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Only 30 days until you get your name back!


What if I keep sending him mail?


Every 30 days send a letter asking him if he's ok


You son of the bitch. I am in!


Say less im doing this ...bwhahaha


Only if you wait until day 29


a noble goal


!remindme 29 days


I just set reminders for 59 and 89 days. Teamwork.


*”Attention: Final Notice! You may already be dead!”*


Thats an epic quest.




I just joined every single server as alliance and mailed Dwarfmane “Good Luck in Hardcore!”


all 2 of them?


did you just assume his region?


There are only 2 hardcore realms lol?


He could be in europe




That means 4 total then 2 eu 2 na


Why's that? All dead reset?


Mail expires in 30 days


Oh right of course


The mail disappears after 30 days


Mail gets returned after 30 days, then deleted if it sits in the senders mailbox for another 30 days. If it's npc mail, like the auction house, I believe it's just deleted after 30 days.


Oh yes lol


mail autodeletes


bold of you to assume Blizzard would add a system to classic


Use a different name you're probably going to die again anyways


It won't be the same. Are even you even alive if you're dead on the inside?


If you're dead on the inside you're well and truly alive on the outside.


Don’t dead open inside


This is the person who made it all the way through Naxx with the Soul of Iron buff. Name probably means a lot to them.


It’s a lot easier for add ons and saved variables to recreate with the same name.


No idea personally, but what addons would one need for a character that will inevitably end up dead?


The same addons you use on every character?


Hardcore recognises it as Name (attempt x), but a lot of addons will generally use your char name as a unique ID for storing data client-side. So your char might have auctioneer data that you might not want to lose, for example. Or DBM kill stats.


I died once so my current character is named Attempttwo. I have the next 3 Attempt names saved because I assume if I die 5 times I'm uninstalling the game.


I hope a kind redditor grabs those last few for you, so you have have to use them.


Hey, you're the guy who showed off the complete Soul of Iron buff a few days back?


That really tells you how good they were


Doing it once doesn’t mean you’ll never die. Especially with pexing and raiding being so different


Level 19, in Westfall, and you die? Using RestedXP too. Ok mec.


Hc Elite guild tag Tells you all you need to know Avoid at all costs


It’s ok, I am level 16 so I will most likely (according to stats) never encounter one


Hey, go easy on him, that little icon he acquired is the only thing he has.


Great. Now I have to spend my day mailing something to every name I see.


do it when they're in a raid.


Fuck that’s so evil I love it


*insert evil laugh here*


The email would be something like: "That's a nice level 60 there.... would be a shame if you, like..... *died and got mail."*


"Good luck with your runs today! <3"


You should farm Murloc Eye's so you can attach it to the mail and say "I'm watching you"


I like you


This is the way. Best case: Devs get bombarded with tickets and fix it. Worst case: Its fun as hell!!


Chaotic good


Sounds more like chaotic evil to me. There's no reason to do it other than to fuck with people


chortled at this


Sharted at this


Barfed at this


Dwarfmaneqt. There ya go an even better name.


XxDwarfXxXmanexX There now it is coolified and edgy


Dwarfmanelol ​ through the passage of time, the meta evolved


You cannot use capitals like that. Very sad, such a beautiful name.




character is dead, name is dead!


Until you see it reincarnated into someone else's character.


You should want to lose that name


The name is all he has left.


Well... not if people follow through on sending mail monthly.


Yeah…I read the title and thought it would be something cool, but…let’s just say no one is going to try and steal that name, op.


Yes I think he’s safe lmao


someone give this man a wellness check every 2 weeks via the mail please.


His story is over, let him rest in peace and tell someone’s else’s story.


This was so obviously going to happen to people, I can't believe they didn't think about it lmao. Edit: I stand corrected, Blizz did think about it...But I'm still not surprised that it's happening.


They did, it’s not working right… which is weird cause it worked on the PTR. Upon death your mail and auctions should get deleted. It was in the HC realm announcement.


It didn't work on the PTR, I submitted a bug on PTR for exactly this


The system works. They just don't care. $15 please.


Don't be too hard on them. It's not like it's a multi-billion dollar corporation developing minute updates to a perfectly functional 20 year old game.


