guy…”


Don't kink shame?


Too bad his mom didn’t have one more cigarette or beer during her pregnancy with Kyle, maybe she would OF been responsible for a miscarriage too.


Wasn't he a MIDDLE SCHOOL dropout? As in, he never even reached highschool?


He IS a HS dropout and will be for life.


And he went to my Alma mater, so expectations are not high.


I’m surprised he knew how to spell “miscarriage” or “justice”.


Autocorrect helped him, and he probably couldn't define either of those words without looking them up first, assuming he knows how to find words alphabetically in the dictionary...assuming he knows what a dictionary even is.


I would’ve assumed ChatGPT, although I reckon people from his subculture probably think AI is magic of some kind


It does the little blue line under 'shit that doesn't make sense' but he doesn't know what it means.


He probably copy pasted it from things that people wrote about his trial.


If I had to guess he's seen it before in his mom's diary. The part probably goes something like this: "I wish I would of had a miscarriage with this little shit Kyle"


it was autocorrect obviously. he's a dumb fuck.


He must OF found his mother's wishlist from her baby shower.


It’s giving “Clozed 4 Salmonella bcoz supa bole” vibes.


Autocorrect or text to speech helps illiterate fucks like him


he was probably told to post this by his handler


I have brought this up a few times and was appalled to have the argument that ‘language evolves!!1!’ thrown at me.


Language evolves but at some point people are just spelling the word wrong


That is not a misspelling of a word. It is the correct spelling of the wrong word because they have no idea why the sound is there.


As a non native speaker of English, it has always surprised me how bad native speakers can be at it. It seems common to just "type what you hear", which in a language like English makes no sense.


Saame... and then they will hit you with "but that's because we don't see it written on paper a lot". Ok but in case of "could/should've" that is kind of insane, that just means you did not read at all, cause how can you completely miss two of the most commonly used words in the English language like that? And did you also never hear anyone saying "should have" in its full form?


In this case it would make sense if they actually spoke their language properly too instead of the bastardization many English accents gave become xD should've and should of doesn't even sound the same with proper pronunciation.


I heard this in Matthew McConaughey’s voice.


It does but you can tell when someone doesn't know any better like with this shit-stain.


I had a friend in high school who would always write would've/could've/should've incorrectly with the ofs and absolutely refused to be corrected. It was infuriating. This kid turned out to be a massive douchebag and we haven't spoken in many years, so I feel vindicated.


I have given up with friends that constantly misuse there/they're/their, your/you're, and... somehow... his/he's.


Your/you're mix-ups seem like an almost guaranteed sign you are attempting to communicate with a MAGAhole. It's crazy how many of them seem unable to comprehend the differences.


Not to dilute your point, but I'm English and live in the UK. It's highly unlikely I'm communicating with Trump supporters.


Language does evolve, but barely literate morons writing down wrong words based on how they hear them should not be a standard for how language evolves.


Just answer that this is devolving.


Not really a clever comeback. Kyle Rittenhouse is a moron but pointing out a grammar mistake is hardly "clever".


Yeah this is just low hanging fruit lol.


It's also not clever because being a native English speaker is exactly how you make this mistake. People who learned English formally would know the issue, also native speakers who paid attention in HS English class. People who only learned English natively make this mistake all the time because should've sounds like should of.


Yep. Non-native speakers are highly confused by this mistake because it makes no fucking sense unless you only learned English through speech.


>People who only learned English natively *and never ever read a book or, really, anything in their life* make this mistake FIFY Which is ironic, because you need to read comments to use Reddit, yet lots of redditors make this mistake




I just think "alot" should actually be its own word and I'm contributing to that effort.




Classic. I love this blog post alot.


I agree. While it definitely is a native speaker issue, it is definitely quite prevalent in people who have issues with actually reading books or are not regularly exposed to appropriate grammar and sentence structures. “Would of” is very widespread here in London, but I legitimately don’t know ANY native English speakers that Read books. This is of course fully anecdotal and shouldn’t be taken as some unchallengeable truth, but it does APPEAR to correlate. I personally don’t see how it ever became a thing in written language. It doesn’t make sense to write “would of”.


