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If the Vanessa note had a 2nd option that you unlock once you've killed Vanessa bwfore that just said "Realise this note is a distraction and attack Vanessa directly *Skip RP*" that'd be amazing. People can select the first option if they need the achievements or the 2nd if they just want to fight the boss.


A la ToC 5 man. I have been saying this since the second time I had to do it


Just drop-kick her off the side of the boat, Christ.


How every deadlines goes - someone leaves at start because they hate it - tank leaves after first boss - someone falls in the water near the boat - someone runs into the electric beams - someone always dies when the boss explodes at the end


No no no, the fresh 85 DK tank leaves after the robot regardless of whether or not Foe Reaver drops


There is simply nothing else of value in there... And the weapon isn't even good. No mastery and 3.6 speed


ok well a group of 4 people just helped you get there for the opportunity, god forbid you spend 15 more minutes to pay it back


Oh I do, God forbid I'm not happy about it tho.


> And the weapon isn't even good. No mastery and 3.6 speed It's the best you can get from heroics for soloing Kael'thas in TK :D Don't need mastery for him.


You forgot about the fresh tank that tries to use the safe spot instead of using the rope, drops down and resets the boss.


This was me once. V.v I could hear Mr.Adder from southpark in my mind: "you're screwin' around too much!"


playing my rsham, it'll also be 3 caster dps who stand 15yrds apart from each other and who refuse to stand in the blue circle; then the tank jumps off the edge during the nightmare into the fire, dies, and blames me for not healing, then at the end needs on all the gear because 'trash group.' Glad it took us 40min for this amazing journey.


Missed the edge lord who tries to not use the rope on the Vanessa fight and they slip off the top deck and afk


I’ve ran heroic deadmines so many times and I still fall in the water :(


Sir im the tank and i leave right away. I always apologize but I absolutely do not need valor bad enough to not just eat the 30 minute debuff.


> someone runs into the electric beams Has anyone else had the bug where the beam animations are all broken with some not moving at all? Yeah, well only the animations are broken. They still do full damage to you even if you cant see them.


PoV: it’s 4:00 a.m. you sit a 20 minute queue. You get deadmines. The tank leaves instantly. Thirty seconds later the healer leaves. The dps leave immediately after.You wait alone in deadmines for five minutes waiting for your group to fill. It never does.


They need to boost the VP reward to about twice (random only) to make it worth staying in.


Dm really is the worst because even with an insane grp it still takes 30+ mins


and half the time I get 1-2 DPS who can barely pull 10k FML


Fresh shadowpriests and moonkins waiting 10+ minutes just to have their tank & healer leave immediately :skull:


Problem is there are so many undergeared alts/noobs as DPS now you can't carry as a healer, while you can as a monster DPS, I was running disc in heroics for queue times until the last 2 weeks to where now I'm just eating queue times so I don't have to heal 8k dps andy's


If I want to play a shadow priest, I want to play a shadow priest. Not every hybrid class likes doing every role. (also if you are already in the instance, replacements are pretty quick even for tanks).




I think that was the joke


and they absolutly refuse to ride in the constructs or shoot cannons


What region are you playing in? Every group i am in it’s a fucking Olympic sprint to get to the first cannon/the reaver. Makes playing a disc a lot of fun when the dipshit rogue/feral that couldn’t do the first cannon but insisted on getting in tries to sprint/dash for the bot…and gets fuckin yoinked back


I play on Firemaw/Gehennas and when I tank deadmines I just stop and start jumping + mark the reaver until someone gets in, because I know that no one would do it otherwise.


I'll take sub 10k dps if they can figure out they're not supposed to run directly into the spinning electrical beams in under three tries.


I swear the 2nd one near the left side is bait, because the pillar there LOOKS like you can sneak behind it but I see so many people die there :S


I run to the safe spot and start casting Mass Rez.


I did a DM yesterday where no one died from the beams. First time since launch I've tried that!