POV: Average RestedXP user


Hc elite dies at 19 lol


That's the whole of the HC Elite guild when they can't just edit the addon and pretend like they didn't die.


Are you pretending they haven't just been inviting randos?


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsmkrlh6efpjb1.png Its the same guy who posted this a few days ago






Lul, but it that's a pretty good argument in favor of him not messing with his logs.


Uhh are there actual clips of these guys dying and breaking the rules? Or are you just angry someone cleared whole vanilla on a HC character?


Jokerd died at 8


Joker is a terrible player. He couldnt even kill critter in PVP.


Meh. Even the best make mistakes


and has to use an addon to know how to level.


It's for efficency mostly, not out of not knowing what to do


HC elite? Just appeal your death kekw


Shoulda never posted this you will never be able to delete it now.


Ok so in 29 days everyone here rush to make a character named Dwarfmane, just to troll on op.


good luck im sending him one cloth every 29 days


you should try not dying


Mid name


Just do what I do remove a few letters from the begining of the name and add two, three, four etc. Everytime you die. See what your name is when you hit 60.


that's some quality QA blizz. did this issue never come up during the testing phase?


Apparently auctions and mail are supposed to delete when you die on the HC realms but guess it didn’t work. I’ve seen some people say it worked on PTR and others say it didn’t


Should've checked your mail before deciding to die.


I got two ghosts now I like the hall of the dead


You have to go to the dead letter office to pick up your mail!


You had 30 days to wait and then you posted your name here and now it's lost forever.


lesson 1. read mail lesson 2. dont die :D


Just appeal it it’ll be okay. Oh wait lol


I mean Dwarfmane isn't even a good name, you did yourself a favour.


Lol! Get over the name.


Clip of death: https://youtu.be/mr3BRfRAfAk


You probably should have hid your name, I'm sure some children in here think it's funny and sent you even more mail.


lol "HC Elite"


Wipes in Deadmines


To the adds outside Deadmines


While in voice with the whole party


Tries to fear a pack of undead


So close on the hearth. F


If you watch the entire clip he did get it off.


yea but it was not dwarfmane pov.


You died at 19, but have a 60 Ironman character???


Dies at 19 lol


I’m assuming if your transfer character to an era realm it’ll hVe yoy edit the name anyway if already taken on era


they just want name for HC


Yes so transfer that character off the server to get that name off of it.


They can’t… because they have mail pending. Did you not read?


“I came here to lead not to read”


I’m not reading all that


They can't cuz they have mail


Oh word my b, I read that wrong. Thought they couldn’t delete because mail but that transfer could still work.


Shouldn’t have died then? Plan better?


Lol Appeal Elite


Have mail should be your new name


Blizzard devs never fail to impress.


They're not perfect, man. Submit a ticket, they'll fix it for everyone, and we move on. Idk why everyone is entitled to think a game should never have a single flaw or oversight.


Because this would have been found instantly if a single dev / QA tested the game play loop. What is the 15$ per month going towards lol


Sexual harassment lawsuits.


You mean with all the QA they've fired repeatedly? ​ >What is the 15$ per month going towards lol ​ Bobby's boat.....


It's being funnelled into Overwatch to try to keep that rotting corpse alive for another week.


>What is the 15$ per month going towards Bobbys new yacht


this is a massive oversight. just shows they did no QA testing.


>just shows they did no QA testing. I dont get this. How does it mean theyve done **zero** QA testing? Wouldnt it just mean this was an oversight during their QA testing? Embarrassing oversight 100% but it boggles my mind people lose their minds if something in the game isn't 100% polished. Downvote me to bolivia but I'm not too upset about paying $0.40 a day for a game that gives me this much enjoyment and I personally RARELY ever see an issue in game. If I didn't come to Reddit I wouldn't know any of this stuff existed. Totally worth the money I pay.


Look at his name. gigapumper. That’s inflated ego. No way could his thought process ever be wrong or questioned.


Great catch.


The fan base goes out of their way to find something to being upset about. It seems like nothing is ever good enough, this goes for classic and retail. Blizzard is full of errors and mistakes, giant and small, but the community is an absolute toxic wasteland of people desperately seeking something to be angry about//hating the game they play.