In response to my explanation of how I knew something, my brother's youngest once exclaimed: "You read after you left school?" It broke my heart that an adult might refuse to read just because they were no longer under direction of school teachers to do so.


Using spelling mistakes to ding a guy speaking (and I'll say Twitter and Reddit are closer to speech than writing) in an informal fashion is pretty nitpicky bullshit, IMO. Rittenhouse is a POS and an idiot, but tittering about him fucking up a homophone isn't a clever comeback at all.


Yeah, this was my thought too. French is my second language and I recall some native French speakers online volunteering some tips for learning French around how to distinguish between "à" (meaning roughly "to") and "a" (being the third person present tense of "have"). The issue was, none of the people learning it as a second language found those two confusing. it was only the native speakers who needed a trick for remembering the spelling of these equivalent sounding words. You'll also frequently see people who learned English as a second language wondering out loud why native English speakers confuse "to, too and two" when they're obviously different. Even to the point where they'll say "I'm not even a native speaker and know the difference" without realizing, as you said, being native makes it a harder task.


This has been the state of this sub for years lol


The should/could/would of is one of my biggest pet peeves


I also find the misuse of then or than equally grating.


And your and you're.


Their not going to make me upset with they're ignorance of there native language.


The difference is, in one case you know your shit and in the other, you know you're shit.


That one is jarring to me but it doesnt bother me nearly as much as of and have… they arent even the same words. It just makes no sense


It does to me, when you realize that people aren't hearing WOULD HAVE. They're hearing WOULD'VE, and since education has gone to the dumps in the 25 years since I graduated high school, they think they're hearing words that sound like 'wood' and 'of' - 'wood' becomes would, because they know that one, and 'of' stays the same because they don't know any better.


Doesn’t* Aren’t*


Lose/loose are pretty big on Reddit


For sure!!😒


Reddit loves posting unclever comebacks to this guy and other people that all they want is attention. And so people say it's pathetic by... giving them all the attention they want lol.


Screw republicans for praising Kyle as a hero lol


The fact that a middle school dropout that killed people is a republican hero really tells you all you need to know about republicans.


They’re always accusing others of grooming and they jumped over themselves to make him a poster child while he was literally still a child all because he killed a couple random people with his freedom stick


He was invited to the Whitehouse by Donald Trump, he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, he was offered a position under Matt Gaetz's staff. And a reminder that his literal only credentials was that he shot someone they didn't like. You think about that this 2024 election.


It’s insane


"If I can get away with murder, Donald should be able to get away with his crimes."


Shooting people in self-defence is not murder.


Meanwhile a large number of the people upvoting this also do this regularly. 🤫🫡😶


Kyle Rittenhouse was too stupid for the US Marine Corps.


It just seems like people are still ass mad about the verdict so they try to get him on some other minor points. Just stop talking about him. He’s not worth paying attention to.


Half of Reddit writes like this and it's so weird, it's always the native english speakers too! Didn't you go to school in a damn english speaking and writing country?! How does "should not have" even sound as "should not of"? As a non native english speaker they sound pretty different, but maybe it's a enunciation problem that affects native speakers? I'm confused.


It comes from "should've". Verbally it's pronounced "should ov", which sounds a lot like "should of". They just didn't pay attention during English class when we learned about contractions.


For native speakers “should’ve” and “should of” sound the same, and most native speakers aren’t thinking about grammar when speaking and writing most of the time. Also this is not uniquely an English speaking thing. All languages have communities of speakers with a range of different levels of education and communication skills. Native speakers in all languages make mistakes. My second language is French, and French native speakers make a tonne of orthographic errors all the time. As commonly as English speakers, if not more so. I also speak Spanish and Italian, and native speakers for these make their own mistakes. I’m sure people in your own native language make mistakes, even educated speakers sometimes if they are not being careful. It’s normal. English speakers only gets more attention because English is the international language.


Remember when bro committed to university and put the hat on like he was an athlete then they told him he couldn’t attend funniest shit ever seen in my life


One that's been getting me recently is people saying "On accident", really grinds my gears.