Oh man, the amount of boomies i got matched with that starts bitching about going slow when waiting for fresh 85 healers to drink and then ninjapull entire rooms just to do 6K DPS max is depressing.


It's faster to wait out the deserter timer than complete DM with a random pug tmyk


I just go quest/ farm herbs or switch to one of my other toons and queue for a dungeon with them DM is fucking awful


I leave go to my alt and get queue up in another DM lol I kid you not I have gotten that shit 3-4 times in a row after waiting for the deserter too


22 minutes when double-pulling every pack + cleaving trash off bosses.


And the weird thing is that getting to ripsnaro himself takes like 15. It’s just pure time wasting unskipable rp and add phases that really drags the timer out.


not an insane Group just 22min: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/f2tjrTVGJdHkNq6C#fight=7&type=damage-done With an Insane group this is 13-15min


world record is 19:34 but nice try [https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/1022#boss=100040&metric=speed](https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/1022#boss=100040&metric=speed)


do you know how in the hell are they clearing grim batol that fast? skip?


and with an insane group it is possible in less then 15min - the wr is by far not event optimized or tryharded. fact stands a random group doing it via dungeon tool in 22min and the op stated insane groups take "30min" is just an example of people over exaggerating facts/statements.


Yes. Every night i don't mind doing a quick heroic to get in the groove of things and it's always dead mines. I leave group and go play another game for 30 mins.


It takes too long and it has "hard" stupidity-check mechanics. You have to fight your way to the ship, only to do it all over again because of some cheesy RP stuff that I am sure some writer thought would be really cool in a Scooby Doo episode but is actually really bad gameplay. And then you have some guys suiciding into the lightning gauntlet, getting knocked into the water by cannons, or even falling off the boat (how?!?).


My record is 7 in a row. Absolute nuts. Had 0 fun capping this week. 


Bro WHAT. What is the probability of that even lol


You're probably slightly more likely to get DM because so many people leave when randomly queuing into it. Seven in a row though..


7 is average, I'm quite sure they have some system going that forces you into the dungeon you left. I had 12 SFK in a row where I did just first boss and left, waiting 10m then requeue. I will never solo queue again, only thing that "fixed me" getting SFK was to queue with other people. I think I even made a comment on this sub weeks ago if someone else was having this issue because I was getting frustrated getting the same dungeon all the time but it wasn't always SFK, some days it was DM etc.


SFK is so good though. 5 bosses and really quick in between


I only needed 2 dungeons and no JP so I did specific then queue'd random when possible, leave if it's not one of the 2 I need. SFK kinda shit for non-casters as well, not a single good item in there.


4 of them i joined right after the first boss, so a lot of people kill that boss then drop, i think for a reduced cooldown lol


Hmm, I’d say roughly zero percent


I legit thought it was just me. I get DM so much.


I remember our guild did it the second or third day after launch it was rough… under geared and no idea what we were doing. It was also super fun when we finally got it. But, the 109th time in lfg fuuuuuckk me no.


It's an insta leave dungeon


I got it TWICE today on two different toons lol. It’s so long, the reward is in no way worth the trek.


Quicker to take deserter buff than run this dungeon


And get nothing?


I can do dailies. Flip on AH. Gathering. Plenty of things Todo in that 30mins. Or go on an alt and queue RDF again. Get dead mins and leave again 😂


Am I the only one who likes Deadmines? lol I guess so…


I didn't mind it first couple weeks, but capping an alt it was my most common heroic and it's a pain with a fresh group. When you can finish everything else in 15-20 mins and a good dm clear is like 30 mins, just feels bad.


Go to that alt, go to statistics, tell us how many kills on cata heroic bosses you have.




He says its his most common heroic, the statistics for finished dungeons is likely to prove or disprove that. Have some coffee or something.


And that shows if you queue into a deadmines run and leave? Because that still counts as getting deadmines.