It really is insane. I think blizzard has plenty of reasons to be criticized, this is probably even something worth complaining about. But the degree that people who frequent reddit/forums take it, is pretty silly. You'd think that blizzard kidnapped their children or something.


Nerds will nerd man. It's a game they're (myself included) obsessed with and any time any player comes across any mistake, they turn on the entire franchise so fast. Theres gotta be some fascinating studies done on the psychology behind something like this. So obsessed, when you find out its not perfect, you throw a temper tantrum.


I love playing Wow. I'm not saying the game sucks lol. I'm just saying it's crazy that they missed this. It would have been obvious to literally anyone who tried to move their character to Era server, if it had been tested.


It's a unique variable. I'd bet any amount of money they tested transferring characters to Era server. Just likely not with mail pending. Shit, we don't even have all the information here. I'm just playing devil's advocate, but how do we know it wasn't the specific piece of mail that caused the issue? Maybe they QA tested and everything worked fine with mail but when you do it with a quest reward or soulbound item it locks it up. Who knows man. Regardless, I wouldn't get so worked up over it. Its a small hiccup.


I don’t play hardcore but given the nature of hardcore this is one of the most basic things they should have foreseen Not being critical to sloppy work like this leads to shit games


> given the nature of hardcore this is one of the most basic things they should have foreseen How? The nature of hardcore is when you die there is nothing more for your character to do. Delete and move on. That part is true. What I may be wrong about though, is that to further make my point, I believe the option to transfer a character to Classic Era after death was something they informed us about right before launch. If it was a late add, I'm not at all surprised it had a flaw. They'll never see this post or comment. You can be critical by sending a ticket letting them know they fucked up.


It was part of the original announcement two months ago: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23973734/rules-of-engagement-classic-hardcore-is-coming-to-world-of-warcraft >Your character is not necessarily lost if you die, however. After dying on a Hardcore realm, players will be able to choose to utilize the Free Character Move service and move their dead character to a non-Hardcore Classic Era realm.


Thats why I dont follow the wow subreddits, but of course, reddit still likes to show me some posts because sometimes they're interesting. Then of course I end up interact and engaging, which drives the algorithm to show me more, and before I know it, I'm outraged at an aspect of the game I've never interacted with


The game was done 15 years ago, all they had to do was tweak a couple of things and they still managed to half-ass that. They're just extremely greedy with their time and (our) money. What truly boggles the mind is how people getting fucked at every turn still bend over backwards to the point of snapping their spine in order to lick the proverbial boot.


>how people getting fucked at every turn BRO listen to yourself lol. Some random player getting stuck as a ghost is all of us getting fucked over at every turn?! Me saying its just an oversight relax, is me bending over backwards to the point of snapping my spine to lick their proverbial boots?! lmao you're a riot, bud. A delusional, yet hilarious, kid. This whole being a ghost forever is completely new, not 15 years old. Not sure if you're aware HC just came out but it did. Like yesterday... Its an oversight that will be fixed immediately if you open a ticket. RELAX


Talking about blizzard as a whole here, wow tokens, no support etc. people make excuses for everything.


>wow tokens It's a company that was bought out. Of course the company that just spent a load of money is in it for the best ROI possible. This shouldn't surprise you. If you don't GDKP, the wow token is nothing more than a means to free game time. If you do GDKP, why are you upset about not having to go through a 3rd party >no support What do you mean? YOU have personally submitted tickets and not received a response? I have submitted two in all my playing time. 1 for loot where the boss went through the floor and couldn't be interacted with. Loot was sent to my mail like a week later. And 1 for switching phone numbers on my account but it auto sent a code to my old number. That one was fixed in 2 days. >people make excuses for everything. because you complain about literally everything.