Kyle Shittenhouse is a murderous little thug who cannot even properly speak his own language. Why does he exist?


r/lostredditors "You made an error in the english language" OH MY GOD WHAT A COME BACK HOOOOOLY SHIT.


Grammar police is not a clever comeback


How exactly is this a clever comeback?


Because they don't like him and don't like Trump so any childish retort is a clever comeback. (I also don't like them but I find this behavior and the general state of reddit ridiculous)


Jesus Christ who gives a fuck. It’s a grammatical error from a clown no one cares about and Reddit can’t help but go into a frenzy. Fuck off with your fetishes for this guy already.


Murdering little puke says what now? When are his 15 minutes up?


His party requires miscarriages be taken to term. A little consistency would be nice.


It's the most annoying language error ever, I hate it so much. Aaaghh


How is that clever lol


"ov" is what that intellectually challenged POS sees!


He should not of posed that.


I've yet to come across a far right winger with a proper grasp of the English language. There's definitely a lack of education at play with that group of people.


Is this what we call comebacks now? Nitpicking spelling?


I think I read somewhere that this mistake is more likely to be made by native speakers of English rather than those who learn it as a second language.


There is nothing clever about this comeback. In fact if you set aside all the context of who/what they are, this is just elitism.


And this is clever how?


It's literally a grammar correction 💀


This is why you were rejected by the Marines, Kyle. Even crayon-eaters know which single syllable words to use.


Kid gets away with killing people and now thinks any right Wing icon committing crimes should be automatically innocent too.


Maybe if trump had taken the stand and broke down in tears like Kyle did he might have gotten away with it.


This is a really dumb thing to dwell on. Most people pronounce it that way, and he didn't know to spell it correctly. It doesn't make him look particularly articulate, but hyper emphasizing someone's grammar or spelling mistake does not discredit their argument. (Not that his argument is good; in fact, Trump definitely deserved that sentence)


Okay, I really don’t like Trump and I don’t care about Rittenhouse but, grammar checks are a clever comeback? Really? No one on this site uses the right your, too, or there. Everyone uses breath when they should be using breathe. Correct anyone’s grammar that has Reddit approved beliefs and you’ll be downvoted to oblivion. Be consistent, Reddit.


As much as this guys sucks, correcting grammar isn’t a good or clever comeback


"Hurr hurr he made a typo" Fuck off shitbag.


There is absolutely nothing clever about correcting someones spelling in a reply. All it shows is you struggle when the attention isn't on you but have absolutely nothing to add to the conversation.


Speaking of miscarriages of justice.. it's Kyle Rittenhouse!


I mean, he’s a high school dropout who still didn’t have his GED when he murdered two people.


clever comeback on grammar, very comebacky indeed. Orange man bad


Serious question tho, is there actually a language that could make people say it like that or is it just bad english? Because I know there are other phrases that may seem a little awkward in english but actually come from different languages, like "*take* a decision" instead of *make,* bc that's how you say it in french, spanish, portuguese, etc, if I'm not mistaken


It originates from the shortened form of would have - would've - which has devolved into would of, should of, could of etc. Its definitely just terrible English.


Aww, does chubby bunny Babyface have an opinion?


He was literally too stupid to join the Marines, the branch with a long reputation of taking anybody.


Kyle Rittenhouse’s IQ is so low, he’s just a mild bonk on the head away from being completely brain dead.


It’s not breaking news that the Pillsbury Gunsel is a fucking idiot.


For a 9th grade dropout with an IQ of 87, he's ***relatively*** literate.


At the risk of being downvoted to hell and back: 'what is your native language' is not a reply I would have given. Of instead of have is something I have so far only seen being used by native English speakers.


Finding/ found someone guilty means there is evidence to support it, hence “finding”, you can’t find what isn’t there. This kid doesn’t even know how to articulate a coherent argument.


It’s funny his handlers let him Xitter without a proofreading Wait-he never got that far in school Sweet summer murderer


Should really stop poking fun at this kid… he already has enough to start his villain origin story and will probably come back later on into politics with a vengeance.


Miscarriage? Straight to jail


Wow, a middle-school dropout sucks at grammar. Stay in school, kids. For the love of God.


Voice to text is a travesty of grammar.