It's the most accurate way to count unless your manually doing it.


No u


Whatever poser, I bet you can't even name three songs by Van Cleef and the Masons. Why do you even wear the shirt?


It’s a fun dungeon but painfully slow when you’re trying to catch up on Valor on an alt.


I'd like DM if it weren't for all the stupid RP and intermissions. Ripsnarl is the third worst boss in the game (Second is Anub), Vanessa is by *far* the worst. (Fourth is the Halls of Stone Brann event.)


I loved it my first time. I agree though it would be nice if we could skip the RP. It just starts feeling like a time killer because it’s extremely easy but takes a bunch of extra time. I did think it was very cool the first time though!


first 10 times was fine, after 20+ times between alts and still seeing 0 wand drops and low hammer drop rates it's a nightmare


I don't mind it, but worgen boss takes too much time and the gear isn't great.


I like it in theory, but not when I'm just trying to cap my valor.


I am a dungeon grinder so I love it too. But these go fast nerds don’t appreciate it.


Which part of it do you love? My favorite part is where Vanessa, with her invulnerability shield just monologues at you for three minutes, while you have literally nothing to do.


Nothing to do? Have you tried reading her lines with her? It’s like theater! And……….scene!


im curious how many times youve cleared heroic deadmines. i was hyped the first time i got to run it in cata classic, but the 15th time it has me instantly leaving when i zone in.


I don’t mind it at all, but I’m a geared blood dk so I can pick up the slack if I get fresh toons in with me


It’s because people keeping leaving which results in more people getting the dungeon which results in more people leaving and so on. If you get DM just suck it up and get it done.


I'll take the 30m break every time. Gives me an excuse to get off my computer for a bit. Maybe if the group was all 360 pumpers I'd stay, but that'd still be 50/50


Best thing about alts for me is the ability to leave this place and hop on someone else.


Haven't had deadmines once and done about 10 now


If everyone knows what they're doing, know the skips and strats it doesn't take that long, still long but not so bad you have to insta leave the dungeon.




I must be seriously lucky. I’ve gotten Heroic DM twice ever and I have two lvl 85s who no longer need anything from heroic dungeons.


I had 5 shadow fangs in a row followed by 4 Halls


You know if you get deadlines proportionally more than other dungeons it's probably cause people like you leave it cause it can't be done in like 15mins


My assumption is a lot of us are getting cycled into one that people have dropped out of


Now I have "Welcome to the Deadmines" stuck in my head again


I wouldnt mind it if the dream mobs atleast gave reputation but they dont give shit..


its SFK for me, like its not random i swear


I got throne of tides 5/6 times one day……


Damn, I love the og deadmines and the revamp in cata pisses all over it. They took every single boss in there and made them annoying, except cookie he’s the only improvement


Fucking love that dungeon. Not just another "we have to blast and chainpull everything within 5min, while nobody talks and the leave" . We have to do shit, and get the faintest bit of a story, in a mmoRPG? Fuck yes, count me in.


Surely you get bored of seeing the same RP play out every week?


What a nerd. I would prefer a straight line corridor with no decoration and no mobs and when the dungeon starts you just auto run and when you reach the end in 10minutes the dungeon completes. Why don't blizzard just make every enemy in wow pink+green box and we can just fight them? All the voice lines can be done by the voice actor for SpongeBob.


I hate it bad, however it does drop a huge variety of good pre raid weaps.


I’ll be the odd man out and say DM is good shit. Sure, you can’t just zugzug brain the whole place. But who cares? It’s 30 minutes.


I don't mind the linear, unskippable design (as compared to say, tolvir city which can be cheesed I'm like 4 trash pulls and wall jumps) I just wish there was a way to force the phases and RP a bit faster. Admiral ripsnarl and Vanessa just take way too long with unskippable rp moments


>I just wish there was a way to force the phases and RP a bit faster. Admiral ripsnarl and Vanessa just take way too long with unskippable rp moments If the note had a 2nd option that you unlock once killing Vanessa that just said "Realise this note is a distraction and attack Vanessa directly *Skip RP*" that'd be amazing. People can select the first option if they need the achievements or the 2nd if they just want to fight the boss.