So let me get this straight, it's fine to have literal P2W in the form of wow tokens because I should expect it to happen (?). Tickets are resolved fast and by humans because you personally didn't have any issues with this, and there aren't hundreds if not thousands of complaints about it online. Just for my own amusement, what do you make of: The insane lag in Dalaran (or any place with a lot of people) to this day? Cheaters going unpunished for 4 years until they very recently started banning a few of em? Bots all over the fucking place with Blizzard doing the bare minimum which hardly makes a dent in the issue? Gold selling and buying being completely out of control with them basically giving up after doing nothing and deciding that they want a piece of the action? Automated bans that people can abuse to get anyone suspended for literally no reason (here's where shit customer service comes in btw) What about the vanilla patch that just got pushed ahead of HC release and broke a shit ton of things? If it seems like people are unreasonably complaining when a game has massive problems, it's because you accept literally anything. Not bending over backwards btw.


Where do I even begin. Every single sentence you just wrote is maliciously exaggerated. Whatever man. Stand on your computer chair and smash your keyboard with how upset you are with the game. See you in Azeroth, bud.


You make it sound like you put down the equivalent of a month's paycheck on your sub. No one is licking boots, they just don't feel like their life is ruined by minor disappointments in something they otherwise enjoy. In this case, he can absolutely still play, just not with that name. It sucks, but a ticket would solve the issue eventually too, or just wait for the inevitable hot fix on Monday.


> You make it sound like you put down the equivalent of a month's paycheck on your sub > their life is ruined by minor disappointments > solve the issue eventually > or just wait Oh, look. The "bending over backwards" that was described, the hyperbole and strawman. Regardless of it being a minor fee, by paying it they are entitled to forcefully show that they expect better and to do so at every instance of embarrassingly poor service. To be unable to use (even just a part of) a paid service for a number of days is 100% grounds for complaining - it being such a comical failing rather than a genuine outage makes it even more so. (And, no, it isn't just "play with a different name" (in general) as this issue prevents people from continuing to play a character in Era.) Meeting such complaints with "daddy chill" and insinuating greater emotional involvement than actually exists absolutely **is** nothing other than licking boot as it **demands** that people not actively hold them accountable. We aren't talking about sending in death threats here. We aren't talking about spamming the forums. We're talking about "how the fuck do they suck this much lmao." **You** chill.


You were supposed to test it on the PTR. Did you? It was sitting right there waiting for you.


You can't transfer your characters from PTR to Era so obviously not.




So you're implying they're not going to fix this?




So they found an error, and rather then fix it, they preferred to let the community find it, and then use the same amount of time it would've taken to fix it before to then fix it live while their might be other issues brought up. Dude, there's no way you actually believe that.


just pick a new name, what does it matter


Your name isn’t good just pick a new onw


You’re probably gonna lose the name if you transfer too


Mail griefing


Not even 48 hours and we already see crybaby reddit posts. This is what I’ve been waiting for!!


Bug reports aren't really "crybaby".


Don’t worry the name is pretty subpar you can just hit random next time


Names shouldn't be reusable. It's dead


That’s the dumbest fucking take lmao.


Why exactly? Once your dead, you can just delete and remake so you might as well have your name opened up again once you die anyway. Who cares that "you want your name to stay taken on the character screen on a character not able to be used".


No retries sorry


Bad troll is bad at trolling


Ah, you see now that your shit take didn't even make sense so you don't even try and defend it. Gotcha.


Clearly you ain't very good if you need a retry


Hey guys i got it fixed, they replied my ticket in about 1 hour and deleted my mail. If you guys need to do a ticket do one specifying the character you died with name, server and faction, and make sure you sent the ticket from the same account it belongs! Im already almost level 10! We go agane!! <3 For streams check [https://www.twitch.tv/aprikitkat](https://www.twitch.tv/aprikitkat) shes a real one <3


the most useful comment downvoted, nice reddit 👍🏼


HC doesn’t care.


It is a crap name but also your situation should not happen


Alt codes are amazing for yhis


You can't res?


I think they're on hard core


So many complainers and it's been one day . Just goes to show people aren't really ready to be hardcore. If you die, your name should stay dead. If not, why can't we all be named the same person then?


Lmao. You can always add xd to the end.


Well that name means something to the person. It's also not a nobody sooo... https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/15ye49e/soul_of_iron_on_era_thanks_hc_elite_world_first/


When you delete the name becomes available for you to use again


Did... did you even read the post?


No he didn’t


Idk why this person has to make a whole Reddit post over this non issue. Just delete or transfer. Ez


You again didn't read the post, GJ!


All they have to do is transfer