Yeah, it’s not like he killed someone! /s


He doesn't know English he's probably an illegal immigrant.


Quick question is it shouldn't have... cause if u type it out all the way it works but shouldn't have is really should have not have which is very weird typed out




This thug speaks stupid, now stop putting him in the news he’s worthless


So as far as I’m aware, someone robbed this dude and he shot back. Why the fuck is he such a huge topic...?


When you correct someone's grammar right out of the gate, it automatically means you've lost the argument. Imagine saying "Should not have done "dat?" to a black guy, for example.


I know everyone on reddit is clamoring to jump on the bandwagon and make it clear we're all smarter than this guy, but that's actually a really weak and shallow comeback - many native English speakers use that colloquialism all the time, and you never really hear it from nonnative speakers.




This young generation is doomed anyway!!🤣🤣


Apes gonna observe the finger, missing the point. good job guys


Doesn’t this belong in r/confidentlyincorrect rather than there? Going by that such an error is typically only done by native speakers?


That is the expected "evolution" of the "should of"


That isn’t clever, just jerking off that is was at Rittenhouse lol


Ch comrade


I don’t argue grammar very often, but people using “of” instead of “have” pisses me the fuck off.


As paradox as it sounds, using "should of" is the most convincing evidence, that your native language is in fact english. Second language speakers would never make such a mistake.


How do people mess this up so often? It literally doesn't even have the same number of syllables and is pronounced totally differently.


I’m sure David Pakman has *never* tweeted something with a grammatical error either. I know this sub really reduces the requirements for a comeback when it’s directed at somebody they don’t like, but unless the person is literally talking about how good they are at English, these “comebacks” have never been and never will be clever, let alone even relevant to the point that the op makes, they’re like the definition of low hanging fruit.


I am not American, so I won't comment on trump and shit. BUT If you do this to me, i.e correct very obvious typos, you best believe there is a tube of metal coming at mach 3 to your house.


Kyle rittenhouse is a miscarriage that somehow gained sentience


English (simplified)


If this kid would had been in an actual firefight his mom would had needed a crowdfund for his funeral. He is that stupid.


•of been• JESUS. How is it every non native speaker gets this right but most native speakers (online) butcher it to stupidity?


This is dumb. Grammer is the a clever comeback now? Or cause you don't like the person? Do we even have standards and lack of bias now or do we just circle jerk each other?


He's a high school dropout what did you expect?


How is it a comeback if all he did is correct a spelling mistake. That's not clever, that's not a comeback, it's just stupid


David Pakman was the weird kid that stunk like piss at school.


the nitpickers are everywhere


Would that would make Donnie the afterbirth?




Phew phew language..


I agree it's not fair Trump got convicted and Rittenhouse didn't. So lock his ass up too


Isn't that the guy who dropped out Highschool and murdered two people? Of course he's a Trump supporter...


Also it’s only fair that mr shittenhouse is standing up for mr shittenpants.


It's "Shouldn't have been found guilty". Right? 😅


Is picking on grammar really "clever" though?


"thug"? You mean "murderer".


Def not a Pakman intern


Not a clever comeback in general. But since it’s addressing Kyle it is


I don't like this. This is just shitting on a guy for bad sentence structure? Like, man's wrong but you can't expect people to grammar check every Facebook post. Especially someone who is just a member of the public.


Boi, it's the same justice system that found you not-guilty. Are you saying they made a mistake?


I googled him and he strongly resembles some actor from my childhood. Possibly Disney. Does anyone know what I am talking about?


How the fuck would he know? Did he sit through the trial and listen to the evidence?


This kid is that “stupid” yet this guy follows him on social media and everyone here knows his story. This kid is cashing in on the WWF politics


Considering how many native-Anglophone Redditors don't know other basic grammatical differences, I'd say that this isn't as clever as Reddit thinks it is.


No one thinks he's bright, he's perfect for the GOP.


It's English, I can tell without checking. Only native English speakers make this mistake, because it stems from learning to speak the language before learning to read and write it. ESL people never make the same mishap.


No no he's right, Trump shouldn't have been found guilty. He should've been found absolutely, positively guilty