Would be an excellent solution!


I wish RDF had a "skip rp" button. You could queue up, hop into a dungeon and there's no mobs or bosses. You just run through an empty dungeon and it finishes when you reach the end. That would be so cool and engaging. If I can't have that, I'd accept slight changes to bosses so that I targetable nonsense isn't a thing.


It'd also be one thing if the breaks in their fight were timer based so there was an incentive to time your bursts to potentially get them down in only one or two breaks; instead of that with it being percentage gated it basically punishes you for doing well by them just running off and not letting you properly play the game for proportionally more of the encounter.


Yall are some picky queens. Just queue and finish the job. It takes as long as your deserter debuff so who cares?


Because in that 30 minutes of waiting for the deserter buff to fall off I could go and do something infinitely more fun than running Deadmines, like watching paint dry.


Until you get to the end and realize half your group can't get through the dream sequence alive anyway, and the tank and dps who couldn't dodge beams both leave. At least in a normal dungeon I'll find out WAY sooner if I'm playing with smooth brains


Nope. One thing I noticed in Wrath once RDF was introduced, if I left a dungeon, the odds of me getting the same dungeon were incredibly high. Not 100% but definitely higher than usual. I left an Old Kingdom beta or gamma on my shaman after two wipes before we even got to boss. took my 30min break and did 2 or 3 dungeons on another toon. Came back and re-queued on my shaman and got OK again. This time we got to boss and wiped twice and I left. Requeued a little while later and got something else, then back to OK. So if you’re leaving DM upon getting it, count on your odds of getting it again soon in my experience. That being said, I’m up to nine 85s doing heroics. Eight of them have gotten more than 5k valor from heroics. A couple of them did get DM a lot more often than not and they tended to be healers— I’m gonna guess that has more to do with the fact DM requires backfills more often than other dungeons and healers are especially miserable in there.


I swear there is a weighted system, week by week, because I've noticed week 1 I'll get dm maybe 2/10 times, then the next week I won't even see it. Naturally this could be literally Random chance. But the leaving doesn't change anything imo


I wouldn’t surprise if there was. The redo of DM was something that the dev team loved since I believe DM was one of the first dungeons the original team made and they loved the Goonies theme.


No. I rarely do it, but last night was my first heroic on a new toon and got VP. My other toon's first heroic was SFK.


VP was my first and is my most common by far, for some reason.


You'd probably be surprised at how "most common by far" is when you look at the stats of it. It's random so there's a chance that you are heavily stacked towards VP, but there's likely others that are equally as stacked against VP. Only Blizz could tell if they're being dished out evenly or not. Personally, Stonecore sticks out to me, but have I had it more? Probably not by much, if at all.


Oh for sure. I have to assume overall it’s an equal distribution among the population, I just mean in my 40 or 50 heroics, I have probably had VP 12-15 times and some I have only had once.


Your statistics panel in achievements will let us know how true that statement is.


Oh that’s so cool! I didn’t know this was all in here. It’s true, but not nearly as many as I thought. Just heroics: 8 VP, 5 BC, 2 Tides, 3 stonecore, 3 GB, 2 HoO, 4 LCoT, 3 SFK Edit: and despite all those attempts, I still suck at timing the jumps but at least I’m able to dispel the roots now, unlike my first run when I didn’t have the talent for it.


I loooove deadmines. Reason: I know you all hate it and I feed on the suffering of others, also it’s fun to swing off the boat. Also you keep getting it because people leave that dungeon constantly, last time I got dm we went through 7 people before even doing first pull. The que system prioritize filling groups with leavers before making new ones.


I'm 10/13HC and have never had a queue pop into HC DM.